Gaming with a queen

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Yn walked to his room with Smilie following behind. He was decently full and content as Smilie followed him inside. Yn closed the door behind the devil dog and sat on his bed wich was placed in front of a TV across the room. The TV itself had a decent fifty-six inch screen and was hooked up to his PS4 surprisingly enough. He only had the four since he wasn't able to get his hands on a five. Disappointingly. He was still happy with his console though. Years of entertainment were had on this gem. Yn turns on the TV and then proceeds to turn his PlayStation on as well.

Yn:.... Seriously how the fuck is this here?

He questions to himself. Then a voice spoke in his mind.

Slenda: I took some liberties while you were out cold. Figured you might like some of your old things.

Yn: Oh... Thanks Slenda.

Slenda:  You're very welcome child.

And with that she seems to have broken the connection. He smiled to himself and looked at Smilie.

Yn: Hop up buddy.

He pat the bed as he said this and Smilie jumped up onto the bed sitting just behind Yn so that his muzzle rested on Yn's shoulder. Yn scrolled through his games until he landed on God of War Ragnarok. His new favorite game of all time. He smiled and started it up. Our protagonist decided to just start a new run since it had been a while since he last played. Yn thought it would be a good idea to refresh and then continue on. As soon as the title screen came into view his face lit up in an excited smile watching as Kratos sat in the cave next to the fire.

Yn: Oh yeah. Time to be a badass.

He presses new game and for the next few hours he was hacking, slashing, shooting, and bashing monsters, the undead, and fae folk alike. Soon it was midday and he had already gotten to where Atreus goes to Asgard. That's when he heard a knock on his door. He turned his head to it and paused the game standing up from the bed to go see who it was. As he opens the door he finds the Link-a-like standing there.

Yn: Oh hey. What's up?

Benny: Hey cutie~ I saw you were online! God of War huh?

Yn: Only my favorite game of all time.

Benny: Cool! But you said you were into a couple multiplayer games? Wich ones?

Yn: Anymore? I only play Warzone and Modern Warfare two. Or Warframe. Or Soul Calibur 6.

Benny: Oh. You really don't play many multiplayer games.... Well let's play Warzone then! You and me cutie~!

Yn: Really? You sure? I ain't played in a while. I'll be dead weight.

Benny: Don't worry about it. I'm the QUEEN of games! I can carry anyone!

Yn can't help but chuckle to himself. This shorty was definitely something. She had plenty of bubbly energy for the both of them.

Yn: Well I hope you don't mind sniper support. It's kinda what I do.

Benny: No problem at all! I love getting in there and getting dirty!

Yn: If you say so.

Yn chuckled at her. She seems pretty cool based on first impressions. He sits in his chair that he pulled from the small desk under the window. After saving his game, he opens up Warzone getting ready get owned. Benny ran out and ran back in with a whole computer, keyboard, and a mouse.

Benny: One more second please!

Yn stared confused and soon she brought the tower for the computer. She set them all up in the floor in front of him. After all that was done she happily opened up Warzone right on the floor in front of him.

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