The lost boy found

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Yn walks home as the rain pours harder than it ever had this week. Lightning struck from the sky for the first time. His tears fell to the asphalt with the hard rain. The people that walk by, as few as there are, sense a dark depressing and maybe even wrathful aura from him. It scares nearly all others that get close. Anybody he passes tries to back away as far as possible. The sullen and broken soul pays them no attention. When he finally gets back to the motel he walks in and sits down on his bed. His fists tighten and he grinds his teeth. Soon his anger. His rage. His pain. His sadness. His frustration. It all festered. It stewed. It boiled. Until it finally explodes.


His sudden outburst is followed by a voilent fit of rage. He flips his bed, knocks over his dresser, and throws his TV to the floor. After all this he just looks at his partially destroyed room. After a silent couple minutes someone he hears steps on the stairs outside and a firm hand starts beating on his door. The distressed young man slowly stomps over to, and swings open the door. He is confronted by a small woman, likely in her fifties, wearing a crap ton of makeup. This woman stares up at him clearly not happy. Not that he cared at all. In fact it only served to grind his gears more. Her frog looking face and beady eyes boring into him. This was Martha. His downstairs neighbor.

Martha: Excuse me young man!!! What in the bloody blazes is wrong with you!?!

She stares at him not even remotely affected by his aura of negativity in the slightest. He stares at her not speaking. His shoulder length hair was messy and askew. Only one of his dull, lifeless eyes was visible. The rest of his face hidden by dark and suffocating shadow.

Yn: Go away...

He promptly slams the door in her face.
Once he did so, her incessant banging on his door began again. He growled angrily, not believing she wouldn't get the hint, but he didn't answer the door. He refused to acknowledge her existence. The frog yells at him through the door demanding he open up. As he paces his head starts twitching, and he grips his head like it was in pain. His eyes twitch and jerk around the room rapidly. His head violently jerks around, but ends facing the door. The man's face was still hidden mostly by shadow, but his e/c eye suddenly turns a scarlet red. He violently rushes the door and rips it open. Martha about to open her mouth again soon quickly finds that her feet are no longer touching the floor and it's suddenly very hard to breath. Yn had swiftly grabbed her by the throat and lifted her up with one hand and was now strangling her.

Yn: Shut. Up. Go. Away.

His voice a deep and sinister growl. She felt her body and organs vibrating as he spoke. It was as if she was standing next to a loud speaker. Her eyes widened now fully seeing his face. His face completely blacked out with shadows but his one visible eye seemingly glowing red with hatred. The elderly woman pisses herself with fear, crying and begging the Lord for mercy. When Yn suddenly drops her and she realizes she's free she screams. The frog quickly scrambles to her feet and runs down the stairs, but on the last stair she slips and she falls face first on the hard concrete. She is presumably knocked out. While he watched the whole thing, he didn't speak further or move to act. Yn just slams the door shut and goes back to pacing in his room. His eye soon goes back to normal and he the shadows disappear as he finally calms down.

He eventually does go outside, pick the elder woman up, and place her inside her home wich she foolishly left wide open. As he walks out he takes the spare key from under her plant outside her door and locks the door placing the key back. He went back to his room and took his important belongings and then left. Yn, in his grief, decided it was time to return home. His biggest belonging was a long, narrow, box that he tied to his back and then wore his duffle bag over. He flips his hood up on his larger coat and walks out. He began his three state trek back to his home. Back to where it all began.

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