Waking up and making up

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Yn wakes up and sees he's chained to a bed. Not the first time sadly. It doesn't surprise him either. The other face came to light. His other face. He curses himself under his breath. He tried so hard to keep it inside, but after a beating that bad... There was no way to keep it from bursting from it's cage. Yn looks at his restraints. They were pretty damn strong. Seems they didn't want to take any chances. Good. Yn wouldn't have wanted to either. Soon the door opens and in walks a cautious Slenda. Yn turns his head to her.

Slenda: You've calmed down?

Yn: I was always calm. You just got to meet "it" for the first time.

Slenda: "It"? Would you mind elaborating?

Yn: You remember how you said Clockwork had a sorta separate personality?

Slenda: I would hope I could recall such a recent occurrence.

Yn: "It" is kinda like that. A separate "personality" in my mind. It's like a flipped switch. I get overwhelmed by a certain emotion or get beat up enough and "it" comes out.

Slenda: "It". You keep saying "it". You refuse to even give "it" a name or even basic pronouns. Why is that.

Yn: I don't want to. I don't want to acknowledge it's existence. But it will never go away. It's why I left... When I was younger.... It got out... We had to move in order for me to have a chance at living a normal life.... Like it helped much....

Slenda: You said you could feel my power. My presence. I felt "It's" presence. Pure hate and fury. A lust for blood. Rogue saw it manifest behind you when she faced you. Whatever "It" is.... It's dangerous. You did a number on her. Something only a select few have managed to do.

Yn grew a look of concern. He looked away from Slenda.

Yn: Is she ok?

Slenda softened at his clear worry. She approached the edge of the bed.

Slenda: She's fine. She's seen worse in fights. She'll be ok. She might still be a little shaken though. She's more worried about you. She watched you take two swings from me. Impressive to say the least. Many would have died the first time.

Yn didn't perk up at the compliment. He felt too bad about hurting Rogue. Sure she might have tried to kill him but to be fair it was probably just nature to her. Her way of life. Making sure he was fit enough to handle his own and keep himself alive so she wouldn't always have to save him. Soon he felt his restraints were removed. He looked at Slenda and got up.

Yn: How long was I out?

Slenda: Surprisingly only two days.

Yn nodded and walked out of the room. He was in the personal need to find Rogue. He found her in the living room where he also found the very worried Ann, Jess, Lia, Jane, and Sally. He coughed quietly and they all spun around and Smilie stuck his head out from behind the couch. With a happy bark he jumped up and pounced on Yn licking his face a ton. Yn laughed as the dog assaulted him and when the dog let up and he sat up he was again on the floor as Sally tackled him this time. She cried into his chest. She balled about how she thought he was going to die and clinging to him.

Sally: I thought you were going to die!!! I don't want my new friend to go away!!!

Yn: Hey hey hey... It's ok Sal. I'm alright. I promise. I'm not going anywhere.

Sally: Promise me!! Promise me you won't go away!!!

Yn: I promise. I'm not going away any time soon.

She hugs him tight again and as he gets up to sitting position hugging her back he is once again floored by four fully grown women.


All four of them are hugging him crying as they piled on top of him.





They all shout at him. Slenda wasn't surprised. She saw this coming from a mile away. Rogue watched as well and was now feeling slightly worse than she already did. She admittedly did loose herself when hosting his initiation. It weighed on her slightly and the reactions of the girls set it in stone.

Yn: I'm sorry... Didn't really plan on what happened.... I really am sorry...

They don't respond and just continue to smother him. The crying soon stopped and all five girls finally got off of him. When he finally sat up he looked up at Rogue. Upon doing so he switches his position to being on his knees and he places his head to the floor in a kneeling position.

Yn: I am sorry Rogue. For my outburst. And for any trouble I gave you....

Rogue stands there in shock.

Rogue: What the fuck....? Why is HE apologizing!? I almost killed him!! And he's apologizing to me!? Is he nuts!? No I won't allow this...

Rogue kneels down and grabs his face pulling his head up gently. She places her hands on his cheeks as he looks at her own masked face.

Rogue: Why the fuck are you apologizing to me? I actually almost killed you. Why would you feel any guilt? Kiddo you don't owe me any damn thing. Get off the fuckin floor. A fighter like you doesn't belong there.

She gets up and pulls him up with her. As they both stand she hugs him patting the back of his head.

Rogue: I'm sorry kiddo... I let loose more than I should have... I don't expect forgiveness. I just want you to know that I didn't have any real intentions to kill you. But fighting... Brings out the worst in me....

Yn: I don't blame you. You gotta make sure you're not always saving my ass.

Rogue stares at him dumbfounded.

Rogue: What is with this kid!? Did Slenda give him brain damage!?

Yn simply smiles at her and hugs her back before stepping away.

Yn: So I'm hungry... What's for breakfast?

Slenda giggles and tries to cover her nonexistent mouth to hush it. She couldn't hold it in though and everyone looks at her.

Slenda: No worries child. I'll get to work now.

She walks away giggling to herself.

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