Your new home

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Yn stood there and stared at the seemingly decrepit and worn old manor house in front of him. Though as if she read his mind the tall demoness spoke.

Slender woman: It may look that way on the outside but that's just to deter any wanderers. If they made it this close without being killed anyway. Not very likely might I add.

Yn: Killed you say? Particularly territorial?

Slender woman: The residents usually don't like humans. You should consider yourself lucky. You already have the affections of two of them.

Yn looks over at Jess and Lia getting the hint right away. He has a feeling those two are going to be getting into a few fights over him.

Yn: If Jess doesn't gut me....

Jess immediately widens her eyes looking at him. She waves her hands in front of her.

Jess: W-Wait you heard that!? I-I didn't mean it! I swear I was just hurt and angry! I wouldn't actually do it!

Lia: And look at what happened to me...

Jess looks at her twin sister and immediately retorts.

Jess: I told you I wasn't all there! I woke up after I thought you were already dead! I visited your grave every day!

They then got into an argument wich made the demoness sigh and the human male confused. What the fuck happened while he was away.

Slender woman: A lot apparently.

There it is again. As if she read his mind.

Slender woman: I did read your mind. It's not hard. You have no mental defense. Most humans don't.

Yn: Well great my personal secrets are no longer secrets.

Slender woman: Don't worry child. I only stay surface level. I never delve deeper unless I need to. Now. Come with me. Jess! Lia! Enough!

She walked up to the house hand against his back guiding him inside while Jess and Lia instantly freeze and obey her following behind. The tall pale woman opens the door and they're all greeted by chaos. A group of women all jumbled together. A monochromatic clown was tussling with a what could best be described as a zombie nurse. While a girl with a clock for an eye watched along with two girls that looked similar to Jess in different ways, a link cosplayer chick, a small girl in pink, and a girl with goggles. The nurse and the clown were clashing chainsaws. Pretty badass but also terrifying. But soon three more women come down stairs. One wearing a smiling mask, one with void eyes, and one with a scarecrow-esk mask and claws.


Yn: That's what I want to know. Also she's clearly second in command.

Slender woman: Yes she is.

She then steps forward.

Slender woman: I myself would like to know as well.

Instantaneously all the women freeze and look at her. They all seem to be sweating bullets at the sight of her. She was clearly not the one to fuck with. The only one that doesn't seem afraid is Mrs. Scarecrow mask. She doesn't even glance at tall and slender. She simply crosses her arms and stands beside her. The remaining girls all try to spit some story out and just end up talking over each other.

Slender woman: SHUT IT NOW!!!

The whole room shook at her bellowing voice. Yn nearly fell on his ass hearing it. He looked at her frightened. A tentacle wraps around his shoulders patting his head. This admittedly calmed him down. The girls shut up immediately though. Some looked like they were going to cry. Yn couldn't help but feel bad for them.

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