One million questions... one answer

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Yn stood there looking at his childhood neighborhood and the mess it had become. He can't understand what happened, why it happened, or who could've done it.

Yn: I hope they're alive....

He looks around as questions keep building up in his mind. He can't understand what the hell happened. He decided to run to his old school. When he got there, he found it was deteriorating and falling apart. He looks around and he noticed something disturbing. He hadn't paid much attention everywhere else but there are an alarming amount of bones scattered around. He also hadn't realized that the sky had darkened and the sun had set. The moon was up and starts were out.

Yn: What the fuck happened here?

Suddenly he hears a loud howling cry in the distance. An abnormal sound that he knew couldn't be natural. His head snaps in the direction and what he sees haunts him. He quickly hides inside the bushes beside him. Luckily he was wearing dark clothing. He stared in horror as he watched a pale lanky bright eyed humanoid creature leaping roof to roof towards his location. When it got close it hopped down to the ground and started walking around on all fours. It's claws long and blood stained. Maw dripping the same red liquid. Yn watched in horror as it crawled near him but never found him.


It eventually moved on but it was agonizingly slow to do so. Yn slowly moved out of the bushes and quickly looked around him in the case it was a pack creature. Soon he moved on and dashed inside one of the abandoned houses nearby. Good thing he was fast because the hideous monster returned. It looked around carefully occasionally letting out an audible sniff. Not only that but Yn hears a voice shortly after it's reappearance.

???: Hey Rakey!! What's up? I heard you call!

A pale young woman walks right up to the damn thing! She wore a grey tank top that fit a little tight. Grey shorts. A black and white scarf. And had a freaking sledge hammer! And then Yn heard the most haunting thing he's ever heard.

"Rakey": Found.. bag... Not here.. before.... Smells new.... Someone.. here... Trying to find....

Yn: IT TALKS!?!?

It's voice wasn't dissimilar to grinding gravel with the echo of a growl. It was almost impossible for him to describe. Yn stared in shock and horror as they exchange words.


She spoke like an excited child receiving a new toy. She was clearly not mentally sound. Yn luckily was good at hiding.

Hammer girl: First to find him gets his liver!

She runs off joyfully and the creature Yn assumed was named the Rake sauntered off in the opposite direction.

Yn: Did... Did these two kill the entire town!? No... They would need more help... There has to be more like them. Not good... I'm one guy... That creature.... I'm better off with Mrs. Psycho... It's clearly too agile, fast, and looks strong despite being so lanky....

Yn mentally sized up his two new enemies. It was clear. If he met the Rake... Running was his only option. If he came across the girl... He needed to be quick. In the case she calls for back up. He quickly and quietly snuck out of the house and back to his hiding spot in the park. But when he got there he saw two more women standing there. One had black hair, pale skin like the first, and had... A carved smile. She wore a white blood stained hoodie, baggy black pants, and red sneakers. The other woman had brown hair and scars on her face. Normal skin tone. She wore a green jacket, blue jeans, and black knee high boots. She also wore a very familiar scarf...

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