【Day19~ TrueSonOfGarmadon ~】

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Harumi and Lloyd traveled into the cave, all they needed to do was get the Oni Mask to defeat the sons of Garmadon. Both of them had diffrent plans.

As the two walked inside, Harumi trailing behind Lloyd they came across the mask right in the centre of the room. The Princess walked a bit infront of Lloyd unintentionally showing her eagerness to get the mask.

As she went to grab it the flames guarding the mask held her back, she grunted trying again only to be pushed again the fire now showing more resistance, Harumi turned to Lloyd making way for him.

"Only someone with Oni blood can take the mask." She held out one of her arms signaling for Lloyd to take it, he immediately did so showing no signs of hesitation.

Holding the mask in his hands he gazed at it as if in thought only pulled out when he heard a voice. "Can I see it?" Lloyd turned to her with a look of disappointment written on his face. "You know if you didn't mention the Oni blood you probably could've fooled me."

Harumi stumbled back a bit her ocean eyes widened as she did so. "W-what?" Lloyd turned around to fully face her leaving Harumi even more perplexed then before, she had never seen his eyes look so menacing. "Rumi you don't have to put on that princess act."

He looked at the mask again clearly studying it before he looked up at her smiling. "I know you're the quiet one." The girl didn't know what to do.

How long had he known? Was this just a gamble because she knew about the oni blood? Was he being serious? Why was he smiling why wasn't he utterly heart broken? Why wasn't he just outright attacking her?

Instead of trying to keep up the act Harumi folded her fake voice becoming lower instead of the high pitched on the Princess of Ninjago had. "So what if I am Lloyd?"

She raised her eyebrow placing a hand on her hip. "Well it's only a matter of time until the guys find out, when they do the other sons of Garmadon would've probably got her though, right?"

Harumi maintained her distance walking onto the other side of the stone. "How long have you known?" He shrugged his shoulders. "When up your birth parents. That night before I found you had sneaked out I checked news reports to find out the rulers of Ninjago adopted you because you were a victim of the great devourer."

Harumi's face instantly fell into a glare at the mention of her parents killer. "How are you being so nonchalant about this Lloyd? I'm trying to resurrect your father's Oni side."

He nodded before throwing the mask on the stone pillar making Harumi pause for a moment. "I know. I want to help you." She stared at his vibrant green eyes, he wanted to do what?

"If this is one of your ninja tricks it won't work. Why would you want to help me bring back Ninjagos worst villian?"

"Its like you said he's my father. The other guys don't get it and while they're like a family to me they aren't. I'd rather have my dad back with me in what ever form then have to fight him again."

The Quiet One considered it, it was plausible but could she really deal with having him on the team? Perhaps having him join the SOG wouldn't be bad though. The ninja would fall apart without their green leader, bringing Garmadon back would be easier if it was his son calling for him.

Plus it helped a little that while he was absolutely smitten with her she didn't entirely hate him. There was one issue she had to address though. "Alright I believe you, but answer me this. Were you the one who released the great devourer?"

"I released the serpentine."

She shook her head walking up to him and using her finger to point into his chest staring up at him. "That's not what I asked. Did you release the great devourer, yes or no?"

His brows narrowed before he replied. "No. Pythor did... But he was one of the Snakes I released an-!" She moved her hand from his chest to his mouth. "You were a child. All I needed to know was who released the devourer, the serpentine tribes I could care less about."

She turned picking up the mask and began to walk out before noticing Lloyd hadn't began to move. She turned her head. "Come on slow poke the faster we get out of here the faster we bring back Garmadon."

The green ninja hurried to walk by her side as they left the cave to be met by Killow. The general instantly went to grab his mask of deception only to be shouted at by his leader.. "The green ninja is joining us on the basis of similar intrests, his ninja team however are not. For now Lloyd is not our enemy."

Berrugadly the general put down his mask and let the Quiet One and the Green Ninja pass but that didn't stop him from shooting nasty glares at Lloyd. The group returned to the bounty only to be stopped by swords upon arrival.

The ninja had gotten free, not that it mattered though. Kai who seemed to be leading this assault froze when he saw Lloyd and Harumi standing next to eachother with Killow behind them. Why wasn't Lloyd attacking them?

"Lloyd get away Harumi is the Quiet One!" While he had expected a surprised or betrayed reaction from his little brother he got absolutely no reaction. He already knew?

Sadly conforming his worst fears Lloyd respond. "I know. Guys just get out of our way and we don't have to fight." All of the ninja stumbled back, what did Lloyd just say?

"Lloyd what are you doing? Attack them come on!" Lloyd said nothing and the silence that overtook them was broken by Harumi's laugher. "Oh ninja can't you see? Did you forget who we're trying to resurrect?"

Cole gasped. "Lloyd... You have to realise buddy the Garmadon they're bringing back isn't the one you remember!" His and the other ninja's pleas went deaf to their leaders ears.

"I'm sorry guys..."

He sent an energy blast attacking all the ninja knocking them out. In the small distance Ultra Violet let out a whistle before the sons of Garmadon boarded the destiny's bounty.

But there was only one true son of Garmadon and once his father was resurrected he could finally drop the green ninja act. Harumi thought she had been fooling everyone with her princess act? No one was prepared to meet the real Lloyd Garmadon then.

End ~

ℕ𝕚𝕟𝕛𝕒𝕘𝕠 𝕆𝕟𝕖𝕊𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕤 ~ 𝕆𝕠𝕗𝕥𝕠𝕓𝕖𝕣 𝟚𝟘𝟚𝟚Where stories live. Discover now