Chapter 6

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Kim's Maknaea POV

As we entered the cafeteria, it was unusually silent. Typically, when we arrive, fangirls swarm around some of the boys, creating awkward situations. But today, there was something different. We witnessed a girl, Y/n, angrily confronting and even physically striking a boy, leaving us completely bewildered.

Jungkook seemed ready to intervene, but Felix held him back, both of us stunned by the unexpected brawl. Y/n's actions took us completely by surprise. After all, TXT members rarely interacted closely with girls, and this situation was a stark departure from the norm. We couldn't help but wonder about this mysterious girl and what might have led to this altercation.

Y/n's Perspective

After we finished our meal, I checked my timetable and noticed that dance class was up next. Dance had always been a personal favorite of mine, but not necessarily because of the class itself. It was more about my love for dancing. However, a bit of nervousness crept in as memories of the past surfaced. That's when Yeonjun spoke up.

Yeonjun: "Don't worry, Y/n. This isn't like what you've been through before."

Y/n: "Thank you."

In the Dance Room

As we entered the dance room, we were met with curious glances from the maknaes of TXT. I approached the teacher, Mr. Lee, and introduced myself.

Mr. Lee: "So, we have a new student, Y/n. 22 years old."

Some of the boys couldn't help but inquire.

Boy 48: "Are you single?"

Y/n, unbothered, replied, "None of your business."

Mr. Lee then made an unexpected proposal.

Mr. Lee: "Since we're going to get to know each other well, why don't you show us what you've got? Can you dance?"

Girl 58 chimed in, doubting Y/n's abilities. "I bet she can't even move her hips."

Y/n, with a confident smirk, responded, "Sure, I can do more than you."

Mr. Lee presented the challenge: three dance performances.

Y/n: "Sure, I can."

The first dance, a solo performance, showcased Y/n's exceptional skills. She moved gracefully, captivating everyone in the room.

(the first dance, with Y/n as the central figure)

As she danced, the boys couldn't help but admire her, their eyes glued to her every move.

Mr. Lee was impressed. "Wow, that was beautiful. But for the next performance, you can choose whether or not to dance. There's no pressure."

Y/n, determined, said, "No, Mr. Lee, I can do it."

(the second dance, with Y/n again in the spotlight)

This time, all the boys were entranced, and some girls couldn't hide their jealousy.

Mr. Lee: "Now, for the last performance, choose a partner, Y/n."

Y/n confidently chose Yeonjun.

Girl 73 murmured, "Poor girl. Dancing with Yeonjun oppa will be so embarrassing."

Everyone chuckled, but what followed was unexpected.

Yeonjun stood up and walked over to Y/n, leaving the girls in shock.

Mr. Lee: "Now, let's begin.

(They performed their couple dance, with everyone applauding)

The bell rang, marking the end of their performance, and Y/n left the dance room, feeling exhilarated.

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