Chapter 12

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I woke up to the soft morning light seeping through the curtains, casting a warm glow in our home. The clock on the wall read 7:00 am, and today was one of those rare days when I decided to take charge of the kitchen. I had informed Eomma the night before, so I assumed she was still lost in slumber.

Finally, the dishes were ready, and I knew it was time to rouse the household.

I ventured into Soobin's room, gently shaking him awake.

Y/n: "Soobin, wake up."

Soobin: *yawning* "Oh, Y/n, good morning."

Y/n: "Good morning."

I left his room and proceeded to Taehyun's, but his bed was conspicuously empty.

Tae: *sudden appearance* "BOO!"

Y/n: "Tae, you know that won't work on me, right?"

Tae: *playful pout* "Waeeeee."

Y/n: "Alright, go downstairs and have breakfast."

I continued my mission, finding Beomgyu and Kai still wrapped in the arms of sleep. It seemed they had had a sleepover.

Y/n: "Wake up!"

Kai: *mumbling* "5 more minutes, Ynieeee."

Y/n: "Get up; it's time."

Beom: *pleading* "Please."

Y/n: "If you don't wake up, the breakfast I made will disappear."

They both scrambled out of bed, with Kai rushing to the bathroom, and Beom retreating to his room. Their sleepy antics brought a smile
to my face.

Finally, I entered the room of the person I affectionately called my husband, only to find his side of the bed empty.

Perplexed, I glanced around and noticed him lying on the floor, an arm wrapped around my waist.

Y/n: "Yeonjun, not now, it's time."

Yeonjun: whispering "Why do you always find reasons to escape me?"

Y/n: blushing "I'm not avoiding you; I just don't want to be late for university."

Reluctantly, he released his grip on me, and I quickly planted a peck on his lips before heading downstairs.

Everyone had gathered, and I took my seat, Yeonjun settling down beside me.

Breakfast commenced amidst laughter and chatter.

After breakfast, we mounted our bikes and set off for university, ignoring the curious glances from passersby.

It was a routine we had grown accustomed to.

Our day was filled with classes, with math being the first on my schedule.

Five classes later, I made my way to the cafeteria for lunch, sitting down with the members of TXT.

While enjoying my meal, I felt a tap on my shoulder, and I turned to see...


Brittany: "I brought my boyfriend. I'm sure you'd be defeated by a single punch from him."

Y/n: "What? Is he a one-punch man?"

She moved aside, revealing none other than Jackson Wang.My excitement was palpable as I leaped towards him, and he held me close. Brittany couldn't contain her surprise.

Brittany: "Babe, what are you doing?"

Jackson released me, and I spoke in Chinese.

Y/n: "你什麼時候從中國來的,怎麼不通知我." (When did you come from China, why didn't you inform me?)

Jackson: "我一個月前來的,當我來到韓國時,我得到了一部新手機,我丟了我的舊手機,這就是原因." (I came 1 month ago, and when I arrived in Korea, I got a new phone. I lost my old phone, that's why.)

Y/n: "我不知道你對女孩的品味這麼低." (I didn't know your taste in girls was this low.)

Jackson: "我該怎麼辦,她是我爸爸朋友的女兒,她告訴我爸爸她喜歡我,我爸爸讓我和她約會,我不能拒絕他的話." (What can I do? She is my dad's friend's daughter. She told my dad she likes me, and my dad told me to date her. I can't deny his words.)

Y/n: "但是讓你的女朋友保持低調,她看起來會為任何事情發脾氣." (But keep your girlfriend low-key. She looks like she could throw tantrums for everything.)

Jackson: "住口." (Shut up.)

Brittany: "What weird language are you speaking?"

Y/n: "Looks like your boyfriend didn't even teach you his mother tongue."

Jackson: "I tried, but she can't even say a word in Chinese."

Laughter filled the cafeteria as Brittany got embarrassed like a tomato and whisked Jackson away, holding his hand.

I returned to our table, where curious eyes awaited.

Yeonjun: "Who is he?"

Y/n: "My childhood best friend."

TXT: excited "Ooohhh."

Y/n: teasing "Are you jealous?"

Yeonjun: "Of course."

Laughter and camaraderie enveloped us once more as we continued our meal.



Hello bears 🐻🐨 - Author P 👽👽
So after a long time I updated today, I so sorry because my annual day is coming and my exams are coming so I need to practice the dance and study for exam. It's hard for me to update so I guess this chapter will be a sorry for you guys to make you wait and after exams I will surely upload, I think this story is going to finish soon like after 7 - 10 chapters ,I am not sure but a little guess. Bye ❤💕❤💕.

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