Chapter - 21

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Y/n's POV

Once again, I found myself lying in bed, my gaze fixated on the ceiling above. The weight of sleeplessness pressed down on me, making nights feel endless. In this solitude, I was jolted awake by a soft, plaintive cry - it was Haneul, my precious little one.

Without hesitation, I sprang into action, racing to Haneul's side. With gentle care, I lifted her into my arms, her tiny frame nestled against my chest. With Haneul cradled securely, I tiptoed into our dimly lit bedroom. There, the sight of Yeonjun, peacefully asleep, provided a silent reassurance.

I settled onto the couch, cradling Haneul with unwavering devotion. With each gentle sway, I whispered soothing words into the quiet room, hoping to coax her back to sleep. Unbeknownst to me, exhaustion eventually claimed me too, but my maternal instincts kept Haneul safely nestled in my embrace throughout the night.

Soobin's POV

As morning's light washed over the house, I couldn't help but notice the absence of activity from Y/n and Haneul. The clock had already struck 9:00 am, and it felt strange not to see them downstairs. Our parents had tasked me with the mission of waking them up.

I approached their bedroom door, my knocks growing more persistent, but no response came from within. Anxiety crept in as I pushed the door open, revealing a scene that warmed my heart. Yeonjun lay sound asleep in their shared bed, his features serene and tranquil.

However, Y/n and Haneul were nowhere in sight. I ventured further into the room, my concern deepening. It was then that I saw them - Y/n on the couch, still holding Haneul close. It became clear that Haneul must have awakened in the middle of the night, and Y/n, in her devotion, had taken to the couch to comfort her.

I couldn't resist capturing this touching moment in a photo, the love between mother and child evident even in slumber.

Yeonjun's POV

After tending to my morning routine, I descended the stairs to join the rest of the family for breakfast. Eomma, Appa, and Soobin were already seated at the table, their voices animated in conversation. The aroma of freshly cooked food filled the air, a comforting contrast to the earlier stillness of the house.

Eomma's gaze fell upon me, and she couldn't help but inquire, "Where is Y/n?"

I took a moment to reply, my mind still in the bedroom with Y/n and Haneul. "She's still asleep, Eomma."

Appa's curiosity was piqued, "And what about Haneul? I haven't seen her this morning."

Soobin chimed in, "Haneul is sleeping with Y/n."

Eomma nodded in understanding. "Alright then, come sit, Yeonjun. Let's have breakfast together."

I took my place at the table, grateful for the sense of warmth and family .

Y/n's POV

I woke up later than intended, the weight of the responsibilities at the Park Industry pressing heavily on my mind. It was no ordinary company; it was my mother's legacy, and I had heard that she hadn't visited in a month. Today, I couldn't delay any longer. As I finished my shower, I hastily dressed in my professional suit, my thoughts already racing ahead to the countless tasks awaiting me.

Exiting the bathroom, I hurried to my closet, grabbing a handbag and stuffing it with essentials - cash, keys, cards, and a key that I hoped was for the car. I turned to leave but paused when I saw Yeonjun standing there, holding Haneul.

I hesitated for a moment, knowing that I was leaving in a rush and without explaining myself. Yeonjun's concerned eyes bore into mine, waiting for an answer.

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