Chapter - 25

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Y/n POv

As I slowly opened my eyes, I was momentarily blinded by a brilliant light. It felt like heaven, but I couldn't understand how I ended up here. My conscience was convinced I was headed for hell with all the evilness I believed I harbored.

Y/n: "How the hell did you get here? How did you die?"

Yeonjun: "I didn't—"

Y/n: "Okay, let's escape from heaven and go to hell! And what about Haneul? Oh my God, why did you die?

As Lisa enters the room, I shouted in amusement.

Y/n : I died to save you, but you died, now it's all useless! Why did I even die? God, come in front of me right now!"

But just as I was ranting and raving, a familiar voice broke through my confusion. I turned to see Lisa.

Y/n: "Ohhh."

As reality sank in, I noticed the tubes connected to my body and the sterile, uncomfortable hospital gown I was wearing. I was in a hospital, not heaven. A sigh of relief escaped my lips. Exhausted, I let my head sink into the soft pillow, my eyes heavy as if weighed down by rocks. Sleep beckoned, and as my eyelids drooped, everything faded to black.

Mr Kim POV

As I sat reading the newspaper, a headline caught my attention.

"Choi Y/n Found Brutally Injured by a Truck."

My heart sank. I quickly dialed Y/n's number, but it informed me she was busy. Panic gnawed at me, and I decided to call Jin.

Jin: "Hello, Appa."

Mr. Kim: "What happened to Y/n?"

Jin: "H-How did you know?"

Mr. Kim: "There's information in the newspaper that Y/n was brutally injured by a truck.

Jin: "Oh, no... Appa, Y/n saved the girls."

Mr. Kim: "What do you mean? Explain it clearly."

Jin: "Appa, a truck was about to hit the girls' car, and Y/n came in between and took the hit."

Mr. Kim: "Why didn't you inform me?"

Jin: "A-A-Appa..."

Mr. Kim: "Okay, which hospital is she admitted to?"

Jin: "XXXX."

With urgency, I hung up, grabbed my coat, and snatched my car keys. Y/n had saved my daughter, and that was no small feat. I prayed she would be okay. Her well-being was crucial to the plans in motion, and if she didn't make it, everything would fall apart. But if she was alive, she would be the only one truly happy to hear this news, even if it meant her impending death. I couldn't shake the feeling that her death was drawing near, and I wondered who would bring it – Y/n or me. One thing was for sure: it would happen before the wedding.


Hello Bears 🐻🐻🐼🐼🐨🐨
I know this is a small chapter I am sorry ,u will see in the upcoming chapter I think this story is going to end like 5 to 10 will be left I think but, who is the person that Mr Kim want to kill, who do u think ,tell me and y, hope u comment, thank u, love y'all ,bye ❤💕❤💕

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