Chapter 17

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As we were talking, I spotted a bakery, and my heart skipped a beat. I parked my car hastily, the anticipation of sweet treats overpowering any sense of time or place.

Yeonjun's voice brought me back to reality, his concern laced with a touch of annoyance. "Did you forget the way? This isn't our home."

I couldn't help but snap back, my cravings driving my determination. "Shut up, Yeonjun. I'm just craving some sweets. You stay here; I'll get them."

Yeonjun, being his usual self, tried to sneak in a request, "Buy me some too."

I rolled my eyes and chuckled, "Go get it yourself."

Entering the bakery, the aroma of freshly baked goods enveloped me, filling my senses with delight. I couldn't resist ordering an array of sweets. After paying the bill, I hurried back to the car, my excitement bubbling over.

I started the car and began the journey back home, my heart light with the anticipation of sharing these treats with my family. As I parked the car and grabbed the bag, Yeonjun exited the car, and we walked to the front door together.

I rang the doorbell, and my mom, a warm smile on her face, opened the door. She pulled me into a tight hug and planted kisses on my cheeks, a gesture that never failed to make me feel loved and cherished.

"Eomma, I guess you guessed right. I'm staying here until Monday," I said, returning her embrace.

Yeonjun, always one to crave attention, cleared his throat and showed his pretend wound. Eomma looked a bit surprised, but her focus quickly returned to me as she held me close, disregarding his antics.

Then, Yeonjun couldn't resist a melodramatic moment. "No one cares about me," he fake cried.

I couldn't help but laugh. "Come on, don't act. Come in."

Inside, Yeonjun joined me in the warm embrace of our family. Tae playfully teased me, "So, did you bring something special for your cute brother?"

I grinned and shared the treats I had brought, handing our parents their favorites. But when TXT asked what I had brought for them, I teasingly replied, "Nothing."

Kai, always the one to mediate, inquired about the mysterious bag. "Then what's in the bag?"

I laughed, "Oh, that's for me."

Beom playfully chided, "Don't be selfish. Sharing is caring."

Yeonjun chimed in with agreement, "Yeah."

But TXT, with their irresistible puppy eyes, pleaded, "Please."

I couldn't resist their charm, so I relented, "Okay."

With excitement in their voices, Yeonjun and TXT both asked, "So, what did you buy for us?"

I revealed the treasure trove of sweets I had brought, and their faces lit up with joy. It was heartwarming to see their enthusiasm. Kai, teasing me about eating alone, started a playful drama, but in the end, we all laughed.

Amidst our laughter, a familiar cry reached our ears. I hurried upstairs to pick up my precious baby, Haneul, and brought her downstairs. Kai couldn't resist taking her from my arms and playfully ran away with her.

I couldn't help but be the concerned mother, cautioning, "Be careful, don't fall."

Yeonjun joined in the playful chase, and the brothers soon followed suit. Their laughter filled the house, and as I watched them, my heart swelled with gratitude and love. Haneul had a loving and overprotective dad and uncles, and our family was truly the best.

Eomma shared a heartwarming insight as she watched the playful scene unfold. "Before you came into their lives, they were like cold stones. Now, it's completely opposite."

Appa, equally touched, added, "You've brought light into their lives."

I simply smiled, feeling blessed by the family I had become a part of. After their playtime, Kai handed Haneul back to me. I fed her, burped her, and as she peacefully slept, I couldn't help but marvel at how tiring a baby could be.


Leaving her to rest, I returned downstairs to find TXT engrossed in their laptop. Concerned, I asked, "What happened?"

Kai sighed, "Some problems."

I turned to our parents, "Eomma, Appa, did you guys eat?"

Eomma assured me, "We ate. We're just waiting for them to eat."

I insisted, "After dinner, you guys can work."

Tae tried to protest, "But nonna…"

I firmly stated, "No, first dinner, then work."

Soobin reluctantly agreed, "Fine."

As we gathered at the dinner table, Yeonjun's request caught my attention. "Can you feed me?"

I raised an eyebrow, teasing, "You have hands."

Yeonjun, using his wounded pride to his advantage, pleaded, "I'm injured."

I couldn't resist his puppy-dog eyes and relenting, I agreed, "Okay."

But TXT, not to be left out, chimed in, "Us too."

Yeonjun protested, "No, I need to plead with her. You all are coming for free."

I playfully scolded them, "Don't fight; you're not kids anymore."

I took a plate and piled it high with kimchi fried rice, then sat in a chair. They all eagerly surrounded me, and I started to feed them, one by one, as their smiles and laughter filled the room.

However, a doorbell interrupted our joyful mealtime. I was about to get up to answer it, but Eomma, with a curious expression, descended the stairs to see who had come.

Eomma opened the door to find the Kim brothers from next door, Makenae, bowing politely.

JK explained, "We came to see Yn. Mrs. Park asked us to."

Eomma welcomed them, "Oh, okay, come in."


We all entered the house, only to witness a scene that stirred a mixture of emotions within us. Y/n was feeding the Choi Brothers , and they were laughing and talking, completely unaware of our presence.

I couldn't help but wonder aloud, "Eomma, who was at the door?"

Felix answered on behalf of us all, "It was us."

Their heads turned in shock to see us, but Y/n quickly regained her composure, her voice now cold as she addressed us, "Why did you come here?"

V explained, "Mrs. Park asked us to."

Y/n responded curtly, "But I already texted her."

Jimin spoke for us all, "Then we will take our leave."

We bowed respectfully to Mrs. Choi and exited the house, leaving behind a scene that filled us with a maelstrom of jealousy, anger, and hurt. She had been laughing and enjoying herself before she saw us, and though we had initially come to see her, our work had kept us away. Now, seeing her with this newfound family, we couldn't help but feel a profound sense of jealousy. They had something we desperately craved: a mother, a  sister, and a sense of belonging. We felt hurt and frustrated; no one had ever cared for us in such a loving way, not even our sisters or mother.

As we walked away, our emotions boiled over, and we felt a deep determination rising within us. We couldn't ignore the desire burning in our hearts. We knew this pursuit was risky, even dangerous, but we had always been the masters of getting what we wanted. We made a silent vow that we would stop at nothing to make Y/n our sister. This was our game, and we excelled at it. We were willing to wait for the day when Y/n would accept us as her brothers, no matter the obstacles. Our desire was unwavering, and we were prepared to do whatever it took to make it a reality.

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