Chapter - 28

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It had been several weeks since the traumatic accident, and although everyone was physically okay, the driver responsible for the incident remained elusive. The only ones who held a crucial clue were Y/n and Mr. Kim, a fact unknown to everyone else. The tension hung in the air, a constant reminder of the unresolved danger.


As lunchtime arrived, the group gathered to eat. Suddenly, Mr. Kim broke the silence, his voice filled with admiration and a touch of hesitation.

Mr. Kim: "Umm, Y/n, I happened to come across your report card from your previous school, and I must say, you've done exceptionally well. Would you consider tutoring the maknaes?"

Y/n paused mid-bite, and a hush fell over the table as everyone looked expectantly at her.

Y/n: "Sure, Mr. Kim."

Mr. Kim's relief was palpable. "I am genuinely thankful for that," he replied with a warm smile.

As the meal continued, a sense of unity and purpose settled among them.


Now, Y/n stood confidently in front of the chalkboard, playing with the chalk as Lisa, Rose, and Mamamoo entered the room.

Their warm greetings filled the room.

Lisa, Rose, and MM: "Good evening, Y/n."

Y/n: "Good evening, please have a seat."

The minutes ticked by, and still, there was no sign of the boys. Eventually, they stumbled into the room, 30 minutes late.

Y/n's stern gaze met them.

Y/n: "Why are you 30 minutes late?"

Felix: "We don't know."

Y/n's response was decisive, "Alright, then each of you will do 30 push-ups."

Han protested, "What? No."

Y/n's threat hung in the air. "Then I'll call Mr. Kim."

Han reluctantly agreed, "Fine."

Fatigue settled in as the boys struggled through their push-ups, their resolve tested.

Once they finished, Y/n spoke, her voice firm, "Now, you have homework to finish, and you have 30 minutes. If you don't finish, it's another 30 push-ups. Your time starts now."

With that, she returned to her desk to work on her own homework.


As Y/n glanced at the clock, she announced, "Time's up."

The students lined up nervously.

Y/n: "Did you all finish? Alright, one by one, and I'll check your work."

With palpable tension, they waited. As Y/n reviewed their work, she couldn't hide her disappointment.

Y/n: "This is wrong," she pointed out.

I.N. was puzzled, "How is it wrong?"

Y/n patiently explained, "You didn't subtract it here."

I.N.'s face brightened as he realized the mistake, "Ohhh."


Y/n continued, "Now that you've finished, let's start studying."


Namjoon (RM) observed the scene from outside the study room. It was time for dinner, but to his astonishment, he found everyone engrossed in their studies. That was a rarity; they had never voluntarily delayed a meal for studying before. He knocked on the door gently.

RM: "It's time for dinner."

Jungkook and Lisa replied in unison, "Wait for a few more minutes, please."

Namjoon closed the door, a mix of pride and surprise washing over him. This newfound dedication to their studies was a testament to the changes Y/n had brought into their lives.


The atmosphere had shifted, and as Y/n guided her students, there was an unspoken understanding that they were not only learning from her but growing closer as a family, determined to face whatever challenges lay ahead.




Hello bears 🐻🐨🐻🐼🐨🐼
I know this is very short chapter but didn't have the mood to right so I am really sorry, I will update soon in every chapters, I will surely do and I am sorry for the short chapter, thank you for reading this chapter, love y'all 💕❤💕❤

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