Chapter - 31

557 26 10

Author P POV

The atmosphere in the waiting room was thick with tension, each passing minute feeling like an eternity as everyone's worry for Y/n and her unborn child intensified. Whispers of concern and furtive glances were exchanged as they all awaited the news from the surgery.

Finally, the double doors swung open, and the doctor emerged, clad in a sterile gown. The room seemed to hold its collective breath as everyone rushed forward, their faces etched with fear and anticipation. Yeonjun, his eyes wide with anxiety, was the first to speak.

Yeonjun: "Doctor, please, tell us about Y/n and the baby."

The doctor, with a grave expression, began: "Y/n is now stable, and as for the baby..."

A hushed silence hung in the air as the doctor's words lingered. Yeonjun's heart pounded in his chest, and beads of sweat formed on his forehead.

Doctor: "As it was a developing sperm, it managed to survive. If she had been further along in her pregnancy, perhaps three months or more, it's likely that both she and the baby wouldn't have made it. It seems luck was on her side."

As the doctor patted Yeonjun's trembling shoulder, a rush of emotions flooded the room. Tears of relief welled up in some eyes, while others let out choked sobs. The weight that had been pressing down on them for hours suddenly lifted, and they allowed themselves to believe that everything might turn out okay.

In that moment, forgiveness began to take root. They realized that while JK's actions were undeniably  wrong, it had also been a harsh lesson for everyone. Yeonjun, too, felt a profound understanding that people are fallible and that those who genuinely feel remorse should be given a chance to make amends.

Yet, amidst the collective sense of relief and forgiveness, a daunting question loomed over them like a dark cloud: Would Y/n find it within herself to forgive them all? It was a question that gnawed at their hearts, a complex and uncertain future they couldn't yet fathom.


Yeonjun's POV

As I jolted awake, disoriented from the uncomfortable sleep, I realized that everyone around me was still deep in slumber. The harsh ringtone of incoming calls disrupted our restless rest, and the hospital room was filled with the sound of sleepy groans and fumbling for phones.

Just then, the doctor entered the room, and I was the first to wake up fully, albeit with a throbbing headache forming from the sudden jolt. The doctor's news cut through the grogginess – Y/n had woken up.

Without a moment's hesitation, I leaped to my feet and dashed to her room, my heart pounding in my chest. The others, still drowsy and realizing that this moment should be mine alone, decided not to follow. It was my responsibility to be the first to greet her.

As I entered Y/n's room, I saw her looking at the wires connected to her hands. Our eyes locked, and she mustered a weak smile. I couldn't contain my emotions any longer. I rushed to her side and kissed her as if there were no tomorrow, pouring out all the relief, love, and worry that had built up during those agonizing hours.

After a few moments, I pulled back, my hand instinctively finding its way to her stomach. Y/n's expression shifted to one of surprise, and for a moment, she seemed taken aback. But then, a beautiful smile graced her face, and she gently placed her hand in mine. It was a silent but profound connection, a reassurance that despite the trials and tribulations, we were still together, stronger than ever.

Yeonjun's voice quivered with a mix of relief and frustration as he questioned Y/n about why she hadn't shared this important news with him sooner.

Yeonjun: "Why didn't you tell me?"

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