Chapter - 35

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Author P pov

As Y/n and Mr. Kim stood frozen, their hearts pounding, they exchanged a worried glance. Before them lay a fragile, lifeless body on the floor. Y/n's hands trembled as she rushed forward, determined to lift the fragile form from the cold ground. With gentle urgency, she cradled the body in her arms, while Mr. Kim took a step back, giving her the space she needed.

A hushed silence enveloped the room as curious onlookers peeked from the shadows, their faces etched with concern and curiosity. The fragile body bore an eerie resemblance to the lifeless one on the floor, sending shivers down their spines.

With great care, Y/n moved toward the center of the dimly lit hall, the only sound accompanying her footsteps being the soft gasps and murmurs of those watching. Their eyes widened in disbelief and anticipation as the dim light revealed the face of the woman in Y/n's arms.

As Y/n held the woman close, her voice quivered with a mixture of anxiety and determination. "Where's the medical room?" she implored, her eyes scanning the room for answers.

Mr. Kim pointed to the right corner of the hall, his hand trembling slightly. "There," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Y/n turned her gaze to her companions, Jin, Bangchan oppa, and Jisoo unnie, who had been watching with bated breath. "Jin, Bangchan oppa, and Jisoo unnie, come with me, please," she called out, her voice filled with a sense of urgency.

The revelation left everyone in a state of shock, their usual composure shattered by the unexpected turn of events. Without hesitation, Jin, Bangchan oppa, and Jisoo unnie immediately headed to the medical room, their footsteps echoing down the corridor as they followed Y/n's lead.


Several hours later, the four of them emerged from the medical room, each lost in their thoughts. After a brief respite in their respective rooms, Y/n returned with cleaning supplies in hand. The sight of blood splattered everywhere was a gruesome reminder of the ordeal they had just witnessed. Lisa, ever the helpful friend, rushed to Y/n's side, donning a pair of gloves as they set to work cleaning the grim aftermath. Gradually, others joined in, a somber camaraderie forming amidst the silent cleanup.


After an exhaustive cleaning session, exhaustion weighed heavily on everyone as they gathered on the couch. JK, always the one to seek answers, couldn't contain his curiosity any longer. "Who is she, and what are you going to do with her lifeless body?" he inquired, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Y/n's eyes glistened with a mixture of emotions. "She is Park Shin-hara," she replied, her voice filled with sadness and uncertainty. "As for what to do with her... I don't know."

Mr. Kim, still coming to terms with the situation, suggested, "Perhaps we should prepare a grave for her."

Felix, perplexed by the situation, spoke up. "But Dad, you said she was your girlfriend."

Mr. Kim shook his head solemnly. "She is not my girlfriend. The lady in the medical room is my girlfriend."

The revelation hung heavy in the air, leaving the group to grapple with the complex emotions and secrets that had been unearthed.

JK : What the fuck is this fuck in this fucking fuck.

The tension in the room was palpable as emotions ran high. JK's outburst had momentarily disrupted the uneasy silence.

Mr. Kim, still trying to maintain control, responded firmly, "I'll let that outburst slide this time, but we need to remain calm and composed moving forward."

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