Chapter 8

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My alarm rang, shattering the peaceful stillness of the morning, and I was about to get up, but a warm hand pulled me close, wrapping around me tightly. Yeonjun's voice, thick with drowsiness, filled the air.

Yeonjun: Wae, it's too early to wake up. We can wake up at 6:00 am. University starts at 8:45.

Y/n: Only today.

I nestled into his embrace, the comfort of his arms luring me back into slumber. Hours later, I stirred, slowly opening my eyes to find the clock displaying 7:10 am. Yeonjun was still sleeping soundly beside me, his peaceful expression melting away the remnants of sleep that clung to my senses. I gave him a gentle shake.

Y/n: Yeonjunaa, wake up.

Yeonjun: Just a few more minutes.

Y/n: Get up, or I won't let you touch me.

Suddenly, he was wide awake, his eyes locking onto mine, searching for any sign of relenting.

Yeonjun: Aish, wea.

I smirked, victorious, as I announced my intention to shower. His hopeful question followed.

Yeonjun: Can I join?

Y/n: NO.

Yeonjun: Whyyyyyy?

Y/n: If I shower with you, then I won't make it to the university on time.

The brisk morning water washed away my sleepiness, and I headed downstairs, Yeonjun trailing behind. An awkward silence hung in the air as I took my place at the table. I noticed JK smirking mysteriously, casting a glance downward.

My lap suddenly felt heavy as I glanced down to find a snake, with J-Hope sitting nearby, who shouted in alarm.


JK, still smirking, chimed in.


J-Hope stammered nervously.

J-Hope: I-i-n Y-y-y-n's lap.

My response was surprisingly calm as I picked up the snake, petting it with gentle affection, while JK's shock was evident .

Y/n: I love snakes.

J-Hope's distress was palpable.


Mrs. Park quickly intervened, her voice filled with concern.

Mrs. Park: Y/n, it's dangerous. Leave it outside.

I obliged and stepped outside, releasing the snake back into the wild. Returning to the table to finish breakfast, I couldn't help but smirk at the shock on JK's face. I sat down, feeling a sense of triumph.

Y/n: I love snakes.

JK had pushed my buttons, and I wasn't about to back down. It was evident that I had the upper hand.

Our day continued as Yeonjun and I headed to the university. While riding, Yeonjun decided to open up a conversation.

Yeonjun: I have a question.

Y/n: What?

Yeonjun: That song "Still With You," was it for me?

Y/n: No.

Yeonjun: What?

Y/n: You've gotten so much dumber.

Yeonjun: And what about my song, "Under the Influence"? Was that for you?

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