Alpha - Aftertaste - Chapter 3

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Sora's POV

THUD. I violently slammed the front door shut and stormed through the living room while rubbing my tearful eyes when I noticed Jungkook lying on the couch with his arm tucked under his head. He quickly sat up with a startled look and tried to speak, but I ignored him and rushed away in a hurry.

A maid immediately bowed in my presence as she cleaned the portraits in the corridor. I lowered my face to hide my tears and hurried into my room. My mind was suddenly bombarded with painful memories, so I frantically undressed my body in the bathroom. I need to shut it out! I quickly turned on the cold shower to let it drench my steaming head until the build-up tension eased in my chest. Don't think about it! Don't think about it! After a while... I deeply exhaled to soothe my mind while standing under the shower with my eyes closed.

Sora, you can't lose yourself like this! They'll keep on hurting you if you show them your vulnerability! The shower icy cold downpour was turning my skin bright pink, so I quickly rinsed my slippery flesh and stepped out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped securely around my drenched body to find a silhouette on the couch inside my dark room.

"What are you doing here?!" I snapped, switching on the lights to find Jungkook sitting with his arms crossed. His face flushed bright red when he found me in my towel and nothing else.

"You agreed to talk with me!" Jungkook swallowed, turning his head away to give me some privacy

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"You agreed to talk with me!" Jungkook swallowed, turning his head away to give me some privacy. I exhaled in annoyance before walking into my closet room.

"Leave. I don't feel like talking right now," I muttered while changing in the room and finally walked out to find Jungkook... still seated on the couch.

"Why not? Is it because of Taehyung? He's an asshole, so you should get used to it," Jungkook shrugged. I ruffled my damp hair with my sharp eyes trained on him.

"Is Taehyung the only asshole in this mansion? Get out of my room!" I demanded, nodding at the door in irritation.

"Moh? What did I even do?! I'm desperately trying to resolve our problems, and you're telling me to leave?!" Jungkook scoffed, launching to his feet with an offended glare. I fired him a dumbfounded look.

"What did you do?! Shibal! You dated another girl while I was away!" I shrieked, angrily hurling a cushion at his face. Jungkook immediately ducked to the side with a terrified face at my violent outbursts.

"We were young! You're still my first love- but-"

"You could've spoken to me first! You could've given me proper closure! But you did nothing! You brought your girlfriend into my room and even did inappropriate things with her on my bed! You're a heartless jerk! Now get out before I bruise your face pretty again!" I screamed, angrily hurling another cushion at the door. Jungkook's eyes were wide open in disbelief, but he didn't snap back and angrily stomped out of the room.

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