Alpha - Internal Wounds - Chapter 66

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Third Person POV

Kim Taehyung drunkenly strutted over the extensive grassy plain of his front yard after Choi Do-hwan, his chief guard, dropped him off in the dark property. The alpha shook his intoxicated head to stabilize his swaying mind as he funnily climbed the stairs leading up to the front porch on his hands and knees. He had lost senses of his own balance and his vision was distorted by the influence of the liquor in his system. 

The man weakly nudged the front door open with his elbow while clinging to the door handle for support and stepped inside the dark mansion with a numbed face. He grumbled under his breath while rubbing his burning eyes, and dragged his feet up the staircase, cautiously tiptoeing toward his bedroom to avoid stirring his family awake. He's supposed to be home by 5:00 PM as instructed by his wife... but the clock is ticking toward midnight. He is very well conscious... of his late arrival.

"What if she's still awake...?- Ah~! Sweetie~! I'm sorry for not calling earlier~? Should I say that? She might scream and make me sleep outside- but my back is so sore~! Aigo~! How do I get out of this~? My lovely wife will surely scold me again~!" Taehyung hoarsely whispered to himself while lingering outside the bedroom door with his head lowered. The husbandman is desperately racking up rational excuses to defend his late return. The man rubbed his burning face anxiously and dropped his hands to his sides in defeat until... he noticed two... tiny figures... standing below him. He pursed his lips when his vision adjusted to their creepy gaze.

"Appa~?" Little Hajin whispered while innocently blinking at the man as she held hands with Beom in the dark corridor, who was also staring up at the man with his curious doe eyes.

"Kamjagiya!- What are you two doing out of bed?!-" Taehyung flinched at their unexpected presence while patting his thumping chest before crouching to smile drunkenly at his young children.

[ Unofficial Pictures of Hajin and Beom. They're so darn cute, I decided not to blur their faces! XD ] 

"We went to get water~!" Beom whispered as he lifted the water bottle to show his stepfather

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"We went to get water~!" Beom whispered as he lifted the water bottle to show his stepfather. Taehyung chuckled at the pair of young heirs and tried to kiss Hajin. The little girl gasped at the sight of her father's puckered lips and hastily smacked his face with her palm to block his unwanted kiss.

"So smelly~!" Hajin scrunched her nose in disgust upon inhaling her father's reeking odor. She shivered and lifted her sleeves to cover her nose with a disapproving frown.

"Aigo~? Do I smell bad~? Ahhh~! I do smell~!" Taehyung grumbled as he unsurely sniffed his work attire... until he screwed his face at the foul liquor. Hajin pinched her nose and sucked in her breath to avoid breathing the same air... causing Beom to giggle at her adverse reaction and curiously leaned forward to sniff the air around his stepfather.

"Did appa drink~?" Beom smiled, stepping back to stand beside Hajin. The little girl repeatedly fanned her face while holding her breath with inflated cheeks as she glared at her father through her mother's identical eyes.

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