Alpha - Winter Breath - Chapter 64

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Flashback | A few months after Hajin's birth.

Sora's POV

I carefully strolled up the staircase with a slice of cheesecake, placed neatly on a porcelain plate in my casual day dress, and strode toward my husband's work office beside Woobin's bedroom. Knock. Knock. I gently nudged the door open and entered the room with an eager smile.

"Seobang-nim~! The cake is ready~!- What are you doing...?" I abruptly paused by the door when I found Taehyung sitting in his armchair with baby Hajin on his lap.

The father was seated in his armchair with his right arm securely encircled around the child's belly as she cluelessly scanned the work office with her curious doe eyes... and in the man's spare hand... was Hajin's milk bottle. My jaw dropped in shock as I watched my husband suck on the pacifier to consume my daughter's milk... right from her baby bottle. Is he crazy?! Why is he drinking our daughter's milk?!

 Is he crazy?! Why is he drinking our daughter's milk?!

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"Hajinie refused to drink it, so I-"

"You could've saved it for later! Why are you drinking her milk?!" I gasped, quickly scurrying forward to place the plate on the wooden desk, and tried to yank the bottle from his lips... but Taehyung swiftly spun his armchair away and proceeded to drink from the bottle while holding Hajin firmly over his lap.

"It'll spoil if I don't finish it-"

"I'm not producing enough breast milk for her~! Stop it~!- Ah~?! Oppa!!!- I'll have to pump my already-drained breasts again! It took me an hour to milk that bottle for her!" I whined in annoyance as I desperately circled behind his armchair with my arms extended for the bottle... but Taehyung simply spun on his chair to rotate away from me again as he intensely sucked from the pacifier with an unbothered expression.

Hajin giggled funnily on her father's lap as I huffed at my husband's stubbornness and snatched my daughter from his lap. I'm telling you- the man is crazy! Because who would steal their child's milk?! The father finally lowered the bottle while licking his lips as Hajin clung to my neck. I frowned at the man in extreme frustration while patting my daughter's back. He won't surrender the milk!

"There's no point in milking your breast anymore if Hajin doesn't want your milk~!" Taehyung shrugged. I grimaced and glanced at Hajin as she beamed at me with her gummy smile.

"You're unbelievable, really! Hajin will eventually drink it if I put it in the bottle~!" I whined at the stupid man. Hajin doesn't like to drink directly from my breast, but she will drink the milk if I transfer it to her baby bottle! Taehyung shrugged dismissively as he uncapped the lid to remove the pacifier, and lifted the bottle to drain my breast milk.

"Did you think Hajinie has ever actually drank your milk lately~? Hah~! It's me- I've been emptying her bottle every day~! She only wants the baby formula- and I'm definitely not wasting my wife's precious milk! I'll swallow every drop of fluid that comes out of you!" Taehyung rubbed his moist lips and fired me a bitter look from his seat. I scoffed at the empty bottle as the man sealed it and stood up to round the desk.

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