Alpha - Winter Storm - Chapter 57

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Jang Sora sluggishly dragged her heavy legs over the vast field... through the pouring rain in her black raincoat and loose hair... dangling messily over her face as she weakly strode over the freshly trimmed lawn beneath her feet with her burning gaze fixed on the tombstone... Thump! She heavily slumped onto the ground as the wall of tears swelled over her stinging eyeballs. She listlessly stared at the name... carved deep on the stone and glanced at the soil beneath her with her lips ajar as her heart... wrenched in extreme despair.

The former supreme alpha screwed her eyes shut to unleash the bleeding emotions from her shattered heart as she shakily lifted her trembling fingers to touch the cold stone while clutching her aching chest with another hand. She whimpered and lowered her head to the grass, weeping desperately for the soul she had failed to save from death's grip.

"I'm sorry!- No-! This can't be-!" Sora cried as she clutched the tombstone... desperately rubbing her thumbs over the cold and damp surface in extreme pain... until she felt like fainting from the distressing emotions that were brutally devouring her rotten soul.

"You can't do this to me!" She screamed, frantically digging her fingers into the soil to claw soaked dirt... in an attempt to reach the person... who had unfortunately... parted from her grasp... to remain deep beneath the surface.

"Sora! Don't be like this!" Imo cried, rushing forward to grab the woman as she screamed and wailed in despair, frantically yanking the grass with her grips. She angrily shoved the old lady aside and crawled forward to hug the cold stone with a broken heart until her body trembled violently from the excruciating pain... she was experiencing.

"ARGH!- YOU- YOU PROMISED- ARGH! YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME! WAE!?-" Jang Sora screamed and smacked the tombstone in frustration. She whimpered and lowered her head to the dark soil as she felt her heartstrings tugging on every one of her nerves to torment her with chronic heartache... until she was too weak to support her shaking body.

"Come... back to me... please-... you can't- you can't leave like this! This is too cruel!" Jang Sora whimpered while pressing her face against the damp soil. Her saliva and snot... stretching from her face to saturate the dirt beneath her. The former supreme alpha weakly gripped the damp grass she had plucked and pounded her fist in anger to unleash her grief as she helplessly... mourned the death of the person she lost.

She suddenly gagged in pain and gripped her stomach until a surge of vomit expelled up her throat. Blurp! The woman violently barfed out her rotten emotions from her stomach after her body failed to digest the distressing pain she was enduring. Jang Sora wailed in desperation as she remained on her knees and hands with her head... hovering... over the foul puddle of vomit.

"Ugh!" She whimpered, weakly collapsing over her own discharge, and rolled over to stare at the gray sky with her burning pupils, unable to budge her sore muscles as her heart mourned the unexpected departure of a soul she loved... from the living realm. She pouted and sobbed in tears as the cold droplets drummed relentlessly onto her body... numbing her skin with its chills... but no matter... how desperately she begged to be paralyzed... by the frost... she couldn't stop her heart... from bleeding for the person's absence.

Imo cried in despair as she sat beside Jang Sora to watch the fallen... goddess... remain on the muddy soil with her lifeless gaze on the cruel... flickers above her eyes as unconscious tears spilled from her lashes to drain her soul empty of its remaining happiness.

Flick. The sky lit up brightly... flashing before her broken pupils... yet she didn't blink and soullessly stared at the weeping clouds as the violent lightning spiked across the sky... fracturing the vast opening into shards as it unleashed the deafening rumbles... causing the clamorous vibration to... hammer her aching heart... with extreme sorrows.

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