Alpha - Power Burden - Chapter 55

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Third Person POV

"Where's Kim Taehyung?!" Seokjin appeared, rudely barging inside the Min's suite without an invitation, accompanied by Namjoon and Jimin... as Jung Hoseok paced back and forth with his hand clasped over his mouth.

"I can't reach him," Yoongi shook his head as he remained seated on the couch with his legs crossed.

"We need him at the council, or the cult will attempt to butcher the lower ranks during the upcoming meeting," Jimin bitterly sat down. Seokjin clenched his jaw in irritation. The alphas must all be present at meetings to prevent the Black Phoenix from eliminating the lower ranks.

"I suspect he went to find Sora," Hoseok stated, worriedly rubbing his lips.

"Jang Sora?" Jimin asked, cluelessly staring at Hoseok.

"Kim Taehyung is attempting to lure out the Jaguar," Yoongi informed the alphas.

"Alone? Jae Yangcha isn't an easy player to overpower. Whether it's physical strength or mind games... The Jaguar is an ace," Seokjin scoffed doubtfully. The alphas exchanged anxious glances. What are the chances of Kim Taehyung... beating the untamed beast? They weren't sure. No one would dare attack the Jaguar alone... due to the high fatality rate.

It's a guaranteed death once the beast pounces at the target.

"But it's Kim Taehyung... there might be hope," Namjoon shrugged. Seokjin glared at his friend's optimism before glancing at Min Yoongi again.

"If Kim Taehyung dies at the hand of the Jaguar... It's the end of the council. We should send out people to search for him," Jimin shook his head. Hoseok rubbed his face in frustration after his alliance left without a notice and had not been in contact with the households for the past week.

"The cult is protecting Jae Yangcha because they know... we're after the silent killer for his power. That's probably why the cult freed the twins to settle the tension with Jae Yangcha," Yoongi darkened his eyes.

"What?" Seokjin frowned at the second-rank alpha.

"The cult claimed to lose... the twins after Jang Sora transferred her assets to the Black Phoenix. But for some unknown reason... The twins were never harmed. The cult never lifted a finger to abuse the children. And suddenly...? They disappeared after the cult acquired the supreme alpha's power...? It's too cynical," Yoongi exhaled, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Are you saying... The Jaguar negotiated with the cult to free the twins so he could present himself as the savior? So Jang Sora will remain by his side forever?" Namjoon asked, frowning at Yoongi.

"I assumed he wanted Jang Sora for her power... but since... he's still protective of her after she became powerless... it's probably a personal attachment. And the twins? They're Jeon Jungkook's firstborn, whether they are illegitimate or not. Their existence will forever threaten the Jeon's household. Firstborns have the right to seize their parent's power once they're off age," Hoseok explained.

"So... Jae Yangcha is seeking revenge for Sora? He's after Jeon Jungkook? He held Sora captive until her mother died. And now... he's snapping his baring fangs at Jeon Jungkook?" Namjoon frowned.

"Highly possible. The twins can't thrive in the society without legitimate power. Jae Yangcha resents Jeon Jungkook for impregnating his wife... and probably blames the alpha for staying muted when the twins were kidnapped... so he will attack Jeon Jungkook to reclaim power for Jang Sora. He's going to war for her," Min Yoongi nodded. The alpha grew hushed and glanced at one another with an uptight look.

"And... Kim Taehyung is using himself as bait...? To lure out the Jaguar because... Sora will never put Jae Yangcha at risk? If he's the bait... then we should be ready to attack the beast once he's out in the opening," Jimin muttered.

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