Alpha - Light & Shadow - Chapter 38

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Third Person POV

The crowd of alphas remained shaken over the stair landing with their bewildered gazes on the allegedly dead alpha as he stood beside the supreme alpha, who was turning pale upon his shocking appearance. Kim Taehyung glanced at Sora's terrified face with a startled look. He averted his attention to the young alpha in dread once he realized... he wasn't the only one witnessing Jae Yangcha's presence.

"You bastard!-" Taehyung roared, abruptly jerking forward to storm down the stairs... but halted almost immediately when Jang Sora swiftly stepped between him and the alpha.

Seokjin anxiously stared at the supreme alpha as she sternly stood her ground before Kim Taehyung's bewildered frown. Jang Sora suddenly took Yangcha's hand and tugged him down the stairs to steer the alpha away from the lurking predators, causing Kim Taehyung's eyes to widen in disbelief.

"Sora!" Taehyung called, racing down the stairs to chase after her. Yangcha gripped Sora's hand to secure her balance as they sprinted across the snowy garden, but the supreme alpha couldn't run far. Her high heels were stabbing the base of her feet and the chilly frost... stinging her bare shoulders as Kim Taehyung stormed after them with his dangerous darkness... amidst the swirling snowflakes.

Sora's POV

Thump! I gasped, stopping over the thick snow when Yangcha suddenly tumbled over the ground upon the blunt impact over his back. My eyes bulged open in horror once I spun around to find... Kim Taehyung... wrestling the alpha over the snow with his jaws clenched and rageful glower... nailed on the alpha.

Yangcha grunted at the top alpha's aggressive outburst and tried to sit up, so Taehyung roughly shoved his shoulder down and struck Yangcha's face with his rock-hard fist. Smack. Yangcha's head flopped to the side at the blow to his lower lips as Taehyung tightened his grip around the alpha's collar to restrain him.

"Stop!-" I snapped, hastily grabbing Taehyung's forearm to prevent him from striking Yangcha again but Taehyung roughly shoved me aside, sending me toppling onto the ice sheet in my puffy gown. 

"How dare you return before my face?! I'll make sure you die twice if one death isn't enough!" Taehyung roared, angrily thumping his fist over Yancgha's face repeatedly until blood streamed from the alpha's nostrils.

My eyes widened in alarm upon the bloody brawl between the alphas as Yangcha remained helpless on the cold ground without resisting Kim Taehyung. Why isn't he defending himself?! I scrambled frantically over the cold snow on my hands and knees while struggling to stand in my slippery heels, fearfully flinging my body forward to grab Taehyung's shoulders.

"I said stop it!" I screamed, hastily shoving Taehyung off Yangcha, sending him tumbling to the side.

"Yah!- He's a fucking killer!" Taehyung bellowed, wildly turning to glare at me as I frantically drew Yangcha into a sitting position. The alpha was dazed out of his mind, so I tearfully glared at Taehyung's fuming red face as the snow poured heavily onto us. The chilly breeze... turning my sensitive skin bright red with its harsh frost.

"Touch him again, and I will fucking kill you!" I screeched, possessively gripping Yangcha's wounded face with a dark glower.

Taehyung scoffed at my threats in disbelief as he sat on the snow... surrounded by the droplets of Jae Yangcha's blood. The crowd of alphas suddenly appeared in the garden, so I nervously hugged Yangcha's shuddering body to shield him from the society's prying stares. Yangcha grunted in pain, weakly shaking his head to recollect his scattered mind.

"Jang Sora! Why are you protecting that bastard!?-"

"I SAID BACK THE FUCK OFF!" I screamed, angrily shoving Taehyung backward when he tried to scramble toward Yangcha again. He slumped back onto the snow in utter shock, slightly widening his bewildered eyes to question my defensive reaction.

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