Chapter 22 (Again)

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It’s been over 9 months or rather 10 months into 2008, and the Dlamini Family has grown with love and lots of love, most especially when they found out that Hector was pregnant and not only with one child but twins and that’s because when Hector was born, he was born as an intersex and it’s a secret that he was keeping from a very young age and hence the pain that he used to have in his lower abdomen which was more like a menstrual cycle but his own had no discharge, which used to be very painful but because he was very good at pretending, and living with pain, nobody actually noticed and the secret was safely kept by him and his father and also MmeMoichela, hence the reason why she was always calling him a demon.

Anyways I will teach you guys later about the intersex community and it’s not only Hector that is pregnant but Harriet is also pregnant and they is love, and one thing that I must say, is that I love the way Zimele has grown to accept Harriet as his wife and Hector as the force of the family, despite the fact that their not married yet.
Well the ten months were gloomy and dark for our teddy bear, Nganono who couldn’t even attend his father’s funeral and as for the funeral, well Bab’Dlamini  should count himself lucky that his family gave him a proper burial somewhere in the middle of nowhere, with the attendance of his close friends and obviously Bab’Khanyile, the witchdoctor who was smiling like a donkey and let’s not talk about the way he was looking at Hector during the funeral.
Anyways Nganono was in a coma for about three weeks and he spent a total of fours months in the hospital, when he was finally discharged from the hospital, he was given a wheelchair that he was confined to and one thing about Nganono, he hated it with passion, after which he moved to the crutches, after almost spending his entire time at the physio therapy.

I honestly don’t know the type of energy that Hector had to use to deal with Nganono’s tantrums but he and his partner in crime, Harriet decided to stick around and thanks to Aunt Nokubonga’s consistent visit and teaching them of those weird family values, that they have to stay and build this family up, not forgetting about the constant reminder of them going to Nqamakwe, well as for that issue, the brothers don’t want to unlock anymore pain and they sworn to protect Hector at all cost, since the traditional mediator said that failure to do so, would bring heavy consequences on Hector.
Hector who’s just like Harriet, wants to stay away and not get involved in what drama that comes with Zimele and his brothers, because after the burning of those taxis and the havoc caused on their small offices that Ziyanda said that they “don’t have proper security”, they were three more attacks and this led them to finding out that it was the Hlophes’ and I don’t want to get into the drama that unfolded, just know that many people died and not a few.
And as for the Taxi Business, well the brothers are still trying to grow it and now that’s it registered in the SARS, and in Hector’s name, the Masilos’ have began to benefit from the taxi business that Jerry founded.

Sometimes Hector connects all the dots in his head and then he quickly stops as it takes to a place that he doesn’t want, it’s the unnecessary perks of being an overthinking person.
Things are moving on now and they have drastically changed, from their movements and their freedom, and they have been surprises along the way, like why the heck is Nkosi still with Ziyanda, and let’s not talk about how de-coloured she has become, it’s like she is a shadow of her form self.
Well on the bright side, Nganono has changed and drastically so, and that came with Hector’s care and a new girl that he met at the physio therapy, well she is a physician and she was handpicked by Hector, and I must say that she is beautiful but a bit short, well Nganono loves short women, he says that he finds joy in looking over their heads.

Well Kedibone and Morena, are currently in school with Kedibone in grade 8, and I must say that she’s intelligent as she keeps on scoring huge marks with obviously her brother, who is grade 7, scoring a lot.
The boys are now in school, which at first surprised Hector, and that’s because he never thought of it and the kids never spoke about their school.
It was a huge assignment convincing Mabutho to place the boys in school, and that’s because he was afraid of losing them, the same way he lost his wife and according to him, home-schooling was the best, but after a few days of Hector convincing him, he agreed and now they’re both at school and Prince is doing extremely well and even the principal who has this British accent, recommended that Prince must be placed in those expensive schools, but Hector is not ready yet to be shipping his child to a school in Northern Cape, just image a coloured boy in that African heat.
But despite the fact that their in school already, they were forced to redo their grades.

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