Chapter 33

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“You have no enemies, you say... Alas my friend, the boast is poor... He who has mingled in the fray of duty, that the brave endure... must have made foes, if you have none... small is the absolute work that you done... You’ve have hit no traitor on the hip... You’ve have dashed no cup from perjured lip... You’ve have never turned the wrong to right... You’ve have been a coward in the fight”.
Chapter 33 – ‘No Enemies, You Say’
They all stood on that green hill and watched as Gog’Thembeka’s brown coffin that was bought by them, slowly go down into that ground, a dark place that her body will never be able to come out from, until the ‘supposed day’ of judgement.
It’s been a week after her death and The mighty troublesome family called the Hlophes’ are nowhere to be seen.

Her burial went smooth and it was done so peacefully without drama and obviously the press was all about in their personal business, and just this early morning before some close distance relatives of the KaDikana family were about to leave, an article was published and the headline was in pure bold colours : THE Dlamini Family Brothers Spotted In Their Father’s Paternal Home and another article saying that : Who Are The Dlamini Brothers And What’s Their Connection To A Fallen Dynasty.
Now, I am not speaking from experience but all I know is that you will not or will never appreciate someone or anyone that keeps on digging into your past and asking unnecessary questions.
“A goat will have to be slaughtered before you can fully claim that which belongs to you and, allowed proper access to The KaDikana Wealth that was given to your uncle... Bab’Hlophe but before that, some money and a few farm animals will have to be paid and sent to the Dlamini Family, as a form of damages and in that way... we can then claim you guys and properly welcome you boys and your... families' into our family,” one of the family elders says as they all sit down, along with Nathan and Mukuna who are sitting at the back of their cousins, who are simply nodding their heads.
“So, when all of this is completed... we are going to be introduced to the ancestors right... after that we get on with our lives,” Nkosi says.
“Exactly that but you ‘don’t just get on with your lives’... as the extended dynasty and the original children of Bongile KaDikana... this place is a part of you, as you are a part of it...  and before I forget ‘the one with the bead’ is not to leave this yard until his bond and that of the person he is meant for, are joined by blood,” one of the elder says.
“We hear you and we will do, as you have said but we have only one problem and he is name is Hlophe... I don’t want to get in the matters that transpired between us in Johannesburg but... he is going to be a big problem,” Nganono says.
“Well, you are the Men of this home and as a man and ones that want to be the heads of their family, your only job is to provide and protect,” one of the elders say and immediately they all look at each other and they know for a fact that they’re on their own.
“I know that look Zimele, why are you so down,” Mabutho says as he enters into the main house that looks a bit ancient for my liking but still up to date in terms of cleaning and maintenance, despite the fact that the paintings are already off and some of the wooden titles are off,  this house was so beautiful.
“I am simply out of words big brother, we have finally found our home but it comes with unnecessary problems... I mean how much more can a person like me... or someone like Hector take, all because of my family,” he says as Mabutho moves to sit down on the wooden chairs and slowly places the whisky and motions for him to sit opposite him.
“I can see everything and I thank the heavens and our ancestors on the wonderful job, of bringing Hector to our family and I still thank you for always following your heart... Nkosi and Nganono are already in discussion with those greedy... overzealous aunties of ours, which means that in or by December...” he slowly stops with some hidden smile, immediately showing his dimples.
“Which means that what,” ask Zimele, who was pouring himself a second glass of whisky 🥃.
“Which means that possibly in December, you will be having your traditional wedding to Hector Masilo,” he says with a smile.
“You’re Joking right... I mean April Fool is next year,” he asks with a smile.
Immediately a voice comes from the door, “We can never wish for such to be a joke, from December... Buhle and Ma will be officially recognised as Dlaminis or sorry KaDikanas’,” Nganono says with a smile.
Immediately Zimele jumps in, for a hug with Mabutho and soon his brothers join in, on a hug and I must say it’s look ‘terribly’ beautiful, sibling love is powerful.
IT’S NOT -- like Harriet is jealous but sometimes the certain acts done to please and make Hector happy at her expense, are the reasons why the bitchy deity in her, immediately raises.

“And do you know what’s bothering me the most... it’s the constant humiliation that I have been receiving from Zimele and his brothers,” she says as she puts Zithulele in the baby cot and focuses on the phone call.

“I know that my daughter... you have been talking about it ever since we started talking... but I am planning something,” he says.

“What type of something,” she asks.

“Just know that, I won’t allow anyone of any sort, to deprive my first and only daughter of her martial rights and happiness in her own matrimonial home... and you on the other hand.... cause havoc in that house... don’t give them peace,” he says and slowly a mischievous smile brings on Harriet’s face.


Hector wakes up in the morning and he decides that he won’t disturb the snoring machine that is near him or his daughter that is sleeping in the middle of the storm being caused by her father’s snoring.

The kitchen is all cleaned up and the bathrooms have all, been cleaned up and Hector knows fully well that it can’t be Nathan, as he will be coming today with some cows and goats, that have to do with some ritual that the brothers will be performing with some of the KaDikana elders present, these men are not direct dynasty members of the KaDikana family but they’re parents married into the family and others were cousins to the family, through the women that were married into this family.

“I can see the awful look on your face and I know that beauty of this place has totally destroyed the happy face that you left with from my husband’s room or sorry, your room,” Harriet says as she enters with the bucket of water and the mop in one hand, and looks at Hector, who is still standing in the kitchen with a frying pan in his hand, from head to toe.

“Good morning to you too... Harriet and I must say that the place looks beautiful but like you know, I need to prepare breakfast and make sure that they is enough for everyone here, after all they will be a function here... later today or early tomorrow morning and from there, I will be having a meeting with some of the renovation companies,” he says as he move to put on the gas stove that came with Mukuna and Lerato, well obviously the idea to buy it, was initiated by Lerato and Angelina and the money came from Mukuna’s pocket.

“So you think, you’ve won and that I will not fight back... I was the first and the formally recognised spouse of Zimele and as such this is my right... this kitchen and all the kitchens in the yard... belong to me and only me... and perhaps the women that will be married into this family after me,” she says.

“Listen Harriet, it’s still very early in the morning and I don’t want to exchange words with you,” he says as he focuses on washing the dozens of tomatoes in the bucket.

Harriet only smiles and let’s out a deep sigh, “ I gave Zimele something that you will never give him... I made him to stand tall amongst the men of his family, I gave him, a son... I made him a real man but what about you... your own son died,” she says and immediately Hector switches the gate stove off as he wanted to put the pot on the stove and slowly he turns around to face Harriet, who straight into her eye.

“And what’s that supposed to mean,” he asks.

“Well, it can mean anything absolutely but I prefer to be a straight forward person, I am Zimele’s first and everything in this yard, is meant for my son and his brothers... your daughter can’t sit, where Zithulele, Prince and Nathi will sit... I also know one thing and that is that, recognition is usually given to the one that brought forth a male child for her husband, unfortunately I can’t say that about your own dead son, because it couldn’t bear to have a mixed breed for a birth giver,” and with that, Hector gives Harriet a very hot slap that leaves her shaking and a five finger mark on her dark skin.

Hector’s tears are already gearing up but please not today and with that he points to her, his index finger as she places her hand on to her cheek that is probably burning, from the very hot slap.

“I have tolerated you and as Zimele’s wife, I have given you the much needed respect that you deserve but you see now, now I will warn you for the very last time, try this nonsense again... try and bring up my son into your lousy mouth again, I will personally kill you,” and with that he is out of the kitchen.

I mean she could have insulted him but to drag his dead son into this nonsense, is totally out of context, like seriously – is this woman a complete lunatic or has she forgotten that she was responsible for the switching of the children, but then again I wonder what happened to that boy that looked exactly like Zimele.


Hector decided to take the children out for the first time in months, it was a usual tradition that they had adopted during the pregnancy trial, when Hector became lazy even to cook.
He used to see the white women on television, in those fancy TV shows like The Rich housewives of Beverly hills, taking out their kids to expensive outlets, so he adopted the same behaviour and decided to pick a food outlet that has grown to become Prince and Nathi’s favourite spot for food, and that is McDonalds, well it’s not available in Nqamakwe, so the nearest place is the neighbouring town that looks a bit modern.

“So exactly how much more food can your belly take, because the next thing you will throw up and it won’t look good,” Prince says as he looks at his younger brother eating his food in this mall, that looks relatively small but most definitely busy, and let’s thank the heavens that the Paparazzi are not around.

Well Nathi doesn’t answer that question but instead he continues to feed himself, he is now 6 years old yet the drama and the sugar rush that accompanies this boy, is something else, let’s not even talk about the fact that he loves watching wresting on etv and later practicing it, on his father’s sofa.

“Drama is not for everyone but you my darling, know how to find and locate drama,” a female voice comes from Hector’s back and he knows that voice, it’s his ex-girlfriend, yes that one, that particular one that Thato asked about, but what the heck is she doing here.

He turns around and it’s her, the ever dashing Amanda, she looks totally different now and I mean very different, she once had this dark skin but now she looks like a yellow bone on steroids.

“Hi, Amanda... I am very happy to meet with you... it’s been years... I mean you left high school in 2005, when we were in grade 10,” he says, already irritated.
She looks surprised but she shouldn’t be, they never ended their relationship on good terms, she instead cheated on him, with his then best friend, so what does she except from him, a red carpet entrance, oh please.

“Unfortunately I have read about your sagas on the newspapers and... some even on television, I must say that you have made a name for yourself,” she says with a bitchy tone.
Hector doesn’t even mind her, instead he focuses all his attention on the kids and her baby, who is in the baby car or whatever you guys call it, I know the word but spelling it, is an assignment.

“Ma, won’t you give Amanda a place to sit or will you let die there, in her uncomfortable shoes,” Nathi says as he bites on the last piece of his chicken meat.

“Well, my dear it seems that you have done a good and a well excellent job on finishing you food, as for her... she will sit after we have left,” Hector says.

“She will make me, throw up... can we please leave Ma,” and with a nod and a smile, they all immediately stand up and before you know it, as they’re about to leave the table, Amanda holds Hector’s wrist.

“I can see that you finally thought that you could get rid of me, well... here is the newsflash... I still love you,” she says, making Hector to stare deep into Amanda’s eyes that is filled with ‘somewhat hidden’ emotion, and this emotion is so unreadable.

“Can you let go of my mother’s hand,” Prince says in a stern voice and immediately separates them and pulls Hector away from Amanda.

As they drive back to Nqamakwe, one should see the mood that has befallen on Hector and the kids, most especially him and the thought that how can this young woman say that, she still loves him, I mean they broke up a long time ago and things have changed, she looks more matured and like those types that date old married men for their money and he on the other hand, is an ‘almost’ married man.
Though I can see that he is trying to brush off that feeling but Hector has truly changed, in a space of three years, he has become a father to his siblings, a mother to another woman’s children, and finding himself as an important piece in a formidable criminal family.

They arrive in the yard and immediately he makes way to the living room with his sons, who immediately moves to the main house, and one can see the goats and some cows that were brought by Nathan.

“You guys went for hours and you left us, to cook and prepare the meals for tomorrow, but anyways how was the outing with the boys, I hope you guys enjoyed it,” says Ziyanda, who is with Angelina, who are both with Hector in the kitchen.

“Well, define enjoyment and you will get your answer,” he says with his mind so distant and Ziyanda can notice it, she looks at Angelina and immediately she stands up and leaves the kitchen.

“Ma, your mind and energy is so distant... what truly happened at the outing,” Ziyanda asks.

“I met my ex-girlfriend at the food outlet and it wasn’t nice, she ruined a very good moment for me and my children... and what’s worse, she held my hand and told me that she loved me or rather she still loves me,” he says as he slowly peels off the skins off the potatoes.

“And do you still love her,” she asks.

“I personally, don’t know but all I know is that I have sacrificed enough for this family and Zimele, and that to should be a testament for my love for him,” he says.

“I am happy to hear that, we can’t lose our important piece and only God knows what is going to happen to this family, if you leave,”  she says with a smile as she slowly bumps her shoulder on him, leaving a smile on Hector’s face.
Meanwhile at the door of the kitchen, the new devil’s incarnation of the family, was eavesdropping and you know the devil that I am talking about, Harriet Khanyile.

I always wonder if truly, wickedness is sold in the market and how much is it but judging how many people carry it, I assume that it’s very cheap.
It’s past bed time for Mabutho’s children, who have decided not to sleep, Prince has decided to read a dictionary based on science and Nathi has decided that he will play with Buhle.
Meanwhile Hector is with them in his room, when Zimele enters and tells the boys to leave, at first Hector finds it weird but when he sees his face, it’s something else.

“Prince take your brother and go to your father’s room, when uncle Zimele is done... I will be sure to tell him, to call you guys,” he says and when they arrive at the door, Prince gives him an assuring look to Hector and before you know it, they’re gone.
I can’t get over the fact that he pulled Amanda’s hand, away from Hector, I am telling you that this boy is reminds me of Morena and somehow his father.

“Who is that young woman that held your hand at the mall today,” he asks with a straight face.

“Which young woman, are you talking about now... Zimele,” he lies and one should see the way he is shaking, may the heavens help him.

“Don’t play stupid with me, who is she,” he asks again, in a stern voice.
Hector remains quiet and immediately his eyes meet with Buhle’s own, he looks at her with so much fear and pain.

“Hector...” he says.
Eish that name again, he never calls him by his name unless he is serious or angry, and today he is both.

“If you don’t tell me now, that who that woman is... I am pretty sure that you want to see me in jail by the end of tomorrow,” he says and immediately Hector’s eyes open in shock.

“Who told you about that woman, was it Ziyanda... anyways if you dare lay a finger on her... I am done with you... I am done with this family,” and he immediately carries his daughter and leaves the room.

He arrives outside and he comes face to face with Harriet, who only smiles and makes her way to wherever she is heading too, leaving Hector mad.


She could have been patient but not when her position is still unclear in the family, she loves him and he is the hill that she will die on but she is not ready to have a child out of wedlock, she can’t follow in her mother’s footprints, who had her before marriage.

“I am supposed to be in Venda, this December and I know that I will start to show... I can’t allow this... please you have to do something,” she says as she looks at him, all seated up in that chair with his hands on his cheeks, his is the tallest in all of his brothers.

“As I have told you before, Angie.... I will tell my family about it, in due time and look... I love you but marriage... I am not ready for it,” he says looking down, leaving her mouth opened as she stands in front of him, with her hands on her hip.

“You can’t say that... you possibly can’t say that Nganono... I have sacrificed a lot for you and your family... can’t you see that I am wife material... I mean I have proved my worth... right in front of you and your family, countless times,” she says.

He slowly raises his face and meets with her own, he loves her and will do everything humanly possible to please her but you see this one, he is not ready to displease himself, to please her.

“Look here, I don’t want to sound inconsiderate but I am not ready for marriage, I have so many things that I want to do and marriage isn’t what I want for now and despite the fact that you have sacrificed and proven yourself, I am not ready yet,” he says looking down.

“Okay fine... I will not overlook the fact that I have sacrificed a lot but I also understand you... I want a break Nganono... from you and from everything,” she says and immediately he stands up and moves in front of her, he is a giant and I am sure that’s when he likes about her, her height.

“I am not allowing that, you are not leaving me, you know too much about my family and about me, and what’s worse, I love you... so you are staying with me, Angie,” he says it, in a serious tone with his eyes wide open and from there, he is gone.

I am simply looking forward to the ceremony that is already halfway, the boys are set back to go back immediately after this, with Hector, yes he will be going back to Johannesburg with all of the other women in the family, Zimele and his brothers along with Mukuna and Nathan will remain behind and have the place serviced.
Everything has been completed, regarding the slaughtering of the goat or goats.

“We will all be staying in one place and that’s the Sandton Mansion , Lerato... all of us, until the men of this family decide to come, I for one, I am going back for my children... Prince has to write his exams,” Hector says as he looks at Ziyanda, Angelina, Harriet and Lerato, all squashed in his room.
None of them, were allowed during the ‘sacred’ ceremony, only the children both young and old, Hector will have his own later.

“Do you really think that everything will be fine now, I mean... now that they’re finally honouring their ancestors and all,” Ziyanda says as she looks at Hector, who has folded his arms.

“I highly doubt so, with the Hlophes’ now in the picture and all, I can just anticipate for the worst but if you are all, willing to stay with this family... then you should know that we are going to be needed as their pillars,” he says and with that, silence immediately befalls on all of them .

“So Uncle, are you truly going to let those idiots, rip where they’re didn’t sow,” Mulalo says as he looks at Bab’Hlophe, who is watching him the open green fields, and it looks like they’re in a lodge, I think it’s that lodge, thst Mabutho wanted to sleep in, it’s that white owned property.

“Listen my boy, I learnt my lesson, from the last time that I had an encounter with those boys and their devilish father who... has turned out to be my cousin... so we are going to have to thread carefully with those boys and wait for the right opportunity and then we strike when they least except it,” he says.

“What are you planning Hlophe... please 🙏, whatever you are planning... I don’t want it, to be like last time... If you feel like, you are not ready then let it go... let them have it... after all you have made enough money,” he says.

“Lalela la wena mfana, I am not retreating... I have a very huge family depending on me and who will feed them for me, I have enough but not enough... do you understand what I am saying,” he looks at Mulalo, who slowly nods.

“Now do me a favour and let me handle, my ‘supposed’ new family,” he says and turns around to face the open green fields.
One should see the face on Mulalo, I bet you that this idiot is planning something.

©All Rights Reserved By George Osumba.


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