Chapter 43 "Re-Visit"

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She took a huge leap of faith, as she entered in that room and quickly, closed the door.
He pulled her and they sat on that  small crèche chair, where Zithulele was sitting, with Angelina sitting on his laps and him placing his arm, around her waist, whilst she placed her arms around his neck.

“MaMashila,” this was the first time, he called her that... like called her by her surname.
It surprised her but she didn’t want to dig deep into it and so she slowly tightened her arms, around his neck.

“I am sorry for everything... I met you as a very good woman and I destroyed you... creating the worst version out of you, please forgive me,” Nganono said, as he let out a heavy sigh.
“It’s never been your problem... I got caught up in the space of fear and hatred... but nothing, and I mean nothing stopped me, from loving you, Nganono...,” she said, with her head now, leaning on his own.
“I know Angie but... I want to make things right... I want to let go,” he said.
She quickly removed her arms around his neck.
“What do you mean... let go,” she asked.
“I want a DIVORCE Angie... I want to end this marriage before you lose, your life... I would die, if I bury you, so please go,” he said.
Tears were already streaming down her face, as she stood in front of the same man that paid for her dowry.
The only man that could stand in  her father’s presence without flinching, that same man that she willing gave her heart too.
Today, he wants to separate and throw the towel away.
“I have sacrificed a lot, I have given so much to you and this family but today, you want to destroy my life... by taking ‘yourself’ away from me... you are practically sending me... back to my family... I will not allow this, I am staying here and that’s it,” she said and with that, she took her leave.

“Angie,” he called her name as she came out of the room and made her way downstairs, with tears streaming down.
She passed all of them, sitting in the living room and before she could leave, she spited on the family picture, that was on the wall and then made her way, outside, with tears streaming.

Before, I forget... I thought that I saw some dark skinned woman moving towards the backyard of the main house and she was wearing her black high heels – yeah I wasn’t wrong, she’s was literally looking around and making sure that nobody followed her.
I guess that it’s true, when they say that the wicked have no rest, I mean, only God knows what trouble she wanted to cause now.

She took out her phone and immediately dialled someone’s number and then placed the phone on her ear, I think she was making a phone call but to whom.

“Sawabona Dodakazi,” he said, as he picked up, with a smile, clearly unaware of the unhappiness on his daughter’s face.
I knew she was calling her father, from hell... Lucifer himself.

“Baba, I’m in big trouble here and this time... it’s my own son... it’s Zithulele,” she said as she looked around, obviously trying to see, if nobody followed her, and that’s when she moved a bit further from the main house and a bit closer to the garden.

“What is wrong with your son... MaKhanyile,” he asked.

“Baba, I personally don’t know what’s wrong but according to what that ‘demon’ said, I think that my own son is revealing my deceitful deeds or I guess in this case, our ‘deceitful deeds' to his family... I mean he said that he saw Buhle’s eyes in a village pot, which you and I, know that it’s your pot... and then he said that, Angelina’s child is being kept, away from her.... and recently he told me... his ‘own mother' that I am keeping something but it won’t be revealed by me, but by someone else ” she said.

“I understand but that shouldn’t be of great bother to you, he is still a child and his gift shouldn’t be of disturbance to you... and besides we have everything under control,” he said, surprising Harriet.

“Wait, what... what gift are you talking about... what gift does Zithulele have,” she asked.

“Don’t make me laugh, MaKhanyile... this is something that you should have known as a mother to the child,” he said.

“How was I supposed to know, I mean you never mentioned it... look Baba, I need a way forward... I have gained so much and endured a lot, just so that... all of us... including my brothers... can have this life that their living today,” she said.

“I understand MaKhanyile and like I said, it shouldn’t be of great bother to you... what you need to do... is too make sure that your son remains with you at all times... that boy is an heir to Zimele’s fortune, as an only son and at all times, he should be with you and you should smother him at all cost... baby him to a certain point... if you weren’t traveling around in the first place then he wouldn’t be going around and spilling out, our deeds... understood,” he said with a stern voice, it was as if was he’s warning her or something.

“I understand Baba,” and with that, she said her Goodbyes and ended the call immediately.

She then breathed in and out heavily, as if one under stress, and I know for a fact that she was under stress, with the way she rested her hands on her hip and her face fully focused on the vegetable that had some of it’s leaves, already growing on the fences.

She slowly turned around and that’s when she met with her own blood daughter and she looked like she was moving around the backyard, using the passage that is in between the main house and the garden – yes, she may have been blind but she knew the ins and outs of this place and everyone knew that she loved taking morning walks around their personal home and the family home in Sandton and Nqamakwe, where they are now.

Harriet did not pay attention to her but Instead moved to use the other side of the passage, as Buhle used the right side to come to the backyard, she will use the left side to leave the backyard.

She only took three steps, when she heard her crying and immediately she turned around and saw that she had fallen into the muddy waters, that was near the garden.

Buhle cried out her name, whilst trying to lift herself, from the mud and she knew it’s her, because of the cologne that she loves applying.

Those cries from Buhle, remind her of the day, that she teared her vagina and how she screamed, and for the mere fact that she refused to carry her or breast-feed her, truly amazes me – yes she refused to carry her and if you ask me why, I don’t know.

A deep sigh, came out with tears and as she quickly wiped them away, her eyes turned to the bucket of water, that was beside the tree and with a smile, she slowly walked over to it and took it, and then went back to the place, where Buhle was still trying to fight the mud that she couldn’t see and from there, Harriet immediately poured the water on her, making her to gasp, as the water 💦, made her more wet and more dirty.
She threw the bucket aside and looked at her, with so much disgust.

“I always hoped and prayed for a son wena Buhle but these useless ancestors from this family and the almighty God decided to bless me... with a daughter... a weakling... I hate you... if you had come out of my womb as a boy... as a man... then I wouldn’t have to steal from Hector, leading me to switch his children... I JUST WISH YOU CAN DIE!!,” she said with anger and as she turned around, she met with an angry face – yes she met with Angelina Mashila Dlamini KaDikana and she was not happy.
Not happy at all.

“Are you insane MaKhanyile, how dare you, do such an evil thing,” she said as she quickly moved to save Buhle from the muddy spot.
Harriet was just standing there, doing nothing, her eyes glued to Angelina, who was carrying Buhle.

“I was always suspicious of the day, that these children were born but still, I decided to overlook everything because I thought that I was being paranoid or something but right now... I know everything... it has been you all along,” she said with distorted voice, as she carried Buhle in her arms.
Oh my god, she was very dirty.

“I don’t know what you are talking about... just go back to where you came from and mind your business and that’s giving your husband a child,” Harriet says

“Oh please, cut me that useless crap... you know fully well that, I’m saying the truth and you are the only wife, who seems to have a problem with everyone and everything in this family and even worse, you have a witchdoctor for a father... so I’m guessing that your son or sorry... Ma’s son was saying the truth, regarding the fact that someone connected to us, is behind my childlessness and the blindness of this small beautiful girl.... after all Zithulele said that, the person who is a ‘he’ will not stop until that which he brought, is given happiness,” she said as she carried Buhle in her arms and as for Harriet, she did not even look bothered at all.

“Everyone will hear about this... everyone will know how evil you are... Buhle my child... let’s go” she said and immediately she began to go back to the front screaming Nganono’s name, leaving Harriet scared and one could see that she was panicking and with that... her eyes moved to the stone near the garden and immediately, she picked it and bashed it, on Angelina’s head.

Angelina immediately fell to the muddy ground, with blood oozing out of her head and as for Buhle, who was also on the ground, with Angelina’s arm over her, began to cry, leaving Harriet, with no choice... but to do, the unthinkable.
She looked aside, and using the same brick, she bashed her on the side of her face and immediately she died on the spot.

“From Dust to Dust, and from Ashes to Ashes... it’s done... Lala Ngoxolo... Angelina Mashila and Buhle Dlamini KaDikana,” she said, as she looked at their lifeless bodies.
She immediately took the stone and made her way, out of the place, before anyone could see her.
It hurts her that she had to resort to this, killing her own sister-in-law and daughter.
They is no heaven anymore for her, hell is comfortably waiting for her.
MaKhanyile will burn.

©All Rights Reserved By George Osumba.

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