Chapter 56

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Breakfast has been served and only God knows the length that Zimele went to, in order for him to prepare such a delicacy for breakfast... and by lengths, I mean ‘ordering’ the food and having it, delivered on his doorstep by the delivery guy... the only thing that he did was dish it out and set the table.
He looks proudly as he watches his husband and son eat their food, but something about Zithulele is not good.
I mean he has been looking at Hector’s belly for the past three days now and with the way, he is looking... it’s becoming creepy, because it’s like he zones out and something or someone else replaces him.
“Zithulele are you not going to eat your food,” Zimele says to him... and immediately it’s like he is brought out of another universe.
You see what I was talking about.
“Oh, I am so sorry Baba... I was just thinking about something,” he says and immediately he begins to eat.
No doubt that Zimele loves Zithulele but they is something between them, that screams world’s apart... It’s like their don’t share a bond and I don’t know whether it’s because he was raised by Harriet or maybe... It’s one of those things, where we see children having no absolute connection with their parents or one parent.

“Can I ask you a question... why did you ever fall in love with Ma... like weren’t they people better than him or... people that could see you for what you and your family really were,” Zithulele says.
You should see Hector and Zimele’s face.
To say that their shocked is beyond the least, I am telling you that these people or persons are surprised.
Hector looks at Zimele and tries to talk but quickly places his hand on Hector’s own and slowly nods his head, as he looks into Hector’s eyes and then turns to look at his nine year old son.
“Well, my son... that’s a tough question but all I can say is that... your mother was different in every aspect and the clear evidence was with the way, he cared for his siblings... Kedibone, Morena and little ‘talkative’ Thato... he would have been a young man now but nevertheless... your mother proved it to me that, not once or twice... but countless times that she was the one made for me, I mean it’s only the one created for you that can be able to handle and manage you perfectly... and see... just see for yourself how he has changed my life,” he turns to look at Hector and you should see those tears already gearing up in his eyes.
“And that of my family... your mother has built and cared for four strong men and their cousins... their partners and their offsprings,” he says.

“But what if... what if, something happened and you are told that, he did something terribly wrong... something very wrong against you... would... would you kill him,” Zithulele says.
Immediately the atmosphere on the table, changes and it’s not a joke anymore.
I mean just by looking at Hector and with the way, he is breathing... to him, it’s like he knows that Zithulele knows something and what if it’s the pregnancy, after all this boy is spiritual connected.
“What type of question is that, Zithulele,” Hector asks.
You should see Zimele’s face, it’s giving anger mixed with shock.
“I am sorry Ma and I sincerely apologize for making it sound... like I don’t respect anyone on this table... but I demand my question to be answered and I want my father to answer that question... because it’s important for me and my mission,” he says.
Zimele let’s out heavy, this is not the breakfast that he was looking forward too, with his family and as he looks at Hector, it’s another story.
Mission... what mission.
“Look, Son... I would never harm your mother or even lay a finger on him,” he says and slowly Hector looks down and not because he sympathizes with what his husband said or because he knows that his husband is telling the truth but he knows that... his lying through his teeth.
He would kill him, the very moment he found out that he is carrying another man’s child.
“Your mother has always forgiven me and countless times for that matter... so whatever he does will be blameless in my eyes... because I know that firstly your mother would never do anything harm or hurt me... do you understand me,” he says.
And slowly Zithulele nods his head.
“Now eat your food and stop asking adults questions... it’s actually very rude to talk at the table,” he says and slowly Zithulele eats his food, whilst looking at his mother’s belly and as for Hector he continues to look at Zimele and only flashes a ‘pasted’ smile... when he looks his way.


I hate things like this... because now who told these people to prepare a baby shower.
I mean isn’t Hector past that stage and only God knows that he can do without this, for at least now.... because what’s the point of setting up a baby shower for a child that possibly belongs to another family... even worse a Congolese family.
But then what he doesn’t know won’t kill him yet, I said... yet.
“Is everything ready, because we are leaving the warehouse now,” Ziyanda sends a message in the WhatsApp group... Oh 😳 My Word, so these old people even know about these WhatsApp groups and stuff, that means that they came prepared.
“Nope, we are not ready... the cake hasn’t arrived and the pink balloons are still being arranged,” Lerato sends a response, to Ziyanda’s message.
You should see the frustration that immediately covers Ziyanda’s face... It’s not the answer that she’s looking for.
I mean what’s hard for them to just organise a small baby shower of up to 20 people, excluding the ‘real men’ of the family.... yes, Zimele and his brothers know of this but their not invited... in fact their baby sitting in Nganono’s house whilst his new girlfriend that we haven’t seen yet, glorify herself at the baby shower... yes she’s there including Hector’s family and Aunt Nokubonga.
After all this is a second time that their getting a girl and second chances aren’t to be messed up with.

Hector instructed the driver to please drive slow and also to play some weird music that he saw in a Nigerian movie, somewhere on YouTube and DStv.
Yes, their rich and they can afford cars with Bluetooth and internet inside, so the driver has no choice but to drive slow and play that weird music.
As they drive, Ziyanda notices that something is not okay with Hector and that’s despite the fact he is wearing his 2007 Matric Jacket, with the cool catz design, which I haven’t seen in ten years, but anyways... honestly speaking... it feels like he is in a distant world and a huge wall has been built around this world, which makes it very difficult for you to enter and that’s unlike him... I mean everyone knows that Hector likes keeping secrets but not as this level... it’s as if he has also become a secret.
“What’s bothering you,” Ziyanda asks.
Hector let’s out a heavy sigh as he looks outside through the car window.
“Look, Ziyanda... I truly appreciate you for everything that you have done for me... you have been a good big sister and a good sister-in-law to me, in the years of my life in this family but I need your assurance with something, if anything happens to me... I need your assurance that Zithulele, Prince and Nathi will taken care of... in fact all of the children will be taken care of,” he says and slowly tears start to stream.
And immediately Ziyanda raises a glass shield, between them and the driver.
Expensive ‘sad’ rich life.

“What’s the problem... Ma, I mean... It’s not the first time that you are pregnant and it most certainly won’t be the last time... so don’t worry, I am here... everyone is here and most importantly, your husband... Zimele, will be you, at the every step that you take,” she says, as she slowly rubs her hand, on his back.
Hector looks outside and with those heavy signs of tears in his eyes... because he knows that Zimele will be there and he will be responsible for the last breathe that he takes.
That’s how dangerous, the man that he occasionally opens his body for, is.

They have arrived and I was right... they hosted the event at the Sandton Mansion and I thank God that they were able to hide everything in the huge backyard of this glorious house.
“We are outside, already... please tell everyone to get ready,” Ziyanda sends an SMS to Lerato.
As they come out of the car, Hector asks to be excused first, that he wants to use the toilet.
He enters, whilst Ziyanda remains at passage and she is busy checking her phone.
“So are you going to tell me that... you were waiting outside for me, am I that special or is it simply because I am carrying your girlfriend,” Hector says, as he comes out of the bathroom and it looks like he was crying.
But Ziyanda won’t mind that, she won’t ask questions... just in case he begins to cry again.
“Of course, you are carrying my girlfriend... I am tired of having boys around,” she says, as she slowly places her arm in his own and they begin to walk... I don’t know that word but it’s arms in arms... this way should lead them to the backyard.
“Now, where are you taking me too... because I am pretty sure that you know fully well that this house... is like my husband, I know it very well,” he says.
“Don’t worry, I can’t let you walk alone... because you are carrying my girlfriend and secondly,” she stops as they arrive at the glass doors that should be opened but are closed and covered with a curtain.
She moves to open the curtains.
“Surpriseeeee,” she screams as she opens the curtains and then the doors.
It’s truly... is amazing 🙂😍.
They outdid themselves.
They come outside and you should see Hector’s face.
It’s leaking... I am telling you that no one can outcry Hector.
“Wow... So you guys knew and kept it a secret... devils,” he says and slowly moves to sit in his chair.
They all laugh.

Everywhere is pink and you should see MmeMoichela and Aunt Gloria including Aunt Nokubonga not forgetting Uncle Daniel’s wife.
These people have changed not for the worst but for the ultimate best... they look moneyed on another level.
“So, Aunt Gloria... you finally came after so many years and after so many occasions have passed,” Hector says as Aunt Gloria moves to give him... a hug.
“No... No... No... Don’t blame me... blame that your uncle that loves my vagina more than anything... I mean the man won’t let me go,” she says and immediately everyone laughs.
“Mara Nawe Gloria... Can’t you see that their children around,” MmeMoichela says to her.
“At least these children will know that our privates objects belong to those that pay the dowry,” she says.
One thing about Aunt Gloria, is that the woman has no filter... she says it, the way her mouth sees it.
Everyone is laughing.

“So, this is for my niece to come and don’t worry, I didn’t pay for... it was Morena that sent it for you, all the way from Dubai” – Kedibone
“So you wanted to bask in his glory,” Hector asks.
“No, it was sent from a Masilo to a Masilo and then the very same Masilo is passing it, on... to another Masilo and that in this case... is you and nobody else... so in that way, it’s more of a family thing... so do me a favour and consider it a gift from the family,” she says and immediately disappears after placing the wrapped gift on the pink carpeted floor, next to Hector’s chair.
Leaving Hector with a smile.
Music gets played to the maximum... thanks to Nganono’s new girlfriend... Hector doesn’t like her but if she will make Nganono happy, then it’s fine.
I mean she looks fine and all but for me... I just hope that another Harriet has not sneaked in and it looks like she has found a new friend in Nathan’s wife, I even forgot to mention her and that’s because this woman never attends family gatherings and I am sure she only came to this one, because her husband forced her.

“So, every single time... I always have to search for you and be able to gossip with you, in peace and without people’s interference... this is totally not fair towards your own mother,” Uncle Daniel’s wife says to Hector, who was busy staring at the new current addition to the Dlamini KaDikana Clan.
“Its not like that... I have been busy, Aunty,” he says, with a pasted smile and in all honesty, I know that Hector wants to dodge this conversation, because every single time that he meets with Uncle Daniel and his wife... or any of them separately... his mind always drifts to that conversation that he had with Lerato’s grandmother, on her wedding day.
Up until today, that conversation still makes me angry.
Like how can a grandmother, as sweet as her... be so secretive and dangerous to that extent.

He follows her to the kitchen and slowly sits down on the kitchen stool, and watches her pour the apple juice in her glass first and then in his own.
She gives Hector his own glass first and then her own, secondly.
“I have good news for you, Hector,” she says... sitting down on the kitchen stool opposite him and you should see Hector... he is surprised.
“What’s the good news,” he asks.
“I know that I am old and the whole menopause thing but I am glad to say that I am four weeks pregnant,” she says with a smile, leaving Hector shocked.
“That’s... that’s great news... does uncle know about this yet and how did you even find out” he asks, with a smile and obviously shocked.
This is good news... in fact brilliant news, finally this woman will be able to carry her own child and be called woman amongst women.
“Your uncle knows already, and you should have seen his face... he was happy and joyous... regarding the finding out part, I found out... two days ago before we planned this whole thing,” she says.
She looks proud of herself... I honestly thought that she wasn’t going to give birth or at least be able to carry her own children... but what it is I thank God for this miracle that he has poured on this woman... he has remembered her, just like how he remembered Sarah in the Bible and just like how remembered Hannah.

“I am so happy for you, Aunty and I pray that this child will be like a blessing to you and the entire Masilo family... so I guess that my mother will have to play grandmother and Aunty-mother to our children,” he says, with a smile.
I am super happy for her... just imagine, she will finally become a mother.
But Hector knows deep within in his heart that this may be her first child but it’s most definitely not Uncle Daniel’s first child... and that’s because Lerato is the first child.
But that’s another story for another day.
At least the Masilo Ancestors are not like the Dlamini KaDikana.


Nqamakwe is the 'rich' village to be around this time of this year and I say so, because the grass is super green now and it looks like the mountains are already screaming for it’s occupants... meaning people need to come back home and enjoy, after all the year is almost over.
But nothing can out design the beautiful ‘Dlamini KaDikana Homestead' that screams wealth, power and death... and as for death, I am literally talking about the cemeteries here and I can see Buhle and Angelina’s gravesite... I miss them 😭😭 big time but it looks like the graves needs cleaning... the last time Hector fixed this graves, he was something like six months pregnant.
And he was just singing, I am not sure which song but apparently it was Buhle’s favourite song, I think it was the one that Nganono and his brothers loved, when they were kids.

I can see some of the maids and the palace guards cleaning the yard, and others cutting the long grasses... nobody goes to the cemetery, only family and blood related for that matter.
I think everything is going well but wait... what am I seeing... is that a woman moving towards the ancestral room, she’s dressed in tattered clothes and her eyes are black.
It’s like... she’s being controlled.
She enters into the ancestral room and closes the door behind.
She’s very fast.
“Show me the bowl... that carries the blood of Zimele Dlamini KaDikana and Hector Masilo Dlamini KaDikana,” she says with a distorted voice.
I was right... she’s being controlled, because that ‘very’ deep voice is not designed for women like her and I bet you... that Zulus along with their ‘entire’ bass nation... can’t arrive at the bass in this woman’s voice... it’s like she carries a nation of unwanted demons in her vocal cords.
The bowl immediately appears and she smiles... I know this bowl, Oh My God... it’s the same bowl that Mabutho used to drop in strides of blood that belonged to Hector and Zimele, when he used the razor blade on them.
What’s this demon doing with it.
She opens her mouth and releases a dark air... some darkness is pushed into the bowl and when she’s done.
She puts the bowl on the floor.
“For every good thing in this universe, a bad thing must always lie beside it or behind it...  I proclaim disaster upon this union that was meant to bring peace, love and honour to this home... Hector home is waiting for you,” and with that she cracks a laughter... a witch’s laugh.
Zithulele immediately wakes up and he is still at Nganono’s house and I am possibly sure that it’s past 7pm already.
He slept in Nganono’s room, yes he is the only one that can comfortably enjoy that king sized bed without anyone saying anything... after all it’s his twin.

But that’s the least of his worries now... he knows that something is up and that darkness has been released.
He needed small time, just small time... in order for him to be able too fight this thing, without him going through the ‘whole’ sacrificing his own unborn baby sister.
But they is no time for that, that demonic thing has been unleashed... so now he needs to tell the truth before it’s too late.

He enters into the living room and he sees all of them laughing, including Uncle Mukuna, whose carrying his child, the central African baby and Uncle Nathan but he can’t see his father.
I wonder where the heck could he be.
And they all become quiet, when they see him coming and then they is Nganono, who looks very concerned.
“My son, what’s the problem... shouldn’t you he sleeping upstairs,” Nganono says.
If you are asking, where the other kids are... then you will find them in another room and their all sleeping... thanks to cocomelon and SpongeBob squarepants.
“Zithulele, you need to start talking because you are really scaring us now and it’s not a joke,” that’s Nkosi.
He hates this spiritual shit.
He moves to sit down and immediately they all know that something is up and it’s very serious.

“I have something that I need to tell you and it’s concerning... your father and his request that would save us from an impending calamity that is about to befall this family’s centrepiece of which is my mother,” and immediately everyone’s attention is grabbed by those last words... ‘My Mother’.


“You called me very early, I thought the party had to end around 10pm or wasn’t the party that huge and glorious for my dear husband and our beautiful daughter,” Zimele asks Hector with a smile, whilst driving the car out of the Sandton Mansion.
Leaving noise and unlimited music inside... I guess someone unlocked the beverage side of everything.
Everyone will be sleeping here, including Hector’s mother, I fully support the notion... we can’t subject the woman to another onlyfans and pornbub.
“I wasn’t feeling the party anymore, Zimele and besides we need to talk... I have a confession to make,” he says looking at Zimele.
He is so serious.
“Look, Mawami... the last time you told me about this thing called confession... you left me on a dry cliff-hanger for weeks... so if you know that you won’t confess leave it,” he says.
Yoh, guys... I am scared.... what is Hector trying to do... I mean they’re other ways to solving this mess rather than him confessing.
“I am serious.... Take me to Johannesburg Taxi Rank, I want us to go back... to where it all started.... all those years ago, way before the children, the money and family came into picture,” he says.
Immediately seriousness covers Zimele’s face..
I don’t what is Hector planning to do but whatever it is... he better make it out alive and still rock that Matric Jacket that he is wearing in ten years from now... because I can’t risk him dying and leaving his children and family behind.

©All Rights Reserved By George Osumba.

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