Chapter 55

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This Mall looks so beautiful and without saying... things have totally changed for the Dlamini KaDikana Family and it’s finally looking bright for everyone, I mean it’s been a while since anything ‘concerning’ drama took place in this family but like they say... is they any peace for the wicked or in this case... will Hector find any peace.
In just two months, everything could change either for the better or for the worst... I mean he doesn’t know the person responsible for his pregnancy, whether it’s Tarcise or Zimele.
I even remember when the news of Hector fainting in one of his warehouse... met the doors of the media, since those workers were so generous with the information and others even saying that it’s only pregnancy that can make a person faint like that, as if some fainting have descriptions and even those nurses at the hospital helped to push the information... now imagine the Congolese brother sent a message telling Hector that if the child is his... then he must be prepared to co-parent or to give up his child, they is no place in hell... where he will allow another man raise his blood... it’s over his dead body.

I for one think that... he must be prepared to eat those ‘over his dead body’ words because when Zimele finds out and I know he will find out... he might even hurt Hector.
Anyways... It’s almost end of the year and Hector is already at the entrance to hell... because he knows fully well that when that child will smile and she will obviously smile... it’s over for him.
Like how can a simple mistake be so COSTLY... Zimele will never understand and nobody will.
And Speaking of Zimele... I mean he has resorted to thinking that it’s just those hormones and... this has made him and Zithulele to tiptoe around him.
Nobody wants to get in the way of a pregnant-stressed-man.

He still doesn’t have a plan, but I know he will deal with it when it comes and I repeat... I know that despite Hector forgiving Zimele... a countless times for cheating, Zimele will never.
I don’t know why.
I am sorry, I totally forgot about the mall and the fact that it looks beautiful... and that’s because it’s empty and it’s mid-month... so you know how dry those places can be, most especially Mall Of Africa, Sandton Mall and Greenstone Mall.
Ever since, they found out about the pregnancy... I don’t know what happened but all I know is that, whenever Hector is going out, other than the warehouses... someone must follow him, amongst the brothers and today, it’s the third born brother and he looks handsome but still bald... I don’t why Nganono and Nkosi opted for being Zuma-ed.
“So are you going to tell me, about the woman that I have been seeing you with in the media, after all Pravin has been fighting invisible fights with them, for your name and that lady’s name, of which I don’t know yet,” Hector says to Nganono, who only smiles showing those dimples, as they sit down in the mall and in some posh restaurant that looks way out of my budget.
I mean I may even have to sell my left kidney and do prostitution for a way to least afford a sit, at this place.
Speaking of Pravin, I have no words... you guys will just have to wait and see for yourself.
All I can say, is that the man gets a lot of money.

“I have to find someone before Aunt Nokubonga throws a village woman in my way, you know how she can be,” he says, making Hector to smile.
In all of the brothers, Hector never received 'hazard’ problems from Nganono and his life.
I feel like he has always wanted to remain a closed book and that’s most found definitely in third born children or as people like to say ‘middle children'... I am not one but I feel like it’s a common thing in those people.
“And, are you guys serious, because if you are serious... then do me a favour and bring her, I want to see her and judge her for myself,” he says.
Nganono smiles, he looks like his brothers shame.
“We are not serious and that’s because she’s not like you,” he says looking at Hector.
“Meaning,” he asks.
Very Confused.
“I want someone that is faithful, loyal and very much understanding like you... I mean just look at how you have changed us and blessed us, along the way... in the past 9 years, you have become our rock and shelter... I want someone that will be my rock and shelter,” he says to Hector and he is serious... but need I mention that Nganono always has my attention, when he speaks... this guy has the ability to be serious and also a jerk like his brothers, sometimes.
“But I also make mistakes... I am not perfect and I am most definitely not a shelter or rock,” he says, trying to shake off those words.
It’s as if he doesn’t deserve it...
“Well, you are... a rock and shelter... and you have proved that, a lot of times...  I mean you are practically the reason why we have our paternal surname and the whole billions in our accounts and also the reason why our family is super close now... remembering when we came from, all these years... you are a blessing,” he says to Hector.
Why isn't when you have done something wrong, that's when you begin to get praises.

Hector looks aside, I highly doubt that he was expecting to have such a conversation with Nganono... I mean it feels wrong that he is busy praising him, whilst right there, in his womb... they is something that could destroy his life and whatever he has built in this family and  what’s worse, he might even skip the country or kill himself.
Because I know that... all hell in the heavens will be left lose, when Zimele finds out.


Everything is coming in full close with House Of Masilo and I assure you that, it going to be very big and enormous in a way that, it should be.
But I hope that Hector will still be alive, by the time... it launches in the following year.
He arrives home with a stack of papers in his hands and his feet is killing him, and that’s because they’re super swollen.
And let’s be honest... this pregnancy didn’t give him that, huge nose and dark skin but it rather made him more beautiful and drop dead handsome.
He enters into the kitchen and it’s not make sure... I mean the entire kitchen looks like a war field, like I wonder what died in here and came out as a Zombie.
He stands at the entrance and looks at the war, it’s Zimele and he is trying to figure things out.

He laughs.
And Immediately Zimele looks up, and into the smoke, he sees the apple of his eye and the mother of his children.
He quickly runs away from that smoke and immediately to Hector, and before he can say anything.
He runs to the belly and smiles, as he kneels on one knee.

“Good day, my beautiful daughter... I wanted to prepare something special for you and your mother...but Zimkhita wami,” he says as he turns around and they is smoke, around the stove area.
He let’s out a heavy breathe that passes through his teeth.
“I think that I will need some guidance from my lovely husband,” he looks up and sees Hector smiling.
He slows stands up and their eyes meet.
“I think I will be needing your help, Mawami... I know they is so much work at House Of Masilo but I need help here, and it’s over there,” he says, pointing to the kitchen behind him with his thumb and slowly Hector, holds his hand and takes him to the stove area and it looks like he was preparing some... whatever, I don’t even know what he was cooking, because it’s completely burnt beyond recognition.

“Take that pot and place it, in the sink,” he says, pointing him to the sink behind him.
He does that and slowly Hector... moves to open the cupboard and tells him that... to take the pot and rinse it first, after which he must place it, on the stove... with some small water.
He does that and slowly Hector begins to prepare Zimele’s favourite meal, and that’s pap and meat... not just any meat, beef... also not forgetting some soup.
Zimele watches as Hector moves around the kitchen and in 1 hour with some few minutes... the food is ready.
And in that midst, he was able to prepare a fruit salad, with only bananas and apples.
The love that this man has for fruits when pregnant, is astounding.

“I always wondered, why you never taught me... how to cook and take care of a beautiful person like you,” Zimele says, massaging Hector’s feet, which have become big and swollen.
And his massaging it, with hot water and a cloth... Zimele once used a certain rub that turned Hector’s legs into tomato 🍅... they were so red.
Everything about this ‘pregnancy’ is just so traditional.
“But how could I teach you, when you never had time for me... you were always busy with Dlamini KaDikana empire and the never ending drama in this family but... It’s not like, you are leaving me anytime soon,” he says.
Zimele smiles like a donkey, with those dimples.
“But I have a question... and it’s not going to make sure,” Zimele says.
“What is the question,” he asks... obviously enjoying the foot massage 🙂 and I can see, with the way that he has closed his eyes, that he is most definitely enjoying it.
Like SERIOUSLY enjoying it.

“When you were pregnant, with the twins... they used to be happy whenever I was around... I mean every time I touched your feet or any part of your body, you would complain about how they were kicking... now what happened with this one,” he asks.
You should see Hector’s face... I mean this man has become so serious and trying to swallow his saliva, slowly and painful.

“Maybe... It’s because she’s a girl and girls, are their birth givers, best friend,” he says.
He is most clearly not enjoying this conversation... I mean according to him... he wishes that it can just end.
“But aren’t girls supposed to be their father’s favourite... I mean since the twins used to kick... then surely she must be jumping,” he says with a smile and it showcases those deep dimples.
I think Hector needs to come up with something, before this man makes him angry... like super mad.
“Which reminds me... I remember this other day, after Mme caught us in the carage,” he says... you should see Zimele’s face... he doesn’t like to remember that day or what happened... I am sure that he wishes that he had bleach to ’wipe’ out the mere fact that his mother saw and even said... ‘its not that big’ 🤣🤣🤣.
I have never laughed like that, in my life.

“And what about that day, what happened,” he says... now slowly massaging the feet... like extremely slowly.
“She told me about how a certain woman that came to her and spoke about the resemblance that her boss’s child, who happens to be a wealthy politician in Mbombela has with Zithulele.... and you...,” he says... looking at him.
You know that face.
“Me... why on earth would a child look like me or are you saying that I am cheating,” he says.
He is no longer massaging that feet, in fact he slowly places it down and moves to look at Hector, who hasn’t changed on the face but body weight.
It’s another issue.

“I didn’t say so... she just said that the child looked like Zithulele and you... if I remember clearly... she said that they were like twins or something... and that the boy has dimples and also stubborn and naughty, which reminds me of you,” he says.
Zimele is surprised but you should see Hector, and how he is failing to stand from the chair.
Being Pregnant is not easy, I mean it’s swollen feet and the back pain... and also the huge nose and the heaviness of the load within the belly.
Zimele smiles as he slowly moves to help him and slowly Hector holds him, by the arm... and leads him to the bedroom upstairs... since they were in the lounge and the last final show of the evening is done... yebo it’s the Queen that plays on Mzansi Magic... DStv.
They didn’t watch it... because they were busy talking.

Hector slowly sits on the bed and Zimele takes his legs... and places them on the bed... Hector sits up and with rests his back to the wall.
“I want to ask you something and I need your honest opinion,” he says to Zimthele... who looks like his mind is deeply rooted in far thoughts.
“Hello.... Zimele,” and immediately it’s as if he is brought back to life... I think he was thinking about the whole resemblance and twin thing, that Hector told him about.
“What... Mawami,” he asks... sitting down on the chair, near Hector.
“I want to talk to you, about something or rather ask you something,” he says.
“You are free to ask,” he says.
“Would you forgive me... if I ever cheat on you,” he says.
You should see Zimele’s face... It has become a power station.
The man looks angry.
“I wouldn’t but instead I would kill you,” he says to Hector... straight forward.
Hector is not surprised to hear those words but in the way and manner... in which he said it, it’s truly haunting and utterly disgusting.
“But then again I know that you can never cheat on me and that’s because you are my loyal, faithful and beautiful husband,” he says and then with a smile... it’s a kiss that lands on Hector’s cheek.

He then hops into the bed and begins to have a conversation with the baby, meanwhile Hector breathes in and out, heavily as he looks at the way, Zimele is busy having a father- daughter discussion with a child that could never be his.


The Corridors are dark and slippery but they is something about this place that reminds me of the old Dlamini home and I am not talking about the Nqamakwe homestead or the Sandton Mansion... or any of the houses that belong to the four ‘dimpled’ brothers or their cousins.
This house looks like... I think I know the place but too remember is the problem... yes now I remember it’s BabDlamini’s old house and I was right... these corridors are wet, like it’s water around and everything’s is in tatters.
I mean just by looking and you can see that, it’s only the dead that live here.
“Thank You,” those were the words that Bab'Dlamini.... used, when Mabutho pointed at him and fired a shot killing him immediately.
But Today, it’s the day, like any other day that Zithulele will be talking to his grandfather and they always meet here, almost every single time.
And he hates it.

“Look, Mkhulu... I understand but some things are beyond my control and that’s because I am a child and as such what you are asking me to do, is totally wrong... just imagine me telling my parents and the entire family that you want to be reburied in Nqamakwe with my grandmother and my grandfather... who happens to be Ma’s father,” he says, whilst looking at Bab’Dlamini... who hasn’t even changed in years and what’s worse... he still the very same ‘evil’ man that he was based on his current look.

“I know but like I said... I want my body in the same place with my ancestors... I want the soil of Nqamakwe to cover my body and that of my spouses... Nomashenge and Jerry... I want my family with me... I want to see and laugh with my paternal ancestors and rest with them, so please talk to your uncles and father, and who knows maybe they might listen to you and... I might be coming home,” he says with a smile.
I have always loved his smile and that’s despite the fact that he was a very much ‘evil’ person.
“I am not disputing that but all I am saying, is that why now and why this time.... when the family has healed... when the family has finally passed a whole seven months, without problems and drama... most especially for my mother’s sake,” he says.
I understand where this boy is coming from, I mean what’s up, with this ‘digging of the bodies’ that are possibly decomposed or rotten... or even worse, in Nomashenge’s sake... it’s only her bones.
And besides, nobody except him... knows where they can find the body of Nomashenge.
“Do you know the reason why I want this... why I want my remains to be taken to Nqamakwe and that of... Nomashenge and Jerry too... it’s because I am trying to solve a problem... a very dangerous problem that accompanies the bead that the chosen one wears,” he says.
“What bead, are you talking about... Mkhulu,” he asks.
“The bead that your mother wears carries luck, opportunities and extreme wealth for its carrier and the person that falls in love with them but then again... It also carries a certain evil spirit that awaits for any form of ‘darkness’ for it to enter and the moment it enters... it doesn’t turn left or take right but it goes straight to the person... and in this case, it’s your father... he is going to kill your mother, after he finds out, what he has done,” he says.
Yoh Guys, Hector will be killed by Zimele.
It’s not absolutely fair... I mean what darkness is he talking about or could he be referring to Hector’s cheating with Tarcise... because I for one, can’t understand.

“I can see you are scared but that’s the dark side of the bead... and let me be honest with you... this spirit gives us a reason to kill... It gives people a reason to overlook any other ‘possible’ solution and that death is the only way... It started before you were born and it will continue... if you don’t put a stop to it,” he says.
“Okay, I understand but what’s the solution... you can’t tell me that everything will be sorted out, when you are buried in Nqamakwe, along with grandmother’s body that nobody knows where it is or grandfather’s body that I am pretty sure would not be allowed to leave the cemeteries and sent to Nqamakwe,” he says.
“About your grandmother’s body that, shouldn’t be your problem, because after this... you will see... but the problem now,” he stops and looks at the small boy in front of him, and let’s out a deep sigh.
“The problem is that I need help in fighting this spirit and you are right... everything will not be sorted out by me and your other grandparents being buried in Nqamakwe,” he says.
“Okay, What Help,” he asks.
This floor is so wet... they is practically water everywhere.
“Its not that easy and it won’t be,” he says and then takes his eyes down.
“I want the blood of Zimkhita spilled on my burial ground... meaning she must die, so that I can return and your mother’s life must be saved,”  he says.😯
And now you should see Zithulele’s Face 😠 ... he looks like Nganono, when he is angry... I mean who am I joking... this boy is practically a duplicate of Nganono... his twin.
“Excuse me... No, I won’t accept such Mkhulu... they is no way on this earth that I am going to allow you or anyone take away the person that is meant to bring joy and happiness to my parents and the entire family... absolutely no, I won’t allow such,” he says... he is angry.
I mean I am also angry, why Zimkhita... why must it be Hector’s children.

“Then you must be ready to bury your mother in a fire place, because just like how Harriet was killed by your father... Hector’s own will be worse, because the knife digs deep, where the meat is heavy,” he says.
You should see Zithulele’s face... I mean the boy is about to burst out heavy streams of tears and cause a river to flow, because WOW this is too much.
He closes his eyes and is busy screaming NO!!! on a loud voice, and that’s when he wakes up and finds himself in his room and everywhere is normal... it’s like he is back to the land of the living.
He looks around and then his eyes, immediately fall to the ground and there... it is... a book that he has never seen in this house.
He looks at the book before moving to touch it... and that’s when the pages in the book start flapping or skipping pages and before you know it... it takes him to the last few pages of the book.
He then slowly takes the book and then as he  begins to read those pages, whilst sitting down on his study table and immediately it feels like he is being taken to a time that his existence was not even known.
He looks around and sees himself in the woods... and it’s really quiet, it’s like... Oh My God... I know this place.

It’s Ameva.

©All Rights Reserved By George Osumba

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