Chapter 46

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HE TURNED around for the last time with dried tears as they drove off in an entourage of nine expensive cars that were leading them to the airport, but I don’t want to talk about the ‘burning’ of the clothes... it wasn’t easy... I simply don’t want to talk about it.
For Now.
He saw the crosses up that hill, where they drove off.
He knew for sure that he was leaving his daughter and sister-wife behind in that scary place, a place of loneliness and isolation.
It’s almost 4:00am on the dot, when they arrive at their mansion in Johannesburg and you should see Hector’s face, when Harriet slowly comes out of the car, carrying Zithulele and making her way, to the house.

He feels hurt, I know that he wanted to carry his own daughter like that but then this is fate and fate is never fair to anyone.
As they all enter in the mansion, with Zimele bringing in the bags, that look super and well damned heavy, the house feels so cold.
Back to the bags, Hector’s own seem black but Harriet’s own... it’s Louise Vuitton.

Buhle’s photos are all hanging on the wall, including that family portrait that they all took, all five of them.
Harriet was around.
He looks around the house and you should see the tears, that start to stream down.
I sometimes wonder why do bad things, happen to GOOD PEOPLE... Like we are good people and we do good things for people, so why should we suffer.
He slowly shakes his head, with tears streaming down his face, and he knows that, he must not be here.
Not Now. Not Today.
He takes the remote gate and the car keys to the Porsche in the garage, and makes his way towards it.
Meanwhile Zimele, who has safely placed his bags into his rooms and left Harriet’s bag outside her door, hears the engine coming on.
He runs down the stairs, and tries to stop Hector but he is already driving the car out of the yard.
He runs back into the house 🏠, but can’t find the keys to the other cars and even the remotes.
Hector took everything.
So I am guessing that, he doesn’t want to be followed.

He needed some air, a perfect strong air to ‘breathe in’ and he wanted to stay away from everything that screams Dlamini KaDikana family, he wanted to isolate himself from whatever demon or thing that keeps on hurting him.
The sign says, Germiston and he follows it, he doesn’t even know where he is heading too but he is not returning.
He keeps on hitting the steering wheel, with so much tears and the sound of his phone ringing, making him angry, that he even throws the phone.
Yes, he sends the phone out through the window.

He finally stops at a very weird petrol station and when I say weird, I mean... who opens up a petrol station in the middle of nowhere.
Economic Management Science in progress.
It’s already 6:00 am but everywhere is still dark... talk about Summer coming.
He enters into the shop, and he doesn’t even have money but he will use Zimele’s credit card to swipe for food and a... bottle of wine.
Seriously Hector and wine, has Angelina’s spirit covered him?
The female cashier is just looking at him, from head to toe and finally confirms his identification, when he points her to the newspaper stand.
“Next time you ask, I am Hector Masilo,” and slowly he takes his leave.
It’s been so long, since he called himself Hector Masilo, without dragging that Nguni surname behind.
He enters into the car and closes the door and opens the wine bottle, and quickly drinks the wine from the bottle.
After all they is no glass or mug.
He slides down and switches off the car light, he didn’t even eat the food that he bought.

Food for internal decoration.


There’s Light outside, meaning it’s already in the morning and the way, it’s shining bright... I am sure, it’s around 9:00am.
He is awaken by a knock on the car window and you guessed it right – it’s Zimele knocking on the car window and from where, I am standing... I can see Nkosi, Mabutho and finally Nganono.
The question is how did they find him and can’t they live without him.
They is seriously no PRIVACY in this Nguni family.
He let’s out a heavy sigh as he looks at the man, on his window.
I can tell you for sure that he is not happy at all.
He rolls down the window and sees through the outside window, one big expensive car.
I am sure that it’s for Mabutho, because that one likes showing off, secretly.

“What do you want from me and how did you even find me,” he says.
He is angry, super angry.

“I understand your anger Mawami... but we are a family and you taught us, to always look after each other,” he says.
I can see he is trying to apply, reverse knowledge but Hector is not feeling it.
“And besides, your credit card or rather my credit card, showed us this place, including your phone that you threw in the middle of the nowhere,” he says, showing Hector that smartphone.
It’s still new on the market.
But the screen is badly broken, you can only see the ink that has heavily covered the digits that show the time.
“I want to be left alone, Dlamini... please take yourself and your brothers, away from me... I want to be left alone and take that car away, you are causing a scene...  I don’t want to find myself in the newspapers tomorrow,” he says.
He looks tired and drained out of energy, I mean he is only somewhere in his late twenties but he is already looking old.
That is exactly what stress does to people, it turns you into something grumpy and ugly.

He is now driving and he is looking out through the window, sometimes I feel like one day, Hector will pack his bags and walk out through that door of the Dlamini KaDikana family and never return.
As Mabutho’s vehicle drives forward and by the way, I was right, it’s his car... and I can see by the plate number.
I told you he likes showing off, secretly.
Zimele parks the Porsche in the middle of nowhere, and watches his brother’s vehicle drive off.
He stops the engine and let’s out a heavy sigh, as he looks at Hector, who has his eyes, looking outside.

“What’s the meaning of this Hector,” he says.
He is angry and he never calls him, by his name unless his angry.
“Do you think that you are the only one that lost a child... I lost one too and it’s not the first time, My unborn child with Harriet, the boy that died at birth and my only daughter...,” he says with tears but Hector is not bothered.
“I know that you are hurting but please don’t leave me, not when we need each other to heal, Buhle was our young girl, our young daughter, our blood streamed through her veins,” he says.
But still Hector is just quiet and his eyes, are looking outside.
“Aren’t you going to say anything,” he asks.
“What do you want me to say, what do you me to do... look... I know everything and they is no need for you to hide, I am your spouse and it’s my job to understand that I married a MAN that loves but also prioritizes something else... MONEY and POWER, above his family... if you had all listened to me and not allowed distraction to enter... by now we would have still been with Angelina and Buhle,” he says.
He looks pained by the mention of his daughter’s name.
“Look, I am sorry but I understand you and I am sincerely apologizing for everything, Mawami... I will do better from now,” he says.
He looks totally defeated.
“They is no need for that, you once hurt me, and tried your best to keep it a secret, but I am not there anymore, all I am asking for... is space,” he says.

“But why... Mawami... I can help you... I can help you regain your strength... after all it’s for better or for worse... we are in this together,” Zimele says.
“I need air...please” and with that, he immediately comes out of the Porsche, with his eyes glued to the ‘absolute middle of nowhere’ whilst standing, with his arms crossed.
Zimele also comes out of the car and stands behind him.
This area is so empty, it’s full of stolen lands, that are looking ready for planting.

“Do you know that I have been patient with you and your family, for a total of nine years now... I have gotten to a point, where I understand and make everything look normal, where they’re absolutely not... in the past nine years, I have realized that a man that wants to be kept, makes that decision for himself... it was you and your family that killed my daughter... your crazy family and your weird ancestors that took my bundle of joy, away... if they were busy revealing things, then why couldn’t they protect her... I know you the person that did this,” he turns around and meets with Zimele.
He looks sad, like the man is going to burst out with more tears, any time soon.
“What do you want me to do, then,” he says.
I totally feel sorry for him, he wants to heal but no, Hector will not allow it.
“Lalela La, Find that person... Kill them, slowly and painfully... show no mercy,” he says.
After a minor stare, Hector enters on the car and shuts the door, behind him.
Leaving Zimele and conflict.


“Are you sure that, you are okay... because you are allowed to go home and get some proper rest,” Mabutho says to Nganono, as they stand in front of the pool in Hector and Zimele’s house.
“Don’t worry, about me... big brother, I need to be here, the family needs us... Ma needs us,” he says.
With his hands in his pocket.

In all honesty, I know for sure that he wants to be here and not his own house, I mean he has been sleeping at Mabutho’s house, since they came back in the morning.
Prince was practically forced by his father to return to school and despite the fact that he refused, he was ‘forced more’ by Hector.
Who couldn’t let him sulk around and let his education go to ‘waste management’ not when he is writing his exams that will take him to grade 11 next year #PreMatric.
“I don’t want to go back... what if I die too and even worse, faraway from family,” he said, with a deeper voice.
Hector wasn’t going to deal with him, so he did what a strong mother could do, tell him to cry it out and throw him out to a boarding school.
He will heal by force.
He left upon their arrival in Johannesburg and as for Nathi, well he is at school.
Apparently, they were starting writing their final exams or assessments today.
He will rest, when he comes back.

“So have you found anything yet, regarding... MaMashila and Buhle’s death,” he asks with his favourite juice, in his hand.
Yes, he has his whiskey 🥃.
Nganono drinks his own in one go and remains with the glass in his hand.
“I haven’t found anything yet... the company controlling everything has told me that the CCTV footages, were hacked and everything single thing, was cleared out... I just don’t know how, they got hold of our own... because it looks like someone wiped it, from our house in Nqamakwe but then again, I salute the bastard that did this... you know Zithulele was right all along, when he said that... THE PERSON won’t rest until that which he brought is given happiness... whoever or whatever person that Zithulele was talking about, that person is responsible... and that’s the problem... I want to find that person and peel out their skin,” he say, squeezing that glass in his hand.

“So now, we are left without answers or suspects... what has happened to us... we weren’t soft like this and we are relying on the police that look like, they’re doing the investigation to find something within us,” Mabutho says.
Nganono remains quiet, with his jaw clenched.
But could a conversation as sweet and as dangerous, as this one, miss the ever troubled Harriet.
She’s literally standing, not so far and I am sure that she can hear exactly what they’re saying.

She quickly makes her way, upstairs and shuts the door, behind her and immediately takes her phone, dialling SJ’s number.
But he is not picking up, if only that man knew how she found that ‘evidence’ by luck... then he wouldn’t be hesitating to use it, like a real white man.
I mean that’s what they do, in those western countries.
She literally came across the mysterious evidence, when she was destroying the evidences of her murder... so you need to understand the importance of that luck.

I mean she wants to run away from the explosion and the only person that can help her, is busy with only God knows what.
After all these men have to find something to chew on before they go on, digging unnecessary things.
Things that could her permanently destroy her.


I am sure that it’s around 7pm in the late evening, when the Porsche parks in that yard and Hector let’s out a sigh, as he looks at the fleet of cars, occupying the huge parking yard of the mansion.
It’s the women in this family except for Nathan’s wife and Harriet that come out and as for Nathan’s wife... she remained in Eastern Cape and Queen Harriet, is in her room.
He knows that all the men and the children, are inside but he comes out anyway.

“Ma...,” Ziyanda calls him but he doesn’t answer and instead makes his way, inside.
But they is another group, waiting for him inside and it’s the brothers, and Mukuna.
But still he doesn’t greet and goes upstairs, with Zimele walking behind them.
But something is amiss here, where the heck is Buhle’s pictures, it’s as if... all pictures have been removed.
He quickly goes downstairs, passing everyone but this is not right, her pictures are gone.
It’s only the family portrait, above the fireplace, remaining.

“Where are my daughter’s pictures,” he asks.
Zimele is quiet, in fact everyone is quiet and this is making Hector very angry.
“Where is Buhle’s pictures,” he screams.
Mabutho appears behind Zimele and I can hear the children’s noise... they’re upstairs.
“Everyone please leave and take the children, with you... including Zithulele,” Zimele says.
Mabutho remains firm and refuses to go, after all Hector is super angry, but they is no tears in those eyes.
“Big brother, please go and take the children with you,” Zimele says again, and this time... it’s as if he is begging or pleading.
Immediately Mabutho informs everyone and they all scurry off, in in their expensive cars.
But Harriet stays in her room, in fact she locks herself inside.
“We took out the pictures and they’re being sent to Nqamakwe, as we speak... and everything about her, has been sent... including her blankets and everything,” he says.
You should see Hector’s face, he is a flaming red tomato and even worse, he is light skinned.

“Dlamini Dikana,” he says it, slowly... as if all breathe is about to finish, inside of him.
“I want them back and I am not joking... I am not throwing away, my child like that... if you are willing to move on, then I am not,” and immediately he takes his leave.
He goes upstairs to his bedroom and straight to the shower 🚿 and as he takes his bath, all memories of him and his daughter, begin to flood his small head.
Look I never knew that LOVE was this painful, that LOVE was so demanding and very bitter.... they is an all dark side to that four letter word, and trust me... I don’t want to go into it.
He comes out of the bathroom but that man is not around.
And he won’t look for him, so he goes for the wardrobe and puts on something simple yet so Hector-ish.
He enters into the bed and tries to force out sleep but it’s not coming.
So he decides to do that, which he has never thought of, in so many years, if not close to a decade.
He kneels down and joins his palms 🤲 together and begins a prayer.

“Hear MY VOICE, O God and in my complaint... guard and protect my life from the terror of the enemy that lives within this family... the enemy that tries to destroy my family... they have taken everything away from me... they have taken my father, my brother, my daughter and now my marriage... please help me because my enemies are encouraging their evil purposes and I have no one to fight for me or someone to fight for my family...,” he stops the prayer and tears start to stream down but he is not in the mood to entertain those tears, so he will have to push on...


It’s AROUND 3:00am and I can see that Mr SJ Van Rooyen, looks like someone poured on him, some red hot sauce or chicken blood, because he is dripping with blood.
Here’s what happened, he made a phone call to Mabutho, telling him that he wanted them to meet privately but at a location of his choice.
He picked a restaurant but unaware that the restaurant belongs to the Dlamini KaDikana family, so he went there but unfortunately he found no one, no waiter or any one to assist him.
Time went through and they were nowhere to be found, he went back to his car and as he was about to open.... someone placed a clothe on his mouth and he dozed off.

Only for him to wake up and find the very same envelope that he was keeping in his car, safely in the hands of Mabutho.
He tried to set himself free but he was tied to the chair, and that meant no escape.
When they saw, what was in the envelope, the next question was... how did he get the evidence.
Because it’s pictures, from a CCTV footage and it shows Sebastian Senior (SJ’s father) entering in the house with his legs but coming out, in a body bag.
The other ones, showed the backyard and how they were burying his body.
This made them angry and from there, punches and slaps were flying and landing safely on his face, and entire body.
So I am honest, when I say that... he looks ugly... like super ugly.

“I think that’s enough for now... Nkosi,” – Mabutho.
“Now, let’s try this again and please answer us... how did you get the evidence... who gave you those pictures,” he says.
Poor SJ, he just wanted inheritance and not punches.
“I told you... I found those evidence myself... my father was an IT genius and he taught me, how to find these type of things,” he says, with blood everywhere.
Even in his teeth.
I want to throw up.
“Fine... But I want to know something... because according to these pictures, they were printed out... on the 27th of October, at 1:00pm and during that time, you were with us... didn’t you make a grand entrance at our home in Nqamakwe, with your cheap Gucci and Liberace,” – Nkosi.
Mara this guy is something else, shame.

He is shaking and I don’t know why, he must just say the truth and set himself free, because it’s about to go down hill for him now.
“I... I... I...,” – SJ is busy stammering.
He must talk now haibo or else I will tell them to wipe his white ass, with a stick.
Because I can see Nkosi with a wooden stick.
“Hey Man!!!.... I, what or cat got your tongue and you can’t speak anymore or did English run away, because I can go fetch it...,” – Nkosi.
He is super angry now.

“Calm down Mdlovu, let the man speak,” – Mabutho.
Nganono and Zimele, are just quiet... in fact they only participated... when it was time to beat the hell out of SJ and his document.

“It was... it was... It was a woman and her name is Harriet Khanyile KaDikana, and she is the one that gave me the evidence, in fact she was practically forcing me,” he says.
You should see their faces, it’s full of shock and anger... they look pissed off.
Most especially Zimele and Nkosi,... they’re burning with anger, and they’re literally shaking.

“Repeat that again... when you say woman, who is this woman and how do you guys know each other,” – Nkosi.

“I said that her name is Harriet Khanyile KaDikana and we met in the United Kingdom... we travelled around the globe together... she was my sex toy and I was her comfort, because her husband...,” he stops and looks at Zimele.

“Couldn’t make her, feel like a woman,” he says.
Zimele is on fire, he is burning like hot charcoal.

“So she gave you the evidence,” -Mabutho asks.
SJ slows nods the big head, that has blood dripping from it.

“But that doesn’t make sense, why would she end up, with it... why would she try to put me... to put us in hot oil, by giving an enemy of ours, such important things...,” – Zimele.
This is the first time, he is taking... since they brought that white man here.

“Unless, she didn’t want to place us in hot oil but rather someone else,” – Mabutho says, looking at Sebastian.
“She used him,” Mabutho says pointing at Sebastian.
“She used this young man as a scape goat to cover up, another crime that she had committed and was on the CCTV footage,” – Mabutho.

“Do you think that she would kill Buhle and Angelina,” – Nganono .
He looks scared but not scared of Harriet but scared of what the hidden monster in him, could do.

“I wouldn’t pass that... remember what Zithulele said... that he will not rest until that which he brought is given happiness,” – Nkosi.
“But like you said, it’s a he and not a her... what if he is lying to save himself,” – Zimele.
He doesn’t want to believe that she can be capable of this, of such an evil act.
“Then you guys, won’t be surprised... look at this,” Mabutho says, showing them, SJ’s phone.
They all see the call logs and it’s  her number, saved with her name.

“So, who is this ‘he’ of a man,” – Zimele.
“The ‘he’ is her father,” SJ says and they’re all shocked.
“How do you know that it’s her father,” – Mabutho.
“I know because they is no man in this earth, that Harriet trusts more than her father... she tells him everything and he practically helps her with everything...,” he says.
He looks out of energy but slowly he passes out.

So what are they going to do now, I mean Harriet is in big trouble and she must save herself, before it’s too late.

©All Rights Reserved By George Osumba

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