Chapter 27

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“To all the women and men reading this, I want you to know something, if you ever find a good parent in law, then thank the heavens or to whatever you pray too because some people are facing problems in their daily lives, because of their mother in-laws and father in-laws, who never liked them”.

Chapter 27

Suddenly he wakes up and finds himself in the middle of a very dark forest, that has no moon in sight, it’s as if it was scrapped off.
He looks around hoping to see at least one person but all he can see was tall trees and the creatures of the night, moving up and down in search of prey.
He tries to escape from the tree vines that has his feets rested on but no, they hold onto him and as he tries to move his feet, he hears someone passing through the bushes and as he looks closely, he sees his mother, yes he sees MmeMaputla moving through the bushes and she is making her way to the lank, that is ahead.
He immediately forced his way out of the branches and slowly sneaks behind his mother, only for him to see her with someone, and this someone is the old woman that she visited on Saturday evening.

“I have done that, that you had requested from me... like I said, if anything happens to you or if this backfires... Abeg I don’t you and we have never met,” the old woman says as she hands over the knife 🔪 to her.

“Okay thank you very much and I promise... nothing will go wrong as long as what you have given me doesn't fail ,” MmeMaputla says as she hides the knife in a small piece of clothe.

He cannot bear to think that his own mother will reduce herself to such tactics, just to prove a point and what’s worse, she wants to kill someone.
As he continues to look at the way, his mother is showing off her villainous laughter, the entire area becomes totally dark and after that he quickly opens his eyes, to find himself in his room and the time on the clock, 02:30am.
He immediately goes down from the bed and brings out his bones, and starts to call upon his ancestors for protection and guidance in their family and most especially on Hector and his daughter, he says with tears, I think I now know where our poor Hector got some of his emotional tendencies, he got them from Uncle Lucas.
After that he retires to his bed, but still sleep doesn’t want to come, instead he remains eyes wide open and tries to think about who will his mother be targeting now, because it might be Hector and his daughter or someone else, possibly even Uncle Daniel’s wife.

It’s a Sunday morning and almost everyone that was there, the day before has already left and it’s only remaining the immediate family, the Lobola money is still in the hands of Uncle Lucas and Daniel, who are seated with Hector in the living room, but Hector can sense that something is bothering Uncle Lucas, who just keeps on smiling at him, every time his eyes move to meet his own.
Uncle Daniel on the other hand looks rather pleased with the family that came to ask for the Hector to be their bride, I know it culturally weird but again times have changed and people must learn to keep on with the times, after all just because it’s tradition, it doesn’t mean that it must stay outdated.

“They is something fishy about that family... it’s like they have so many secrets that is burdening their young souls and one thing that surprised me, was that they came with no elders apart from their 'Motherisanyi', who their usually call Malume and also their Aunt who later joined them,”  Uncle Lucas says as Uncle Daniel looks rather confused and yet determined to find the answer as to where is the parents of these boys.

“They don’t have parents, their mother died when they were still young and their father... (he remembers the way Mabutho shot him, making Hector to take a deep breath) well he died at the beginning of the year, he was robbed by someone and they killed him,” he says.

“I see and during the meeting... we discussed a lot of things and some even touched their home, where they came from... but one thing that I emphasized on was the fact that he may have paid the damages and the Lobola, but he can’t still claim you and the baby... until he takes himself and his brothers to where his father comes from and that’s not Ameva or Johannesburg but Nqamakwe,” Uncle Lucas says, looking at Uncle Daniel, like he is telling to proceed.

“Well they is so much about that family that we don’t know of but I hope that they will obey the conditions given to them and another thing... I don’t like this taxi business... because if I can remember very well... a certain man once robbed your father of a lot of money... because of these taxis (Hector immediately looks down and breathes heavily because he knows fully well that they’re talking about Bab’Dlamini and MmeMoichela told him that if he wants to be with Zimele, then he mustn’t mention anything about them and their involvement in the taxi business, that was initially founded by his father), so please they mustn’t take their time in a business that will have you and my granddaughter in the surroundings of guns and unwanted violence,” Uncle Daniel says.

“I have heard you Uncle and I will do exactly that,” he says.

“We decided that the Lobola party and the marriage will only take place when they have sorted out their issues, until then you are free to go back to your lives in Johannesburg... and if you truly this young man, then you will make sure that he does what is asked of him,” mara Uncle Lucas also, always trying to have a final say.

Meanwhile at the lodge, Mabutho is sitting with Zimele and Nganono along with their Aunt at the patio with a beautiful sight of the lodge’s garden, and I must say she is actually enjoying herself, like one would think that she is actually reaping the benefits of Nomashenge Khoza, shame the poor woman was robbed of a beautiful life at such a young age.

“Do you think that maybe any of his sister’s would know where this “Nqamakwe” place is, because I for one... don’t know,” says Nganono.

“Knowing fully well, how Dlamini was stubborn... his sisters wouldn’t even care about him and us... I mean they didn’t even attend the funeral, the eldest of them all... said that she can’t attend the burial of a bastard... they knew their fathers but he didn’t and according to my nearest knowledge, maybe this Nqamakwe of a place is located in the Eastern Cape” he says.

“Eish... But I want him back inside... I want him here with us and our family... his going to be coming to Joburg soon but unless we do that, which is excepted of us... I’m afraid that he won’t be mine and as for the baby that carries my blood, she won’t be a daughter of this home,” Zimele says as Mukuna enters the area where they’re all seated and throws on the table, a newspaper that has a picture of them on the front page with the headline that reads as:

“The Pregnant Man Finally Has His Dowry Paid” and it’s in bold colourful letters.

“Yeah neh as the family keeps on growing... so does the secrets and the backstabbing,” says Nkosi who enters right behind with a mug in his hand, looking around as if searching for someone.

“Don’t say that Nkosi... At least she confessed to it,” Nganono says.

“Whether she confessed or not, the media is now after us... those men at the taxi rank were looking at me, as if I am plague or something and that’s because they know me as the father of the baby... I wanted a private life and a peaceful one for my very complicated family but no, hamba wena... your girlfriend decided to cash in on my family’s name... simply because she’s poor... no man,” Zimele says as he drinks down the whisky.

“That girl was supposed to die... she was supposed to learn that you don’t cross or mess with our family, and think that you will walk free... she’s lucky that Ma entered for her, if not, (He moves closer to Mukuna) I personally was going to kill her and spread her remains around the city... so my dear cousin... stop thinking with that lollipop, that she sucks every night and use your brains for once,” Nkosi says as he looks from head to toe, man before you know it, a punch is given to Nkosi.

Aunt Nokubonga, who was quiet the whole time immediately stands up and stands in between them as Nganono holds on to Nkosi and Zimele holds on to Mukuna, and I tell you for a fact that she’s so short, it’s like the Vodacom building before the Telkom building.

“Don’t you boys have respect for me... I am here sitting and both of you decide to fight in front of me and your older brother, whose like a father to you, now that your father is dead... Listen here I don’t want this mess to happen again... are we clear,” she says with anger and when I tell you anger, she’s angry.

“Yes Aunt... we hear you,” they both say as they stare at each other in anger, with Nkosi nursing his cheek due to the punch.

“Eish... I so wish that Hector can come and fetch his boys before they kill me of stress,” she says as she takes her glass of water and leaves.

“Listen... I don’t want a repeat of this again... Nganono call Pravin and tell him to find the source of these articles that are selling like hot cakes... before these journalists dig deeper and bring out our unwanted secrets,” he says as he takes his glass of whisky and walks out on them with Nkosi following behind

Nkosi arrives in his room and finds out that Ziyanda is not yet back.
He had left her in the room early in the morning when he went for a run around the lodge and when he came back, he couldn’t find her and now he has returned twice to the same room and she’s not back yet, she has been gone for hours, which was one of the reasons why he went out to the patio, it was not to join the conversation that was happening amongst his brothers and Aunt but he was looking for Ziyanda.

As for Ziyanda, she’s at the local hospital that was found by Lerato and Harriet, who found her on the bed in the morning and to say that she was in pains, was an understatement.
Her eyes were completely red and I personally think that it’s because she was crying, other than that, what could explain the red eyes.
She sits there with her eyes glued to the floor as she was given some medication by nurse, who saw her when she came in and as for Harriet, well she sits there and carries Zithulele, who is very quiet.

“I wanted to ask something, why doesn’t this baby look like you... in fact he looks more of Nganono and Ma,” Lerato says as she looks at the baby, making Harriet to breathe heavily as if one on heated charcoal.

“The reason why the baby looks more of his uncle and... Ma... it’s because during my pregnancy I was close to them... I was kind of obsessed with them, and do you what... let’s thank God that we didn’t find the media people here, who knows what they were going to do or publish about us,” she says trying to change the conversation.

Lerato only smiles, thinking that maybe she’s trying to silence her with the “media topic” and of course she’s trying to silence her, who wants to disturbed about a baby they stole.
The nurse at the receptionist then calls Ziyanda telling her that she’s next and as she tries to stand up, she feels some settled pain, raising up and hitting her in the belly as she places her hand on her belly, the lady asks her if she will need a wheelchair, she quickly refuses it and instead has Lerato accompany her to the office of the doctor and immediately leaves as Ziyanda takes her seat in front of the doctor.

“What I can do for you... Ms Hlongwane,” he says as he looks at the file in from of him.

“I personally don’t know what’s wrong with me... if it’s internal bleeding or something nje but my belly is really sore...,” she says.

“What makes you think that it’s internal bleeding,” he says looking at her with an examining eye.

She tries her best not to remember the brutal beating that she received from Nkosi in the bathroom, “I... I just woke up and found blood on the bed... and I know that I am not in my periods... sometimes they happen randomly... but the release isn’t this much,” she says with pain clearly written on her face.

The doctor looks at her again with an examining eye and tells her to follow him into the next room and she must lie on the bed, and instructs her to remove the jersey that she is wearing, so that he can see the belly, and I can tell you that he is horrified by the sight of so many scars on her belly and arms, she remains with a bra as he puts on the ultrasound and immediately his face hardens, as he places the thing on her belly.

“I think that we are done for now, please wait in the waiting area for your results and also do me a favour... get some 'more' painkillers from the nurse at the reception, and tell them it’s me... Doctor Masemola that sent you,” and with that he quickly leaves the room and one can see that he is troubled, so I am guessing that what he found on the ultrasound, is not good at all.

Meanwhile Hector is in the kitchen with his siblings, as the food is boiling on the stove.
“I wanted to know something... now that we are somehow rich and thanks to you and your hard work as our big brother, I want to go and learn at a boarding school, in fact me and Kedibone want to go and learn there,” Morena says.

“I have no problem with that but the problem is, who is going to stay with Mme... she can’t stay here alone,” Hector says as he looks at his siblings, who have placed on adorable puppy eyes.

“Please at least, send one of us to boarding school... whoever you pick will go and whoever that you don’t choose will stay at home, and look after Mme,” Kedibone says.

“Fine... I will let you guys know before I leave for Joburg,” he says moving back to the sink, as he was washing dishes, leaving his siblings with smiles.

Uncle Lucas is moving around the yard and he looks like he is under a lot of stress, and what’s worse he hasn’t seen his mother, since yesterday morning after she had refused to come out of her room.
He moves to her bedroom window but it’s closed and the curtains are let lose, you can’t simply see anything inside the room.
MmeMoichela notices him and immediately moves to where he is standing, and slowly greets him, now for those that don’t know, MmeMoichela has always enjoyed Uncle Lucas’s company and they were very close, ever since they met through Jerry, they were never intimate but they’re best friends, which is a bit weird because he is eldest son of the family and she was the wife of the third born child.

“Good afternoon,” she says.
“Oh Good afternoon... is the food ready,” he says.
“Not yet... they’re still preparing it,” she says with a smile.
“Then... l shall wait for my meal... even if it takes 15 years to prepare,” he says looking at her, with one of the most charming glances in his eyes and now you know that this conversation is not about the meal being prepared, it’s about the meal standing in front of him.
“Well I will be waiting for your return and please don’t forget... because I know you have a very forgetful mind, old age is kicking in,” she says with a smile and quickly goes back to the kitchen using the backyard, since Uncle Lucas was already there.

Meanwhile MmeMaputla is in her room and on the bed is a pink hat that possibly belongs to Buhle and above that hat, is a picture of Hector.
She brings out the knife from the drawer that was near her bed and quickly moves to Hector’s picture.

“Hector... Hector... you have decided to challenge me in my own family... you have decided to rob me of my position within this family... as I place this knife on your picture, and the clothe of your daughter... I kill you both and send you to where you belong and that’s hell,” she says and with that she raises the knife in the air but before the knife can reach the picture and the clothe, they immediately disappear, leaving her shocked.

Meanwhile Ziyanda along with Harriet and Lerato are seated in the hospital corridor, and they are all trying their best not to answer the phone calls, after they had seen voicemails from the Dlamini brothers and also Mukuna.
She let’s out a deep breath that seems to come with an unexpected slight headache, and that’s when she sees the doctor approaching with a certain brown envelope in his hand.

“Ms Hlongwane... I guess that we should go and discuss this, in my office,” he says.

“Doctor, I would have loved to follow you and discuss this in your office, but as for the strength I don’t have... you are free to tell me everything here in front of my family... after all these are my sister wives,” she says in a low toned voice and a pasted smile.

“Well I understand but I still think that you should at least get some counselling because what I have seen and the evidence shown... it’s really bad and also devastating,” he says with a concerned look.

“Look Doctor, I have been through hell and ever since I can remember, I have had to feed for myself... and I have seen corners that you haven’t possibly seen in your lifetime but am I not alive today... so do me the honours and tell me, I will handle it like a grown woman,” she says.

“Well I guessed it right and I was right to do the ultrasound before anything, because right now, the ultrasound shows that you were pregnant,” he says leaving all them shocked.

“Excuse me... pregnant but how I...” she stops her sentence midway as she immediately remembers the day that Nkosi broke the village pot and thereby setting her free from the bondage that she had placed herself in and getting back her womb.

“So you said that she was pregnant,” Harriet says as she looks at Lerato and then back to the Ziyanda, who is in disbelief.

“Well... I don’t know yet but according to the bruises that she had endured or the accident that she had... It could have possibly been the reasons, that lead to the loss of the child and according to this... you were 5 if not 6 weeks pregnant,” he says.

One can see that Ziyanda is not only shaking but she’s struggling to maintain her balance, and slowly she let’s out a deep breath.

“Thank you Doctor and I have taken the medication already,” Ziyanda says with a forced smile as she slowly moves outside, with Harriet going slowly behind her and not forgetting Lerato, who gets stopped by the Doctor.

“Please make sure that she takes her medication and also gets some sleep, and proper counselling,” he says with a concerned look.

“I will do exactly that Sir,” she says, after which she quickly follows them behind.

Uncle Lucas is moving up and down in his room and they is smoke everywhere in the room.
He looks around and his eyes fall on the floor, right on the mat and the different bones, all surround the picture and the clothe that belongs to Buhle.
He moves to the mat and sits down, crossing his legs and afterwards he slowly places his hands on the picture with his eyes closed, and as his hands arrive on the picture, he immediately opens his eyes 👀 to find his brother, holding something in his hand and it’s a small green cup that looks like it carries something inside.

“Nnake... it’s so good to see you,” he says as he stands up.
“Older brother... it was always and has been a pleasure to see you, but I don’t have time... here take this,” he says as he hands over the liquid to him, of which he takes.
“Everyone has their day and today is her day... you know that she caused and rained havoc on this family and now she wants to cause problems for my own son and granddaughter... Make her pay,” and with that he disappears into thin air.
Uncle Lucas looks at the liquid in his hand and slowly his eyes move to the mat, and that’s when he let’s out a deep breath, that comes with tears.
You see, one thing that I know is that almost all, if not all boys love their mothers, whether you tell them that their witches and that they jump on the roofs in the middle of the night, they will never believe you but in this case I am telling you that Lucas has always known about his mother’s dark side but the guts to confront her, is the problem.

The car packs at the entrance of the lodge and before they all come out of the car, Ziyanda stops them and slowly tells them that.

“I don’t want Nkosi to find out that I lost the baby... it could tear him,” she says.
“Sis Zee, I totally understand you but right now... it could hurt him and even you in the process... if you keep this secret away from him,” Lerato says.
“Exactly... Sis Zee unless they is something that you are hiding from us... and the doctor spoke about something regarding bruises and whatever... what happened that caused the miscarriage,” Harriet says as she sits at the backseat with Zithulele in her arms.

“I don’t what you guys are talking about... and besides it’s just... maybe I was under a lot of stress and you know how stressed we have become, ever since the media started following us... so it got to me,” she says with heart beating very fast.
“How did they get to you and please don’t make us look like kids... we know what has been happening... his abusing you isn’t he,” Lerato says looking at her closely from the driving seat and I know that you must be asking that who taught him how to drive, well who will it be, if not Mukuna.
“That’s enough!!! (she to snaps)... You have no absolute right to question me about my relationship with Nkosi and I will say it again... Don’t tell anyone about the miscarriage... I don’t want this family to panic with the ever demanding drama that follows us,” she says and with that she slowly exits the car and makes her way to the lodge and straight to the room, leaving Harriet and Lerato behind.

She arrives in the room and slowly opens the door, and finds Nkosi sitting on the bed with his head bend down and he is holding his cigarette like this 👌 and slowly he raises his head and blows the smoke puff towards Ziyanda.

“I wasn’t drunk on the day... that I specifically told you that I never want to see you... out of my sight,” he says as he places the cigarette in the ash tray.

“I am sorry but it’s just that I... I want to the pharmacy to collect some medication and I went with Harriet and Lerato... they found,” she stops as she sees that the bed has been made and everywhere is clean, she didn’t leave the room like this.
“Why did you stop... continue with your prepared speech...,” he says looking at her and to him, he thinks that this young woman is lying to him.
“I’m sorry... I will never do it again,” she says with her head bowed down.
“Now that’s more like it... come over to the bed and spread your legs... I will be outside.. taking my last smoke before the exercise,” he says and with that he slowly leaves the room, leaving behind Ziyanda, who has tears streaming down her face.

It’s already drifting towards the evening and MmeMaputla is slowly moving towards the end of the forest and let’s not talk about the beautiful ‘fruity’ trees and the beautiful long grasses, that grace this forest that somehow looks familiar to the one in Uncle Lucas’s dream.
“Where do you are heading too,” she immediately stops and turns around to see Uncle Lucas, who is standing behind her with the most disgusting look ever.
“Don’t ask me such stupid questions that have no back bone... I’m not your age mate... I am still your mother, and the head of the family,” she says pointing the index finger at him.
“How can you be a head of a family that you want to destroy... and how can you be a member of a family that never married you... Now I ask you again ‘mother’... where the heck are you going to,” he says with his eyes wide open.
“If I don’t... tell you... What will you do to me... leave me alone... your ungrateful piece of rubbish,” and with that she turns around and starts moving.
“Ma !!!!.....,” he shouts, making her to turn around and with that he immediately pours her the green liquid that he was given by Jerry, on her face, making her to scream out loud as if one being burnt.


The following day, of which Hector is about to leave Limpopo and go back to Johannesburg.. with now an almost two week year old baby.
He is standing outside with his cousin, yes that troublesome one and he is playing with his niece, shame almost everyone has fallen in love with Buhle’s beauty and smile, as I tell you that this baby can smile for Africa.

“So you are still not planning to do anything with your life yet... you are not growing any younger,” he says.
“Whether I grow younger or whether I grow older... it’s still my business and not yours... after all, all girls still want to enjoy my engine... Akere wena you wanted to be somizi..., and besides I am coming soon to Johannesburg,” he says.

“And what will you be doing in Johannesburg and where will you stay in ‘Johannessburg’... have you forgotten about your father... I don't want problems,” he says with a serious tone obviously trying to threaten him but knowing his cousin, he won’t even feel threatened by him.
“Mamela... It’s not my first time to be in the so-called city of gold... and besides now that I have good... rich and handsome brother in law’s that you have brought me... I won’t lack a place to sleep in Johannesburg,” he says.
Before he can say anything, Zimele comes out of the house with Uncle Lucas and Daniel, who are both just smiling and as MmeMoichela moves towards Hector, and gives him a strong hug.

“All will be well, Please take care of yourself and my grandchild,” she whispers in his ear, and slowly moves to stand next Uncle Lucas, and watches as everyone gives Hector, a hug before he leaves, except his siblings who have opened school for the last and final term, and you guessed it right, Morena is the one going to a boarding school.
As they enter in the car and drive back, Uncle Lucas looks Aunt Gloria and Uncle Daniel, who slowly nod in agreement and quickly go back inside, leaving MmeMoichela and Uncle Daniel’s wife standing and watching as they drive off, not forgetting Hector’s cousin, whom is suddenly suspicious, of where his father and his siblings, just escaped too.

Later on, one can see Uncle Daniel, Uncle Lucas and Aunt Gloria slowly moving through the forest, where Uncle Lucas caught mother and one can see the heavy bag on Aunt Gloria’s head.
They stop when they see her and from there Uncle Lucas calls her and she slowly moves towards them with a veil covering her face.

“Here... take this wena moloi and never return,” says Aunt Gloria who places the bag, in front of her and quickly moves to stand behind Daniel, who is standing behind Lucas.

“Mme... I can’t believe that all these years and all this time... you were busy insulting me and calling my wife names... you were raining curses on us.... for 16 good years but like they say... every thing has a time... you will go and never come back,” Uncle Daniel says as he opens eyes 👀 with anger, looking straight at the woman that gave birth to him and not forgetting, the veil on her face, you can’t really see her face.

“Remove the veil, MmeMaputla... so that your children can see your face for the very last time,” Uncle Lucas says.
Slowly but surely, MmeMaputla removes the veil and immediately Aunt Gloria turns around, with Uncle Daniel quickly looking down.
“You always had your own way in everything that we did and you always controlled like a narcissistic person... using witchcraft from these Limpopo witches, so now the burnt mark on your face... is a sign of terror and an atonement for your sins... you tried and played with what your own luck couldn’t handle... now leave and never return... we don’t know you... from today you cease to be our mother,” and with that she slowly puts her veil on and leaves the place before it becomes bad for her, with her children looking at her, with anger and yet some satisfaction.

© All Rights Reserved By George Osumba

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