Chapter 58.

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This wasn’t part of the plan... it wasn’t part of his plan... but hey, who was going to listen to a small young boy that wanted to sacrifice himself in the place of his unborn baby sister, yes he was going to do that.
He couldn’t protect Buhle but for Zimkhita he was willing to do the unthinkable and his uncles were not going to have that.
They have a solution and since they’re the adults... it’s their job and no way, would they allow Zithulele to play ‘Isaac to Abraham’s request’ if you know the Bible then you know what I am talking about.
Now they have arrived in Nqamakwe, thanks to their helicopter, which brought all of them here, yes... Nkosi refused to go himself without his brother and cousin.
It’s actually around 4am in the morning, and they are not unaware of the huge drama that has unfolded back in Johannesburg... and besides everywhere in this place is dark, cold and also they all look dirty... and it’s raining heavily.
But they don’t have a choice, than to do what’s asked of them
It’s the family cemetery, right on the green hill.
Three men and one little boy are in this cemetery, with three ‘black’ plastic bags and their busy digging three deep graves whilst the young boy stands next to the bones of his grandparents.
It was an easy task fetching BabDlamini’s corpse but it wasn’t easy to fetch Jerry Masilo’s corpse and that’s because Jerry was buried in an actual burial ground and the place had securities going up and down, protecting the dead that lie in await of Judgement day.
They met with a Security guard that tried to stop them but it ended in tears for him, because as I speak to you... the current coffin of Jerry Masilo is not purely empty and that’s because it’s the security guard that is safely inside but with no heart.
Don’t ask me... I don’t know why because all I remember was that, when Zithulele raised his voice and said that rather than giving up the only female child that the family might get in many years to come... it’s best for him to sacrifice himself and in that way Hector can raise his daughter and if he wants sons, then Prince, Nathi and Xolani will be there.
But nope, Mabutho was the first to refuse it and said that he had a better plan for this... so maybe that plan needed a human heart.
I am honestly serious guys, I don’t know what’s happening and why he saw fit for him to take the human’s heart and as for their paternal cousin, Nathan.... he has always known that his cousins from Johannesburg were always shady and dangerous... and that’s why the young man preferred to remain in this province and not in Johannesburg, so that when drama like this arises, then he will be no where to be found or at least by the time he comes to the place, a solution would have been found and in the works but no fate had to do this to him... dragging him into something that doesn’t concern him.
He is a Hlophe and their KaDikanas... so this doesn’t concern him right but he has no choice, the same way he didn’t have choice seeing his cousin kill that man and take his heart and also watching him dig the ‘dead’ already, then I am pretty sure that digging in a graveyard and reburying these people in their rightful homes won’t be a problem.

They don’t know whether the graves are deep or not.... and that’s because it’s raining heavily without break... but whatever it is... they have to bury these bones today, starting with their father... Bab’Dlamini... who gets deposited into the first grave and then it his chosen one... Bab’Masilo or rather Jerry Masilo and then from there... it’s their mother, Nomashenge but before they can bury her... Zithulele, who is probably wet and cold, tells them to untie those red things from her body so that she can be free from whatever it is that they bound her to.
Nkosi looks at Mabutho and it looks like he won’t touch it... so it’s only him and that’s when he unties those red clothes from his mother’s bones.
When I see her... I see the lengths that man can go for money, I mean such lengths for money, power and some ‘supposed’ revenge or what you call it... betrayal, I mean only those things would make you kill the woman that cried for more than three times to give you children and this is the only way to repay her.
After doing that, he places the plastic bag into the final hole that was dug by him and that’s when they cover the holes or rather grave holes... I don’t know what to call them.

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