Blue Bird

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"Jack, can I please have a blueberry muffin? Pretty please?" Duusu asked. "No, Duusu. You already had dinner five minutes ago." Jack replied. "But, but they are so good." Duusu said. "I mean, I can't argue there, they are good.  But you heard my answer. Just accept it. Simple as that." Jack replied. "Ok. Ok, yeah. Accept it. I can do that. Super, duper easy." Duusu said in a weird way, as she flies next to Jack. She lies next to him, as Jack works on his laptop. As she lies down, Duusu quietly gags a bit. She still really wants that blueberry muffin. She really does. Time flies, as Duusu keeps softly gagging a bit. All while Jack works. Soon, her gags get louder, and louder, and louder. To a rate that Jack starts to heavily notice.  She better not cry. She better not. But then, Duusu cries. "PLEASE!!!!!!! PLEASE CAN I HAVE A BLUEBERRY MUFFIN???!!!!!" Duusu screamed, as she cries. "[clicks button on computer]. And that is one minute, and three seconds. A new record." Jack replied. "[shapes up]. Really? I didn't freak out for a full minute?" Duusu asked. "And three seconds. So, as a reward." Jack replied, as he gives Duusu a blueberry muffin. "YAY!!!!" Duusu screamed, as she eats. "I have to say, you've been doing a lot better with keeping your emotions in check. This is the tenth time we've done this, and you went from ten seconds, to a full minute. We keep this up, you'll be able to not to lose your cool whenever I say no." Jack replied. "Awesome. Awesome." Duusu said, as she eats more. "If I mind asking, you said you use a breathing method whenever you have energetic behavior, or explosive emotions. How come I never see you do that when I say no to you?" Jack asked. "[eats muffin]. The truth is, it's hard for me to calm down when I can't do something I want. When I'm anger, I can calm down sometimes.  And if someone says I should lower my volume, I can calm down.  But being told no?  That is something I really need to work on."  Duusu replied.  "Got it.  Good thing we are practicing this."  Jack said.  "Indeed.  [finishes eating muffin.  Looks a brooch on table].  So, are you serious when you say you will never use the Peacock miraculous?"  Duusu asked.  "Yep.  It looks like a cool brooch with a mind blowing power, but again, we're not taking any dangerous risk here.  It's ok.  Once I leave, you'll be back with Ladybug and the other kwamis.  I'm sure you'll be happy to see them again."  Jack replied.  "Absolutely.  Though I wonder what they are up to now."  Duusu said.
"So, you guys don't know any way to find Farfalla?  Or Duusu even?"  Marinette asked.  "Nope.  The only way we could to some extent was on their birthday/cycle.  But not only does it take thousand of human years to come, but the last we tried it didn't go so well."  Sass replied.  "We miss them both dearly.  Hope they are ok."  Longg said.  The other kwamis agree.  "There has to be a way to end this faster.  I just know it.  Come on.  Think Marinette.  Think."  Marinette said, as she stresses out.  "Chill out, girl.  We'll get them back.  I just know it.  Right guys?"  Alya asked.  "Right."  The kwamis replied.  "We've tried for over a year, and not once we're we close to getting the Butterfly and Peacock miraculous back."  Marinette said.  "Speaking of the Peacock, that's the thing I don't seem to understand.  Why hasn't Duusu been used yet?  If Farfalla got Nooroo from Shadowmoth, then either he still has Duusu, or he gave Duusu to Farfalla as well.  Why not use it when she first came to Paris?"  Alya asked.  "Perhaps she is saving it for a special moment.  You know.  A time that seems right." Marinette replied. "Or perhaps she could be getting someone to help her, so she would give him or her the Peacock miraculous to accompany her." Alya replied.  "UGH!!!  Too many questions.  Zero answers.  Why does being a hero have to be so stressful?!"  Marinette asked back.  "Because it always is.  The issue with you is clear.  You're focusing too hard on a problem with little energy.  Why don't you just take a break."  Alya recommended.  "The last time I took that advice, Kagami slapped me right in the face.  Now I felt like a complete jerk."  Marinette said.  "Ok, well how about this time we go get something to eat.  Some food might help you get some energy back."  Alya replied.  "I mean, I can't remember the last time I got a snack, or something."  Marinette said, as her stomach growls loudly.  "Yeah, now I'm concerned for you.  Let's go."  Alya replied, as she takes Marinette out of her room to go get lunch.
As they go snack, Jack walks down the stairs to the Seine.  He sits down with his back against the brick wall right in some good sunlight.  "[pops out].  So what brings us here, Jack?"  Duusu asked.  "Oh just something I do daily.  You can come out if you want.  No one normally comes here, so it's no big deal.  As long as you keep your volume down, you stay close by me right here, and your behavior in check."  Jack replied.  "Don't worry.  I will behave."  Duusu said.  Duusu smiles/giggles, before she cheerfully flies out.  As Jack gets into position, and smiles at Duusu being happy, he opens his backpack up.  Inside, he pulls out two things.  A pen, and a journal.  Meanwhile Duusu is chilling by the water of the Seine.  Her eyes are captured in the beauty of the clear water.  It's something she normally doesn't see often.  Amazed, she closely moves her hand to the water.  Wanting to feel what it feels like.  When her hands makes it into the water, Duusu immediately pulls back.  "Bad water, bad.  Making my hand cold."  Duusu said.  Duusu then turns around, and notices her owner writing.  Curious like the water, she flies over to him.  "The water was cold.  Hoped it would a bit warmer."  Duusu said.  "That's the Seine for you.  Assume you don't like cold water?"  Jack asked.  "Yes.  I'm more of a "just right" water creature.  Not too hot, or cold, just right."  Duusu replied.  "I can relate.  I'm the same too."  Jack said.  "Really?"  Duusu asked.  "Yeah.  Though I do like hot water in the shower if it's at an appropriate level."  Jack replied.  "Understood.  What you writing there?"  Duusu asked.  "What?  This?"   Jack asked back.  "Yes.  The journal."  Duusu replied.  "Oh nothing special.  Once I get a chance everyday, I come to this exact spot to write in my journal.  It's where I spend time writing how I feel at the moment.  Happy, sad, anger, miserable, etc.  It's for me to keep track on how my week has been going, and if anything went wrong emotionally."  Jack said.  "And what made you want to do this?"  Duusu asked.  "My therapist."  Jack replied.  "Huh?  You take therapy."  Duusu said.  "If you want to ask me about it, I prefer we don't.  It's private.  Like, VERY private."  Jack replied.  "I get it.  There are some things we don't wish to discuss with others, and it's out job to understand it."  Duusu said.  "Thanks.  [in whisper].  Glad some of you understand me."  Jack replied.  "What was that?"  Duusu asked.  "Uhhh, nothing.  Nothing at all.  [clears throat].  I'm done here.  Want to grab some lunch?"  Jack asked back.  "Oh sure.  I'm a bit hunger."  Duusu replied.  "Me too.  Just, promise me you won't lose it.  Please."  Jack said.  "I won't.  I'm learning to improve now.  I'll do my best."  Duusu replied.  Jack packs his bag, and with Duusu back in his pocket, the two leave for some lunch.  But as they leave, Jack gets distracted by wails of sorrow. He looks, and sees a bunch of girls crying near a poster of Adrien. "[cries]. Why did he have to quit?! WHY??!!" Girl screamed. "He was so hot! We need him!!!!" Another girl screamed. "Pffff. Babies." Jack said to himself, before he leaves.
Speaking of lunch, Marinette and Alya are at the restaurant, Donnie's, in order for Marinette to focus again.  They sit at a table outside.  "Nice restaurant."  Marinette said.  "Thanks.  It's one of my favorites.  It has a good atmosphere.  The food is delicious.  The staff are super nice.  I'm friends with everyone here.  Basically this is my go to spot for a bite to eat."  Alya replied.  "You come here often?"  Alya asked.  "More like all the time."  Alya replied.  Soon, a waiter approaches.  "Ah, Alya.  Happy to see you again."  The waiter said.  "And you too, Jimmy.  Looking nice today."  Alya replied.  "Thanks.  You look as good as always."  Jimmy replied.  "Thanks in advance.  This is my friend, Marinette."  Alya said.  "Marinette?  Pleasure to meet you."  Jimmy replied.  "You too."  Marinette said.  The two of them shake hands.  "So no Nino?  He busy or something?"  Jimmy asked.  "Yeah, about that........We broke up."  Alya replied.  "Oh..........I'm so sorry to hear that.  I hope you are getting better."  Jimmy said.  "It's ok.  I haven't really told many people it yet.  It's my first time going through a breakup.  But I'm getting over it."  Alya replied.  "In any case, I'm still sorry for you."  Jimmy said.  "Thanks."  Alya replied.  "[some silence].  Ok, let's change the subject.  Is there anything you would like to drink other than just water?"  Jimmy asked.  "Ummm, orange juice would be good for me."  Marinette replied.  "Apple juice for me please."  Alya said.  "[writes it down].  Perfect.  Do you need more time for the menu, or are you ready to order?"  Jimmy asked.  "I'm ready.  What about you Marinette?"  Alya asked.  "Uhh, I think I know what I want."  Marinette replied.  "Great.  I'll have the usual.  The house special."  Alya said.  "Ok.  And Marinette."  Jimmy replied.  "Ummm, I'll have the French onion soup please."  Marinette said.  "Got it.  Ok.  I'll be back with your drinks."  Jimmy replied, as he leaves.  "So how did Jimmy know about Nino?"  Marinette asked.  "Well, [sighs] I love this restaurant because it wasn't just my go to spot.  It was our go to spot.  [in flashback].  When we first started dating, Nino decided to take me out.  A causal, basic date.  The man brings the girl to the restaurant for some food, and romance.  Classic.  He choose Donnie's because he saw it was a nice place.  Not too expensive or anything.  Just a nice place for two teens to go to.  [are seated].  The restaurant experience was great, but the dating experience was a bit cringy.  Nino didn't really know the skills to impress a woman.  [tries to make her laugh].  However, I found it to be a funny.  Cringe, but funny.  It's what made me love Nino so much.  We have lots in common, and he makes me laugh.  He was perfect for me.  [leaves restaurant after paying].  We both agreed that this place was special for us both.  Since it was the first restaurant we went to as a couple.  And from that day forward, we would go there together.  Day, after day, after day, after day.  It even was the place where Nino first meet my family.  [Alya's family sitting at big table with Nino].  He was anxious, but he still managed to give a first impression.  My parents and siblings loved him.  Though Nora still thinks he's a scaredy cat.  [end flashback].  And then he spied on me and Cat Noir, and I made the choice to leave him.  It wasn't easy."  Alya replied.  "Oh."  Marinette said.  "But I told you, I'm better now.  It still gets me a bit."  Alya replied.  "Just remember I'll be here for you when you need it."  Marinette said.  "[smiles].  Thanks girl.  I needed that."  Alya replied.  Their conversation gets cut short when their drinks arrive.  Now they have something delicious to sip, as they wait for their food.
Jack walks down the streets of Paris, and ironically approaches Donnie's.  "This seems like a good place don't you think?"  Jack asked.  "Yep.  Perfect place for a nice meal."  Duusu replied.  Jack enters Donnie's, as we see Marinette and Alya continuing to chat.  They also eat the food that just arrived to their table.  "No way.  So Cat made a communicator to talk to you?  Like, he can call you whenever he wants?" Alya asked. "Yep. And I can do the same with him." Marinette replied. "Girl, you got a guys number. Not really, but you know what I mean. And I thought you were in love with Adrien." Alya replied. "Stop it. It's not like that." Marinette replied. "I'm just teasing you, girl. I know you two aren't trying to date or anything. That's correct right?" Alya asked. "Cat Noir is just a partner to me. He also views me in that light just like I asked. The reason he gave this to me so we can have better communication. Consider what happened between us." Marinette replied. "On that topic, is Cat alright?" Alya asked in a worried tone. "Oh absolutely. He's ok. The tension we had is over between us. I'm not longer afraid of him, or mean. We are just heathy partners trying to save the world." Marinette replied. "Thank you for telling me. I was hoping he would be happy, after everything he has been through. I'm happy he's no longer miserable." Alya said. "I had to fix my mistake, and I did." Marinette replied. Alya smiles. So does Marinette. "Oh crap. Marinette. Alya. [walks over]. How are you guys?" Jack asked. "Ah, Jack. Didn't expect you to be here." Marinette replied. "I just was in the neighborhood, got a little hunger, so I came here to satisfy my hunger. [looks at table]. I can see you too we're eating. Hope I wasn't interrupting you two." Jack said. "You weren't." Alya replied. "That's good. I better leave you guys to it. See you later." Jack said. "You don't have to leave. You can eat with us if you want." Marinette replied. "You sure?" Jack asked. "It's fine. We can chat for a bit." Marinette said. "Ok." Jack replied. Jack pulls a chair, and sits with the girls. "So how is your day going?" Jack asked. "It's going ok. Just a bit hunger, after some homework we had to do. Right Alya?" Marinette asked. "Yep. Lots of it." Alya replied. "Understood. Bet you guys will get through it." Jack said. "Thanks." Marinette and Alya replied. "How's your day going?" Marinette asked. "Pretty ok. Just got some of my work done, before I cam here to eat. After this I'll probably just go home, and watch a horror film. Average day if you ask me." Jack replied. "[shivers]. I don't get how you can get through those movies. Like, don't some horrify you at least?" Marinette asked. "Nah. Some traumatize me. Trust me. You wouldn't want to see those kind of horror films. But what makes me love them is the chemistry behind it. How to properly scare an audience. How to make special effects. How to create a scene so suspenseful you'll want to leave the theater. It's so entertaining to learn, and watch. And it's not just the movies that make me love them. It's the history of horror throughout the years. You'll be surprised how many interesting facts there are about horror movies. The more I learn, the more I love the genre. And it will amazes me to this day." Jack replied. "Wow! Bet you're an expert when it comes to horror movies." Alya said. "I am. Guess you can say I, kill it." Jack replied. The girls giggle a bit, before a person gets thrown straight into waiter. Spilling a platter of food everywhere. "Talk about takeout." Jack said. Suddenly, people start screaming. Marinette, Alya, and Jack look, and see who is causing this. "Hahahahahaha!!!!! I am Fanboy. Latest villain of Farfalla. With the powers she has bestowed upon me, I'll be able to bring her the miraculous of Ladybug and Cat Noir." Fanboy declared. Fanboy is basically Adrien Agreste, but with inverted colors. "Adrien?" Marinette asked. "More like Adrien with inverted colors. [Fanboy uppercuts someone, and gets sent flying onto a car]. And has the strength of someone who has a massive addiction." Jack replied. "[Fanboy looks at Marinette, Alya, and Jack. Mask forms]. As much as I hate her, go after Jack. The one with the brown hair. Leave his two friends in peace." Farfalla ordered. "I thought I was suppose to get the miraculous?" Fanboy asked. "You are, but it's also your job to follow orders. Attack Jack, until his back cracks. Huh? Good rhythm there Farfalla." Farfalla replied. Fanboy obeys, so he dashes, and kicks Jack into a wall. This triggers a heroic feeling in Marinette and Alya. They run, as Jack tries to recover from his attack. "[deep breathes]. You did not just do that." Jack said in an anger tone. "I did. What are you going to do about it?" Fanboy taunted. Jack starts to get have his anger levels rise. Duusu notices them, and starts to get scared. She better be because Jack screamed, grabs a plate, and throws it at Fanboy's face. It shatters, and as he is blinded, Jack grabs a literal knife to go stab Fanboy. Fanboy responds by backhanding Jack into another wall. Jack gets up, and charges at Fanboy. He laughs, which makes Jack more anger. Fanboy then chucks him out of Donnie's and onto the road hard. Meanwhile, Marinette and Alya run into an alleyway. Instead of transforming right there, they instead go into the sewers in case Essence is watching. "Make sure it's safe." Marinette said. Alya looks around on the surface, and in the sewers. Making sure Marinette will be safe to transform here. "We're good. No sign of Essence, or his clawers." Alya replied. "Perfect. Tikki, spots on." Marinette said, as she transforms into Ladybug.
    Back with Fanboy, he is rag dolling Jack. Throwing him into walls of buildings, and cars. Despite the pain, Jack is still anger. He continues to try to hurt Fanboy. "Awww. How adorable. Still trying to fight the powerful supervillain. Are you trying to prove you can stop me? Are you?" Fanboy taunted. "[screams]. I'M GOING TO GOUGE YOUR EYES OUT YOU PIECE OF CRAP!!!!!!!" Jack screamed. He dashes to Fanboy, who is ready to sucker punch him. But that's when Ladybug come from behind, and kicks Fanboy in the back. He falls, as Ladybug grabs Jack running. "I appreciate the heroism, but it looks like you've had enough." Ladybug said. "NO!!!! I'M GOING TO KILL THAT...." Jack replied, before he is hosted away. Ladybug takes Jack to an alleyway, despite him still being anger. "Stay here. Cat Noir and I will take care of this as always." Ladybug said. "But that Adrien freak, or whatever needs to watch his back when I kick his..." Jack replied. "Relax. We'll do the fighting here. We are the professionals." Ladybug said, as she leaves. Ladybug returns to Fanboy, who just threw a man countless miles in the sky. "I never knew Adrien Agreste what that much physical strength. I get he's a model, and my soul mate, I mean, mate, but I never imagined he can do that." Ladybug said. "Ha. Adrien Agreste is strong, but I'm stronger. Because I'm his biggest fan, Fanboy. And once I have your miraculous, Farfalla will reward me what I want the most." Fanboy replied. "More like manipulating you. You should know by now that anyone with the Butterfly or Peacock miraculous will manipulate you. If you really want what you want the most, this isn't the solution. Fanboy, do what's right, and reject the akuma. That's the real solution." Ladybug said. "[mask forms]. Don't listen to her. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be able to express your rage in the way you wanted. She is the real manipulator, not me." Farfalla said. "You're right, Farfalla. I'll make sure I honor our deal." Fanboy declared. "Then I guess we are going to have to fight." Cat Noir replied, as he lands with the citizen Fanboy threw in the air. "Kitty. Just in time." Ladybug said. "What can I say? Fighting crime is what makes Cat Noir day meowlous." Cat Noir replied, as Ladybug giggles. "Oh God, enough with the dumb puns.  I have some miraculous I need to deliver." Fanboy said. Fanboy runs at Cat Noir, and he goes to punch him. Cat dodges his attack. Fanboy repeatedly punches at Cat Noir, as he move forward, while Cat moves backwards avoiding the strikes. Fanboy then bends down to grab Cat Noir's legs, and chuck him across the street. Ladybug is up next. She yo-yo Fanboy, and hold him in place. He laughs, as he to run. He is so strong, that Ladybug can't keep a hold of him. She ends up being dragged on the street, as Fanboy sprints to Cat Noir. Cat Noir gets up, and whips out his staff. He throws it at Fanboy's legs, but the supervillain simply jumps over it, and the staff goes into Ladybug's face. Fanboy stops, and Ladybug is sent over his shoulders, and onto Cat Noir. With both heroes in one spot, Fanboy is about to stomp them. Ladybug and Cat Noir move out of the way. Resulting in Fanboy leaving a massive crack in the ground from his foot. Ladybug locks on Fanboy, and throws her yo-yo at him. He grabs it, pulls her forward, clinches her face, and slams Ladybug on the ground. Fanboy then grabs her leg, and slams Ladybug on her back over his shoulder. During this, Cat Noir gets his staff, and is ready to avenge his Lady. He runs at Fanboy, who throws Ladybug to the ground when he sees Cat Noir. Cat swings his staff, but Fanboy grabs it. He punches Cat in the face. Now Fanboy has Cat Noir's staff, which he bends in half making is useless. Shocked, Cat Noir gets grabbed by the bell, and Fanboy head hits him. Leaving Cat with an unconscious head, before he is kicked into a car. Ladybug attacks from above, but Fanboy kicks her while she is in the air. Ladybug falls to the ground, before her gut gets stomped by Fanboy. Meanwhile, Jack has been in the alleyway watching this whole thing go off. "[thinks]. Screw that Ladybug said. I'm kicking this guys butt now." Jack declared. "Are you serious?! Why are you obsessed with hurting a villain? If anything, Ladybug saved you from being more severely injured." Duusu asked. "Because I hate people like him obviously. Now move, Duusu." Jack replied in an anger tone. "No." Duuus said. "[shocked]. Excuse me? Did you just say..." Jack asked. "No? You heard me. Heard me loud and clear. I'm not allowing you to fight that supervillain. It's too dangerous, and violent." Duusu replied in a serious tone. "Ok. What makes you think you get to tell me what to do?" Jack asked. "It's a role reversal this time, Jack. You say no to me when I ask for blueberry muffins. Now I'm saying no when you want to fight a villain." Duusu replied. "As if. Get out of my way." Jack said. "I already told you, no." Duusu replied in a more serious/mad tone. "And I'm the one in control. Not you. So MOVE!!!!" Jack yelled. "NO!!!" Duusu yelled. "What if I disobey. Huh? Huh? What are you going to do about it?!" Jack asked angrily. "ALRIGHT THAT'S IT!!!!!! YOU LISTEN HERE YOUNG MAN!!!!!!! [Jack gets frightened]. UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES EVER WILL YOU NOT GO OUT THERE, AND THREATEN YOURSELF EVEN MORE!!!!!! I MAY BE A SMALL, HELPLESS CREATURE, BUT I DO HAVE THIS!!!!!! THE ABILITY TO YELL AT ANYONE WHO PISSES ME OFF!!!!!! [Jack backs up into a garbage can]. PAY CLOSE ATTENTION NOW YOU OBNOXIOUS CHILD!!!!!!! SHUT UP, TAKE A BIG DEEP BREATH LIKE A BALLOON, AND SLOWLY, AND I TRULY MEAN SLOWLY, LET, IT OUT!!!!!! AND IF YOU TRY TO SAY ONE THING BACK TO ME, I SWEAR TO THE FORBIDDEN ONE, I WILL SCREAM SO LOUD, ALMOST EVER WINDOW IN PARIS WILL BE SHATTERED!!!!!!! YOU GOT ME!!!!!!!" Duusu screamed. Jack is now on the ground in full on shock. He watches Duusu take anger deep breathes. Expressing her emotions of anger. After what he witnessed, Jack better not get on Duusu's bad side. So, he obeys. Jack calms down with a big deep breath, and slowly lets it out. "[calms down]. You good?" Duusu asked. "[chills]. Yeah. Yes I am. Dear God that was furious. I don't think I've ever seen someone get that anger before. And I've gotten anger like, a lot of times." Jack replied. "I am the kwami of Emotion for a reason. Sorry if I was too loud." Duusu said. "No. You were alright. All you did do is terrify me, but I'm a hardcore horror fan, so.." Jack replied. "Right. Ladybug and Cat Noir should be able to take care of this villain. Best we follow your move, and get out of here." Duusu said. Surprisingly, Duusu sees Jack pulls out, and looks at the Peacock miraculous. "Duusu. You said you wanted to make sentimonsters for good right?  Fighting crime, and such?" Jack asked. "Yes. Wait.......[gasp] are you going to?" Duusu asked back. "Too be brutally honest, I actually think so." Jack replied. "But you said you wouldn't use my powers because your worried Ladybug and Cat Noir will see you as an enemy?" Duusu asked. "I know, but I'll admit, my anger was way too out of control. It's not the first time though. I still want to make that villain pay. But it's not going to be in a raging way. I want to do it in a way that won't make me stupid. I want to do it in a way that sounds right. Using a piece of jewelry for the greater good. [looks at Duusu]. I'll try not to lose it." Jack replied. Duusu looks at Jack with a serious look. "[sighs]. Fine.  I'll do my best not to lose it." Jack said. Duusu still has her serious look. "Ok fine. I promise I won't lose it." Jack said. "Thank you." Duusu replied. Jack then puts on the Peacock miraculous. "Ohhhhh, I'm so excited. This is going to such an awesome memory to cherish. All you have to is say, Duusu, spread my feathers." Duusu said. "[deep breath]. Alright, let's do this. Duusu, spread my feathers." Jack replied, as he transforms into Blue Bird(Once again, the photo above is what I want Blue Bird to look like. Shoutout again to Ирка Редная for the artwork).
    "[looks at costume]. This is pretty cool. I have to say these miraculous have good taste in fashion. Oh, I especially love the coat.  And with a peacock like tail at the bottom.  Genius feature.  Ok, stop complimenting the miraculous, Jack. If we have time we can do it later, but now we have to stop that Adrien freak or whatever. But first I need to find a way to say hidden." Blue Bird said. As he looks around, Blue Bird sees a latter up to a rooftop. He figures that's a good place to get a view of Fanboy. So, he pulls down the latter, climbs up it, and gets to the rooftop. "Alright. Progress. [deep breath]. We can do this." Blue Bird said. He walks to the edge of the rooftop, and looks over to another rooftop. "Just a simple run and jump will do the job. Something I never do, but it doesn't seem that hard. The gap is small. Ok. Here we go." Blue Bird said. He runs, until he is close to the edge of the cliff. At that point, he jumps. Unfortunately, Blue Bird is unaware of the kind of physical strength a miraculous can give you. He ends up flying in the air. At a fast pace. Blue Bird screams, as he hurdles over other rooftops, and to another one. Only for his jaw to hit the edge, and fall into the trash. "[comes to]. Holy crap! Duusu never informed me I can do that. Ouch. My jaw. It's.....not broken? Huh? I guess that's another thing the miraculous can do. No wonder they shouldn't fall in the wrong hands. [gets out of trash, and looks at rooftop]. So basically a simple jump should do it." Blue Bird said. He jumps, and he is above the rooftop in the air. He lands for the rooftop, but falls to the ground as he lands. "[gets up]. Ow. This miraculous hero thing is way more difficult than it looks. Come on, Jack. We can still do this." Blue Bird said. Soon, he hears screaming. Blue Bird looks, and sees Fanboy continuing to beat up Ladybug and Cat Noir. Both of them pretty much beaten to death at this point. "Either that's his power, or he really does have a messed up addiction. Though he is distracted. Now's my chance. Only problem is how do I make the sentimonsters. Hmmmm. [touches hand fan's feathers, before he takes out a feather]. Maybe the feather is what does it. Duusu is a peacock, so it makes sense, but how. Wish she would have explained to me, before I decided to do this. And I can't de-transform because I'm in a public setting. Come on, think. [clinches hands, as he thinks. Unknown of what's happening to the feather]. Think on how to solve this. I mean, it can't be that hard. [un-clinches hands]. Wooo. The feather. It's blue. Wait, did I...just do it? [looks at feather]. Ok, if the feather went from white to blue, then this must be how to do it. But now what? [thinks again only for the amok to go into the hand fan]. Oh crap. [taps hand fan]. What did I just do? Where did my feather go?" Blue Bird said. He goes into a thinking phase again, while panicking. Little does he know he is creating a sentimonster. "[slams Ladybug on Cat Noir. Both grunt]. Hahahahahaha. I think that's enough. Time for your miraculous, Farfalla." Fanboy said. Before he can reach in to get it, a shadow forms behind him. Ladybug and Cat Noir looks, and are horrified at what they see. Soon, Fanboy turns around, and so does Blue Bird, after he hears a mighty growl. As he does, Blue Bird falls to the ground. Because he sees a gigantic being of human brains, organs, etc growling in a sloppy manner. "What on Earth is that?" Cat Noir asked scared. Noticing he is distracted, Cat Noir kicks Fanboy to the ground from his back. Cat picks up Ladybug, and they try to escape. Fanboy chases after them. As he does, people start screaming at the sight of the sentimonster, as it crashes into buildings. Even the crying Adrien fans take their eyes off their idol, and onto the creature. Blue Bird watches this with silence. "Ok, this is not what I had in mind. Then again, a living pile of human organs could make a good horror comic. Urg!!! Focus, Jack. Ok, it's ok. I can fix this. I mean, I miraculously was able to make the monster, so I can stop it. Yeah. [walks to edge]. Uhhh, inside monster. Hello, over here." Blue Bird said. The sentimonster turns around, and stares at Blue Bird. It goes to him, which makes Blue Bird back up in fear. "No, no, no, no. Stop it. Stop walking." Blue Bird said, as he drops his fan, and closes his eyes. As he cowards on the ground, Blue Bird realizes nothing is happening. He opens his eyes, and sees the sentimonster frozen in place. This starts to confuse the bird.  "Hello. Can you here me?" Blue Bird asked. The sentimonster doesn't respond. He only stands still. "O.......k. [grabs hand fan, and gets up. The sentimonster acts again]. Ahhhh, stop." Blue Bird shouted. The sentimonster obeys, and stops. "Wait. Why did he obey there, but not a few seconds ago. [looks at hand fan, then sentimonster]. Wait a second. Sentimonster, way your right hand. [sentimonster obeys, and waves his right hand]. Alright. [puts hand fan down. Sentimonster stops waving]. Now, wave your left hand. [doesn't do a thing other than just stand still. Picks up hand fan]. Now, wave your left hand. [sentimonster obeys, and waves left hand]. So, it obeys me if I have the hand fan in hand, but if I don't then it does nothing. That makes some sense. Ok. So, sentimonster, actually let's change that......[thinks].......Inside Guy. No.......oh, Guts and Glory. Cool, but too long.........I got it. Intestines. Yeah. Intestines, as your creator, I command you to stop that villain over there. The one trying to hurt Ladybug and Cat Noir." Blue Bird ordered. The sentimonster obeys him, and moves to Fanboy, Ladybug, and Cat Noir. "Well that was easier than expected. Better stay here, so I don't cause any trouble." Blue Bird said. Fanboy stops Ladybug and Cat Noir from escaping by putting them on the ground again. "Now where were we? Oh yeah. Miraculous." Fanboy said. He goes to get the miraculous, as Ladybug and Cat Noir look behind him. They see Intestines moving towards them. "So, I guess we lose our kwamis, and join a pile of human guts.  Not the way I had in mind to go."  Ladybug said.  Both of them are then surprised, when the sentimonster grabs Fanboy.  "Hang on.  What's it doing?"  Cat Noir asked.  Intestines pulls Fanboy up to him, and he is mad.  "[tries to get out].  What's happening.  Why can't I escape?"  Fanboy asked, as he tries to break free.  Intestines then slams Fanboy on the ground.  This shocks Blue Bird.  Intestines sends his fist at Fanboy, but he dodges them.  He goes to punch the sentimonster, but for some reason, his punches aren't effective.  Fanboy proceeds to punch the sentimonster, until its hurt, as Ladybug and Cat Noir question what is happening.  Both the pile of guts, and why Fanboy isn't effective anymore.  They get one answer to the question, when Cat Noir sees a girl look at a picture of Adrien.  Because of that, Fanboy's punches get stronger.  Cat sees another girl look at Adrien, as she hides, and Fanboy gets stronger.  "It all makes sense now.  My Lady, I know how to stop Fanboy."  Cat Noir said.  "You do?"  Ladybug asked.  "Yes.  Let's ignore the giant monster for now.  We take Fanboy out first, then this thing."  Cat Noir replied.  "Ok."  Ladybug said.  The two of them get away, as Intestines takes on Fanboy.  Both heroes go to a safer distance.  "Hear me out.  I saw a girl look at a photo of Adrien Agreste.  I saw another one do it, and it was from that I figured it out."  Cat Noir said.  "Which is?"  Ladybug asked confused.  "Fanboy is super strong not because it was a power given to him.  But because he gets his strength from people who look at Adrien Agreste.  It's almost like he his Fanboy's power source.  The adrenaline he needs to be strong.  You know what I'm saying?"  Cat Noir asked back.  "Yes.  Wonderful job there, kitty.  This even gives me an idea.  I'll go around Paris stopping anyone from looking at Adrien.  Once I got enough to stop, I'll come back to you.  You on the other hand will stop both akumatized villain, and creature."  Ladybug replied.  "Understood, and I know exactly how to do it."  Cat Noir said.  The two of them split up, despite being hurt in the progress.  Ladybug flies around, and whenever she sees Adrien posters, or someone looking at him, she makes them stop.  Whether it's by destroying posters, or breaking phones.  She does apologize to them as well.  During this, Fanboy is back in the air because of Intestines.  The sentimonster plays with the villain, as Cat Noir stands in front of them.  He looks at Fanboy, and slowly watches him become weaker.  He keeps watching, as Ladybug keeps stopping people from looking at Adrien.  The more people that stop, the more Fanboy becomes weaker.  Until it's time for Cat to shine.  "Cataclysm."  Cat Noir said, as he uses his powers.  He slams his fist on the ground, which erupts into a big, and powerful earthquake.  The power of his cataclysm shakes the ground beneath Intestines.  It cracks, and the sentimonster loses it's balance.  Fanboy falls to the ground, now free, but knows he has to run when Intestines starts to fall towards him.  Fanboy runs for his life, as cracks explode on the ground from the cataclysm.  He tries to avoid them all while he is covered by the shadow of Intestines.  He thinks he is about to win, but at the last possible second, he gets tackled my Intestines.  Smoke clears up.  Cat Noir nows sees Intestines in the ground holding Fanboy down.  He is so weak, he can't get out.  He tries, but he fails.  Cat Noir walks over to Fanboy, and sees a black phone near him.  One that is fully black.  "[picks it up.  Ladybug lands next to him].  I think we found our akumatized object."  Cat Noir said.  "Awesome.  Also, great job taking these two out."  Ladybug replied.  "Again what can I say.  Fighting crime is what makes Cat Noir's day meowlous."  Cat Noir said, as Ladybug giggles again.  Cat Noir breaks the phone, and the akuma flies out.  Ladybug opens her yo-yo, spins it around, captures the akuma, frees it from evil, and says a nice goodbye as it flies away.
    With his akuma out, Fanboy turns back into who he really is. Wayhem. The fan Adrien became friends with, who also got akumatized into Party Crasher. "[helps him out]. Wayhem? You did this?" Cat Noir asked. "[recovers]. Yes. It all started it the most harsh way possible. Adrien Agreste. Like Adrien Agreste himself blocked me from my phone. I look it kind of, well more like very personally, and lost it." Wayhem replied. "Really? I, I mean, why would Adrien do that?" Cat Noir asked. "I don't know. I want to know as well." Wayhem replied. Ladybug then opens her yo-yo, and pulls out a magical charm. "If I mind interrupting for a moment. [puts charm in hand]. This magical charm will prevent you from being akumatized again. Keep it with you at all times to remind you that akumatizations aren't the solution." Ladybug said. "[looks at charm, then puts it in pocket]. Thank you Ladybug and Cat Noir. For saving the day as always." Wayhem replied. "I hope Adrien does explain why he blocked you." Cat Noir said. "Thanks. Maybe when he does, I'll understand. I hope." Wayhem replied, as he walks away. "Well, all that's left if this thing. [sniffs]. Oh God, and it smells disgusting." Ladybug said. "It is a pile of literal human guts. I don't know what to expect." Cat Noir replied. "[almost hurls]. How did this thing even come in the first place?" Ladybug asked. "[looks at the ground, before something captures his eye]. I DON'T BELIEVE MY OWN KITTY EYES!!!!!" Cat Noir said. "What? What is it?" Ladybug asked. Cat Noir points, and Ladybug sees what he is talking about. Blue Bird. Speaking of Blue Bird, he stands there trying to figure out how to make his sentimonster go away. He only stops when his eyes also settle on Ladybug and Cat Noir. Who now realize his awareness. "[in shock]. Shot!" Blue Bird said.  Ladybug and Cat Noir run to Blue Bird, who freaks out.  He tries to run away, but Cat jumps in front of him.  Blue Bird nearly falls.  Ladybug then uses her yo-yo to wrap up Blue Bird.  She pulls, which sends the miraculous holder to his knees.  "[Ladybug walks in front of Blue Bird].  Another new miraculous holder from one of Shadowmoth's miraculous."  Cat Noir said.  "[grunts].  Ok, I can guess what your thinking, and I knew this would happen if I used Duusu, but please believe me when I say this."  Blue Bird replied.  "There's no need to talk.  We know what you are.  Another accomplice of Shadowmoth.  Not sure why he randomly decided to give away his miraculous, but that plan was awful knowing how easy it was to catch you."  Ladybug said.  "I can understand if you think that, but listen.  I'm a good guy.  I swear.  It was my sentimonster that saved you.  I was trying to help you."  Blue Bird replied.  "He's just like Farfalla.  A manipulator, who doesn't know what he's doing.  Now that we have you, we will be able to finally get Nooroo back.  Once we do, Farfalla, and Shadowmoth will be no more, and all three of you will be locked up in the slammer.  More like a bird cage for you."  Ladybug said.  "Funny bird joke.  But I'm serious.  I'm actually good.  Shadowmoth never gave this to me.  I found it randomly, and..."  Blue Bird replied.  "Stop it.  You're manipulation isn't working on us.  Now, to find out who you really are."  Ladybug said.  "[Ladybug reaches for Blue Bird's miraculous.  Her hand gets grabbed].  Wait."  Cat Noir replied.  "Huh?  Cat Noir, what are you doing?"  Ladybug asked.  "This is not the first time I've been through this.  Lay off his miraculous.  [looks at Blue Bird].  So, uhhhh, what's your name?"  Cat Noir asked back.  "Uhhhh, I actually never really thought of that.  Let me see.  Ummm..........Blue Bird?  Why not.  Call me Blue Bird."  Blue Bird replied.  "Not the worst name, but alright."  Cat Noir said.  "Pfff, thanks."  Blue Bird replied.  "So, Blue Bird, explain to us how you got this miraculous."  Cat Noir said.  "With pleasure.  It all started with that insane invasion Essence did.  I was hiding from the chaos, as it went on.  I bet it was one nasty fight you guys had to endure.  Eventually, you guys stopped Essence, and won.  I came out of my hiding spot, but as I did, I found what's on my chest.  The Peacock miraculous.  I had no idea what it was, or why it was there.  But what I did know was that you guys would probably be looking for it.  That, and view me as someone who works for Shadowmoth.  I didn't know what to do with it at all.  I settled with, just keep it for now, then give it to you guys when the time seems appropriate."  Blue Bird replied.  "Time seems appropriate?  Are you kidding me?!  Why on God would you wait later?"  Ladybug asked.  "You're looking at the reason right now.  Anyway, I decided to use it today only to save you.  [looks at Intestines].  And by the looks of it, I seemed to help.  I did right?"  Blue Bird asked.  "Technically yes.  So let me get this straight.  You found Duusu, keep a hold of her, and only choose to use her now to save us?"  Cat Noir asked back.  "That is correct."  Blue Bird replied.  "And you don't work for Shadowmoth?"  Cat Noir asked.  "That's what I explained."  Blue Bird replied.  "Ok.  Final question.  If you found my miraculous in the middle of the open, what would you do with it?"  Cat Noir asked.  "Easy.  Try to give it back to you.  In a way that won't let me find out who you are.  I'm not aware of these jewels, but I am aware your identities must be secret."  Blue Bird replied.  "Yep, he's not evil."  Cat Noir said.  "Cat?"  Ladybug asked in anger.  "He saved us from Fanboy, and proves he is not evil.  What more can you ask for?"  Cat Noir asked back.  [sighs].  There is only one person out there that can possible convince me he is good."  Ladybug replied.  "Looks like we are going somewhere.  But, you guys are experts with this whole miraculous lore?  How do you get rid of sentimonsters exactly?"  Blue Bird asked.  "Snap your fingers."  Ladybug replied.  "What?"  Blue Bird asked.  "Snap your fingers."  Ladybug replied.  "Um, ok.  [looks at Intestines, and snaps his fingers.  Intestines disappears, and the amok flies out.  It turns back to a normal feather].  Why do I feel like a God right now?"  Blue Bird. 
On another rooftop, Grandmaster Su Han inspects the still tied up Blue Bird.  "So we have another one.  Very interesting.  [insects outfit, miraculous, face]."  Su Han said.  "So what would you say about this?"  Ladybug asked.  "Well he does actually have Duusu that's for sure.  And he was the one who saved you with a pile of human guts?"  Su Han asked.  "Apparently that's what he said."  Ladybug replied.  "Ok.  How can we trust him though?"  Su Han asked.  "Thank you Grandmaster."  Ladybug replied.  "He did save us Su Han.  I know he looks suspicious, but he isn't evil.  At least to me he isn't."  Cat Noir said.  "Thank you Cat Noir."  Blue Bird replied. "Well, now that we have Duusu, we actually can automatically win right now. Just let Duusu tell us where Shadowmoth is, and we can hopefully find Farfalla." Su Han said. "Wait, really? Oh my God. Oh my God. You're right. YES!!!! YES!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!! PRESSURE TAKEN OFF MY BACK!!!!!! WOOOOOO HOOOOO!!!!!!" Ladybug screamed. Everyone looks at her in confusion. "Sorry. I mean, that's incredible." Ladybug said. "Yeah. I can see you all are happy about that, but there's one problem. Funny story is, [giggles] when I got Duusu, she can't remember her holder, or where he is." Blue Bird admitted. Ladybug goes from happy, to pissed off/mood face. "You're joking right?" Ladybug asked in a serious tone. "Not at all. I'm sorry, but that's the ca..." Blue Bird replied. "[grabs by throat, and shakes]. ARE YOU KIDDING ME????!!!!! YOU SERIOUSLY HAD TO DO THAT TO ME?????!!!!! GET MY HOPES UP, AND CRUMBLE THEM LIKE IT'S A SICK JOKE!!!!!! I'M GOING PLUCK EVERY FEATHER OFF YOU BODY FOR THIS!!!!!!" Ladybug screamed. "Ladybug, STOP IT!!!" Su Han yelled. She looks at Su Han, who has a serious face. Ladybug, not wanting to make a celestial guardian upset, stops. She let's go of Blue Bird. "Good. So this is true? Duusu can't remember?" Su Han asked. "Yes. But I'm not saying there's no hope. Maybe one day in the future, she will remember. Just.....give her some time, and we can see what happens from here." Blue Bird replied. "Understood." Su Han said. "Oh come on. This is all a cover up, so Farfalla can make more akumas." Ladybug yelled. "Humans can forget important things, Ladybug. So can kwamis. If Duusu forgot, she forgot. But she can also remember." Su Han said. "UGH! Fine. So what about Blue Bird? What do we do with him?" Ladybug asked. "It does still feel risky to have this guy help us.  However, sentimonsters can be useful in battle.  Especially with Farfalla's tactics to getting the miraculous.  Here's my suggestion.  We keep an EXTREMELY, WELL DONE, GREAT EYE ON HIM, but let him stay."  Su Han replied.  "WHAT?????!!!!!!!"  Ladybug asked in shock.  "He saved you guys with a sentimonster, and holds the key to our victory.  I say he can help, but he has to work hard to earn my trust entirely.  I can see you don't trust him as well, but maybe you will in the future."  Su Han replied.  "This has got to be a gig.  You're basically letting a staple of evil into our team."  Ladybug said, as Su Han ignores her, and she growls.  "My Lady.  [touches shoulder].  Calm down.  Yelling at him is not worth it."  Cat Noir replied.  "[calms down.  Walks to Blue Bird].  Ok, Blue Bird.  We'll let you help us.  But I'll only treat you like the others if you earn my trust.  Til then, I have my suspicions out for you. AND NEVER DO THAT THING AGAIN!!!!!"  Ladybug yelled.  "Understandable.  So, uhhh, can I get untied now please?"  Blue Bird asked.  "[lets Blue Bird go].  Tomorrow.  You, me, Cat Noir, Arc de Triomphe, ten o'clock.  You got that?"  Ladybug asked.  "Yes ma'am."  Blue Bird replied, as he leaves in a clumsy way.
Ladybug is still upset with this, as the scene transitions to her bedroom, and de-transformed.  "Isn't this good news?  A new hero in town to stop Farfalla."  Alya asked.  "More like bad news."  Marinette replied.  "Come on, Marinette.  This is something you need.  You complain about not being able to have the team help you, except Bunnix, and now you have another hero that can help you.  This is what you've wanted right?"  Alya asked.  "I wanted Team Miraculous back.  Not some guy who I'm skeptical about."  Marinette replied.  "In any case, I'm happy you guys have a new alley.  Granted I miss being Rena Rouge, but now you guys have sentimonsters on your side.  This will make the battles easier, and help win faster.  Farfalla and Essence won't be able to handle the heat."  Alya said.  "Well like I said, I'll trust Blue Bird when he earns it."  Marinette replied. "Look on the bright side, Marinette. We finally have Duusu back." Tikki said. "It's true. She must miss us all, as we do for her. Maybe if we're lucky, Blue Bird will let us see her." Wayzz cheered. "Ohhh. That would be a miracle." Barkk said. "I want that opportunity to come right now!" Roarr replied. "Same here. Me too." Ziggy said. The other kwamis rejoice, as Alya watches a grumpy Marinette in a chair.  "Awww.  Lighten up Marinette.  [looks at Marinette, and grins.  Starts to tickle Marinette].  Tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle."  Alya said, as she tickles her BFF.  Marinette ends up on the floor laughing.  Miraculously, it helps lighten Marinette up.  "[laughs].  Ok.  Stop.  Stop it please.  It's so...funny."  Marinette said, as she laughs.  Alya stops tickling.  "Thank you.  Now it's your turn."  Marinette said, as she goes to tickle Alya.  The two girls laugh their butts off, as they tickle each other.
    Lastly, Lila is in her room watching the news report on Fanboy's defeats thanks to Blue Bird's sentimonster. "So that is where Duusu has been this whole time. It's about time. Guess we finally got one question answered." Lila said. "I'm just thankful she is ok. Now all I hope is that her owner isn't a total meanie." Nooroo replied. "Well he looks to be fighting for those punks, so that's a good sign." Lila said. "[in whisper]. If only that was us. [not in whisper]. Lila, we have to get her back." Nooroo replied. "Oh, we will, Nooroo. [Nooroo sighs in relief].  And then destroy Blue Bird, so he won't try to disturb my plans. Once we have Duusu, I'll have two powers at my disposal. With it, I'll be able to create both villains, and sentimonsters. Deadly, evil sentimonsters. Thanks to them, I'll make Ladybug bleed, until she no longer has a single drop of blood in her body. Draining her of the life she stole from me." Lila said, as she starts to slowly laugh villainously. Nooroo flies in complete sadness. The only thing that makes him feel joy is knowing his beloved kwami is safe and sound.

Miraculous Ladybug Season 5: The End of EvilWhere stories live. Discover now