The Temple

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Right where we left off, Su Han encounters Ladybug and Cat Noir. "Grandmaster. What are you doing here?" Ladybug asked. "To find you two. Alya Cesaire. Apparently one of your heroes now hospitalized because of Essence." Su Han yelled. "We are aware. Hopefully she will recover soon, and come back to us." Cat Noir said. "That's not going to change a thing. She will be safe, but Essence is still out there. How could you be so irresponsible assigning a temp hero to fight someone like Essence?" Su Han asked. "Ok, I'll admit in this case it was a bad idea. But we were only trying to stop him faster. We want him gone, as with Farfalla and Shadowmoth." Ladybug replied. "And look what it lead too. Not to mention what happened when his invasion came. All of you, minus Rena and the holder of the Rabbit got brutalized by him. You see. This is why a young child as guardian is a terrible idea. You are unclear of who and what you are up against." Su Han yelled back. "What do you mean? He is just some guy in a cloak and mask with robots to serve him. He seems pretty normal to me." Cat Noir said. "[growls]. He is more than that. If I'm going to give you the answers, then I need to take you somewhere none of you have ever gone before. The Guardian's Temple." Su Han replied. Both Ladybug and Cat Noir go into shock. "You mean, the temple Master Fu destroyed?" Ladybug asked. "That's exactly what I mean. It's time you learn the truth. Also hope you have enough energy. It's a ten hour leap to the temple. Mostly cold on the way there." Su Han replied. "Woah. We can't do that." Cat Noir said. "Of course you can. If your worthy miraculous holders, you can take the pain." Su Han replied. "Well, there is a faster way to get there. Astro powers." Ladybug said. "Your right. We could just fly there." Cat Noir replied. "Fly? Hmmm. I guess that can work. But just to let you know, you are a true guardian if you can leap there. No breaks." Su Han said. "Boy you guardians are tough." Cat Noir replied. Both heroes get their Astro treats, and costume them. They power up into Cosmo Bug, and Astro Cat. They grab Su Han's arms, and blast off. Flying to the temple.
    As they fly off, we slowly see how Jack and Duusu are doing. Jack flies in bed exhausted from today. "God, Essence is no joke. Ohhh. Really hit me in the gut hard." Jack said. "Thankfully you survived. I can't bare to see you get hurt like that, Jack." Duusu replied. "Thanks, but it wasn't the first time I faced him." Jack said. We quickly flashback to Essence 2.0, where Jack saved Ladybug from Essence. Essence then twisted his wrist hard, and threw him against a wall. "What matters is that we survived. Hopefully Ladybug, Cat Noir, and Rena Rouge will be ok." Duusu prayed. "Especially Alya. We saw how she is now in the hospital because of Essence. The gang will be devastated about her." Jack replied. "Let's just hope for the best." Duusu said. "Agreed. Well, I'm heading to bed. See you in the morning, Duusu." Jack replied. "You two. Good night." Duusu said. Jack falls asleep, as Duusu sneaks off the the bathroom. Inside, she looks herself in the mirror. "God, I hate you Essence. I hate you so much. You are a big meanie who deserves to burn for what you did to Emilie. I swear, when the day you finally perish comes, I will celebrate like there is no tomorrow." Duusu said. After that confession, she goes back to the bedroom. She flies on top of a Jack, and snoozes just like him.
    Moving forward, our heroes and Su Han fly their way through a snowy atmosphere. And a harsh one indeed. "Woah. Is weather always like this over here?" Astro Cat asked. "Only at night. Keep pushing forward. And don't even try to drop me." Su Han replied. "We won't, but how on Earth can you handle this cold?" Cosmo Bug asked. "This isn't the first time I've been through this. It's all about adapting. Like a spider when he makes a new web for himself." Su Han replied. They keep pushing forward, until they arrived at their destination. The Temple. They land right in the middle of the temple. On the platform with the guardian's symbol. Both heroes power down, but are still freezing from the weather. "Ladybug. Cat Noir. Welcome to the Temple. Also know as the Guardian's Temple. Also know as home for the Order of the Guardians." Su Han said. "That's nice, but can you please take us inside?" Cat Noir asked. "Yes. Follow me." Su Han replied. He takes them to the tallest building of the temple(btw, the temple for this looks like the one at the end of the episode Feast). The building is guarded by massive wooden doors. "Great we are here. Now can you please let us in?" Ladybug begged. "Yeah. I can feel my tail falling off." Cat Noir begged as well. "Chill you two." Su Han said. Both don't take kindly of that joke. Su Han honors their wishes, by knocking on the door. He uses a weird knock. One that goes: three knocks, two high fives, one fist bump, and three more knocks. "Uhhh, what are you doing?" Ladybug asked. "Getting us in." Su Han replied. The doors finally open up, as both heroes run in immediately. They fall to the ground. "Oh my God. It's so much warmer in here. Ahhh, the heat feels so good." Ladybug said. "Just get me a class of warm milk, and I'm set." Cat Noir replied. Both heroes look up, and see a bunch of guardian figures looking at them in a strange way. Both heroes of course feel a bit awkward. "No need to fear everyone. [closes wooden doors]. They are the two miraculous holders I look after in Paris. Ignore this foolish, child like behavior." Su Han said. The guardians and monks relax after those words. "Ok, get up you two. Show some care for this place." Su Han said. "Yes, Grandmaster." Ladybug and Cat Noir replied, as they get up. Both heroes follow Su Han, as they look at the temple's design. It has pillars, the guardian symbol on it's walls, ancient art of previous miraculous holders throughout history, and much more. The monks there bow before Su Han as he walks past them. Su Han takes the duo to a huge shelf at the end of the gigantic room. "This right here is where we keep our grimoires, and miracle boxes. If you noticed, we have lots of copies of the grimoire. Lots of them." Su Han said. "Why so many?" Cat Noir asked. "You never know how many you need. We make sure we have enough." Su Han replied. "What about the miracle boxes? I see none on here." Ladybug asked. "That's because they are all out in the world used for the greater good. Well, all but one. The Aquatic Box. We lost it years ago, and haven't found it in centuries. We only hope it hasn't fallen into the wrong hands." Su Han replied. "Ok. Well, we do know that the Prodigious and Brazilian Box aren't here, since we did see them in person. Well, we both saw one, and I saw another one." Ladybug said. "That's right." Grandmaster Solfar replied, as he joins Su Han. "Solfar." Su Han said. "Su Han." Solfar replied. Both give each other a firm handshake when greeting. "It's been a while, since I last saw you." Solfar said. "It was only three weeks ago. How is Brazil doing?" Su Han asked. "Great as always. We actually started using the miraculous for once. It was a suggestion Ladybutterfly made." Solfar replied. "Oh, Ladybutterfly now is forming a team? That's amazing." Cat Noir said. "Cat Noir and Ladybug. What a pleasure it is to see you again." Solfar replied. He greets both of them with a handshake. "So what brings you to the Temple?" Solfar asked. "Su Han brought us here for some reason. What about you?" Ladybug asked back. "Just checking in on the team, and seeing how everyone is working out. [looks over them]. Ah, Mei Shi. Greetings my fellow feline friend." Solfar replied. "Feline friend?" Cat Noir asked, as he turns around. He is then frightened at the Mei Shi, in his Lion human form(basically the form he had, before Essence used his powers if you read the Shanghai rewrite). "[laughs]. No need to be afraid scaredy cat. I mean no harm. [looks at Ladybug]. And if it isn't Ladybug. Ladydragon has been talking all about you, since you left." Mei Shi said. "Really? That's sweet. If you mind, tell her I'm alright, and hope to see her again. [looks at a scared Cat Noir]. Cat Noir, this is Mei Shi. He is the.....other miraculous in the Prodigious Box. The one my friend Ladydragon has." Ladybug replied. "Ok. But, wouldn't he be a flying creature? Not some giant lion titan." Cat Noir asked. "You mean this? [poofs in kwami form]. Taaa daaa." Mei Shi replied. "Ok, this is getting a bit freaky." Cat Noir said. "[returns back to normal]. Just to clarify, kitty, I am a kwami. But I was given the ability to transform into a more human like form to protect the Prodigious. It's a long story." Mei Shi replied. "Right." Cat Noir said, as he gets up. "Looks like you guys are having fun without me. Same as always." Another Grandmaster said. "Grandmaster Walker. You always arrive late, so don't blame us." Solfar replied. "Not my fault NYC is so far away from here." Walker said. "Yeah. Yeah. Ladybug and Cat Noir. Meet, Grandmaster Walker. He is in charge of guarding the Native American Box in NYC." Solfar introduced. "No way. You mean, Eagle and Uncanny Valley? We know them. We meet a while back. Last I recalled, they started forming a team of heroes." Ladybug said. "That's right. It's forming pretty good, and NYC is being protected to it's greatest." Walker replied. "Wow. More miraculous holders as time goes on. Guess you can say no matter where a miraculous is. Paris, New York, Shanghai, or Brazil, Essence won't get his hands on it." Cat Noir said. Suddenly, the room goes silent. Very silent. Cat Noir looks at everyone, who looks at him, and Cat gets confused. "Uhhhh, did I say something wrong?" Cat Noir asked. "You didn't. It's just........follow me." Su Han ordered. Ladybug and Cat Noir obey, as the guardians and monks still look at him weirdly. "Not sure what's there deal. All I said was..." Cat Noir said. "Cat. Stop talking." Su Han ordered, as he takes them into another room.
Back at the Agreste manor, Gabriel is in the study with Nathalie, who is still in bed.  She continues to cough, as Gabe starts to get worried.  "[stops coughing].  Do you know when you are going to tell him?"  Nathalie asked.  "I still don't know.  And I don't know how either."  Gabriel replied.  "[coughs].  He has to know soon, Gabriel.  Otherwise, he will be shattered to see me go unexpectedly."  Nathalie said.  "But there has to be a way around this."  Gabriel replied.  He grabs his grimoire, and scrolls through it.  "It's no use.  Not a single page in that book holds the key to saving me.  [coughs].  And quite frankly, I am tired of this illness."  Nathalie said.  "Are you saying you're ok with dying?" Gabriel asked.  "[coughs].  Every cough I make, makes me feel like a chicken roasting.  It's burning my insides.  And my vomits make me feel emptier each time."  Nathalie replied.  "But you'll be abandoning Adrien and me."  Gabriel said.  "That's the one thing I regret.  But as much as I hate to see him lose me, there is nothing we can do, Gabriel.  [gags, and then vomits].  Our only best bet is to get the miraculous.  They are the key to saving me.  But til then, [coughs] I want this pain to end."  Nathalie replied.  Gabriel soon starts to see what Nathalie has been yelling at him about.  It starts to affect him.  "I'll find a way to save you, Nathalie.  I promise."  Gabriel said.  He leaves the study.  Leaving Nathalie's pain to continue. 
The three of them end up walking do a spiraling staircase.  One that is lit by torches only.  "So, where exactly are you taking us?"  Ladybug asked.  "Somewhere where you will see what and who you are dealing with."  Su Han replied.  Both heroes are still confused.  Eventually the staircase ends, and they make it into a giant room once again lit by torches.  Both heroes look amazed at what they see.  A giant stone statue of a human.  "So, this is why you brought us here?  To see a giant stature of some random person."  Cat Noir asked.  "[gasp]. HOW DARE YOU!!!!!"  Su Han yelled.  "Hey, easy.  It's a nice piece of art.  Not saying it's bad or anything."  Cat Noir said.  "That's not the case.  This right here, is the reason we have all of this.  The reason we have this temple.  The reason I'm a guardian.  The reason.......why you have your miraculous."  Su Han replied.  "Excuse me?"  Ladybug and Cat Noir asked.  "What you two are looking The Forbidden One."  Su Han replied.  "The Forbidden One?  Wait, The Forbidden One?  Hey, I remember.  Master Fu told us about this guy.  He said he......started the Order of Guardians."  Ladybug said.  "That's right.  But he was also the being who created your miraculous.  Not just yours.  Every single one in existence."  Su Han replied.  "WHHHAAAATTTT????!!!!!"  Ladybug and Cat Noir asked in shock.  "Surprised?  You should be.  You see [in flashback] The Forbidden One was a slave during the time of Egypt.  He was tired of his conditions, so he tried to convince the King to set them all free.  The Kind denied his offer, and kicked him out of Egypt.  With his guards making sure he was dead, before they stuffed him into a cave.  Too bad he was still alive.  Inside that cave, he saw a bright red light through a crack.  He was able to get through it thanks to his skinny body.  Once through, he was amazed at what he saw.  The tablet containing The Forbidden Power.  After he touched it's rocky surface, it went inside of his body.  [explosion].  When he woke up, he found himself with incredible powers.  The power of creation, and destruction.  He spend weeks studying his new abilities, and realized this was the key to saving his people.  So, he came up with a master plan.  Using the powers of Creation and Destruction, The Forbidden One created the first miraculous to be made.  Tikki, and Plagg.  The Ladybug and Black Cat miraculous.  Years later, he studied and trained them, until he understood all they had to offer.  Including the wish it can grant when both are combined.  After that, he created the first miracle box.  The Mother Box.  Containing the kwamis you have now.  Once he understood them, he went back to Egypt to expand his plan.  He choose five individuals he found worthy, and brought them to his cave.  There, he trained them to be fellow guardians for the power he created.  Once ready, he gave them their first assignment.  [gives guardians the Mother Box].  They choose slaves they found worthy for a miraculous.  Proving themselves in a way that shows their heroism.  Once chosen, they gave them out.  The first miraculous holders rose up, and ravaged Egypt's empire.  Taking out the guards, until the King was confronted by The Forbidden One.  After that day, the King was banned from Egypt, and The Forbidden One became the new king.  Saving not only Egypt, but the entire world if anything went wrong.  [end flashback]."  Su Han replied.  Both Ladybug and Cat Noir cannot believe their own ears.  "Wait.  So, you mean to tell me that everything.  Everything miraculous related came from this guy?"  Cat Noir asked.  "Presumably The Forbidden Power, but yes."  Su Han replied.  " awesome."  Cat Noir said.  "No kidding.  A power that can create and destroy anything.  That can solve all our problems easily."  Ladybug replied.  "Yes.  But unfortunately, there is a reason it is called The Forbidden Power.  [in flashback].  The Forbidden One became mad with power.  He wanted to destroy the world with his powers or the wish, and rebuilt it into a world under his satisfaction.  [blast, and kills thousands of people].  The only reason he didn't get his wish was the Ladybug and Black Cat holder of that time.  They achieved their full potential.  Allowing them to create or destroy anything they want.  They also had the ability to fly, and travel at fast speeds.  With one blast of their power on The Forbidden One, it killed him.  Removing the power from his system.  Apparently that's the only way to remove The Forbidden Power from someone.  Making sure it won't fall into the wrong hands, they sealed it back into it's stone prison.  With the Ladybug at that time placing an ancient lock, so no one can get it if they touch the stone.  [end flashback]."  Su Han said.  "Oh........So that's what can happen if one goes too insane with power."  Cat Noir replied.  "Yes indeed."  Su Han said.  "Ok, great information for us to learn, but what does this have to do with Essence?"  Ladybug asked.  "Well, [deep breath] I think it's time you, and your kwamis know."  Su Han replied.  "Know what?"  Cat Noir asked.  "First of all, [pulls out head band] put these on, and de-transform.  I'm aware of how you two don't want to know each other's identities for reasons."  Su Han replied.  "If you say so."  Ladybug said.  Both heroes put the head bans on their heads.  Once on, they de-transform.  Tikki and Plagg come out.  Both confused on what Su Han means.  "So you are Cat Noir?  Intriguing.  Anyway, [deep breath].  I apologize for not telling you guys this sooner.  It's just, when I first saw it, I knew this wouldn't be good.  The time has come I tell you all about, The Void."  Su Han said.
"[in flashback].  Back in Egypt, before this Temple was built, the King's Palace was the guardian's base. The five first guardians at that time, Jali, Boyle, Troy, Cicle, and Malcom were is control of The Forbidden Power. The other miraculous holders at that time were still doing what where were assigned to do. "This is obnoxious! We can't get rid of this power. It can grant us all we would ever wanted." Malcom said. "No, Cyrus. It's not worth it. We saw what happened to The Forbidden One. We can't risk releasing it again." Cicle replied. "So why not destroy is? Why did we keep it, if we are not going to use it?" Cyrus Malcom asked. "We only kept it in case of emergencies. That, and the wish are our key if anything went horribly wrong." Troy replied. "Well why not use it now? Huh? Give us all we..." Malcom asked. "Malcom! Stop it. We made our choice, and that's that." Boyle replied. "Fine. But just know this, is the key to anything." Malcom said, as he storms away. This guardian didn't like how they didn't use The Forbidden Power for making the world a better place. So later that night, he took matters into his own hands. Cyrus Malcom snuck back into the Egyptian Palace that night to steal the tablet for himself. "[approaches glowing tablet]. There, there little guy. Once Malcom gets you out of here, we will do so many amazing things." Malcom said. When Malcom places his hands on the tablet, he freezes in horror. He gets visions of the power inside of the stone. Visions that made him scream in astonishment. The scream attracted the guardians, who found what Malcom was doing. "What the heck, Malcom?! What are you doing?" Jali asked. The four first guardians see, and realize what he was trying to do. "Oh my God Malcom you wouldn't." Cicle said. "I felt it. I felt the power inside. It's so......beautiful. Don't you see guys, this is why we need to release it. It will give us all we need to live happy lives for eternity." Malcom replied. "No, what it will do is make you go insane. Get him out of here." Troy ordered. So with that, Malcom was kicked out of the palace. But his exile didn't stop him from achieving the power he wanted. He vowed to get it no matter how long it takes. And he left. In the town of Egypt, Malcom gathered people to tell them of his experience. Explaining The Forbidden Power would give them power beyond anything the miraculous holders have. It will make them be viewed as Gods and Goddess instead of normal human beings. This got the people's attention. They were as power hunger as Malcom was. He laughed a spinster laugh. And thus, it began. For months, he taught and trained three individual families the ways of a guardian. Giving them the knowledge to fight unlike anyone else at this time. Even more powerful than an actual guardian himself thanks to ideas he came up with. He mastered them in all kinds of weaponry, combat, situation, everything. Cyrus Malcom built an army of unstoppable fighters. "[three years later]. Now my fellow members. The time has come we enact our plan to get The Forbidden Power, and use it's holiness to make this world ours. We will rule it in our favor, and all will obey our greatness. Everyone, with me. Long live, The Void!!!!" Malcom, and everyone else screamed. With that, The Void was born. It's symbol was a red diamond with a red X in the middle. That night, they struck. Attacking the miraculous holders to get to the temple. What looked like an easy battle, turned out to be the battle of a lifetime. The Void seemed unstoppable to the heroes. Taking them out in just a few seconds. As they fought on, Malcom made his way to the temple. Once up there, he confronted his fellow guardians. "Malcom." All four guardians said. "Hey guys. Happy to see me again?" Malcom asked. "Malcom......what did you do?" Boyle asked. "What you all made me do. [giggles]. The Forbidden Power is the key, and we are on the verge of getting it. Once I get it, and the miraculous from The Mother Box, we will be one step closer to pure happiness." Malcom replied. "This is nuts, Malcom. You can't expect this to come just because of power. You are as mad as The Forbidden One." Jali said. "No. I'm doing what he would have wanted." Malcom replied, as he screams and charges at them. It was a four against one fight, but Malcom overpowered all of them. He was as skillful as Essence. Treating them like rag dolls any chance he could get. The fight outside gets so powerful, Egypt begins to fall apart. The Palace starts to fall. "[notices damage]. We have to leave. Now." Jali said. "But The Forbidden Power?" Troy asked. "Forget it. It's not worth it." Jali replied. The four guardians ran, as Malcom goes for the tablet. He was about to get his hands on it again, but that's when ceiling collapsed. It crushed the tablet, and went down with the rest of the Palace. Malcom was devastated, but like the guardian, knew he had to leave if he wanted to live. He fled, as the Palace was reduced to rubble, and waste. The dust that filled city gave The Void a chance to retreat. None of them were killed, and all got away. They fled Egypt all as one. "[looks at Egypt]. Mark my words, I will get my hands on The Forbidden Power, and all the miraculous to make our empire rise up." Malcom declared, as he and the others flee. Egypt was ruined. Almost hundreds have died, except for the holders and guardians. They helped each other recover, and as they did, they saw a miracle unlike any other. The Forbidden Power tablet was safe and sound outside the rubble. Not even a single scratch on it. "Jesus. No wonder he wanted it." Boyle said. "Regardless, this proves that power can corrupt the human mind. We have to make sure no one ever finds this again." Jali replied. So the guardian took the tablet to the place from where it came from. They placed it back in the spot The Forbidden One found it. Surrounded by glowing black and red crystals. This time, they made sure no one would find this. So they sealed the crack, and the entrance to the cave. Permanently preventing anyone from getting it ever again. But The Void didn't give up. Throughout history, they fought the miraculous holders to get their jewels. Despite not having the tablet, they refused to surrender. The four families, including the Malcom's, kept rising as time passed by. They were a force that couldn't be stopped. Eventually, The Void seemed to give up.  One by one, the families disappeared from The Void.  Until soon, we never saw them again."  Su Han said. The four heroes take time to take in that entire long story. Especially Tikki and Plagg. "[thinks, and gasp]. Now I remember. That symbol. The one on Essence's mask. It's......The Void." Tikki said. "The Void is back." Plagg replied. "Yes. More stronger than ever. And now I'm terrified about it." Su Han said. "Why? If the miraculous holders could stop them, then so can we.  Also, why didn't you tell us this sooner?" Adrien asked. "[sighs]. I am scared after what happened, which is the reason I hid this from you." Su Han replied. "Which is what?" Marinette asked. "[in flashback]. Some time ago, some of the guardians and I checked on The Forbidden Power to make sure it's ok. We do it once a year for extra protection. When he arrived, we were horrified. The cave's cover was blown. We rushed inside, and found the crack decimated too. We ran into the room, and couldn't believe our own eyes. The cave was empty. No tablet, no crystals. It was all gone. There was one thing that did remain in the cave. A red X with a diamond in the middle, that laid at the center of the cave's room. [end flashback]. Either a guardian played a sick joke on us, or Essence found the tablet's location, and stole it for himself. Now all he needs is the miraculous in order to obtain absolute power.  If he gets that, he will be unstoppable to defeat." Su Han replied.   
Our story meets it's conclusion at Essence's oil rig.  Down below the base, Essence stands in his secret room containing the tablet with The Forbidden Power.  There, he rubs his hands on it.  Feeling it's power.  "Mmmmmmm.  Yes.  YES!!!!!!  Let me embrace your power.  All of it.  [rubs hands on it's surface].  Ohhhhh, the more I feel you, the better I get.  But this isn't how I plan to use you.  Once I get my hands on ever miraculous, and miracle box in the world, I will finally get you free from your prison.  Soon, you will be mine, and the world will be mine for the taking.  I'm the last hope for The Void to achieve it's grand goal from the beginning.  And I will make sure I won't disappoint them.  No matter what I must do to get it."  Essence said.

Miraculous Ladybug Season 5: The End of EvilWhere stories live. Discover now