Spiteful Siblings

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Outside the hospital, Marinette slowly and patiently waits outside. Alongside her is Tikki of course. "I can't believe today is the day, Tikki. Today Alya is finally getting out of the hospital." Marinette said, who is very excited. "It's been what? A few weeks? A month or two? Either way, I'm really excited to see her again." Tikki replied. "I know right. It's still traumatic what happened to her. And what Essence did. I don't even know who he can still act the way he is, no matter what stands in his way." Marinette said. "He's a tricky man. A demonic tricky man. But aside from Alya coming back, what matters is that he's gone for good." Tikki replied. "Yeah, but don't you ever get a feeling he could come back?" Marinette asked. "Are you kidding me? We saw the news when they invested the factory remember? We saw his charred corpse. His literal skeleton. They even confirmed it's his body. No way in heck he is coming back from the grave." Tikki replied. "I still get that feeling. You never know what he can pull off next. But your right. I shouldn't worry because it's been weeks, and nothing on his end seemed to have happened." Marinette said. "Exactly. Just go back to enjoying your life, and being the hero you are. [in whisper]. A bit, selfish, and egotistical hero." Tikki replied. Soon, the hospital doors open. Marinette looks at them, and gasp in joy. There she is. Her BFF in the whole wide world, Alya. Alya sees Marinette, and then, walks right over to her. She stops when she is right in front of her BFF. "Hey, Marinette... Guess whose back?" Alya asked. With joy fueled in both their systems, Marinette and Alya embrace each other. So happy to finally see each other after so long.

    Soon, we go to Marinette's house. Inside, Alya is greeted by all the other kwamis. "Man it's been a long time since I came back here. Nothing much seems to have changed here." Alya said. "Well, I wouldn't say that. You see..." Marinette replied, before she gets interrupted. "ALYA!!!" Trixx yelled, as he hugs his holder on the cheek. "[gasp]. Trixx. [hugs him back]. It's been so long. I'm go happy to see you again." Alya replied. "Are you kidding. I've been worried sick. I was praying ever day that you will get better. Your better right?" Trixx asked. "Well, my rib cage is all healed up. Hurts a little bit when you touch it. But besides that, I'm both physically, and mentally ok." Alya replied. "I'm just so happy that your ok!!!" Trixx yelled. "Ok, sorry but that's enough Trixx. Like I was saying, stuff has changed. For starters, Blue Bird and I are finally on good terms. [in head]. Even if he thinks it's funny to steal my show, and says the person who takes out the megakuma doesn't matter. [not in head]. It took some time, but I managed to get along with him." Marinette replied. "That's great. I've actually seen some of the news. His sentimonsters are really taking out Farfalla left and right. Dude proved he's an awesome member of the team." Alya said. "[gets mad]. Yes he is. Very, good, friend." Marinette replied, as she laughs in an anger way. "Anything else happening with the team?" Alya asked. "Well, yes. We started to host our own meetings inside a warehouse. It's where we train, focus on how we are doing, and even gives the team a chance to get to know each other. You are going to love it there. That's for sure." Marinette replied. "Wait, I'm coming back as a hero?" Alya asked. "Well yeah. Sure, Shadowmoth did attack your family, and I know I said that if that ever happened, no miraculous anymore. But, with Farfalla in control, I'm sure we'll be fine. If there is an issue though, that's on me. I just want to see you as Rena Rouge again." Marinette replied. "I mean, the role as Fox miraculous holder is foxy, but risky as well. But if it means I can help my BFF with all this stress, I'm down to help." Alya said. "My stress has been, ok for the most part. Now with Essence gone, the heroes can come back. Nothing to worry about him, you know, [makes stab hand gestures]." Marinette replied. "For the record, I'm not worried, or afraid of Essence anymore. He is still a terrifying villain without a doubt, but I managed to get over him. Plus like you said, he's gone, so no need to worry." Alya said. "True, but I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable if you know what I mean." Marinette replied. "I get it girl. So, let's get to the real business. How is your so called, relationship with, Adrien Agreste?" Alya asked in a needy/romantic way." "Oh it's going gre...[in flashback, she remembers Jack saying this don't tell anyone I'm helping you get with Adrien.  End flashback].  I mean, same old, same old."  Marinette replied.  "Really?  I get your busy with superhero work, but you seriously made zero new progress with Adrien?"  Alya asked.  "I'll get with him eventually.  It's... taking some time.  Time to happen."  Marinette replied.  "Well, I can respect that.  Just try to at least tell him how you feel when school is over with.  Speaking of, please tell me I'm not that far behind with homework?"  Alya asked.  "Oh you are.  But hey, you got me to help you out.  That's what BFFs are for after all."  Marinette replied.  "Yes they are.  So, all seems to be well over here.  You got any plans tonight?"  Alya asked.  "I do actually."  Marinette replied.  "Are they with Adrien?"  Alya teased.  "[mood face].  Shut up.  [Alya laughs].  Actually, the plan involves you.  Alya, your becoming... Scarabella again."  Marinette replied.  "[stops laughing].  Say what now?"  Alya asked in shock.  "Well, let me explain.  My Dad is dragging me and my Mom to London for a bakery convention.  Again.  And since someone needs to defend Paris, and since your back, I figured, hey why not make you be Ladybug again."  Marinette replied.  "So, you want me to be a hero?  Again?  The day after I got out of the hospital?"  Alya asked.  "If your not comfortable with it, that's fine.  I have a backup plan, and everything in case something happens."  Marinette replied.  "No, no.  I can... totally do it.  Nothing, bothering me about that at all."  Alya said, as she giggles nervously.  "You good girl?"  Marinette asked.  "I'm fine."  Alya replied.  "Anyway, so your down for the idea?"  Marinette asked.  "Of course.  Like you said, always there to help your BFF."  Alya replied.  "Excellent.  [takes off earnings, and gives them to Alya].  I'll inform Cat Noir about your arrival.  I'm sure he'll be happy to see you again."  Marinette said.  "Yeah.  So... happy."  Alya replied in a nervous way.  She looks at the earnings, and feels not ok holding them.

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