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We begin Part 2 on a rooftop with our three heroes, and Grandmaster Su Han. "So, all has been going well, Ladybug?" Su Han asked. "Yep. Paris is still safe despite a new Hawkmoth on display. We didn't even need to call the other heroes to take her baddies out. Well, except for the time Style Queen, and Maledikator came back. But yeah." Ladybug replied. "Hmmm mmmm. And Cat, your performance has been good?" Su Han asked. "Purfect as always." Cat Noir replied, as Ladybug giggles. "Hey! Don't laugh." Su Han demanded. "But you saw what he did there right?" Ladybug asked. "I did, but I don't want to hear interruptions. Ok. Now for you, Blue Bird. How has your progress been here? I expect a lot of info from you." Su Han asked seriously. "[gulps].'s been.....going good. I was clumsy from the start, but I've grown to be better with this increased speed and strength. For sentimonsters, it's going good as well. It can be difficult to control some of them, but I like a challenge. So yeah. Still some areas to work on, areas Ladybug would agree with." Blue Bird replied. "Impressive. Does this mean I trust you? Hmmm, more than when we first meet. I would say I trust you 75%. Meaning you still need to earn that 25% if you want me to fully trust you." Su Han said. "Understood. I will do what it takes to get the job done." Blue Bird replied. "Excellent. Ladybug, good job improving yourself. Cat, wonderful as always. Blue Bird, again, keep up the good work. This concludes our little checkup. I'll see you all when the time comes." Su Han said. "Got it. Say guys, since we have some time, want to grab a drink? My treat." Blue Bird offered. "Sure. What do you think My Lady?" Cat Noir asked. "Uhhh, I don't know." Ladybug replied. "Come on. He's paying for it." Cat Noir said. "Hmmmm. Ok fine. I'll do it. [in whisper]. The one time I actually trust this foul bird." Ladybug replied. The three heroes depart, as Su Han leaps away as well.
    Our three heroes wait in line for drinks. Of course being asked to get their picture taken by fans of their heroism. It overwhelms Blue Bird, again he never experienced this before, but Cat Noir touches his shoulder showing him it's no big deal. "Say, you boys save my spot in line. [gets picture taken with fan]. I need to make [another picture take] a quick call." Ladybug said, as she gets another picture taken. "No problem. We'll take care of these guys. [focuses on fan]. Come on now. Do you really not want to be pursudaed by my muscles?" Cat Noir asked, as he flex for a photo. He does his kitty act, and Blue Bird just smiles/acts like a friendly dude. Ladybug leaves, after giggling at Cat's joke. She goes to a rooftop, so no one can interrupt her. "[dials phone, and waits for a ring]. Alya?" Ladybug asked. "Hey girl. What's up? Crushing an evil lurking in the streets?" Alya asked back. "Not yet. Listen, I need some advice from you." Ladybug replied. "Huh? Ladybug coming to a civilian for advice? Thought it would be the other way around." Alya said. "Alya!" Ladybug yelled. "Sorry. What do you need?" Alya asked. "How would you deal with someone who I should trust, but deep down I don't want to?" Ladybug asked back. "[sighs]. Let me guess, Blue Bird?" Alya asked back. "Yep. Look, I get it. He helped up. He proves he's not going to get our miraculous. And he did make actually good progress. But, it's impossible for me to trust him." Ladybug replied. "Ok. Well, let's start off with the elephant in the room. Why don't you want to trust Blue Bird? What's your reason behind that?" Alya asked. "Because it's the fact he's wearing the Peacock miraculous. A miraculous Shadowmoth had, before he got his hands on it. That's my main issue. Working with someone who wears a miraculous that was once used for evil." Ladybug replied. "Understood. But think of the good Blue Bird can do. Like, can't he take you guys to where Shadowmoth is?" Alya asked. "He can, until he admit his kwami forgot where he is, and who he is. Then I wanted to strangle him for that." Ladybug replied. "Ouch, and Jesus." Alya said. "I'm sorry. It's just, ever since they showed up, and Essence's mask, I've been out of control. It's making me lose my sanity. Day by day. Even right now talking about it makes me go into madness." Ladybug replied. "I'm really sorry, Ladybug. Well maybe trying taking more breaks if you can. It helped the day Blue Bird arrived." Alya recommended. "That's why I'm getting drinks with him and Cat now." Ladybug replied. "That's good. The last thing I can say is, just try to calm yourself down, and think straight. Keep doing what your doing. Try giving Blue Bird a chance. And if all goes well, Farfalla, Shadowmoth, and Essence will be defeated." Alya said. "And you guys can come back for good. Thanks, girl. You are the best BFF I could ask for." Ladybug replied. "Awww. Glad I could help." Alya said. Ladybug hangs up, and rejoins her duo of heroes in line for drinks.
    Back with Alya, she is sitting at her desk, and writing up her latest Ladyblog. It all seems to go smoothly, with no interruptions at all. Before long, her home phone rings. She stops typing to go answer it. She leaves her room, and answers the phone. "Hello." Alya said. "Hey, finally I got a hold of you. Where have you been? It's been like forever." Caller replied. "I'm sorry, who is this?" Alya asked confused. "Oh come on, Samantha. You know it's me. Carl." Carl replied. "Uhhhh, this Samantha." Alya said. "Wait, your not Samantha?" Carl asked. "No." Alya replied. "Oh my God. Oh shot. I'm so sorry mama. Must have typed in the wrong number. It's also so embarrassing when you do that." Carl said. "It's ok. And I get it. I've had a couple experiences like that. Happens to us once." Alya replied. "Yeah. Again, apologies for that." Carl replied. "I forgive you. Hope you do find Samantha though." Alya said. "Oh Samantha isn't real, Alya. [Alya gets confused, and caller's noice deepens]. Or as best know as, Rena Rouge." Essence replied on the other line. Alya is in shock, just like she was in Sentibubbler when Shadowmoth did this. "Long time no see. Come to think of it, we never really meet before. Who knew our first interaction would be a phone call. To be fair, you are a photo addict, so it's actually fitting for your character." Essence said. Alya is still in shock. "What are you doing?" Alya asked. "What do you think I'm doing, Rena? Getting the miraculous from you, and those other prawns Ladybug has control over. Oh wait. [gasp]. Oh no. You didn't know I know your little secret you sly fox. Must make your soul want to jump out your system. Doesn't it?" Essence taunted. "You don't scare me, Essence. I've survived my family almost being killed, and a techno brought to life invasion. Not to mention your invasion. Where if I'm correct, Cat Noir totally kicked your butt in." Alya fought back. "Cat did defeat me that day. He began a hero in my view. Doesn't say the same for you, and the others. You all are still rag dolls I can easily throw around. Especially you." Essence said. "You haven't even fought me before. Trust me, I am a great wielder of the Fox miraculous." Alya replied. "Pffff. As if. If you were so strong, then why didn't you join the fight? Oh yeah because Shadowmoth found out your identity, and threatened to kill your family if you didn't help him." Essence said. "What? How do you...." Alya asked surprised. "I know more than you think. You should know by now, I'm not like those average villains out there. You, Team Miraculous, Farfalla, Shadowmoth, and everyone else out there have no idea who you are dealing with." Essence replied. Then on the other line, a rocket launcher sound comes on. "Oh wow. Using a rocket launcher sound to scare me? I'm more braver than that, Essence." Alya said. "Maybe you should shut your annoying mouth for once, and take a look of the world." Essence recommended. Suddenly, the noise gets loud. Way louder by the second. Alya turns around, and realizes it wasn't a sound effect. It was an actually rocket. She tries to run away, but in slow motion, she is blown away once the rocket makes impact with her apartment. The explosion goes off with a Big Bang. A loud Big Bang. Dust forms, as Alya rises from the rubble. She coughs, as she tries to navigate her way out of here. "[coughs]. HELP!!!!! [coughs three times]. HELP!!!!! HELP ME!!!!!" Alya screamed. In her first person POV, she looks around. Trying to get out. As she walks, a snap sound comes to her ears. She turns her head, and sees Essence charging at her. He backhands Alya, and she flies into a fall. She tries to get up, but Essence grabs her by the hair. She pulls her hair back, as Alya screams. "Night Night." Essence said, as he puts a rag in her face. The rag knocks her out cold. "[picks up Alya, and presses radio chip]. The fox is snared in the trap. Meet me at our location, so we commence with the next step." Essence ordered, as he logs off. He leaves with Alya, as he home starts falling apart more.
    Our three heroes sit on a rooftop sipping their drinks. As they all bathe in the beautiful sunlight. "[drinks]. Hmmmm. This is good. Raspberry Razzmatazz is seriously underrated. It's a good drink if you asked me." Blue Bird said. "I don't get it though. It's just a bunch of raspberries blended together." Cat Noir replied. "Well, I love raspberries, and the name sounds cool. Raspberry Razzmatazz. Who won't want to try that out?" Blue Bird asked. "[in whisper]. Me because of you." Ladybug replied. "I beg your pardon?" Blue Bird asked. "Oh nothing. It's none of your business anyway." Ladybug replied. "No need to be a jerk now, Ladybug. We're just three partners enjoy some good juice together." Blue Bird said, as he drinks more. "He has a point, My Lady. Don't get why you have to be so mean." Cat Noir replied. "[drinks whole think in one gulp. Cup gets squeezed]. Can't you see it Cat? Blue Bird, isn't trustworthy!" Ladybug yelled, as she gets up. "Woah. Are you serious?" Blue Bird asked. "YES!!!!! Like, [sighs] you have a miraculous that was once in the hands of a villain. You expect me to trust someone like that? Huh? Huh?" Ladybug asked anger. "Hey, calm down." Cat Noir replied. "Stay out of this. News flash, Blue Bird. No matter what you do. Anything that will impress me, make me happy, make me TRUST you, I'll never do it. I'm never going to trust you at all!!!!" Ladybug yelled. "Ok, what the heck?! [gets up]. It's hilarious you say that. Even after Farfalla said, and I quote: "You were never meant to have Duusu, and it's time to return her to her rightful owner."  Yet, after that obvious indicator that we are NOT partners, and even fighting me in person, you still don't trust me."  Blue Bird yelled back.  "That means nothing at all."  Ladybug said.  "Classic Ladybug move apparently.  Tries to lie her out of evidence proving my innocence."  Blue Bird replied.  "Hello.  I'm the guardian.  I make the rules, and I know what's best."  Ladybug said.  "Your the guardian?"  Blue Bird asked.  "Yep.  Of the Mother Box where Duusu comes from."  Ladybug replied.  "Well in that case, your doing a crap job at it."  Blue Bird said.  "Oh screw you feather head!"  Ladybug yelled.  The two get into another argument, as Cat watches them fight.  Thankfully for Cat, the fight ends fast.  Not from him this time, but a loud explosion from the distance.  "What on Earth?"  Blue Bird asked.  They all look, and see smoke rising from a far.  "Farfalla must be back.  We have to go into action now.  Save your pointless argument after we take care of this."  Cat Noir said.  "For once, I think we can agree with that."  Ladybug replied.  "Same here."  Blue Bird.  All of them leave to see what is up.
    The heroes arrive to the scene of the crime. Alya's apartment ravaged to pieces. The fire department and police officials are already there trying to see what happened. "Excuse me, what happened here?" Ladybug asked. "Ah, Ladybug, Cat Noir, Blue Bird. Great to see you here. Yeah. Not sure what caused this amount of damage. Whatever it was, it was pretty brutal to say the least." Fireman replied. "Alya. [gasp]. ALYA!!!! This is Alya Cesaire's apartment. Any sign of her? Please tell me she is ok?" Ladybug begged. "Hold on. Give me a sec. [radios]. Any sign of a Alya Cesaire up there?" Fireman asked. "[radios]. Nope. No sign of anyone here. Good of them because this could have seriously killed someone." Fireman above replied. "[radios off]. Sorry. No sign." Fireman said. Ladybug starts to panic knowing that her BFF might be in critical danger. As they wait for answers, Blue Bird looks around. [looks over his shoulder]. Holy crap. Guys, look." Blue Bird pointed. Ladybug and Cat Noir look, and see a clawer giggling in an alleyway. "Isn't that one of those robots Essence has?" Blue Bird asked. "Clawers. Maybe Farfalla didn't do this. Essence could have. [clawers stops giggling, and runs away]. He's fleeing. We have to go after him." Cat Noir replied. "Ok. Thanks for the help. We'll take care of this robot." Ladybug said. The three heroes leave to chase the clawer. It runs on the rooftops, but Ladybug isn't letting him get away that fast. She throws her yo-yo at the clawer's feet. It trips. The heroes catch up, and Ladybug ties the clawer up with her yo-yo. Now the robot is trapped in place. "Quickly, bash it's claws." Ladybug said. Cat takes his staff, and breaks the clawers hands, so it cannot get out. "No where to run now you freak. Now, what did you do with Alya?" Ladybug demanded. "[laughs]. Don't ask me that question." Clawer replied. "Don't you try to toy with me. I'll destroy you if you don't tell us now." Ladybug said in anger. "I said, don't ask me that question. Ask the boss." Clawer replied. The clawer shots a projector screen from it's eyes. There, a video screen forms, and starts to play. "Ladybug and Cat Noir. What a pleasure it is to meet again." Essence said. "Essence." Ladybug and Cat Noir replied. "That's right. Your favorite psychopath is back. Ahhh, and you have a new feather friend to join us. Blue Bird. New holder of the Peacock miraculous. Still looks puny like the others. First a new Hawkmoth, now a new Mayura. A lot has changed, after my invasion." Essence said. "Yeah. Which we so kindly defeated you in." Ladybug replied. "You mean, Cat Noir so kindly defeated me in. All you did was scream, get almost all your bones broken, and straggled by my bare hands." Essence replied. "Yeah yeah. But it doesn't matter. You lose, and we won as always." Cat Noir said. "It's true. In fact, you made me suffer of a massive breakdown over my plan, Cat. But after some much needed recovery, I'm back in business again." Essence replied. "Enough, Essence. What did you do?" Ladybug asked. "Depends. What did I do?" Essence asked back. "Ugh!!!! What did you do with Alya Cesaire apartment? It was either you, or the Farfalla, and the clawer makes me want to guess it was you." Ladybug replied. "Ohhh yeah. Well congrats on the A+ Ladybug. You got the question correct. Yes, it was me of course." Essence said. "Great. [goes close to screen]. I swear to God, if you did something to Alya, I'll..." Ladybug threatened. "Cool your jets. [moves camera]. She's right here. [Alya is passed on, tied up in a chair]. Taking a little nap. Thank the chloroform I used. That stuff works like a charm. Also, I recommend you don't threaten people Ladybug. It makes me want to die out of cringe." Essence replied. "Ok. So Alya is safe. What are you going to do? Kill her like you always brag about?" Cat Noir asked. "I'm playing the game different this time, Cat Noir. I was thinking we could.....negotiate this out." Essence replied. "Negotiate?" Ladybug asked annoyed. "Yes. It's clear we want something. I want the miraculous hidden in Paris, and you want your precious friend back. So, here's the deal. I'll safely return Alya to you alive.  But, in exchange, you just need to........bring me the Mother Box." Essence replied. Ladybug is in shock. So is Cat Noir and Blue Bird. "Wait. That's it?" Blue Bird asked. "Indeed. I don't need yours, Ladybug's, Cat Noir's, or Farfalla's. Just the Mother Box with all the miraculous you have inside of it. Give it to me, and Alya is all yours. That's the deal." Essence replied. The heroes think this over for a second. "And to add some excitement/suspense, you have one hour to make a decision. I'll pin point the location to you when time is up. Oh, and Ladybug. If you get a hero to help you except for theses two, and or try to not honor our deal, you already know what will happen." Essence said.  "Ok.  But if we do this, there is one thing we want in return."  Ladybug replied.  "Go on."  Essence said.  "You don't harm Alya one bit.  No physical harm whatsoever."  Ladybug replied.  "Hmmmm, that sucks, but if it means I'll actually get the box, it's a deal.  See you all very soon."  Essence said as the video ends.
    "Well done, master.  If all goes well, we will have the miraculous in now time."  Clawer said.  "Only fifteen.  But they can still help me achieve the last four, before we move onward with our mission."  Essence replied.  "Depends if they honor the deal.  We are aware how tricky Ladybug is."  Clawer said.  "Please.  She may be smart, but her physical and mental state crumple easily when I'm around.  Besides, we have her star contender with us.  I know she'll have no choice, but to seal the deal if it means she gets to see Alya again."  Essence replied.  Speaking of which, she comes to.  Alya wakes up from her nap.  Only problem is she is bond to a chair.  "Wh......wha......what happened?"  Alya asked, as she wakes up.  "Huh?  [looks around].  Ah.  Our guest is awake."  Essence replied.  Alya looks at him, and gasp in horror.  "Hope you enjoyed your nap Alya Cesaire.  It's time for the real fun to begin."  Essence said in an evil tone. "Where am I?" Alya asked. "Just a simple hidden location, which will be your new home for the next sixty minutes.  Maybe your tome if all goes wrong, but we'll see."  Essence replied, as he giggles.  "[tries to break free].  You won't get away with this."  Alya declared.  "Try me.  You're my hostage now, Ms. Cesaire.  And the only way you can earn your freedom is if Ladybug gives me the Mother Box.  Better pray she gives up."  Essence replied.  "She'll find your location, and make you regret doing this."  Alya said.  "I have no regrets.  Besides, how can she find you.....when your phone is in my hand?"  Essence asked as she shows the phone to Alya.  He then breaks it to pieces with his fist.  "So, [gets up] you just need to sit tight, and pray Ladybug honors our agreement.  If not, I'll slaughter you.  If she does, you walk away free.  However, it was informed I can't perform any physical harm on you.  So consider yourself one of my luckiest victims."  Essence said.  "So I'm just sitting here for an hour?  That's it?"  Alya asked.  "That's it."  Essence replied.  "HA!  That's easy.  Suck it, Essence."  Alya taunted.  "Ohhhh, don't celebrate too early, Alya.  Just because I can't harm you, doesn't mean we can't have fun.  [snaps fingers].  Let's show Alya the toys I brought for our little play date."  Essence replied menacingly.  The clawers wheel in a cart, and place it in front of Alya.  Her eyes open up in terror at what is on it.  A selection of brutal weapons.  Knifes, guns, hammers, chainsaws, buzz saws.  Everything a sicko needs to have a good time.  "Hmmmm.  Let's see.  Let's see.  We got so many options, and only an hour to spare.  Hmmmm.  Oh, [picks up chainsaw] let's begin with this."  Essence said.  Essence puts the chainsaw on the ground, and starts to start it up.  "Hey.  Wh.....what are you doing?  You said there would be no physical harm."  Alya said, as she fears over the chainsaw.  "[starts it up].  True.  [picks it up].  But like I said.  We can still have fun regardless."  Essence replied.  The cart is moved out of the way.  Essence stands in front of Alya with his roaring chainsaw.  It growls a horrific growl.  One that would make Alya crap her pants.  Essence only stands there with his chainsaw.  No movement whatsoever.  Before long, he pulls the chainsaw back, and strikes it into Alya.  She screams like crazy when it makes impact.  A scream of bloody, gory horror.  Only problem is there is no gory or blood.  The chainsaw only hit the part of chair right between her legs.  Essence pulls back to release it, and turns his chainsaw off.  Alya takes deep breaths of shock.  "I think you can see where this is going.  So tell me, which weapon should I use next?"  Essence asked excited.
Meanwhile, our heroes are still on the rooftop trying to find an idea.  There is also the destroyed clawer they tied up earlier.  "Crap!  Crap!  Crap!  Crap!  Crap!  CRAP!!!!!!!  WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO??!!!!"  Ladybug panicked.  "My Lady.  Relax.  We're going to get through th...."  Cat Noir replied.  "DON'T TELL ME TO RELAX!!!!!!  Essence has a captive, and he'll kill her if I don't bring him the Mother Box.  Either way this goes, it's a total disaster.  If I honor the deal, Essence will have the miraculous, but Alya is safe.  That means he can use them to find where I live, kill me, kill my parents.  Then he'll go after you guys.  But if I don't honor the deal, the miraculous are safe, but Alya dies.  I'M LOSING MYSELF HERE!!!!!!!"  Ladybug screamed.  Ladybug panics on and on.  "My Lady.  My Lady.  [grabs shaking Ladybug's shoulders].  MY LADY!!!!!!"  Cat Noir screamed.  "WHAT??!!!!!"  Ladybug asked.  "[deep breathes].  Relax.  I get your scared.  I see it.  But we will solve this problem.  Like every other time.  Even if it's a big one we can't stop, we still stop it in the end.  All you need to do is, relax."  Cat Noir replied.  "[deep breathes].  Ok.  [deep breath].  Ok.  I feel......better."  Ladybug said.  "Good."  Cat Noir replied, as he let's go of her shoulders.  There is some silence for about ten seconds.  "AHHHH!!!!!!  WE'RE SO SCREWED!!!!!!  WE'RE SO SCREWED!!!!!!! WE'RE SO SCREWED!!!!!!!"  Ladybug panicked again.  She freaks out, as both boys step away.  "Does she normally act this way?"  Blue Bird asked.  "Only when situations get sticky, but never like this.  This is the one time we has a problem where what we choose will lead to a disaster."  Cat Noir replied.  "Agreed.  But we can't think straight if she is like this."  Blue Bird said.  Ladybug rolls around in a circle like a dog.  "We need to calm her down fast.  And for real."  Cat Noir said.  "Hmmmmmm, I got it.  Leave this to me."  Blue Bird replied.  He walks up to Ladybug, who know is crouched like a ball moving back and forth.  "Ladybug.  [grabs her by the face].  Look, at, me.  Look at me.  Are you looking?"  Blue Bird asked.  "[deep breathes].  Y......yes.  I can see you.  Can you.....let go of my face?"  Ladybug asked back.  "Of course.  [puts hands on shoulders].  Now listen.  I want you to take a big deep breath.  Like filling a balloon with air.  Do that for me.  Fill a balloon with air."  Blue Bird replied.  "Ok."  Ladybug said.  She does what Blue Bird told her to do.  "Good.  Now, let the air out of the balloon.  Meaning exhale."  Blue Bird explained.  Ladybug let's the air out.  "Very good.  Do it again.  Four times.  I need to be sure this works."  Blue Bird said.  Ladybug obeys.  She takes a big deep breath, and let's it out slowly.  She does it again, and again, and again, four times.  "Wonderful.  How do you feel?"  Blue Bird asked.  "Huh?  Actually relaxed.  Oh my God that really worked.  But how?"  Ladybug asked amazed.  "Tell it to Duusu.  She taught me it.  I'll admit it's surprising how it works."  Blue Bird replied.  Cat Noir walks over.  "So you good, My Lady?"  Cat Noir asked.  "Yes.  [gets up].  I'm better."  Ladybug replied.  "Awesome.  Duusu's favorite word if your wondering.  Now, we focus on the hole we found ourselves in."  Blue Bird said.
    We go back to the warehouse where Alya and Essence are. Inside, Alya screams her heart off when a knife almost goes into her arm. Essence laughs after he throws it. He grabs another, points it, and throws. This time it hits the arm of the chair. Landing right between Alya's fingers. She screams in horror, and even almost cries. Essence laughs instead of feels sad. He's having a blast. "Ok. Enough with the knifes. Let's kick is up a notch." Essence said. He then picks up a hatchet, which Alya isn't so happy to see. "No. No, no, no, no, no. Please, Essence. Please I'm begging you. I'm begging you please." Alya begged. "[sighs]. It's always the ones who pled for mercy that are the best." Essence replied, as he laughs. His laughs keeps coming when he chucks it. It goes right over Alya's head. Even almost got sliced if it were thrown a few inches below. Alya screams louder, which makes Essence laughs more comedic. He walks over to her. "[Alya still scared]. Awww. Aren't we having fun? I know I sure am. It's been so long since I took the time to torture someone. Not like this, but it's more entertaining than I thought." Essence said. "[deep breathes of horror]. You sick creep. I hope Cat Noir cataclysms you when he gets here." Alya replied. "Hmmm, we'll see. We have forty minutes left together." Essence said. "FOURTY MINUTES??!!! HELP!!!!!!!!" Alya screamed. "[laughs]. Try your best, but it won't matter. I sound proofed the warehouse, before I captured you. All the outsiders hear are complete silence." Essence replied. This makes Alya's hope die faster than expected. "Well, [giggles] it doesn't matter if I die or not." Alya said. "Oh. How so?" Essence asked. "Because Ladybug will stop you no matter what you pull off. Torture or kill me, you will lose, Essence." Alya taunted. "Ok. And why is that? How will Ladybug be the reason I always lose?" Essence asked. "Obviously. She is the greatest superhero to ever live." Alya replied. Essence doesn't say a word. Only gag a bit. Alya gets confused. "HAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! OHOHOHOHOH!!!!!!! HAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!" Essence screamed. His laughs continues, before he cools down. "Oh. Oh man. That was hilarious. So funny. I never knew you were a comedian. I would definitely go to your comedy show if you ever give it a shot. One hundred percent." Essence said, as he lets out a few laughs. " wasn't a joke." Alya replied. "[stops]. What?" Essence asked. "It wasn't a joke. Ladybug will stop you because she is the greatest hero of all time." Alya replied. "Wait, so it's not a joke, or a pun?" Essence asked. "Yep." Alya replied. " that case." Essence replied, as he stabs a knife so close to Alya's neck, and into the chair. She wails again in trauma. "[pulls knife out]. This is why I'm more superior, stronger, smarter, and better than all of you useless waste of existence. Like, seriously? You believe Ladybug, the Miraculous Ladybug, is the best?" Essence asked. "Well, yeah. She....." Alya replied. "Oh my God. Shut up. Little reality check for you, Alya. She is NOT the best hero of all time. She isn't the GOAT among superheroes. She isn't even on that list. That may sound like my opinion on it, but it's not. It's a fact that this woman who wears red spandex and black dots is a joke. Like all of you." Essence said. "How so? She saved us multiple times. Even me. She is a good hero. Same with Cat Noir." Alya replied. "Yeah. She did save a lot of innocent people. Though I wished they would die to make me happy. But that doesn't mean she is great." Essence said. "She defeats Shadowmoth's and Farfalla's villains. If anything, she and Cat Noir plus the other heroes are unstoppable." Alya replied. "Oh please. They are amateurs when they are villains. What you are looking at right now, is a true villain. An actual villain. One poses as a menace, than a coward. If Shadowmoth and Farfalla were as strong as they claim to be, they would leave their little cave, and take you out themselves. Like what I do. Plus, I'm more stronger than all of you combined. Try to deny me. Your talking to the man who took them all out a week or so ago. That's not all. Ladybug, is a bully. A jerk. A punk. She is just plain awful." Essence said. "That's not true." Alya replied. "[sniffs]. I can smell the hypocrisy on you. You say she isn't bad, but you are the same person who told Cat Noir you would make sure Ladybug talks to him because she hasn't been so nice to him." Essence said. "Wa....wait?" Alya asked surprised. "Oh yeah. I know your Scarabella btw. It's private though, so don't try asking.  On the topic with Cat Noir, he is such a poor kitty still having to put up with her attitude. Like, he still trust someone who treats him bad in return. What a moron. He deserves better. And I was on the verge of giving it to him." Essence replied. "He would never have trusted you. He knows your evil." Alya said. "[laughs].  Misery and despair can boil into rage and frustration.  And that anger can always lead to damnation."  Essence replied.  Alya sits there confused.  "He would eventually get tired of her, so he would join the dark side.  The correct side if you asked me."  Essence said.  "He would never.  Cat Noir is a good person.  A good superhero.  And an pawesome partner.  He just needs love and care from his friends to feel happy."  Alya fought back.  "[sighs].  Your call.  Just know that I'm right regardless.  Ladybug is a horrible hero, and I would have been a better partner for Cat."  Essence said.  He walks away from Alya, and goes back to his stand.  "[picks up buzz saw].  There is one thing we both can agree with.  [throws buzzsaw between left arm and torso.  Alya screams in terror].  I'm the most dark being to set foot on this Earth."  Essence said.
With Alya still in pain, our trio of heroes sit in a circle to think of ideas to do this.  "No.  Making a fake wont work.  We won't have enough time, and he'll probably know when he first gets it."  Ladybug said.  "Ok.  Hmmmm.  What if we say it's in a box, give it to him, and run.  Only downside is if he catches up to us."  Cat Noir replied.  "No.  He's way too fast.  And he'll more advanced now."  Ladybug said.  The two heroes think, but Blue Bird just sits there.  "What about you, Blue Bird?  We haven't heard from you.  What ideas you have?"  Cat Noir asked.  "Come on, Cat."  Ladybug replied.  "Hey, give him a chance."  Cat Noir said.  "[thinks].  Sorry guys, I got nothing."  Blue Bird replied.  "Wow.  And I'm suppose to trust you."  Ladybug said.  "Really?  We're doing this now?"  Blue Bird asked.  "Not my fault you didn't come up with anything for the last fifteen minutes."  Ladybug replied.  "I'm trying here."  Blue Bird said.  "Excuses.  You see, Cat.  This is another reason trusting Blue Bird is a mistake."  Ladybug replied.  "Oh so me calming you down from your freak out doesn't count.  Makes sense because that's who you are Ladybug."  Blue Bird said.  "And your an arrogant superhero, who doesn't know how to do his job."  Ladybug yelled.  "Oh now your asking for it mosquito."  Blue Bird yelled back.  They get into yet another argument.  One that Cat can't stand again.  It infuriates him.  So, while they fight, Cat Noir uses his cat claws to scratch at both their faces.  They scream from the sting of pain.  "You're done?  Good.  Now, do me a big favor, and COOL IT WITH THE FIGHTING!!!!!!"  Cat Noir yelled.  "Ugh!  Fine."  Ladybug and Blue Bird replied.  They go back to thinking.  Trying to find something that can help.  "[thinks].  Wait.  Of course.  How could I be so stupid?"  Blue Bird asked.  "Finally he admits it."  Ladybug replied.  "I'll kill you.  Anyway, Essence wants the Mother Box, right?  So, we are going to give it him.  First, I'm going to need some details if we will pull this off."  Blue Bird said.
Back at the warehouse again, Essence keeps having his fun.  Using a sledgehammer to nearly squash Alya's feet.  Each pound fuels more fear into Alya.  As she screams, and even cries for him to stop.  Too bad he won't stop, and no one can help her.  As from outside, where a bunch of people are, they hear not a single peep.  He finishes his hammer time when he smashes it between her feet.  Alya screams again, as Essence laughs over it.  "Woooo!  Way to get the arms pumping.  Great workout."  Essence said.  "[sheds tears, and stops crying].  You psycho.  You ps.....y....cho."  Alya replied.  "Thank you."  Essence said.  "I swear, next time I'm Rena Rouge, I'll make you pay for all of this."  Alya declared.  "Ohhhhh.  Things are getting heated in here.  Both figuratively, and LITERALLY!!!!"  Essence said, as he blows a flame thrower close to Alya's face.  The powerful fire makes her screams louder than ever.  Even her tears evaporate from the fire.  Essence laughs one and one at her pain.  "[turns it off].  It's good I did that."  Essence said.  "[slow deep breaths of trauma].  Why?  Because it's funny to you?"  Alya asked.  "No.  It got too cold in here."  Essence replied.  Essence goes to put the flame thrower away.  As he is still there, Alya ask what most want to know.  "Why are you so psychopathic?"  Alya asked.  "[turns around].  Excuse me?"  Essence asked back.  "Why are you so psychopathic?  Like, what made you this way?  Why do you think horrible stuff like this makes you happy?"  Alya asked back.  "Heh.  Just like how I found out you were Rena Rouge and Scarabella, it's private.  There is a reason for my behavior.  That, and why I want the miraculous."  Essence replied.  "It's for the power right?"  Alya asked.  "No.  It's for something much better than simple power.  Once I achieve it, my goal will be completed."  Essence replied.  "Which is?"  Alya asked.  "[giggles].  Ruling the entire world, and transform it into my empire.  With every living soul here as my slaves.  Forced to obey my commands.  The miraculous are the key to that dream, and I'm determined to make it come true."  Essence replied.  "Quite generic if you asked me."  Alya said.  "God!  You never know when to think before you speak."  Essence replied, as he fires a gun a Alya.  She screams when it rings loudly past her ear.  Her ear even rings for a minute or two.  "[lowers gun].  You got lucky.  If I moved my right hand a half a inch to my right, I would have blown your ear clean off."  Essence said, as he puts the gun down.  Alya takes deep breaths.  "[stops].  I can't wait for the day you die, Essence.  You would deserve it.  You would deserve it so much.  [deep breathes].  And it will make Ladybug so happy, since she will bring back the heroes you know."  Alya said, before she immediately closes her mouth.  "Wait?  Bring back heroes I know?  What are you talking about?"  Essence asked confused.  "Uhhh, what, I don't know.  Just a.....poor choice of words."  Alya replied.  "Oh really?"  Essence asked.  He grabs another toy, and walks over to Alya.  He straps on some cables to Alya's face.  They are connect to a box with a dial, and a button.  "What is this?"  Alya asked.  "This, is an electrical muscle device.  Designed to increase muscles without working out."  Essence replied.  "Huh?  Doesn't seem that bad."  Alya replied.  "Correct.  Expect I toyed with it a bit, and.......actually, you should see for yourself."  Essence replied.  He turns on a TV.  Alya watches, as it statics, and turns on.  The machine is strapped to a man who is tied up in the chair.  On camera, Essence presses the button.  Once pressed, the man's head straight up explodes into a bloody mess.  Alya's reaction is as traumatic as the man's fate.  "Enough electro bolts to the brain, and BOOM!!!!!"  Essence screamed, as Alya cowards.  He giggles again at her pain.  "So, tell me.  What did you mean by what you said?"  Essence asked.  Alya takes deep breathes, as she tries to think.  She doesn't want to answer the question, nor does she want to die like that.  "Now to be fair.  You did say it didn't matter if you died here.  Reason?  Ladybug will stop me.  So, I could just press this button, and...."  Essence said.  "NO, DON'T, PLEASE!!!!!  [cries].  Ok.  I'll answer.  I'll answer."  Alya begged.  Essence listens.  " I......mean"  Alya said.  "Mean what?"  Essence asked.  "[struggles].  LADYBUG WORE THE MASK YOU WERE GOING TO GIVE TO CAT NOIR, AND FOUND OUT WHAT YOU WERE GOING TO SHOW HIM!!!!!!"  Alya screamed.  Essence gasp in shocked after what he heard.  He can't believe his own ears.  "No way.  La......ladybug put on the mask.  And she saw.....she saw.....she....she saw my secret."  Essence said.  He laughs a shocked laugh.  One that represents his mind being blown.  "Oh my God.  This explains so much now.  Ladybug went from being bad to Cat Noir, to be super friendly towards him recently.  It's not because she felt like it.  It's because she found the answers Cat Noir has been waiting for."  Essence said.  Alya still can't believe she confessed.  "Thank you Alya Cesaire.  Thank you so much for this."  Essence said.  Alya still can't believe what she did.  "Oh, one last important detail."  Essence said.  He goes to press the button, and Alya screams for him not to.  It's too late.  He presses it.  Except, when he does, nothing happens.  "It didn't matter if you wanted to answer."  Essence said.  Alya gasp in terror, and shock at the revelation that she would be fine if she refused to disobey Essence.
Our heroes are still on the rooftop, watching Blue Bird work his magic.  "Ok.  That goes there.  And that, there.  That, over there.  And yeah.  Also, are you sure these are the proper designs?"  Blue Bird asked.  "I'm for sure."  Ladybug replied.  "Great.  Hopefully I memorized all of this, but we'll see.  Now, time to execute my idea."  Blue Bird said.  "This better be good and worth it, since we only have two minutes left."  Ladybug replied.  "Trust me, it is.  Blue Bird said.  He pulls out his hand fan, and takes out a feather.  After creating an amok, he sends it into his feather.  Now, he focuses.  Using his powers to create a sentimonster.  This sentimonster is unlike the last ones he created.  If anything, it's something no one has ever seen before.  Blue Bird created a sentimonster version of the Mother Box.  "Behold our solution.  A Mother Box sentimonster.  Looks reals, feels real, and could easily trick Essence."  Blue Bird said.  "Huh?  A That's actually a pretty genius idea you came up with."  Cat Noir replied.  "A senti-Mother Box?  An exact live replica of the Mother Box.  I can't believe I'm saying this, but wow.  That's actually a decent idea."  Ladybug said.  "Either your lying or not, but whatever.  This is how we save Alya with no miraculous lost.  There is one issue.  Essence will probably find out it's fake if he uses the miraculous, so it's not an entire happy ending."  Blue Bird replied.  Ladybug, after hearing this, thinks back when she put on the Essence mask.  And how that mask ruined her team of heroes.  "Yes it will.  Snap it away, and recreate it.  This time, add it where it can self destruct."  Ladybug said.  "What?  Why?"  Blue Bird asked.  "We're ending Essence today that's why."  Ladybug replied.  Blue Bird obeys, and snaps away his sentimonster.  He recreates it again, this time with the explosion feature.  "There.  Just like you wanted.  Now, I need to clarify we only have one shot to use the explosion.  So, we better pick a good moment to use it."  Blue Bird said.  "Understood."  Cat Noir replied.  The team gets frightened when a clawer lands from the sky.  "There you guys are.  I've been flying all over the place to find you. Times up.  Time to honor the deal or not."  Clawer said.  "Perfect timing.  We already made out choice."  Ladybug replied.  "[sees the Mother Box].  And it's a wise choice indeed.  Follow me."  Clawer said.  The gang follows the clawer.  Unknown at the fact he and Essence are getting scammed.
Back at the warehouse one last time, Essence's timer rings.  "Oh.  Times up.  Man, and I was only getting started with this one."  Essence said, as he hold scissors, and Alya's tongue.  He lets's go, as Alya breathes.  "Well, it's over.  Deal time.  Better hope they have what I want.  Otherwise all of this would be for nothing."  Essence said.  Alya doesn't say a word.  She keeps taking deep breathes, and tries to get back to normal.  "Hmmmm.  You know what.  I can make a few seconds work."  Essence said.  He takes out his blade, and after spinning it around, slashes it at Alya's neck.  He only stops it when it's sharp blade is so close to her neck.  Alya screamed and cries.  The tears soaking her pants.  Essence takes his blade back, and puts it back in his scabbard.  Just in time when the clawer brings the heroes into the warehouse.  "You found them.  Anyone else they brought along?"  Essence asked.  "Not at all.  It's just the three."  Clawer replied.  "Good.  [clears throat].  Ladybug, Cat Noir, and Blue Bird.  How sweet it is to see each other again.  Bet it was the most horrifying hour of your lives.  Must be hard to know I will win either way this plays out."  Essence said.  "We know.  Just, shut it, and give us Alya back."  Ladybug replied.  "Woah!  Woah!  Woah!  Hold the phone for a second.  We had a deal.  You want Alya physically ok, you must give me the Mother Box."  Essence said.  "We know that too, and you'll be surprised to see we have it right here."  Cat Noir replied Box in hand.  Essence locks his eyes on the box.  It for sure gets his attention.  "There it is.  The Mother Box.  In all it's wonderful glory.  Clawer, get the box, and bring it to me."  Essence ordered.  The clawer obeys, as Cat Noir gives him the box.  He walks over to Essence.  "For you, master."  Clawer said, as he gives the box to Essence.  Essence inspects the box, but mostly is captured by it's power.  "There.  The Mother Box is yours.  Honor your part, and give us Alya."  Ladybug demanded.  The clawer goes to untie her.  "Wait.  [looks at trio].  How do I know this isn't a trap?"  Essence asked.  "See for yourself.  It's the real deal."  Blue Bird replied.  Essence thinks, and goes with it.  He opens all the slots, and finds a miraculous in all of them.  Except for four.  For further inspection, Essence takes out the Fox miraculous.  In hand, "Trixx" flies out, and reforms.  Shocked to see Essence.  "Hmmmm.  [returns Trixx to his miraculous, and puts it back in the box].  I must say, I'm surprised.  Didn't expect you would actually give me fifteen out of nineteen of the most powerful miraculous in the world."  Essence said.  "Yeah.  Yeah.  It's all there.  Not cool it, and give us Alya back."  Ladybug replied.  "Geez.  Ok.  [looks at clawer].  Release her."  Essence ordered.  The clawer obeys.  It releases Alya from her chair.  Now free, she stumbles over to the heroes.  Not saying a single word.  Shaking with ever step.  "Uhh, why is she like that?"  Ladybug asked.  "She isn't physically harmed like I said.  Doesn't mean we couldn't have fun.  Pleasure doing business with you losers."  Essence replied, as he and his clawers walks away.  With the deal "settled" our heroes leave the warehouse with Alya.
    The heroes regroup with Alya one a rooftop. Once there, Ladybug hugs her BFF. "Thank heavens your ok. I was so scared he would do something terrible to you. I'm just.....I'm just so grateful to have you back." Ladybug said. Alya doesn't say a word. She stays silent. This gets Ladybug's attention when she let's go of Alya. "Umm, Alya. You ok?" Ladybug asked. Alya takes deep breathes, and mumbles words. "Alya. Hey, [snaps fingers] Alya. You ok?" Cat Noir asked. Alya still doesn't say a thing. Only mumbles. Blue Bird then hears a sound rising up. He turns around, and sees Essence's helicopter in air. "Yo, guys. Look." Blue Bird pointed. Ladybug and Cat Noir see the copper in air. "Essence's helicopter? Wait, this is the perfect chance. Blue Bird, quickly. Use the self destruct feature to take him out for good." Ladybug ordered. "With pleasure." Blue Bird replied. Inside the helicopter, Essence keeps looking at the box. "This is literally an accomplishment unlike anyone of us have done. I, Essence, got my hands on a miracle box. An actual miracle box. [spins it slowly in hand]. Such beauty in the hands of darkness. They would be proud. So proud of me." Essence said. As he looks at the box more, and more, he gets happier. Well, until it starts to flash red. Essence gets confused, and sees it coming from the box. "Self destruction activated. Brace for impact in ten seconds." Senti-Mother Box said. "Ohhh that is just foul." Essence replied disgusted. He screams, as he runs to open the door of his helicopter. Now opened, he chucks the box out. Right when it hits zero. An explosion goes off, as seen by our heroes. It knocks back the helicopter. Essence hits against the wall, and starts to slide when the helicopter leans to the right. He freaks out, and falls out. Thankfully, he grabs the edge of the copter. Preventing himself from a squishy fate. "[deep breathes]. Those rats. They fooled me. [looks to his left, and sees heroes]. Ohhhhhh, they are so dead when I get my hands on them. SO DEAD I TELL YOU!!!!!!" Essence screamed. The heroes are in shock. Especially Ladybug. "Uhhh, the helicopter didn't go boom. What happened, BLUE BIRD????!!!!!!" Ladybug yelled. "Save it for later because that helicopter is coming right for us." Blue Bird pointed. Instead of fighting, the heroes grab Alya, and run. Running on the streets of Paris with Essence on there tail. They run as fast as they possibly can, but the helicopter out runs them. Essence leans out, jumps, and sky dives towards Ladybug. Making impact when he tackles her, and she slides against the concrete. "[punches face]. You. [punches face] will wish [punches face] you didn't [punches face] try to fool [punches face] like that [punches face] EVER!!!!!!" Essence screamed, as he pounds her face. Cat Noir runs, and pushes Essence off of her. Ladybug's face is suffering only of a nose/mouth bleed, and some pain. Meanwhile, Essence gets up fueled with rage. "I don't understand. You were." Cat Noir said. "Suppose to blow up? Yeah. How about next time, don't program it where it tells you that a self destruction is happening. Or the box glowing red, as it says that." Essence interrupted. Ladybug hearing this almost makes her as mad at Essence. "[looks at Blue Bird]. You made it glow red, and say self destruct? YOU MADE IT GLOW RED, AND SAY SELF DESTRUCT???!!!!!" Ladybug screamed. "I'm sorry. I didn't expect it to glow red. I expected to to just self destruct. Also, I didn't expect him to throw it out the helicopter that fast. I thought ten seconds was enough." Blue Bird replied. "OH MY GOD, YOUR SO...." Ladybug yelled, before she gets kicked by Essence. Essence then backhands Cat Noir, and grabs Blue Bird by the throat. He pins him on the car, as he tries to escape. "So you did this? Your weak, but smart when it comes to executing deaths. Doesn't take away my HELICOPTER NEARLY EXPLODING!!!!!" Essence screamed. Before he can pop Blue Bird's head off, Cat pulls him back from behind. Essence responds by punching Cat in the face, and kicking him in the knees. Blue Bird jumps on Essence, but his response is to jump, and land on his back. Crushing the bird. Cat goes to help Blue Bird, as Ladybug gets up from another impact to the ground. He sees Alya coward in fear, so Ladybug goes to the rescue. She grabs her, and takes her away. "[lands on a rooftop]. I know I'm breaking a rule, but I need you to stop Essence from skinning Cat, and roasting Blue Bird. Though he deserves it for being such an idiot." Ladybug said. She opens her yo-yo, and pulls out the Fox miraculous. She puts it in Alya's hands. "Huh? What? My miraculous? But, you said." Alya asked. "I know, but now is not the time. Transform now." Ladybug replied. "But....but I'm so scared of him. He hurt me. He hurt me so much." Alya panicked. "He did? But, I see no wounds." Ladybug asked. "No. Not like that. Please, Ladybug. Don't make me go...." Alya replied. "Listen. I'll make sure your safe during the fight. But we seriously need to go back now. The more of us, the better.  I promise you, nothing bad will happen to you." Ladybug said. Alya still hesitates, but at the same time, wants to make Essence pay for hurting her. Despite that traumatic experience, she pulls herself together. "Ok.....I'll transform." Alya said. She puts on the Fox miraculous, as Trixx comes out. "Trixx, let's pounce." Alya said in a kind of scared manner, as she transforms into Rena Rouge.
    Back with Cat Noir and Blue Bird, they get their butt kicked. One for the first time. The other, same as most of the time. Essence uppercuts Blue Bird, and kicks him in the stomach. Cat charges at him, but Essence grabs his head, and bashes it against his knee. Both heroes fall to the ground. "It's disappointing to see you be taken out so easily again, Cat Noir. Especially after you performed during our last fight.  [grabs him by the throat, and pulls him forward].  Guess your mojo faded away.  Just like your body once I'm finished here."  Essence said.  Essence goes for his ring, but of course, Ladybug's yo-yo hits his hand.  Preventing him from taking it.  "Sorry for my absence, Essence.  I had to gather a good friend to help us out."  Ladybug said, as she presents Rena Rouge.  Essence, interested, throws Cat to the ground.  "Rena Rouge.  Rena Rouge herself.  How long it's been since I wanted to meet you.  If I'm correct, you are one, no, the first temp miraculous holder to arrive right?  The day the Sapotis arrived, and causes such a ruckus."  Essence asked.  Rena Rouge doesn't say a word.  She is frighten at the sight of Essence's presence.  "That's right.  So you know that."  Ladybug said.  "I know more than you think.  You should know that for sure.  [pulls out blade].  Ohhh this is also such an embarrassment for Cat Noir to see.  He has to watch his beautiful, stunning abuser fight along another hero.  But hey, if it means I get two miraculous, it's a dub."  Essence replied.  He sprints at them both.  Rena doesn't try to pull out her flute.  She only flees.  It confused Ladybug, and then she sees Essence strike.  He slashes his blade, but Ladybug spins her yo-yo to block it.  He keeps running at her, as she backs up spinning her yo-yo.  Eventually, she trips, and Essence gets his opportunity.  Grabbing her leg, and chucking her into Blue Bird.  Essence loses interest his Ladybug, and goes for Rena Rouge.  "You said you'll make me pay the next time your Rena.  I'm looking forward to see where this is going."  Essence said.  He charges at Rena Rouge.  She is still scared to fight.  Essence slashes his blade, and it nearly hits Rena's gut.  She screams, which are risen louder when Essence starts swinging his sword at Rena, but it doesn't hit her.  He sweaps her to the ground, and Essence slams his boot on her stomach.  Blade in both hands, he raises it, and sends it down to her head.  He does on purpose miss her head with his sword.  She screams, as Essence laughs.  He does it again.  And then again.  And over, and over again.  The heroes are confused, but Rena is straight up traumatized.  Which is more than Essence could ask for.  Ladybug runs to save her BFF.  She throws her yo-yo, but Essence grabs it.  He pulls forward, as Ladybug is caught by Essence's grasp.  Now she is being strangled, as is Rena when Essence picks her up.  "Hahahaha.  Pathetic.  And you say your team is unstoppable, Ladybug.  [tightens his grasp.  Both struggle to breath].  Oh now I remember.  You have something very special you want to tell Cat Noir.  Just give me a quick second."  Essence said.  He throws Rena Rouge through a glass window, and into a building.  "RENA!!!!"  Ladybug said in a choked voice.  Essence then throws her, but she lands safety.  "[regains blade].  Now wait a moment, Ladybug.  Go tell Cat Noir the special thing he should know."  Essence said.  "What?"  Ladybug asked.  "Wait, what?"  Cat Noir asked.  "Oh wait.  That's right.  Ladybug doesn't know what I'm talking about.  Well, let me jog your memory.  And you can thank Rena Rouge for this as well.  [clears throat].  Ladybug put on the mask I was going to give you, Cat Noir.  On it, she saw all the answers you have been waiting for.  Most importantly, the secret that absolutely destroyed her............I know the identities of your entire superhero team.  Rena Rouge, Carapace, Queen Bee, Ryuko, all of those suckers.  Except for your identities, Shadowmoth's and recently added, Farfalla and Blue Bird.  [Ladybug gasp in shock].  I'm not sure how Rena found out as well.  However, now I understand why your precious team hasn't been showing up.  As well as why your so nice to Cat Noir.  Really nice to him.  It's been hidden from you this entire time."  Essence admitted.  Ladybug pretty much crapped her pants.  She slowly turns around, and looks at a shocked Cat Noir.  "No.  No, Cat.  Please, don't listen to him."  Ladybug begged.  " have been hiding stuff from me?  After.....after what we have been through, you still are hiding stuff."  Cat Noir replied in a broken tone. Ladybug doesn't know what else to say.  "It's hard, Cat.  You see.  This is why I'm a better partner for you than this bug.  Too bad you threw that away.  And don't try changing your mind.  I don't want or care if you want to join us.  All I truly care about now it making your life a nightmare you can never wake up from."  Essence said, as he laughs.  Ladybug, and Cat Noir still cannot believe this.  Also Blue Bird, who watches this all go down.  "Now where were we?  Oh right."  Essence said.  He sprints, as Ladybug turns around.  He uses his sword to actually slash Ladybug's body.  He slashes her torso, then both her legs.  It makes her fall down, and yell in pain.  Meanwhile, Cat Noir just stands there.  He is still shocked inside.  Blue Bird isn't, and tries to help Ladybug.  Essence takes him out by kicking him in the gut.  Blue Bird gets sent flying into a car.  "Finally.  With that out of the way, I can finish you off for good."  Essence said, as he raises his blade.  He goes to split her head into two, but that's when Su Han shows up, and double punches Essence in the gut.  He slides against the streets while on both feet, and takes the hit like a champ.  He looks up to see the Celestial Guardian.  "Do you eyes deceive me?  Grandmaster Su Han.  An actual Celestial Guardian."  Essence said excited.  "That's right.  It's been eons since we last saw you guys.  I've been waiting so long for when this day comes."  Su Han replied in a serious way.  "So have I. I've always wanted to see what would happen if I killed a real celestial guardian."  Essence said.  He charges at Essence, as Essence goes the same.  Both clash their weapons together as they fight.  Going at a speed so fast, it's unlike the speed of any hero in Paris.  They move almost as fast as the speed of lightening.  They also dodge their attacks at the same pace.  It's almost like both have the same fighting techniques.  "[helps Ladybug up].  God they are fast."  Blue Bird said.  "No kidding."  Cat Noir replied, as he joins them, and wakes up from his shocked moment.  Essence and Su Han keep fighting each other.  Avoiding each other's attacks, and blocking them with their weapons.  During this, not a single one has taken damage.  Eventually, they cross weapons.  "You have what it takes, Su Han.  If only those amateurs had what you have."  Essence said.  "They are amateurs, but they have potential.  Even if some do piss me off."  Su Han replied.  "Ha.  If they are weak, you throw them away.  Only the strong survive in this world."  Essence said.  "You can still make someone weak, strong if you train them hard."  Su Han replied.  He pushes his staff forward, finishing the weapon crossing, and slams it at Essence.  Essence dodges it, and quickly uppercuts Su Han.  Before he uses his sword to slash him against the chest.  He screams, as he backs up, and gets on one knee.  Touching his chest to see blood going out.  The heroes run to help him.  "Face it, Su Han.  The miraculous will be mine.  It's only a matter of time, before I get my hands on all of them.  And then my dream will be fulfilled.  Unfortunately for you, I'll make sure you won't be there to see it unfold."  Essence said, as he laughs, and smoke bombs away.  "UGH!!!!!  That jerk.  [looks at Su Han].  Will you be alright?"  Cat Noir asked.  "Ahhh.  Yes.  I've been through worse pain.  Just a couple of meds will fix this up."  Su Han replied.  "Wait, RENA!!!!"  Ladybug screamed.  She runs to the building where Essence threw her.  She looks inside through the window.  There, she see Rena Rouge still alive, but mentally destroyed.
Later that evening, Ladybug sits on a rooftop all by herself.  She watches a news report wrapping up the events of today.  The Cesaire's apartment is messed up, but is taking time to being rebuilt.  As well as another other apartments damaged from before.  As for Alya herself, she is being hospitalized due to her injuries.  The whole report pretty much destroys Ladybug.  "My Lady.  [Ladybug turns around].  I'm here."  Cat Noir said, as he sits down next to her.  "Oh, hey Cat."  Ladybug replied in a sad tone.  Yeah, both heroes are a bit broken after today.  Both from Alya's injuries, and Ladybug's secret.  "I heard what happened to Alya.  I pray she will be ok."  Cat Noir said.  "Me too.  Hopefully she will be better soon.  I mean, the only damage Essence actually did on her was stomp on her gut, and threw her through a window."  Ladybug replied, hiding away the guilt she feels.  "So, what Essence said before.  About him knowing the identities.  Was he.......telling the truth?"  Cat Noir asked.  "[sighs].  It's so hard for me to answer that, but I have to tell you the truth............Yes.  It's true.  He knows all of their identities.  All of them.  I saw it myself on the mask."  Ladybug replied.  "So, that was the answers I've been waiting for?  Their identities?  Not sure why that would want me to join his side, but alright."  Cat Noir said.  Ladybug gets in even more guilt because she knows what else is on that mask.  "[touches hand].  Listen, Cat.  I'm really sorry I didn't tell you this.  You would have known a way to help me out, but I didn't want you to have the same stress as I did.  I mean, Cat Blanc you handled pretty well, but this is something I know would break you like it did to me.  It's just, after what I did, it feels so awful for me to hurt you.  It's terrible.  Considering your my partner I always rely on."  Ladybug said.  "It's hard to tell someone something if it's that serious.  But just know that how bad it is, I'm someone who will help you the best way I can.  Now all I care about is preventing Essence from doing something like that again.  That, and bringing the team back."  Cat Noir replied.  "Thanks, Cat.  You really are the perfect partner."  Ladybug said.  It goes slightly well for our heroes, until Su Han appears behind them.  "Ladybug.  Cat Noir.  You two have a lot to explain to me."  Su Han demanded furiously.

Miraculous Ladybug Season 5: The End of EvilWhere stories live. Discover now