Zombizou 2.0

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Outside of school, Marinette stands here, and waits.  Tikki is confused why they are out here.  "So, why are we outside together on a Sunday?"  Tikki asked.  "Miss Bustier holds these office hours for people who have issues with friends, or themselves in general.  And considering Kagami and I are still a bit on the bad side, I figured, why no go to her for help."  Marinette replied.  "I'm proud of you for trying to be a better friend, but why exactly do you want to make it up with Kagami?"  Tikki asked.  "Because what I did last time was dumb.  I have to do what's best for me, and fix my errors.  Then learn from them, so they never happen again."  Marinette replied.  "Fair enough.  And hey, there she is now."  Tikki said.  Marinette looks, and sees Kagami approaching her.  "[walks in front of Mari].  Hello, Marinette."  Kagami said.  "Kagami.  How nice it is to see you again.  Especially on a day like this."  Marinette replied.  "You asked me to come here."  Kagami said.  "Oh, yeah.  My bad.  Anyway, allow me to explain why we are here.  Let's walk and talk.  [both start to walk into school].  So my teacher, Miss Bustier, holds these Sunday office hours.  They are intentionally designed for helping students with friends, or themselves based on how they are feeling."  Marinette replied.  "That's sweet.  And how will that help us?"  Kagami asked.  "Well, if she sees our issue, then she will find a solution to help us out.  Trust me, Miss Bustier is the nicest teacher in his school.  Heck, she's the same woman who go akumatized not from feeling negative emotions."  Marinette replied.  "Sounds better than you."  Kagami said.  "Still roasting me I see.  So saving your life wasn't enough?"  Marinette asked.  "I could leave right now you know."  Kagami replied.  "No, I didn't mean it like that.  What I meant was, ok.  Still mad at me."  Marinette said.  "Just for the record, I appreciate you saving my life.  However, I still have anger towards you.  Sounds harsh?  Yes.  Do I really care?  No.  But I'm going to go through with this because of what happened."  Kagami replied.  "Fine with me.  And, don't worry.  I will be the friend you deserve, Kagami.  I promise."  Marinette said.  They two girls keep moving, until they make it to the classroom.

Meanwhile, Jack, Duusu, and his kwamis all watch another scary movie.  Not just any scary movie.  It's a zombie movie.  One where a guy mowing down zombies gets a very gruesome treatment.  First, a zombie bits at his skull, ripping his entire head off.  Then, the zombies fest on his inners.  Getting a full three meal course of delicious human intestines.  It's enough to make Jack impressed, but most of his kwamis afraid.  Especially Duusu.  "[looks at a scared Duusu.  Grabs remote, and turns TV off].  There, Duusu.  It's over."  Jack said.  "[opens her eyes].  Huh?  It was that short?"  Duusu asked.  "Oh no.  That was only the opening ten minutes."  Melody replied.  "WHAT?!  That was only ten minutes?!"  Duusu asked shocked.  "Yeah.  You'll come to see zombie films are legit.  Literally, it's the only sub genre in horror films that I'll admit is impossible to survive."  Jack replied.  "God that's horrifying."  Duusu said.  "If you want, we don't have to watch another zombie film again.  Just because your such a cutie, Duusu."  Jack replied.  "[smiles].  Thank you.  I really needed that."  Duusu said.  "So, why is a zombie film hard to survive?"  Bite asked. "Didn't you say you love zombie films?" Jack asked back. "Yeah, but we never seen films like these before. I'll admit, Duusu might have a point." Bite replied. "Gotcha. Well the modern zombie is one that still holds up decades later. First, they were just mostly dead beings controlled by voodoo. They weren't the dead freaks you see today. That all changed in 1968, when one person decided to take it up a notch. He created the modern zombie. Risen from he dead, and resting on human flesh. Since then, zombies have been nothing but a pure menace to humanity. Some think it's messed up. I think it's beautiful." Jack said. "God, your crazy." Drakac replied. "Ok, don't you dare. I've had this conversation with Duusu, and I'm more than happy to do it anytime. Horror films, DON'T, MAKE, PSYCHOS!!! That's such a stupid fact people keep saying." Jack said in anger. "Geez. Sorry I said that." Drakac replied. "Good." Jack said. "Ok, ok. Sorry." Drakac replied. "So, how would you survive a zombie outbreak?" Inky asked. "Well, I have you guys, so the taste wouldn't be that hard. However, if I didn't' have you, there are a lot of rules to follow. We got cardio, always have a good gun on you. No machine guns, or heavy stuff. A pistol, AK, or shotgun. I recommend the shotgun for sure. What else? NEVER BRING IN REFUGEES!!! That's a proven fact I've seen many people mess up in films." Jack replied. "But that's such a nice thing to do though." Duusu said. "When it comes to the apocalypse, the only friend you need is yourself, and yourself only. Others might slow you down, or make your life worse." Jack replied. "What else is there to do?" Spike asked. "Well, we might be here for a while so, you need to make sure to slice any limb off if you got bite to avoid spreading the virus, ration food if needed, have a good vehicle to help you. Armored vehicles are always the best to me. Have a good amount of ammo for any occasion." Jack replied. He keeps on going, as his kwamis sit and watch.

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