Avoir, Jack Edgers Part 1

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We begin right where we last let off. Duusu realizing she is not where she is suppose to be. The Agreste manor. "Ma...master?" Duusu asked. "Hello, Duusu. Long time no see long friend." Gabriel replied. Duusu floats in absolute shock and horror. She cann't believe this is happening. Soon, she turns around, until someone catches her eye. "[gasp]. Nooroo! Nooroo! [Nooroo sheds a tear of joy, as does Duusu]. NOOROO!!!" Duusu screamed, as she flies over and hugs Nooroo. "Hey there birdie! How are you?" Nooroo asked, as he cries hugging his fav kwami. "[cries]. Don't ask me how I'm going. How are you?! I've been worried I sick ever since we've been separated." Duusu replied. "Don't worry. I'm fine. I'm totally fine. Even better now that I'm seeing you again," Nooroo said. Duusu then hugs harder, and cries, as does Nooroo. They keep it up, as Gabe and Lila watch. Soon, they let go. "Well, at least there is a positive to help me now at this moment. But back to you, Gabriel. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH MY HATCHLING?!" Duusu demanded. "Relax, Duusu. He is fine. But if you really want to know, I suppose you should ask Farfalla herself." Gabriel replied. Duusu turns around, and sees Lila. Although Duusu already knows she is Farfalla, she plays it cool as if she found out. "I should have known. Who else younger than Gabe and Nathalie would be his replacement? Lila herself." Duusu said. "So, your the famous Duusu Nooroo told me all about? I must say you've really lived up to my expectations for cuteness." Lila replied. "Oh, well thanks. I'm just glad my Nooroo is safe and sound. As for the rest of you two? As much as I didn't want to spill the beans revealing who you are Gabe, at the same time I wanted to keep your kid safe. I may want Adrien safe, but that doesn't mean I'm going to respect a scumbag like you." Duusu demanded. "No, stop, Duusu. You don't get it." Nooroo replied. "Oh Forbidden One! Did they brainwash you?!" Duusu yelled. "No, just let me explain. [Duusu gets mad]. Duusu, as your fav, I'm ordering you to listen to your bro. Ok?" Nooroo asked. "[thinks, then sighs]. Your lucky your cuteness gets me ever time." Duusu replied. "Thank you. First of all, Gabriel isn't the scumbag he is now. He's actually been trying to be a better parent ever since you left. Well, ever since Essence left." Nooroo said. "It's true. I agree, I've been a scumbag. So, I'm not doing whatever it takes to make my kid happy. [Duusu looks skeptical]. Don't believe me, when why did I go to parents day with Adrien? I assume you had to have been there right?" Gabriel asked. "Ummm, I was there. And I did see you, and your presentation. [in flashback, Duusu is both shocked, but also really happy to see Gabriel spend time with Adrien. She views all of this through Jack's pocket]. I mean, I guess that can be a valid reason, but still. I'll believe it for real when I get more proof. I still have my eye on you, Gabriel," Duusu replied. "Better than nothing." Gabriel said. "Now for Lila. [faces Lila]. So, Farfalla, I am aware you said Nooroo was safe the day we fought Royal Rumblers. [looks at Nooroo]. and by the looks of it, he is ok. Guess you told the truth for once." Duusu replied. "Thanks." Lila said. Then Duusu slaps Lila in the face. "BUT DON'T EXPECT ME TO LIKE YOU AFTER ALL YOU DID!!! ESPECIALLY TO MY HATCHLING!!!" Duusu yelled. "Calm down again, Duusu. She too is good. Well, somewhat." Nooroo replied. "Come on! Her too!" Duusu yelled. "Look, it's true. Lila is a bad person, but she's a bad person with a heart. And one who needs loads of therapy. Lots of it." Nooroo replied. "How so?" Duusu asked. Nooroo whispers into Duusu's ear. Her eyes soon open up in horror. "Oh my Forbidden One! That happened to you?" Duusu asked. "Yes. And I really wish you don't speak of it to me." Lila replied sad. "Oh. Ok, so I guess a lot has changed after my departure. Gabriel is somehow nicer, and Lila has a bit of a sympathetic side." Duusu said. "She also fed me chocolate, made me a cocoon sleeping bag, nicknamed me cocoon, and all in all, was a great holder." Nooroo replied. "And if that doesn't convince you, [pulls out kwagenta]. Maybe this will." Lila said. "Woah! You didn't." Duusu replied in shock. "I did. This shows how much I care about Lila. Even if she still does her whole lying thing." Nooroo said. "Right. Still, I got my eyes on you all. Expect Nooroo." Duusu replied. "Fair enough. Now, time for great villain news. Gabriel, I originally said I would use whoever Blue Bird is transform into a powerful villain right? Well, you will not believe this. The person who is Blue Bird, is the perfect person to pull this off. Jack Edgers." Lila said. Gabriel goes into shock. "You mean, Pitch Black? The akumatized villain that nearly stopped them? The one where I felt so much negativity?" Gabriel asked. "That's him. I did try to get him once, but learned he is one step ahead of me. I also has plans to blackmail him based on the discovery of why he acts the way he is. Being a victim of abuse by his Dad." Lila replied. "Wait, you know?!" Duusu asked in horror. "We saw what happened to Jack. We agree, it's downright horrible, but I knew it can work for a way to get him. Unfortunately, I still knew he would try to find a way out of it. I play the game smart, but especially safe. So the risk of being exposed would really ruin my plans. Of course, I knew none of them would snitch on me, but the thought of potentially being revealed for who I am would ruin everything. Now, it doesn't matter. We have the one thing that will get him akumatized, and best of all, his anger will be directed right at Ladybug. The real reason to how he lost you, Duusu." Lila replied. "Yeah. That jerk face. So, your going to akumatize a victim of domestic violence just to get miraculous?" Duusu asked. "Don't worry. I wasn't planning on using this as a chance to make him pay for what he did to me. Just see him like your sentimonsters. A puppet we control to get what we want. But, he's the twist. We succeed, we make our wish, Emilie comes back, Ladybug is die, yeah me, and we will give you guys back to the others. But if we fail, then we will stop being villains. According to Gabriel that is." Lila replied. "Yeah, although this is a golden opportunity, I don't know if we should do this. Duusu, is it really true? Is Jack really a... victim of abuse?" Gabriel asked. "He is, and it shatters my heart to find out that's the reason he's the way he is. So the thought of you trying to akumatize him makes me want to go into anger mode, and destroy this place." Duusu replied. "Too bad too sad. I gave you the Peacock miraculous, now we have to follow through. Of course, if we do fail, which we shouldn't, we will stop. Everybody wins either way.  And to make this moment even more memorable, [takes off brooch, and gives it to Gabriel] I think we should have the OG handle this." Lila said.  "Me?"  Gabriel asked.  "I've seen Jack's emotions in action.  He is a beast.  It only feels right if you take him on, instead of me.  Besides, I don't want to cause that much suspicion.  We are hosting a surprise party for Jack's departure tomorrow.  The perfect chance to get him."  Lila replied.  "I see.  [looks at brooch, and begins to have second thoughts on this.  In the end, he clinches his hand].  Very well then.  Best of luck tomorrow."  Gabriel said.  "No.  Best of luck to you, Hawkmoth."  Lila replied.  She leaves, but before she walks out the door, she looks at Nooroo.  "We'll see each other again, Nooroo.  I promise."  Lila said.  Then, she leaves.

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