Vanisher 2.0

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The school bell rings, indicating it's the end of the day. Our students/superheroes are all in class ready to pack up and depart. "Now hold up everyone. Before you leave to enjoy your afternoon, I have a major announcement to share. This next assignment you will be doing for tomorrow is extremely important.  It will serve as a way for you to expand upon your ability to know people better. I want you all to go find someone you know, not from this class, and give a small presentation about them. Try to find ways you two are similar or different. Find out more about that particular person. Just, get to know someone outside this class better. You are now dismissed. [class starts to leave]. I expect you to have this by tomorrow." Mrs. Bustier said. The class starts to head home, or stay at school for extra curricular. Regardless, they need to get this presentation ready. Chloe on the other hand, doesn't know where to start. I mean, most of her friends are her class, minus Lila, Marc, Kagami, and Luka. She already knows Nathaniel will do Marc, since they do work together, and Juleka will probably do Luka because he's her brother. Jack would also be a good pick, but he's in her class as well. "Hey, Chloe." Sabrina said. "Yes, Sabrina." Chloe replied. "It's a shame we can't do each other for this project. It would have been an hour long if I got you. But, it is what it is. Any ideas on who you are going to do?" Sabrina asked. "Not....yet. I'm working on it. What about you? You know who you will be doing?" Chloe asked back. "I actually do." Sabrina replied. "Wait really? Who?" Chloe asked surprised. "Uhhh......You'll have to wait until tomorrow to find out. She's a surprise." Sabrina replied. "Ok. That's so cool. Can't wait to hear about her." Chloe said. "Trust me, you'll love her easily."  Sabrina replied.  Sabrina walks off, leaving Chloe struggling to find someone. "Crap, even Sabrina got someone. Are my friends really just my classmates?" Chloe asked herself. She thinks, and comes up with something.  In the locker room, Adrien is getting ready for fencing class.  While he gets prepared, his phone rings.  "[answers].  Hello?"  Adrien asked.  "Hey, Adrikins.  It's Chloe."  Chloe replied.  "Ah, Chloe.  How are you?"  Adrien asked.  "I'm good.  How about you?"  Chloe asked back.  "About to get ready for fencing, so pretty much the same as you."  Adrien replied.  "That's great.  Well, I have a problem.  This whole presentation we have to do for class tomorrow sounds like fun.  Only issue is the fact that.......the only friends I actually have are in our class.  While trying to find someone random to do it with would work, it does feel a bit awkward in a sense."  Chloe said.  "Understood.  So, is that why you called me?"  Adrien asked.  "Not really.  I wanted to ask if maybe you know any friends outside of school I can interview for the project?  If that's ok with you."  Chloe replied.  "It's ok.  I'm happy to lend a hand.  [thinks].  Well, there is Wayhem, but I'm doing him for the presentation.  [thinks.  Snaps fingers].  Of course.  Chloe, I know just the person for the job."  Adrien said.  "You do?"  Chloe asked.  "Yep.  She'll be perfect for you.  It can't happened right now, since we will be starting fencing soon.  But, I'm sure she'll be ok with working with you."  Adrien replied.  "That's great.  Text me when your done, and I'll text you where your friend can meet me."  Chloe said.  "No problem.  See you later, Chloe."  Adrien replied.  "Bye, Adrikins."  Chloe said, as she hangs up.
Fencing class starts, and it's as fun as it is for Adrien Agreste and Kagami Tsurugi.  Once again partners, they fence like masters.  Crossing blades at every strike, performing insane acrobatics to avoid getting hit, like when Kagami front flips over Adrien, and making sure each of them are safe while fighting.  The match is as it always is, which still impresses their instructor.  Their fight concludes when Kagami thinks she is going to get Adrien, but it's a rouse.  Adrien moves past her sword, and with fast speed, shows up behind her.  He taps her with his blade.  Kagami is shocked.  "[takes mask off].  Check mate, Kagami."  Adrien said.  "[takes mask off].  I thought we were fencing.  Not playing chess."  Kagami replied.  "[blows whistle].  That's game everyone.  You all did your best.  Adrien, Kagami, well done.  Especially you, Adrien.  See you all tomorrow."  The fencing instructor said.  The class is dismissed, and all go to the locker room.  They pack up to go home.  As Kagami gets back into her normal clothes, Adrien approaches her.  "Still determined to be better than me huh?"  Adrien asked.  "Just doing what I'm best at, Adrien.  Impressing everybody around me.  Especially you.  You did a great job today.  Way to dodge my attack like that."  Kagami replied.  "What can I say, just doing what I'm good at.  Being my best for you."  Adrien said.  "That's why I'm glad your my friend.  Though, I wished we were more than that back then.  But like I said, it's not going to work again.  After what.....happened."  Kagami replied.  "I get it.  I'm just glad we are on safe terms again."  Adrien said.  "Me too."  Kagami replied.  "Hey, Kagami.  You think you can do me a favor?"  Adrien asked.  "Uhhh, depending on what it is."  Kagami replied.  "It's nothing bad.  Trust me.  You see, my friend, Chloe, needs to interview a friend for this project in our class.  Only issue is the fact we can't use anyone in our class, and all her friends are pretty much in our class.  She is struggling to find someone, so I though maybe she could interview you.  What do you say?"  Adrien asked.  "Me?  You want Chloe to"  Kagami asked back.  "Of course.  I mean, there is so much about you Chloe can find out.  Your brave, caring, absolutely awesome in combat.  You'll be perfect for her."  Adrien replied.  "Ummm, ok.  Well, depends of what my Mom has to say about it."  Kagami said.  "Don't worry about her.  I'm sure she won't freak about."  Adrien replied.  "No, she will.  You should understand by now that my Mom is like your Dad.  Overprotective, and cruel."  Kagami said.  "Oh.  Well, how about you don't tell her?"  Adrien asked.  "So, I lie?  I'm not a Lila."  Kagami replied.  "Yes.  But your still not Lila because she doesn't learn.  [in whisper].  I wish she learns.  [in normal volume].  Just tell her fencing class got extended, and that's why your home late.  Little does she know you'll be with Chloe.  Simple as that."  Adrien said.  "Hmmm.  [thinks].  It's risky, but I'll do it.  For Chloe."  Kagami replied.  "Awesome.  I'll text her now, so you two can meet."  Adrien said.  "Alright."  Kagami replied.
Moving onward, Chloe is in the park waiting for Kagami to show up.  She is on the phone, as she waits.  "Thanks again for doing this, Adrikins.  You're a real lifesaver."  Chloe said.  "Just helping out a fellow friend that's all.  She'll be here soon.  Hope you two have fun."  Adrien replied.  "We will.  See you in class tomorrow."  Chloe said.  "You two.  Bye."  Adrien replied, as he hangs up.  Chloe continues to wait, until a bright red high tech car pulls up.  The door opens, and Kagami arrives.  She walks over to Chloe on the bench.  Despite knowing her from previous experiences, she is a bit nervous to do a full on conversation with Adrien's Ex.  She still needs something for tomorrow, so she manages to stay calm.  "Hey.  You must be Chloe.  Chloe Bourgeois to be exact.  Daughter of the mayor.  Daughter of a famous fashion designer.  The one and only Queen Bee."  Kagami said.  "Yes.  I mean, you do know me, Kagami.  I know your.......Ryuko."  Chloe replied.  "Oh yeah.  I almost forgot.  Miraculous Menace.  What a day that was."  Kagami said.  "A day indeed.  But, I'm not here to talk superhero.  Adrien must of told you, but..."  Chloe replied.  "You need me for a presentation.  I'm aware."  Kagami said.  "Ok.  Well, have a seat first.  Get you a little comfortable."  Chloe replied.  Kagami sits down, and plays her backpack next to her.  "First of all, how are you today, Kagami?"  Chloe asked.  "Got back from fencing, so tired.  How about you?"  Kagami asked back.  "I'm good.  And excited to know more about you."  Chloe replied.  "Cool."  Kagami said.  "Ok.  Let's start off with some basic questions.  So, what do you like to do normally?  Like, a hobby or activity?"  Chloe asked.  "Ummm, fencing.  I'm a legend at that."  Kagami replied.  "Ok.  Anything else?"  Chloe asked.  "Nope.  It's just fencing."  Kagami replied.  "Really?  Huh, so you only do fencing?"  Chloe asked.  "Yes."  Kagami replied.  "Ok.  Uhhh, next question.  What are your likes, and dislikes?  If you have any."  Chloe asked.  "I like fencing, and that is all."  Kagami replied.  "Really.  Just fencing?"  Chloe asked.  "Is there a problem with that?"  Kagami asked back in a bit of rage.  "No.  No.  Not at all.  I was just making sure.  Ok, next question.  Do you have a favorite food?  A least favorite food?"  Chloe asked.  "Sushi is my favorite, and I have no least favorite."  Kagami replied.  "Got it."  Chloe said.  "No question there?"  Kagami asked.  "Excuse me?"  Chloe asked back.  "Well, you asked me questions after my answers like they were bad answers.  So, why didn't you ask me a question after this one?"  Kagami asked back.  "It's nothing really.  No need to get upset."  Chloe replied.  "Whatever."  Kagami said.  "Geez.  Let's just move on.  Next question.  What is your favorite season?"  Chloe asked.  "Ok, what are these questions?"  Kagami asked back.  "You seem to be uncomfortable with these questions.  If there something wrong with them?"  Chloe asked back.  "Not.........really.  They just sound so.......weird."  Kagami replied.  "What do you mean?  These are some of the basic questions to get to know someone better.  Don't see an issue there."  Chloe said.  "Right.  Well, my answer is fall.  I like the beauty of the leaves."  Kagami replied.  "Got it.  Ok, next....."  Chloe said.  "Chloe.  Let's just......end it here."  Kagami replied.  "What, why?"  Chloe asked.  "You seem to have enough info for this project.  We......we should end it here."  Kagami replied.  "But, we were just getting started."  Chloe said.  "Well, it's the end.  [gets up].  Hope this helped."  Kagami replied.  She grabs her book bag to leave, but then her folder falls out.  It spills the papers inside it everywhere.  Kagami gets frozen in fear.  "Don't worry, Kagami.  Please, let me help get these back for you."  Chloe said, as she goes to pick up one of the papers.  "NO!!!!!  Don't look at that..."  Kagami replied trying to stop Chloe.  It's too late.  Chloe looks at the paper, and is surprised at what she sees.  A drawing of the Eiffel Tower itself.  Kagami is silent, and embarrassed.  "Oh my God.  Oh my God, Kagami. so stunning.  You didn't tell me you were a good artist."  Chloe said.  "Your........your not displeased?"  Kagami asked.  "Why would I be?  Who won't like art like this?  The stretch work in here is unbelievable.  Like, how does someone even begin to do one of these?  Do you start somewhere specific?  Or, a certain work of the pencil.  It's so cool."  Chloe relied.  Kagami picks up the last of her drawings, and puts them in the folder.  She takes back the one from Chloe as well.  "You've seen enough.  I hope I helped."  Kagami said, as she goes to leave.  "Stop.  Kagami, there is something your hiding from me."  Chloe replied.  "Me, hiding?  I'm not hiding anything.  Nothing at all."  Kagami said.  "Ok.  Then explain this.  How can fencing be your only hobby, when you have a bunch of nice drawings in a folder?  In your backpack."  Chloe asked.  "Ummm, well, it's a friends.  Yep.  I was holding onto it for a friend."  Kagami replied.  "Ok.  Then why is the folder labeled, Kagami's artwork?  Also known as, your name."  Chloe asked.  Kagami struggles to find an answer.  Chloe looks at her intimately.  "[gives up].  Ok.  Ok, you want answers, then get back on the bench."  Kagami said.  Chloe obeys, and sits back on the bench.  "Tell me why your hiding stuff from me?"  Chloe asked.  "[deep breath].  I........I was worried, Chloe.  Worried that this interview would go so badly.  You know more about me, and find out stuff I like or don't like.  It feels so weird for me."  Kagami replied.  "How is that weird?  It's just knowing someone better or making new friends."  Chloe asked.  " want to know something?"  Kagami asked back.  "I guess."  Chloe replied.  "Be serious."  Kagami demanded.  "Ok.  Sure."  Chloe replied.  "Thanks.  The truth is, I'm not a social person.  It's a long story.  I never had that many friends as a kid.  I never had friends at all.  It wasn't until I came here that I got actually friends.  Well, only one."  Kagami said.  "Adrien?"  Chloe asked.  "Yes.  He was more than a friend to me though.  He was the boy I loved.  I wanted him to be with me.  Because he's so.....perfect.  He's handsome, smart, brave, sympathetic, caring.  He's just amazing.  Unfortunately, it didn't work out when I finally became his girlfriend."  Kagami replied.  "You broke up?"  Chloe asked.  "Yes, and I don't want to go into further detail.  We are still friends though.  And that's all I can ask for in him.  I also thought I had another friend, but that was mistake.  I did give her a second chance though.  Please don't ask me more about it.  I wish not to go into further detail."  Kagami replied.  "I won't press you to tell me this mistake.  I can relate in a way.  My only two friends I had were Adrien from childhood, and Sabrina from school.  Now after I changed, I know have more friends.  Like, lots of new friends.  I hope that didn't upset you."  Chloe said.  "It's cool.  It's no big deal.  So basically, we had the same person as our first friend.  That's something we have in common."  Kagami replied.  "Yeah.  So, your first friend, like ever, was Adrien?  Why is that?"  Chloe asked.  "[sighs].  My Mother.  She was, no, she is one of the worst parents I could have.  Like God, I can't stand her so much.  Granted, you shouldn't hate your Mom, but she makes it impossible for me.  She's so cruel, so overprotective, so heartless.  She is like Gabriel, but insults his kid twenty four seven.  She never let me go out, make new buddies, or any of that.  She only saw me as a champion fencer, and that's it.  Everything else I do, she thinks it's trash.  My drawings, my interest, everything."  Kagami replied.  "Tell that to my Mom.  She also is the worst.  But to be fair though, she and my Daddy are making an effort to be better parents.  Unlike your Mom, she left me at a young age.  It's the main reason why I was such a bully.  Throughout my life, I only wanted her to......see me as her daughter.  But she didn't care.  Even more when she came back, and showed zero development to make this family better.  She's a real pain."  Chloe said.  There is some silence between them.  "Well, we have something else in common now.  We both think our Moms are the worst."  Kagami said.  "[giggles].  The absolute worst."  Chloe replied.  "[giggles].  Like, the worst, worst, worser Moms ever."  Kagami said.  "[laughs].  That's not even a word, and I agree with you."  Chloe replied.  Kagami laughs.  "Well, it felt right in a way."  Kagami said.  "Yeah.  I have to say, Adrien made the best choice recommending you to me.  It's nice to find more about a fencer like you."  Chloe replied.  "Yeah.  And I'm glad I can feel comfortable opening up to you, Chloe.  As well as learning a bit more about you.  You are a good.......friend, Chloe.  Your ok with me calling you that right?"  Kagami asked.  "Come on, Kagami.  It's not a problem at all."  Chloe replied.  Kagami smiles.  Chloe smiles.  And Lila smiles from a bush recording them without knowing.
The next day, the presentations begin.  "And she has been a good friend to me since.  Hope to see her again soon."  Marinette said.  The entire class claps at Marinette's project.  "Interesting info on your friend in Shanghai.  Ok, Chloe Bourgeois, your next."  Mrs. Bustier said.  Chloe steps up to the stage.  "Hello everyone.  I'm Chloe.  And today, I will be giving you my presentation of Kagami Tsurugi.  Kagami Tsurugi is one of the fencing students here at school.  She even claims to be a legend at the sport.  But she is more than just a fencer.  She also is an ingenious artist, who draws some incredible artwork.  My favorite is the one she did of the Eiffel Tower.  She also is slightly a bit shy, but comes off as a fun, nice, sweet girl.  Her favorite weather is the Fall because of how the leaves change over time.  I can relate.  Her favorite food is sushi, and she doesn't have a least favorite.  In the end, I found myself to like Kagami.  She's a good friend that I'm glad I met."  Chloe said.  The entire class laughs, and Adrien smiles extra big at Chloe's performance.  "Wonderful analysis, Chloe.  Kagami would be be proud of you."  Mrs. Bustier said.  Chloe heads back to her seat.  "Ok.  Sabrina Raincomprix, your next."  Mrs. Bustier said.  Sabrina gets a little nervous for this.  "You good, Sabrina?"  Chloe asked.  "Yes.  Just......a bit stage fright."  Sabrina replied, as she gulps.  She walks to the front of the class, and sweats at her audience.  "Ummmm, hi everyone.  I'm.....Sabrina.  And I'll be giving my presentation about Cherry Bo.  Cherry is a.....good friend of mine.  A really good friend.  She's sweet, caring, and makes some good......desserts.  Preferably with cherries.  And, that's about it."  Sabrina said.  The class claps.  "Uhh, that's it?"  Mrs. Bustier asked.  "Yes.  She is just that."  Sabrina replied in a nervous way.  "Ok.  I expected more, but it's at least something.  Good job, Sabrina."  Mrs. Bustier said.  The presentations keep coming, before class finally ends.  Sabrina sits on a bench in the courtyard.  "Hey, Sabrina."  Chloe said, as she approaches her.  "Ahhh, Chloe.  Hey.  Good job on your presentation."  Sabrina replied.  "Thanks.  You did good as well.  Though, it was very short."  Chloe said.  "Yeah but that's Cherry.  Good all Cherry Joe."  Sabrina replied.  "You mean, Bo right."  Chloe asked.  "Huh?"  Sabrina asked back.  "Her name was Cherry Bo.  Like you said in class."  Chloe replied.  "Oh yeah yeah.  My bad.  Little, slip of the tongue."  Sabrina said, as she laughs nervously.  "You sure your good?  You've been acting strange today."  Chloe asked.  "I said, I'm fine.  Perfectly fine."  Sabrina replied.  Sabrina's bag then falls over, and a notebook falls out.  "Oh, I'll get it."  Chloe said.  "Wait.  WAIT, DON'T!!!!!"  Sabrina screamed.  Chloe picks it up, and is shocked at what she reads inside.  She reads a page full of crossed out names, and the only one not crossed out is, Cherry Bo.  "Chloe, please.  Give that back to me.  You saw nothing.  Nothing at all."  Sabrina begged.  "[looks at Sabrina].  Cheery Bo isn't real isn't she? made her up."  Chloe asked.  "Of course not.  She is a real friend I have."  Sabrina replied.  "You serious?"  Chloe asked.  Sabrina nods her head.  "Ok.  On our friendship, she is real?"  Chloe asked.  Sabrina gets nervous now.  She doesn't say a word.  "Sabrina.  I'm waiting."  Chloe said.  "Uhhh.....uhhhh......ok you got me.  Cherry Bo isn't real."  Sabrina admitted.  Chloe then sits next to Sabrina, who is covered in shame.  "I don't understand.  Why didn't you do the assignment?"  Chloe asked.  "Why do you think.  Your the only friend I have, Chloe.  The only, true friend I have.  I couldn't find someone else because you know why."  Sabrina replied.  Chloe is in shock, but at the same time, understands.  "[touches shoulder].  I know how you feel.  It must have been rough to tell me the truth.  But, I just want you to know this.  No matter what happens between us, you'll always be my BFF.  And you'll also be my favorite friend in the whole world."  Chloe said.  Sabrina smiles, and says, "Thanks, Chloe."  "Yes.  Thank you Chloe indeed."  Lila said in a sinister way, as she spies on them from a distance.
School ends, and everyone goes home to enjoy the rest of their afternoon. Sabrina is still in the locker room getting packed up. "Hey, Sabrina." Lila said in a cheerful way. "Hey, Lila. What brings you here?" Sabrina asked. "Well." Lila replied in a sad tone. "You ok? You don't sound so good." Sabrina asked. "If I'm being honest, I'm not ok, Sabrina." Lila replied. "Why, what's wrong? Are you feeling ill? I have some meds that can help you." Sabrina asked worried. "No, it's not that. I'm ok. Yesterday, I found a devastating discovery you should know about." Lila replied. "A devastating discovery? For me? What is it?" Sabrina asked. "It's something I've never seen before, it's so.....ah forget it. It's not worth it." Lila replied. "No, what is it?" Sabrina asked. "You don't seem to understand, Sabrina. This is something that even hurts for me to show you." Lila replied. "Just tell me what it is. I'm sure it isn't that bad." Sabrina said. "Alright. It's your funeral. Just know I warned you about this." Lila replied. "I'll keep that in mind." Sabrina said. Lila pulls out her phone, and shows Sabrina a video. The following dialogue plays. [Sabrina is the worst. [giggles]. The absolute worst. [giggles]. Like, the worst, worst, worsier. [laughs]. That's not even a word, and I agree with you. Well, it felt right in a way. The truth is, Sabrina as a friend is a mistake. She's a real pain. I'm glad to have a friend like you, Kagami. You are my best friend now. Me too, Chloe]. Sabrina is speechless. She can't express what she just witnessed. "No. No. This can't be true. It has to be a fake. It must be." Sabrina begged. "[sighs]. As much as I want it to be fake, it's real. Video proof, and everything. I did warn you this would be a devastating discovery, so I hope you understand." Lila replied. Sabrina breaks down crying from having her heart broken. Lila then looks at her, and smiles a wicked smile. She leaves the locker room, and rushes into the boiler room. Making sure no one is there to find her. Now safe, she puts on her brooch, as Nooroo flies out of her pocket. "That was a bit harsh back there, Lila. Did you really have to lie like that?" Nooroo asked. "Chloe is the only friend Sabrina had. Such a loser. I knew breaking her bond with Chloe would allow me another puppet to control. And thankfully, losers like her make excellent puppets for me to have control over. Nooroo, dark wings rise." Lila replied, as she transforms into Farfalla. She opens her backpack, and pulls out the butterfly jar. She sets it free, grabs it, and uses her powers to create an akuma. Now ready, she sends it to Sabrina. She is still crying in the locker room. The akuma comes in, and goes into her glasses. "[Mask forms]. Vanisher. I am Farfalla. Your feelings have been murdered because your one and only BFF replaced you with Kagami Tsurugi. Kagami will wish she never left you to a demise of loneliness. I return to your powers of invisibility to make her pay. As always, bring me the miraculous of Ladybug, Cat Noir, and Blue Bird. With the added bonus of destroying them in the process." Farfalla ordered. "Yes, Farfalla." Sabrina replied, as she transforms into Vanisher.
Fencing class starts, and everyone gets ready to fight.  Adrien and Kagami meet each other again.  "So, how did Chloe's presentation go?"  Kagami asked.  "Great.  She did an awesome job.  You two must have had fun together."  Adrien replied.  "We did.  It's nice for someone to know more about me, as I know more about someone else.  She'a a good friend."  Kagami said.  "Yes she is.  Maybe after this you can tell me more about her."  Adrien replied.  "I can do that."  Kagami said.  "Ok everyone.  Welcome back.  Time to begin."  The fencing instructor announced.  All the fencers get into fighting position.  And with the blow of a whistle, the fencing begins.  Adrien and Kagami charge at each other, only for Kagami to get kicked right in the face.  She is sent flying into a wall.  Everyone stops to see what happened.  "[gets up].  What was that?"  Kagami asked.  Suddenly, she gets beaten up.  Punched in the stomach and face, and body slammed on the ground.  "Ghhh.....GHOST!!!!!!"  The fencing instructor screamed.  Everyone runs away expect for Adrien.  He keeps watching this paranormal activity.  Kagami getting beaten up by nothing at all.  Regardless, Adrien runs to save her.  He gets Kagami away from this invisible presence.  "You ok?"  Adrien asked.  "[spits].  I've been through worse."  Kagami replied.  "Oh Boo Hooo, Kagami.  And Chloe said you were a legend."  Vanisher said.  "It can talk?"  Adrien asked.  "Yep.  I am Vanisher, and I am here to get my revenge on you Kagami."  Vanisher replied.  "Revenge?  For what?"  Kagami asked.  "You know what you did!"  Vanisher screamed.  She kicks Adrien away, as she goes for Kagami.  She gets up, and punches at Vanisher.  She misses, and as Vanisher laughs, she throws Kagami into another wall.  Adrien runs away to help her out.  He goes into an empty classroom, and pulls out his communication box.  "My Lady, Vanisher is back again.  She is at the France Du Pont High School.  And she's going after Kagami Tsurugi.  Hurry quick.  I'm already there.  [hangs up].  Plagg, claws out."  Adrien said, as he transforms into Cat Noir.  Back outside, Kagami gets thrown to the ground.  "Now you know what happens when you leave me in misery."  Vanisher said.  Before she goes to step on her back, a staff stops her from doing so.  "Hello Vanisher.  Nice of you to reappear once again."  Cat Noir said.  "Ah, Cat Noir.  It's been a while.  How long was it?  Anti bug?  Wait, no.  It was Heroes Day.  God that was a long period of time.  Glad to see you once again."  Vanisher replied.  "[lands next to Cat].  I'm here."  Ladybug said.  "And Ladybug.  Chloe's idol.  Nice to see you too.  Today will be your final day as superheroes.  Soon, I'll bring Farfalla your miraculous like any good friend would do."  Vanisher replied.  "[mask forms].  Yes.  Not sure where Blue Bird is,but forget him.  As long as I have their jewels, finding him won't be so hard."  Farfalla ordered.  "Bring it all you got suckers."  Vanisher said.  Cat jumps down to get her.  Vanisher moves, and trips Cat Noir.  She slams her foot down, but he dodges.  He goes to get Kagami out of here, so Ladybug steps in to stop Vanisher.  They fight, as Cat leaves.  They go into the locker room.  "Hide in here.  You'll be safe."  Cat Noir said.  "Don't worry about me.  I can handle the pain."  Kagami replied.  Cat smiles, before he goes back out to battle.  Ladybug tries to hit Vanisher with her yo-yo, but she keeps missing.  Vanisher goes grab it after a couple of tries, but this helps Cat find her, and kick her.  She gets back up, and front flip over the duo, who were charging at her.  Cat turns around, and goes her.  She responds by kicking him square in the face. He is send flying into a wall.  Ladybug then goes to Plan B.  "Lucky charm."  Ladybug said, as she uses her powers.  The lucky charm forms a water bottle.  "Water."  Ladybug said.  "You know what they say, got to stay hydrated."  Vanisher replied.  Cat comes back, and tries to fight Vanisher.  Giving Ladybug the time she needs to see what to do.  All she sees is a cart, and Cat Noir.  "Not a lot, but I can make this work."  Ladybug said.  Vanisher and Cat Noir brawl, while Ladybug gets her plan into action.  She grabs the cart, and points it at the two.  With one deep breath, she sprints.  "Move, Cat."  Ladybug yelled.  He moves, and Ladybug let's go of the cart.  It goes for Vanisher.  She attempts to jump over it, but he trips on it's handle in air.  She face plants on the ground.  Ladybug runs fast, and dumps the water all over Vanisher.  Exposing herself.  "NO!!!!!"  Vanisher screamed.  She charges at them, but Ladybug easily ties her up.  As she tries to break free, they see her glasses.  Cat takes them off, and snaps them.  The akuma flies out.  After Ladybug let's Sabrina go, she opens her yo-yo, spins it around, captures he akuma, frees it from evil, and says a nice goodbye as it flies away.  "Miraculous Ladybug."  Ladybug said, as she uses her powers.  The lucky charm fixes all the damage caused, and Sabrina turns back to normal.  Ladybug then opens her yo-yo, and pulls out a magical charm.  "[puts in palm].  Here, Sabrina.  This is a magical charm.  It will protect you from Farfalla's influences.  It will also remind you that her influences aren't the solution to your problems."  Ladybug said.  "I appreciate the charm, but that doesn't change what happened."  Sabrina replied.  "Well, what did happen?"  Cat Noir asked.  "Kagami and Chloe talked bad about me, and Chloe said she is her BFF now."  Sabrina replied.  "What?  That never happened." Kagami said, as she comes out of hiding.  "Oh yeah?  Tell that to Lila.  She showed me a video of everything."  Sabrina said.  "Lila?"  Ladybug, Cat Noir, and Kagami asked.  "Yes, Lila.  She has video proof, and everything.  It's all there."  Sabrina replied. "What video?"  Chloe asked, as she enters the school.  "Oh look who decided to show up."  Sabrina replied in anger.  "Hey, what gives.  I've been trying to find you.  Social media said you were here, so I came here.  Wh.......what happened?"  Chloe asked.  "Lila showed her a video of you and Kagami talking bad about Sabrina."  Ladybug replied.  "What?  No, Sabrina that never happened.  That can't be true."  Chloe said.  "Ask Lila.  She showed me it."  Sabrina replied.
    The next day, Lila is in the locker room getting ready for school. All goes well for her. That is, until she closes her locker, and gets frightened by Kagami and Chloe. Kagami waste no time pinning Lila against the wall. "Hello Lila. Happy to see us again?" Kagami asked in anger. "Ow. Hey, stop it. Your hurting me." Lila begged. "Oh shut it, Lila. You have a lot of explaining to do, after what you did." Chloe said. "Yeah, and if you lie about anything, I'll make you wish you didn't." Kagami replied seriously. "We want to know what you showed Sabrina yesterday?"  Chloe demanded.  "Sabrina?  What do you mean?"  Lila asked.  Kagami kicks her in the shines.  Lila screams.  "Stop lying, and tell us the truth."  Kagami demanded.  "What did you show her?"  Chloe demanded.  "Seriously, I don't know what you are talking about."  Lila begged.  Kagami kicks her in the shines harder.  "We can do this all day, Lila.  Tell us, or the pain will get even worse."  Kagami threatened.  Lila is in fear, then Adrien walks in.  "Hey!  Woah!  What are you two doing?"  Adrien asked.  "Confronting a liar."  Kagami replied.  "Yeah.  She has a lot of explaining to do."  Chloe said.  "Ow.  Adrien, they are hurting me.  Please tell them to let me go."  Lila begged.  "Kagami, let her go."  Adrien said.  "What?!"  Chloe asked.  "Chloe, be quiet.  Kagami, let her go."  Adrien replied.  Kagami doesn't want to let go.  She wants to strangle Lila for what she did.  But, she doesn't want to be seen as a psycho.  She let's go.  "Now, you two leave."  Adrien said.  "But, Lila."  Chloe replied.  "Just, go."  Adrien said.  They leave the locker room.  It's only Adrien and Lila.  "Oh, thank you Adrien.  You saved me from those..."  Lila said.  "Cramp it, Lila.  [Lila gasp].  I don't know what you did, but it got Sabrina akumatized.  Tell me what you did."  Adrien demanded.  "I said, I don't know what you are talking about."  Lila said.  "Don't play this game with me.  I swear to God if you don't tell me, I'll......I'll."  Adrien replied.  "You'll what?"  Lila asked.  "I'll.....I'll get you fired from modeling."  Adrien replied.  "HA!  As if.  There is no way your Father will allow that."  Lila said.  "Well, he is the man who didn't have an issue with me quitting.  [pulls phone out].  So I'm sure he'll understand me when I tell him how I feel.  To do what needs to be done."  Adrien replied.  He goes to call his Dad, and shows Lila to prove.  He slowly moves his finger to call him.  Slowly but surely.  "[gets nervous].  OK, OK!  Don't call him.  I'll tell the truth."  Lila said.  "As expected."  Adrien replied.  "So, [in flashback] I found out Chloe was interviewing Kagami for the project in class.  So, I decided to get a closer look.  I spied on them chatting, and recorded their conversation.  Then, I edited the footage at home.  I taught myself, after what Jack did to me.  I made it seem that Sabrina was a bad friend, and she will be replaced with Kagami.  [end flashback].  I showed it to her, and she got akumatized by Farfalla."  Lila confessed.  " really did it.  You actually did this.  Are you kidding me, Lila?"  Adrien asked disgusted.  "Yep."  Lila replied.  Adrien is speechless.  "Why?  Why would you do this?  What in the right mind made you think this was a good idea?"  Adrien asked anger.  "Simple.  To ruin the reputations of two girls who are evil deep inside.  You know who I'm talking about.  They are truly made to be each other's friend because they only deserve each other.  They are nothing but bad influences that you must stay away from, and I'm responsible for taking out."  Lila replied.  "So that's your reason?  Ruining Chloe and Kagami's reputation?"  Adrien asked.  "Yep."  Lila replied.  Adrien is more disgusted.  "You are something else, Lila.  You are something else."  Adrien said.  He leaves her, and slams the locker room door to show his anger.
    Before the story ends, we transport to a kindergarten.  There, the kids run around.  Screaming and yelling at each other having a blast.  Well, almost all of them.  One of the kids is sitting in corner of the playground.  Facing the fence playing with it as if it's her only friend.  Of course, it's just an object.  "Hey, what are you doing?"  A little girl asked.  "Huh?  [turns around]."  The lonely girl asked back.  "What are you doing?"  The little girl asked back.  "I'm....playing."  The lonely girl replied.  "With who?"  The little girl asked.  The lonely girl doesn't say a thing.  "With who?"  The little girl asked.  "Myself."  The lonely girl admitted in a sad tone.  The little girl feels sympathy for the lonely girl, so she offers her hand to her.  The lonely girl is shocked.  "I'm Chloe.  What's your name?"  Young Chloe asked.  "Uh.....uhh....I'm.....Sa.....Sabrina.  I'm Sabrina."  Young Sabrina replied.  "Cool name.  Want to come play with me?"  Young Chloe asked.  Young Sabrina doesn't know if she should trust her, but eventually, she grabs Chloe's hand, and gets up.  "Yes."  Young Sabrina replied.  "Cool.  Tag your it."  Young Chloe said, as she runs away.  "Hey, get back here."  Young Sabrina replied, as she chases after her.  "You got to catch me first."  Young Chloe said.  The two run along, and have run together.  Beginning a friendship no one will forget.

Miraculous Ladybug Season 5: The End of EvilWhere stories live. Discover now