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The school day is over with, and the gang is outside in the courtyard chatting.  "High school is coming along?  Woah!  Wait, does that mean... we won't see each other anymore?"  Adrien asked worried.  "Of course not, bro.  We can still hang out.  Everyone in our group, and I know how much you value us.  We wouldn't abandon one of our closet friends who needs all the love he deserves."  Nino replied.  Adrien smiles.  "Thanks Nino.  But now that I'm thinking about it, I really don't know what to do for high school.  Is there where you go to a college where you focus on what you want to do in life?"  Adrien asked.  "Not quite.  That's a university.  A high school is like school, but more advanced.  You can still take a course on what you want to do if you can.  It's a nice way of a head start for the future.  Plus there are the football games, countless clubs, parties.  It's going to be a blast off once we all go."  Kim replied.  "Speaking of blastoff, hey guys, come over here."  Max yelled.  Soon, everyone, even Lila, surrounds Max.  "Do you all think you can pray for my Mom today.  She is very stressed out."  Max asked.  "She's stressed?  What happened?"  Marinette asked.  "Don't worry.  She's alright, just nervous.  Today they are sending the forms to the astronauts who get to embark on the space journey of the century.  The Mars Martin Program."  Max replied.  Everyone gasp in surprise.  "For those who don't know, it's a project that's been in there works for the last decade.  It's where they plan to send one lucky astronaut to the planet Mars, inside of an ultra powered, space ship.  Way more revolutionary than an space ship in the world.  Markov will explain otherwise."  Max said.  "According to my calculations, a trip to Mars takes about twenty one months at best.  However, I've been hooked up to the engineering of the new space ship for the program itself."  Markov replied.  "My Mother told me the details."  Max explained.  "And by these odds, it will only take... six months there and back."  Markov replied.  Everyone is now shocked at these numbers.  "Now way!  I'm studying engineering, and I've never seen stats like that before."  Alix said.  "I know.  It's a lifetime opportunity.  My Mom told me she always wanted to go to Mars since she was little.  After all, exploring the universe has been her dream.  She worked effortlessly to pull this off.  It would be so grateful for you all if you give her your wishes."  Max replied.  "Oh Max.  Of course we will.  I really hope she gets the position.  It would be a dream for her to go see the plant full of extraterrestrials."  Lila said.  "Actually, it hasn't been confirmed aliens exist.  Expect in movies.  God I love those kind of movies."  Jack replied.  Lila growls at him.  "Well anyway, tell her I wish her the best of luck.  I have to go guys.  You know, photo shoot for Gabriel's Brand."  Lila said.  They all say goodbye, as Lila leaves them all.  With a wicked smile forming on her face, as she leaves. 

At an apartment complex, the mailman drops off the mail for the day.  One by one, he puts the mail inside the mail slot, then leaves to do the next.  His last stop is at Apartment 314.  Aka, Max's apartment.  How ironic.  He drops off their mail, including the letter for the Mars position.  Once he is done, he leaves.  Downstairs, in the security room, someone breaks into it.  That would be Lila, who wears gloves along with it.  She goes to the control center, and inspects the system.  Once she found the right button, she shuts off all the security.  Now unable to be seen, she goes forward.  She makes her way to Max's apartment.  Once she is there, she opens Max's open mail box.  She then looks through the mail, until she finds the space letter.  She does find it, and forms a smile on her face.  She puts the mail back inside, then goes to leave.  But not before she turns on the security again, so it looks like no tracks were left.  She leaves Max's apartment complex with the letter in hand.  Back home, Lila carefully opens up the letter.  Making sure she doesn't ruin the envelope one bit.  Once she successfully opens the envelope, she pulls out and reads the letter.  "[reads].  Wow!  His Mom actually got the position.  That's honestly impressive."  Lila said.  "I'm so happy for Max's Mom, but why on Earth did you commit such a terrible crime Lila?"  Nooroo asked.  "Obviously.  Because Max's Moms's dream will help make my dream come true.  Remember how Max said his Mom is stressed about getting this job?  How it would break her heart of she didn't?  How she worked so hard for this moment?  Well, this is how we will make our new powerful villain.  Powers and plan already organized."  Lila replied.  Nooroo gulps at what Lila is planning.  "I'm not an expert in forging, but thankfully, there is no signature.  Thank God for that.  I was worried I had to find a way to pull that off.  However, I am an expert in tricking the minds of pathetic sheep.  I'll just rewrite her letter, add in the necessary details, then ship it right back to Max's Mom.  [Nooroo gasp].  Once she reads the letter, she will break down in such pain.  So much devastating pain... when she sees she didn't get the job.  Then I can use that pain to crush those heroes to pieces!"  Lila said in a sinister way.  "Lila... you, you can't be serious!  Your really going to ruin someone's life for an akuma?  Your insane!"  Nooroo yelled.  "I know I am crazy, but I know I'm a good liar as well.  Now, I know this is where you continue to yell at me, and convince me not to do this.  I get it.  So if she wins or fails, I plan to give her the real form afterwards."  Lila said.  "Oh... ok.  So you'll give her the real one once we are done?"  Nooroo asked.  "Bingo my cocoon."  Lila replied.  "Hmmm, as much as this is horrible, at least your going to fix it."  Nooroo said.  "Exactly.  Here, some chocolate to make you feel better."  Lila replied.  Nooroo gets hypnotized by the treat, and ravages it.  Giving Lila the time she needs to ruin Max's Mom's dreams. 

Miraculous Ladybug Season 5: The End of EvilWhere stories live. Discover now