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Adrien yawns, as he awakes in bed.  As he rises, he gets jump scared by a clawer sitting right in front of him.  It scares Plagg to get up, and he gets frightened against at the clawer.  "Morning you two.  It's time to get to work."  Clawer said.  "Jesus.  Could you at least have waited a little later?"  Adrien asked.  "Nope.  I love seeing you teens being afraid of us.  And kwamis.  Now, onto your assignment.  Essence thought you did a great job yesterday, that he wants to take your task up a notch."  Clawer replied.  "Which is?"  Adrien asked.  "Nothing serious.  Just, killing an animal."  Clawer replied.  Plagg gasp considering he is an animal.  "Ok.  No way.  Not doing it at all.  I'd rather fall in love with Lila Rossi.  She is a girl who I'm starting to lose hope for at school."  Adrien explained.  "Right.  To be fair, you do have an animal right next to you.  Could get the job done right now."  Clawer replied.  "Oh I'll rip your head off if you convince him to do that."  Plagg yelled.  "Geez.  It's your call, Adrien.  Just remember what will happen if you disobey our master."  Clawer taunted.  Adrien remembers what will happen.  Someone he loves with be killed or tortured, as he remembers what almost happened to Wayhem yesterday.  It makes Adrien and Plagg shiver.  "Again, your call.  Oh, and make sure you have evidence you did it.  And of course, have a lovely day."  Clawer said, as he leaves.  "We seriously cannot do this."  Plagg replied.  "We cannot.  But we really don't have a choice."  Adrien said in lose hope.  Plagg gasp in horror, as Adrien gets out of bed.  Now in clothes, he goes to check in Nathalie.  There, she vomits more.  Adrien closes his eyes in pain.  "[finishes puking].  You said you were getting better.  Now you look worse than before."  Adrien said, as he sits down next to Nathalie.  "[coughs].  It's not like that, Adrien.  All is [coughs] going fine."  Nathalie tried to explain.  "Well you don't sound getting better.  You've been barfing, and coughing non-stop, and.....I'm scared about it."  Adrien said in a sad tone.  "Don't be.  I said I'll be fine, Adrien.  I truly mean it."  Nathalie replied.  "Well, I don't believe you.  It's almost like your hiding something from me, and I don't know why."  Adrien said.  "Hiding something?  Oh, no.  I'm not hiding a thing Adrien.  Just, [touches Adrien's shoulder] think positive, and that's all.  I'll be ok, just you see."  Nathalie replied.  Adrien trust Nathalie, so after a smile, he leaves her to rest.  She fully knows she won't be alright.  As evidence when she goes back to barfing again.
Outside the study, Adrien is greeted.  "And there he is.  Adrien Agreste herself."  Woman said.  "Uh that's right.  And who are you?"  Adrien asked.  "Adrien, meet Miss Rally.  She is here for a special request from you."  Gabriel explained.  "A special request?"  Adrien asked.  "Indeed.  You see, my daughter, Jill, is a huge fan of yours.  She did find it tragic when you quit modeling.  She wanted to ask if you could spend some time with her."  Miss Rally replied.  "Uhhh, I thought I was done with modeling work, Father?"  Adrien asked.  "You are, but this isn't really model related.  Just doing a good deed for someone else.  Nothing more.  Nothing less."  Gabriel replied.  "Ok.  [thinks].  Sure, I can do it."  Adrien said.  "Perfect.  My special girl will be so happy.  I can take you there now.  Even feed you my famous banana bread if you didn't have breakfast."  Miss Rally replied.  Adrien goes along, and leaves.  He walks past a smiling Gabriel, as he leaves.  Gabriel soon goes from happy to sad, and continues when he enters the study.  "You tell him?"  Nathalie asked.  "No.  It's still hard for me to do."  Gabriel replied.  "[coughs].  Well, he has to know sooner than tonight.  By then I'll [coughs] be done for."  Nathalie said.  "I mean, can't you just tell him?"  Gabriel asked.  "You have to handle this one, Gabriel.  He probably won't believe me, and I lied to him to get out of actually telling him.  It will make it worse when he realizes I've been lying to him.  He will believe you because of how serious you are."  Nathalie replied.  She then goes to barf again into the bucket.  It makes the room smell disgusting.  The sight of Nathalie barfing nearly makes Gabriel tear up.  He can't bare to see Nathalie like this.  "I'll tell him.  I just......need more time to figure out how."  Gabriel said. Gabriel takes one of her buckets, and leaves, as Nathalie goes back to barfing.  The sound also nearly makes Gabriel cry.
    Moving on, Essence reappears again, but this time, he is fighting Ladybug and Blue Bird. The two jump on Essence, but he pushes them off. Ladybug throws her yo-yo. Essence dodges it, and yawns. Blue Bird then goes to kick Essence, but he causally moves out of the way. And then slams his fist onto Blue Bird's gut. Sending the bird to the ground. Ladybug tries again with the yo-yo. Essence grabs it this time, twirls her around like a ribbon, and throws her into a building. "Seriously? Are you two even trying today?" Essence asked. "[gets up]. We are. If only someone could put in the effort." Ladybug replied. "Oh once again with blaming it on me. What? Are you still mad that my senti-Mother Box failed?" Blue Bird asked. "That, and how your trash at your job." Ladybug replied. "And there we go. Ladybug being a total jerk to her own team." Blue Bird said, as he gets up. In a comedic way, Essence watches Blue Bird and Ladybug argue like they always do. And he doesn't do a thing about it. He just watches, and occasionally giggles as they fight. During their barking, Essence grabs Blue Bird's fan off the ground. In hand, he takes a couple of feathers from it, before he throws the fan on the ground. "I know I have the perfect chance to get their miraculous, but how could I end this so quickly." Essence said. Then he walks away, and jumps to escape. Ladybug sees it. "And there he goes again." Ladybug said. "Oh boy. Here comes the part where you blame me for everything." Blue Bird replied, as he gets his fan back. "You know your the one to blame for your idiot mind." Ladybug yelled. "Oh the one attribute that perfectly sums you up, as well as, cruel, mean, rude, and hundreds of more." Blue Bird yelled. "Cramp it, and actually do your job." Ladybug yelled. "Not my fault Essence knows the identities of your precious superhero team." Blue Bird yelled. "[gasp]. Oh you went too far there." Ladybug yelled. "Good because you deserve it you insulting insect." Blue Bird yelled. The two go on, and on, and on with arguing. Just as they normally do.
    As the morning moves on, we see how Alya is doing. She lies on her cell's floor with her eyes messed up, and bags under them.  She shakes, as she tries to get some sleep.  When she does close her eyes, she can't help but panic over Essence popping up in her head.  It makes her stay awake, and exhausted.  As well as terrified at any moment.  Like when her door gets slammed open again.  "AHHHH!!!!!  STAY AWAY!!!!!"  Alya begged.  "Again, it's me.  Time for breakfast."  Tim replied.  Inside the lounge, Alya gets as she normally does her.  With her barehands, and her utensils under her seat.  It's also hard now considering the lack of sleep she is now receiving.  But at least she still has Nick, who arrives just now.  "Morning, Alya."  Nick said, as he site with her.  "Oh, Nick.  Thank God it's you."  Alya replied.  "You had a good sleep?"  Nick asked.  "Barely any."  Alya replied.  "My God, why?"  Nick asked concerned.  "[looks dead in his eyes].  I think you know."  Alya replied.  "Oh right.  Him."  Nick said.  "Nicky, Nicky, Nicky. We meet again." Mike replied. "Ahhh yes. Ethan. Ethan the Echo. The reason Mike is here among us." Nick said. "Yes indeed, and I don't regret a thing about it." Ethan replied. "Of course you don't." Nick said. "Wait? So, your the personality that got Mike locked up here?" Alya asked. "Yes indeed. Oh, and you must be Alya. A near victim of.....Dennis's lust for pleasure." Ethan replied. "HEY!!!! Don't bring that up. The kid has been through a lot." Nick demanded. "Whatever. Now hold on for a moment. [looks closely]. Now I remember you. Your Alya Cesaire. Survivor of the terrifying Essence. Pfff. Punk doesn't scare me. Nor does he intimidate me. Not even a little." Ethan said. Nick looks at Alya who tries her best to not scream in pain.  Sadly, it fails.  "AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!  GET AWAY FROM ME!!!!!!!  PLEASE, STOP IT!!!!!!  PLEASE!!!!!!"  Alya begged.  Nick gets mad. "Ethan, I highly recommend you stop, and leave us alone." Nick replied. "Why? The man isn't going to get in here. He's trapped out there, as we are in here." Ethan teased. Nick looks at Alya, who shivers in fear. It makes Nick anger. "Seriously, Ethan. Stop it. Now!" Nick demanded. "Or what? Your going to slap me back inside Mike's head?" Ethan teased. "Great guess." Nick replied, as he slaps Ethan. Mike then comes back. "Ouch. [looks at Nick]. Oh man. Again." Mike said. "It was Ethan this time.  He caused harm as the other times." Nick replied. "[looks at Alya panicking on the floor].  I'm so sorry.  Better leave you two alone." Mike said. "That would be for the best. Thank you." Nick replied. Mike leaves Alya and Nick to eat.  With him out of the way, Nick goes to assist Alya, who is about to be haunted by Anna again.  "[slaps her hand].  Try it, and I'll break your fingers."  Nick threatened.  For some reason, Anna just takes it, and leaves.  "[deep breath].  Ok.  [helps Alya up, who is still scared].  Hey, Alya.  It's ok.  He.....isn't hear."  Nick reassured.  "You sure he isn't here?"  Alya asked.  "I mean it.  He's gone."  Nick replied.  "Thank you, Lord."  Alya prayed.  The two of them get back into their seats. "And that's Ethan. I think the last one. Or maybe there's another one. Who knows?" Nick said. "Right. So, how did he get Mike, and his other sides into here?" Alya asked. "Well. I explained to you already that he killed someone. Not sure why, but whatever it was, it got him locked up in here." Nick replied. "Right. Does love to talk a lot." Alya said. "He's a chatterbox, and a teaser. He's the one that annoys me the most, but I can get through it.  Nick replied. "That's good.  [in whisper].  If only I could with my trauma."  Alya whispered.  The two of them continue to eat, as the morning presses onward.
    Now we see what Kagami is up too. She is finishing her breakfast inside her super advanced, super rich kitchen. With hibachi grill, high tech stoves, robotic iron cabinets, white and gray tile floors and ceiling, and much more. Her Mother is in there cooking, as Kagami eats at the counter. Once she is done, she goes to leave. "You seeing your friend, Chloe again?" Tomoe asked. "Yes, Mother. Let me guess, you have an issue with it?" Kagami asked back. "As always. You know spending more time with these friends will make you lose more focus on what's more important." Tomoe replied. "But Chloe is a good girl, Mother. She is also in love, and needs help. I want to give her that help." Kagami said. "You know how I feel about love, Kagami. I mean, look what happened between you and Adrien Agreste. You feel in love, but broke like the sword of a weak samurai. The only relationships that are long lasting, are the samurais who prove their strength, and focus on their goals." Tomoe replied. "So what about you and Dad?" Kagami whispered. "I HEARD YOU, AND YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED!!!!!! He deserved to be away from us. He wasn't worthy of being a good for this family alone." Tomoe screamed. "Yes, Mother." Kagami said in a sad tone. She leaves, as her Mom looks at her with disappointment. Now Kagami is near the Coiffane's houseboat, where Chloe stands nervously.  Kagami shows up.  "Morning, Chloe.  You excited?"  Kagami asked.  "Uhhhh, I don't know if I can do this, Kagami.  What if.....Luka finds me weird or strange?  What if I blush, and he sees it?  So many bad scenarios at this time."  Chloe panicked.  "Deep breathes, Chloe.  Your still anxious about this.  I get it, but you need to overcome it."  Kagami encouraged.  "But, it's so hard to get rid of it, Kagami."  Chloe panicked.  "Anxiety is like a roach.  The longer you let it roam around, the more it grows."  Kagami said.  Chloe gets confused.  "[sighs].  Basically, you need to clear your anxiety, or it will get worse."  Kagami explained.  "Ohhhh.  But still." Chloe replied.  "Don't, but still, Chloe.  All you need to do is three things.  Take deep breathes, maintain focus of your goal, and think positive.  Remember, this is just a test to see if you are experiencing love feelings, or some other feelings."  Kagami said.  "I know.  I have to know what I feel.  [deep breath].  Kagami, wish me luck."  Chloe replied.  "Go get him tiger."  Kagami said, as she smiles watching Chloe move.  Chloe makes her way to the houseboat.  Despite being so nervous inside her head, she wants to do this.  She keeps pressing forward.  Until she arrives on the houseboat, where Luka is working.  "[see her].  Ah, Chloe.  Welcome aboard."  Luka greeted.  "Uhhhh, [clears throat].  Morning captain."  Chloe replied.  Luka gets confused.  "I mean, morning Luka."  Chloe said, as laughs nervously.  "Right.  Well, glad you could join me.  Just so you know, we are all alone here today.  [Chloe stammers].  Juleka is with her friends, and my Mom is out working.  So, we can do whatever we want basically."  Luka explained.  He then notices Chloe freaking out a bit inside.  She stands still frozen in place.  "Uhhh, you good, Chloe?"  Luka asked.  "Huh?  Oh yes.  I'm fine.  So fine.  [giggles].  Sorry, can you give me a minute.  [turns around, and whispers].  Come on, Chloe.  You can do this.  Stop acting so ridiculous.  Utterly ridiculous.  Just think positive, take deep breathes, and focus on your goal. [turns back around, and stops whispering].  Ok.  I'm good."  Chloe replied.  "Ok.  Well, we can hang out in the basement if you want.  Or maybe up here.  It's your call."  Luka said.  "Uhhhh, basement is fine with me."  Chloe replied.  "As you wish.  Come with me."  Luka said.  He takes Chloe downstairs, as she smiles that this isn't going as bad as she feared.
Now Adrien is at the Rally's apartment.  Miss Rally opens the door, and brings Adrien inside.  "Ohhh, Jill!!!!!  Someone special wants to see you."  Miss Rally shouted.  "[door slams wide open.  Loud gasp].  AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!"  Jill screamed.  Jill has haze pigtail, blue eyes with glasses, freckles, braces, and wears an Agreste Jean jacket and skirt with thigh high shocks, and pink white Agreste shoes.  Jill runs, and hugs Adrien.  "OH MY GOD!!!!!  OH MY GOD!!!!!  OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!  OH MY GOD!!!!!!!  IT'S REALLY HIM IN THE FLESH!!!!!!!!"  Jill screamed. "[giggles nervously].  You weren't lying when you said she was a big fan."  Adrien replied.  "No I wasn't.  She's been dreaming of this day for ages.  She always wanted to see Adrien Agreste himself in person."  Miss Rally said.  "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you, Mom!!!!!"  Jill screamed.  "Settle down sweetie.  Thank Mr. Agreste for agreeing to this."  Miss Rally said.  "Oh my God, Adrien.  You have got to see my room.  [gets in real close].  It's my special masterpiece."  Jill replied in a creepy way.  Adrien giggles again, before he is dragged into her room.  Her Mom waves them off, as they go have fun.  There in the room, Adrien is basically brought into a fever dream.  Jill's entire room is full of magazine photos of Adrien, photographs, Adrien posters, and get this, a literal Adrien dummy.  The sight actually frightens Adrien.  Same with Plagg.  "So.......what do you think?"  Jill asked aggressively.  "Uhhhhh, it's......quite a collection."  Adrien replied scared inside.  "It is.  I'm literally your biggest fan.  [giggles].  BIGGEST!!!!!!"  Jill said in a deep tone.  "Right.  I mean, this is a huge collection.  But my buddy Wayhem does have....."  Adrien replied.  "WHO'S WAYHEM???!!!!!  WERE YOU SAYING HE HAS A BETTER COLLECTION THAN ME?????!!!!"  Jill asked in anger.  "What?  No."  Adrien replied.  "GOOD!!!!!!!  BECAUSE, I'M YOUR BIGGEST FAN, AND ONLY BIGGEST FAN!!!!!!  THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!!!!!!!!"  Jill screamed, before she gets attracted by Adrien.  "Ok.  So, is there anything you would want to do?"  Adrien asked.  "Oh, look at my photo collection.  [pulls Adrien to her].  This right here is my sanctuary of you.  Or as I call it, my sanctuadrien."  Jill said, as she kind of drools of Adrien.  Adrien gets freaked out.  "Right."  Adrien said.  "So, that is you from your first magazine.  First come, first serve.  That is from your tenth magazine.  Those over there are from magazine number fifty three.  That is from seventy two.  That is from one hundred sixty seven.  And all the others from hundreds of your magazines."  Jill replied.  "Understood.  You really keep a number on me."  Adrien said.  "Got to do what I have to do to be your biggest fan.  [giggles].  EVEN IF IT IS ANYTHING!!!!!"  Jill said in a deep tone.  Adrien once again gets scared.  He soon looks around the place, until he spots something strange.  "Uhhh, excuse me, Jill.  Is that from the fashion show I did?  The one where I was.......turned to gold?"  Adrien asked scared.  "Ohhhhh.  First of all, I want to bash that Adrien hater for turning you into gold.  She can die.  Second of all, yes.  That is the place."  Jill replied.  "Wasn't that for celebrities only?"  Adrien asked.  "Not everyone needs a pass to get in."  Jill replied in a creepy way.  Adrien quickly realizes what she means by, not everyone needs a pass to get in.  It once again spooks him.  "[in head].  My God, this girl is nuts."  Adrien said.
Meanwhile, Marinette and Jack are both back home, after another fight.  Both lie on their beds, still frustrated at the other.  "God, what a moron."  Marinette said.  "What a jerk."  Jack said.  As they both get into a mood, Tikki and Duusu fly up to them separately.  "You know you don't have to be so mean to Blue Bird."  Tikki said.  "You really didn't have to encourage Ladybug's arguing."  Duusu said.  "How can I help it?"  Marinette asked.  "How can I help it?"  Jack asked.  "He's such a doofus when using his powers.  The others mastered them in a heartbeat."  Marinette replied.  "People say she is such a great hero, but now, I see here as the meanest hero of them all."  Jack replied.  "But your Ladybug.  You should encourage others to become better instead of bringing them down."  Tikki said.  "But your a superhero.  Superheroes shouldn't fight among each other.  They fight together.  It makes me sad when they fight each other."  Duusu said.  "Well, you know why I don't trust him."  Marinette replied.  "You know very well why I don't like her."  Jack replied.  "Farfalla herself said she is after his miraculous.  Right in front of you."  Tikki said.  "Ladybug knows Farfalla is after you.  Maybe use that to convince her."  Duusu said.  "You heard me say it when Alya got captured.  I will never under any circumstances trust Blue Bird.  It's over and down with."  Marinette replied.  "And you heard it from the bug herself.  She will never trust me, so why should I be good to her?  I'd rather drown."  Jack replied.  They both lie in bed anger still.  Both their kwamis fly away from them in sadness.  They sigh at the relationship these two share.
    Back with Alya, she and Nick are still in the lounge area chatting as always. "And then after I got out of that trench, I went on to live another day. With some kills to come with me." Nick said. "Army life. Very hardcore." Alya replied. "Yes it is." Nick said. "Well, since you have been sharing more with me, you think now is the time you finally tell me how you got here?" Alya asked. "Oh yeah. Also the forgot. Now, I know you are still affected by fears, so do you really want to know?" Nick asked back. "Yes. You know my story, I want to know yours." Alya replied. "Are really sure? Because this story is more hardcore than my previous ones." Nick asked. "Just tell me.  Hopefully I can handle it." Alya replied. "Ok. Just know I warned you. So, it was in Afghanistan. [in flashback]. It was the most gruesome, dangerous, violent battle I've ever fought. [bomb goes off. Blood and guts fly in the air]. I was running through the warfare. Blasting any enemy I see with my AK. [shots, and kills four enemies]. I kept running, until I made it to our base. [hops a trench]. On our side, we weren't doing so hot. [solider screams from both his legs blown off]. The screaming, and shouted was as haunting as it is. I tried to stand guard. Giving the medic some time to heal up. [shoots AK, and headshots two enemies, and body shots three enemies]. Despite my efforts, it wasn't enough to help the team. And happened. [grenade gets thrown into pit. Nick screams, get down. Grenade goes off]. We got a grade A dust storm. Couldn't see a thing at all. [tries to navigate]. As I tried to find a way out with dust in my eyes, I kept hearing gun shots. They wouldn't stop. Not even for a break. It was making me lose it. So, I pulled out my knife, and started slashing. [slashes people]. No matter what, I kept swinging my knife over, and over. Definitely hitting people because I heard a squishy sound. Even felt some blood go into my mouth. It wasn't until the dust finally settled, and I cleaned my eyes, where I realized the real horror. [Nick's eyes open wide, and drops his knife]. Behold to my eyes, was all my comrades. Dead from knife slashes to the neck, stomach, or face. [end flashback]. The sight haunted me for years. Rather than being charged with friendly fire, they sent me here in efforts to cure me. I've been here for the last three years of my life." Nick said. Alya is in absolute shock, and sympathy for Nick. "Oh, Nick. I'm so sorry. That is so horrible to experience." Alya said. "Thanks. But, I managed to stop being afraid about it. It still haunts me, just not as much back then. There also was one other side effect." Nick replied. "What's that?" Alya asked. "If I'm blind, or hear gun shots, I will go insane. [in flashback]. Dennis and his friends did that to me when I was here for the first year. [Nick is punching the air, blindfolded, with Dennis and his friends making gunshots sounds]. I wanted to kill them for that prank. [end flashback]." Nick replied. "That's so awful. [silence for five seconds]. Well, just know this. Same what you did for me, I will make sure your safe as well." Alya said. Nick then smiles at Alya, as she does the same time.
    Now we continue with Luka and Chloe. They are in the basement hanging out just a buddies. They also both also drink some soda pop. With Chloe drinking a yellow one, chugged a lot of those in The Aftermath, and Luka, a light green one. "[drinks]. If I remember correctly, you, Sabrina, and Jack shotgunned a whole lot of those sodas." Luka said. "[finishes drinking]. Yup. He got us into the party spirit. Must be a party God back home." Chloe replied. "Probably. Also, didn't Jack like, hurt some students at your school?" Luka asked. "Oh, that. Uhhh, he did. Not sure why. But don't worry. He is a nice guy actually. Especially to me during my changing times. Recently though, he has been acting......strange." Chloe replied. "How so?" Luka asked. "Sabrina and I wanted to have lunch with him in the cafeteria. Once we arrived, he wanted us to leave. Jack isn't normally like that. He would be happy to have us join him. Then he laughed like some kind of court jester, and ran away." Chloe replied. "Woah! Guess you can call him a Jack." Luka said. Chloe gets confused. "You know. As the card. The Jack or Jester." Luka explained. "Ohhhhh." Chloe replied. "Man, [laughs] that was so cringe." Luka said. "No worries. I'm not good at jokes either." Chloe replied. "Alright. Well, don't you have some kind of catch phrase?" Luka asked. "I wouldn't call it a catch phrase. Just a simple saying. Ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous." Chloe replied. "[giggles]. Not lying, it's sort of funny." Luka said. "Really?" Chloe asked surprised. "I don't know why. It just sounds funny to me. Ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous." Luka replied in a tacky way. Chloe eventually giggles. "See. Even you see it." Luka said. "I guess your right. The phrase is kind of funny." Chloe replied. Chloe then looks at Luka smiling. He's enjoying this. It brings back her feelings, as she blushes. "[in head]. Oh God. Not now. Anytime, but now." Chloe panicked. Luka then looks at Chloe. "Ah, where is your bathroom?" Chloe demanded. "Over there behind you." Luka replied. "Great! I'll be back in a second." Chloe said, as she runs into the bathroom. Luka looks at her with confusion. "Ahhhhhh!!!! Stop being such a klutz, Chloe. This is just a friendly experience with Luka. Nothing romantic or lovely at all. I mean, us hanging out is lovely, AHHHH, you know what I mean. You can still get through this, just go back out there, and talk with Luka. Your good friend, Luka." Chloe said to herself. With one deep breath, she steps back outside. Looking pretty worried, when she does. "You feeling better, Chloe?" Luka asked. Chloe once again looks at Luka. Her feelings kick in. It makes her panic. She worries deep inside her head. LuKa once again looks at her with concern. "Are you turning red?" Luka asked. Chloe then gets more worried. "I should get you some water now. It can...." Luka replied. "NO!!!!! DON'T DO THAT!!!!! Sorry, what I meant was.......[pulls out phone]. Oh, I almost forgot. My parents are having lunch with me today at noon. And it's almost noon." Chloe replied in a nervous tone. "It's only ten thirty. We still have time." Luka said. "Well, we always arrive an hour early. In case it's a packed lunch." Chloe replied. "But, your parents own it." Luka said. "[squeals]. Well, we always make sure we are there on time. Sorry we have to cut short. Thanks again. BYE!!!!!" Chloe shouted, as she runs away. Luka, again, looks at Chloe with concern. He is worried he may have said, or done something wrong. We then transition into Chloe's room, where Kagami is now. "It was such a wreck. I couldn't even keep my cool for an hour. He probably now thinks I'm some freak now." Chloe said in a disappointment tone. "It's still your anxiety holding you back. You will get through it, Chloe. I believe you can do it." Kagami replied trying to help. Apart from shame, Chloe smiles at Kagami for being a good friend.
    Now back with Adrien. Jill is still freaking him out, with her behavior she has towards the dummy she has. "Radiant. Care-free. Dreamy. Ahhhhh, Adrien. The Fragrance." Jill said, as she dances with the dummy. The sight of this dummy scares Adrien more than the photos on the wall. He continues to watch Jill dance with the doll romantically. He needs to get out of here. Plagg agrees with a head nod. "Uhhhh, sorry Jill. I actually have to go now." Adrien said. "WHAT!!!! WHY?! We were having so much fun together." Jill asked in shock. "We were. But, I have some a uhhhhh, uhhhh, [Jill looks at him with suspicion]. A project. Yes. A project for school that I need to do." Adrien replied nervously. "Oh. I did a project on you for school. On how you mean so much to me. Hey! I should show you it now. You'll love it." Jill said. "I rather wait for another time, Jill." Adrien replied. "Another time? As in, [gasp] you would hang out with me again?" Jill asked. "Well, more like....." Adrien replied. "AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! ADRIEN WANTS TO HANG OUT WITH ME AGAIN!!!!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Jill screamed. "Yeah. Exactly like that." Adrien replied scared. "Oh, thank you, Adrien. Have fun with your project. I'll have fun when I see you again." Jill said aggressively. And so, Adrien leaves her. Then he runs the second he gets out of her apartment. Outside, Adrien tries to maintain his sanity, after what happened. "GOD!!!! That was the most creepy experience I've ever seen in my entire life." Adrien said. "She had a dummy of you. A DUMMY!!!!! What kind of fan has something like that?" Plagg asked. "Not Wayhem or Marinette. At least I hope they don't." Adrien replied. The two are basically going to barf from this. "Adrien. Promise me we never see this girl again." Plagg said. "Promise kept. No way I'm going through that again." Adrien replied. As they cool off, they hear a window get smacked. And then suddenly, a thud to the ground. It gets Adrien's attention. "What was that?" Adrien asked. He and Plagg go to investigate what is up. When they go to where they heard the thud, they see a poor bird on the ground. It hurt itself real good with a broken wing. The sight haunts Adrien. "Poor fella. Adrien, let's help it." Plagg said. "Agreed." Adrien replied. Adrien carefully picks up the bird in order to help it. Before they can go anywhere, Adrien remembers what he must do today. He was assigned to kill an animal for Essence. And luckily for him, he has one, very injured, in his hands. "Uh, Plagg. Remember what Essence assigned us to do today?" Plagg asked. "Yeah. Hold on. [looks at bird]. ADRIEN!!!! DON'T!!!" Plagg yelled when he realizes it. "But Plagg, we saw what Essence will do if we disobey." Adrien said. "So we just listen to him, and kill this suffering animal?" Plagg asked. "Do we even have a choice? We don't even know who he will go after if we fail." Adrien replied. "You can't be for real, Adrien? You do realize by doing this, we will commit an act of murder." Plagg said. "Again, he will go after someone I love, if we don't obey. I'm truly sorry Plagg. [weeps]. We have no choice." Adrien replied. Plagg gasp in horror. He cannot believe Adrien is doing this. So, after looking at the bird one last time, he flies into his jacket away from the bird. Adrien sheds tears at the bird in pain. "Please......please forgive me." Adrien begged. And so, he does it.
    Then he hands over the bird's corpse into Essence's hand. "Neck snap? Thought you would go for something more bloody. Smashing it with a rock would have been perfect." Essence said. Cat Noir stands there in silence at what he did. "What's wrong, Cat? Need some milk?" Essence asked. "[struggles]. You made me kill an animal against my will. How could I be fine after this traumatic experience?" Cat Noir asked back anger. "You were assigned a duty, and you did it. Thus, your loved ones are safe. For now." Essence replied, as he laughs. Cat looks at him with more anger than before.  It makes his blood boil more red than normal. "How can you be so awful, Essence? Why are you such a monster? There is honesty no reason to why you behave this way, and....I don't understand it. Like, why? Why do this? Why do any of this?" Cat Noir asked mad. "Alya asked me the same thing, but my answer remains the same. I have my reasons to be evil. I just wish not to share it." Essence replied. Cat groan at him with anger, but doesn't try to do anything stupid. With his fist clinched, he walks away mad. "See you tomorrow, kitty. Great job as always." Essence taunted. Cat Noir is still pissed at Essence for this.
    Now, back with Gabriel and Nathalie. They are both in the study. With Nathalie laying in bed, and Gabriel throwing stuff around. "Where is it? Where is it? The grimoire has to be here somewhere." Gabriel panicked. "I swore it was with me yesterday. I remember I threw it over there." Nathalie replied, as she coughs again. "Well it's not there. We can't lose that book. It holds so much to help us. To help Adrien. To help you especially." Gabriel said. Nathalie then coughs again loudly with a dying tone to it. It make Gabriel worse. "Today's the day. And yet, no miraculous to save you." Gabriel said in a sad tone. "[coughs].  And yet, you still haven't told him. You better explain why after all this time, you haven't told Adrien." Nathalie replied. Gabriel soon gets emotional. Very emotional. "[sheds tears]. Because I can't, Nathalie. I can't tell Adrien your dying today. will break me, as much as it will break him. He's been through too much in his life. Ever since he lost his Mother, Adrien's life began to crumble. Even when I try to fix it or feel like I did the right thing, it never works out. I don't want to make his life worse than it already is. I don't want to lose you. I don't want to see anyone of you suffer anymore." Gabriel said, as he cries. "Wh...what?" Adrien asked. Gabriel and Nathalie look at the door, and gasp in horror. Adrien stands there in shock. "Your.......dying?" Adrien asked in horror. "Adrien. No. That's not true. We were just [gags]." Nathalie replied, before she barfs into the bucket. The sight of Nathalie throwing up, brings Adrien to tears. He cries, as he runs into his room. "Adrien, wait. Please, let me explain." Gabriel begged. Adrien slams his door, as Gabriel watches in depression. His emotions take over him as well, as he cries on the ground of his home.
Adrien cries on his bed at this tragic news.  Plagg flies out to try to comfort him.  "There, Adrien.  Everything will be ok."  Plagg said.  "HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT, PLAGG??!!!!!  Everything is not ok.  Not one bit.  First I killed a bird, then I was forced to be with a creepy fan, now, I'm about to lose Nathalie.  And the fact I'm being told this on the day she will die is......"  Adrien replied, as he goes back to crying.  Plagg hover over him, and frowns at his owner's sadness.  "[raises head].  I still don't understand it.  Why do all the bad things happen to me?  Why do I always suffer out of anyone here?  Why do I have the worst life imaginable?" Adrien cried. "Maybe it's because your were bound to have this punching bag of a life." Essence replied standing on the edge of Adrien's open window. Adrien turns around, and is frightened at Essence in his own room, as the villain enters his domain. "Essence! Wh.....what are you doing here?" Adrien asked scared. "Just thought I would come by and pay you a visit. Nice room you got." Essence replied. "Thanks. Well, hope your happy to see me crying. Must be a so called, comedy show, for your sick mind." Adrien said now in sadness. "Oh really? Tell me, what is bringing you this despair? Is it me forcing you to kill an animal today?" Essence asked. "It still hurts, but that's not what's wrong. His assistant Nathalie is dying, and......she will die tonight." Plagg replied. "PLAGG!!!!! Why would you tell him that?" Adrien asked in rage. "Now hold on, Adrien. Maybe I could be of a.........assistance. A helping hand to be more specific." Essence replied. "Funny joke. Your nothing, but evil, Essence. All you would do is smile at her dying." Adrien said. "True, except I actually want to help you with this one. Remember how you gave me the grimoire your Father had?" Essence asked. "What about it? Didn't live up to your expectations?" Adrien asked back. "No. It did. For this." Essence replied, as he pulls out a piece of paper. He shows it to Adrien, and luckily for him, the page is translated into English. As Adrien reads through it, his mind is blown. Because the page he is shown is a cure anyone who used a broken miraculous. "No. It can't be true. It has to be fake." Adrien said in shock. "It's one hundred percentage real, kitty. This page holds the key to save anyone who has used a damaged miraculous. Meaning, I can save Nathalie from death. [Adrien gasp]. And since I'm an expert on making concoctions, I have the cure right here." Essence replied, as he pulls out a syringe with blue liquid. Adrien is in even more shock. Same with Plagg. "Now, I can't just give you this for free. It ruins the deal element. I want something in exchange." Essence said. "What is it? My miraculous? The Mother Box? TELL ME?!" Adrien begged. "None of those. All I want, is you to kill.......a human being." Essence replied. Adrien goes into shock again, but this is a horrified shock. Especially Plagg. "Ok, don't even try it, Adrien. This is too far. First an animal, now a human. Are you trying to make my holder suffer?" Plagg asked in anger. "That's exactly it. I may be helping out, but I always find ways to have fun. So, Adrien, what's your choice. Will you take a life, to save Nathalie, or let her accept her fate, and persist." Essence asked back. Adrien thinks this in terror. He doesn't want to kill anyone, but at the same time, he wants to save Nathalie. He can't bare seeing a member of his family die. And that is where a thought kicks in. Adrien thinks back to Jill being a total creeper to Adrien. And how disgusting and annoying she was to him. It makes Adrien reconsider this decision. "Come on now. What's your decision?" Essence asked. Adrien looks at Plagg. "Please forgive me, Plagg. [Plagg gasp]. I'll do it. For Nathalie." Adrien replied. "Wow! Once again you surprised me. I'm impressed. And you said you were nothing like me. [Adrien gets anger]. Same case as today, record the kill, I inspect, and I approve if it's good. Once you have it, meet me at the Arc de Triomphe this time." Essence said. "Wait, if I'm actually going to do this, can you at least give me some tips?"  Adrien asked.  "ADRIEN!!!!!"  Plagg screamed.  "Of course.  There are a lot of ways you can play out a murder.  Gun shot, knife stab, pushing off a roof, electrocutions, brain bashing.  The possibilities are endless.  But it's all about making sure the tracks never come from you.  Use gloves to avoid finger prints.  Move as fast, but as efficient as you can.  Make sure no one is with your victim when you perform the kill.  If you want to make is messy, go ahead.  I don't care."  Essence replied.  "Understood. See you soon." Adrien replied. Essence leaves Adrien and Plagg to do the impossible in order to save Nathalie.
It's still the afternoon, and at the psychiatric ward, things are about to get brutal.  The rest of the patients are still in there hanging out.  Mike with his personalities, Dana with her delusions, Anna with her spirit form, and Will in his wheelchair.  Nick and Alya still chat like always.  And then, the door gets kicked open.  Everyone turns there attention to the door, and are shocked at who they see.  Dennis and his goons.  "There he is.  Nervous Nick.  Surprised to see us again?  Ohhhhh.  And the hot babe I was so close to getting with."  Dennis said.  Alya gets scared to see him again.  "Don't even try it, Dennis.  You touch her, you'll regret it."  Nick threatened.  "As if.  Three v one is a bad situation to be in boy."  Dennis said.  "We've been through this before.  [cracks knuckles].  I think you know how this ends."  Nick replied.  "Not this time, Nicky boy.  We are getting our spicy meat this time."  Dennis said.  "You won't, even if you do take me out."  Nick replied.  "Exactly what we are going to do.  Get him gang."  Dennis ordered.  The three run at Nick, but as a solider, he has combat experience.  He punches one goon in the face, and the other in the throat.  He grabs Dennis, and pushes him to the ground.  Then kicking him in the face to keep him down.  One goon pounces on Nick.  However, he runs backwards to slam the goon into the wall.  The other one charges, but Nick kicks him in the gut.  Then he uppercuts him.  Dennis gets up, but plays dirty with a scalpel.  He swipes it at Nick, but he dodges his attacks.  Before he kicks Dennis in the hamstrings, and slam his head on the ground.  His goons return again.  Nick slaps both of them to the ground.  They don't stop though.  Since Dennis plays dirty, so will Nick.  He grabs a tray, and bashes it on Dennis, who charges at him.  He then uses the same tray to whack one goon in the back, and another in the face.  As Dennis gets up, Nick frisbees the tray into Dennis's mouth.  Now down, Nick gets on top of him.  Nick punches Dennis, until he is bleeding from the mouth and nose.  Giving this vile rat what he deserves.  As he pounds this pig, one of his goons stabs Nick in the back.  Nick screams, as the goons get him to the ground.  They start kicking Nick in revenge for him hurting them.  Alya watches this play out in fear, and concern.  "Enough boys.  [spits out blood].  We have some fresh meat to marinate."  Dennis said, as he points to Alya.  The goons agree, and leave Nick alone.  They start to approach Alya, who backs up.  Unfortunately, she gets cornered next to a table.  "So, how should be split this one?  One gets the middle, the other two get left or right?"  Dennis asked.  "I'll take any part of her, Dennis."  Goon replied.  "I just want to feel her luscious body."  Goon said.  "Yeah.  We all do."  Dennis replied, as he and his goons laugh.  Alya goes into fear at what they will do to her.  She tries to look around for help.  None of the inmates bother to help at all.  So, she is defenseless.  Until she looks at the table beside her, and sees a knife.  The sight of the knife, does give her PTSD flashbacks to Essence, but she isn't letting any of them try to get her.  So, Alya shakes, as she tries to grab the knife off the table.  She keeps refusing to go get it, which gets Dennis' attention.  "Ha!  Baby girl is trying to defend herself.  She can't even get a hold of the knife itself."  Dennis taunted.  Alya takes deep breathes at holding back herself.  "What you going to do?  Stab me for being a mean man?  Am I being a big meanie to you baby girl?"  Dennis taunted.  Alya says nothing.  She keeps taking deep breathes of fear.  "Alright.  [spits on his hands].  Let's get sloppy."  Dennis said in a disgusting tone.  Thankfully again, that doesn't happen.  Since all three men get a syringe in the neck, and fall to the ground.  Tim, and two nurses grab the unconscious men, and drag them away.  Saying not a word at all.  Also thankfully, another doctor takes Nick, so he can get his back fixed.  Just like them, Alya doesn't say a word.  Still haunted at the same time.
    Now we cut back to Jill's apartment building. A knocking at the door sends Jill to answer it. When she opens, she gasp to see Adrien again. With a duffel bag this time. "Adrien. Of my God! Wh....what brings you here?" Jill asked surprised. "I got my project done a lot faster than I expected. And since we didn't spend that much time together, I figured I come over to make it up." Adrien replied. "Oh that's great. Come on in." Jill said. Adrien enters her home. Jill takes Adrien to her bedroom. "My Mom is out for a while if you were curious. She won't mind having you over at this time." Jill said. "Got it. Also while I was at home, I have something really fun we can do." Adrien replied in a sacred tone. "Oh cool. Sounds like a blast, but I should tell you something first." Jill replied. "Can it wait for a moment? I really, really want to do this as fast as we can?" Adrien asked. "Maybe I can explain, as we play." Jill replied. "No. We should focus on this, and this only." Adrien said in a nervous manner. "Truly, Adrien. I need to tell you...." Jill replied. "Just, stop talking, and let's have fun. First, put this blindfold on." Adrien ordered. "A blindfold? How is that fun?" Jill asked. "Just put it on, and you'll see. It's a surprise." Adrien replied. Jill trust Adrien, so she puts it on. As Adrien watches her with so much deep regret. At the same time, he puts on some black gloves to avoid finger prints. "Ok. It's on." Jill said. "Go....od. Now, [pulls chair]. Get on the chair." Adrien replied. "Uhhh, why?" Jill asked suspicious. Adrien gets scared. "Uhhhh, it's all apart of the show. Yep! Come on now." Adrien said. Jill is still skeptical, but trust him. She gets on the chair. Making this far does freak Adrien out so much. It horrifies him on what he has to do. "What next, Adrien?" Jill asked. "Ummm, actually, keep still. I'll be right back." Adrien replied, as he leaves Jill. He goes into their bathroom, and Plagg comes out. "Adrien. I'm serious. Stop this now." Plagg said. "But, Plagg. Essence has the cure to save Nathalie. We can still save her, and the family." Adrien replied. "But this isn't the key to doing it. She is creepy, but she doesn't deserve to die." Plagg said. "She has a dummy of me, and I'm thinking of all the bad things she could have done with it." Adrien replied. "Ok......fair point. But regardless, this isn't humane at all." Plagg shouted. "Sssshhhh!!!! We don't want to get any attention. Look, Essence will probably ask us to kill someone soon." Adrien replied. "So what? This is practice when that day comes?" Plagg asked. "[sighs]. Apparently yes. But I'm as disgusted in myself for doing this, as you are with me. But....[thinks back to Nathalie barfing].....I don't want to lose her just like Mom." Adrien replied. Plagg stares at Adrien with hopelessness. And so, they go back inside. "You got what you need, Adrien?" Jill asked. "Yes. I do." Adrien replied, as he opens his bag. He pulls out a rope, but hesitates when he holds it. He truly doesn't want to do this. He doesn't. But just like the bird, he must. "O.....ok. Give me a second to get this set up." Adrien said. As he hesitates, he quietly, and carefully ties the noose around Jill's fan. She keeps still, as she is unaware at what Adrien is doing. As for Adrien, he hates himself for this. The noose is tied. "Ok, it's done." Adrien said. Adrien grabs another chair, and puts it behind the one Jill is standing on. He gets on top of it. "So, what is this thing your doing, Adrien?" Jill asked. Adrien looks at the noose, and stays silent. He has so much guilt coursing through him now. "Uhhh, Adrien? You there?" Jill asked. Still being quiet, he quickly grabs the noose, puts it around Jill's neck tight, and pushes her off the chair. Jill gets hung, and struggles to breath. Adrien watches her die, with tears and regret coming out his eyes. Her soft screams for air make it even worse of him. He covers his ears. "Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it." Adrien whispered in pain. She keeps screaming, as Adrien cries. Finally, the pain stops. Jill hangs in her room dead by Adrien. As Adrien looks at her, he continues to cry. But at the same time, he needs to clean his tracks. He starts by putting the chair he used back where it belongs. Then, removes the blindfold, but also freak out touching a literal dead body. After he packs up, he needs evidence. So, he pulls his phone out, and with tears still in his eyes, takes a picture of the dead Jill. As Cat Noir, he shows Essence. "Well done. And you sure there are no traces?" Essence asked. " all." Cat Noir replied in trauma. "Or evidence?" Essence asked. "NONE!" Cat Noir replied, as he shivers. "Good. A deal's a deal. You take a life, I now save one." Essence said. "YOU BETTER SAVE HER!!!!!" Cat Noir replied, as he cries from guilt. "Chill, kitty. I'm going to do it now." Essence said. Essence leaves the broken Cat Noir, who falls to his knees, then his side crying from his crime.
    It's nighttime now.  Back with Gabriel, he is walking out of his office sad at what happened with Adrien, and what is going to happen in a few minutes. "[weeps]. Emilie. I'm sorry for having to accept this. I know you never wanted something like this, but it's happening exactly. I tried to stop it, but failed. I'm nothing but a disappointment for this family. Both for you, for Nathalie and for Adrien." Gabriel cried. He moves his way up the stairs, and into the study. Wiping his eyes, he is frightened at Essence sitting in a chair sipping some tea. "Hm. Ah, Gabriel. At last you've arrived. [looks at the nearly dead Nathalie]. Your assistant ain't doing to fresh. [Nathalie barfs]. Case and point." Essence said. Gabriel is frightened to see Essence here, but he is also upset. "I guess this is why your here. To see Nathalie die, as is any death that comes your way.  Then once you enjoy her demise, you'll kill me for giving my miraculous away." Gabriel yelled. "Cool your jets Gabe, normally that would be the case, but not today. For once, I'm actually going to do something I never done before." Essence replied. "What?  Show mercy?" Gabriel asked. "Hahaha. Yes. I'm going to save your precious assistant." Essence replied. Gabriel gasp. Same with Nathalie, who then barfs again. "Your lying." Gabriel said. "Not at all, Gabe. I'm going to save Nathalie, and I have the key right here." Essence replied, as he pulls out a piece of paper. It's actually a copy of a page from the grimoire, which he gives to Gabriel. It's translated into English for better reading material. Gabriel reads it over, and is shocked yet again. Because the page shows a formula to save anyone who is dying from using a broken miraculous. "So, am I lying now, Gabe?" Essence asked. "No....this can't be true. You....your actually going to save her?" Gabriel asked back surprised. "No. I will save her. With this. [pulls out cure]. This there is the cure for your precious Nathalie's sickness. Made to perfection thanks to that piece of paper. All she needs is this injected into her system, and by the morning, she will be cured." Essence replied. " are saving her." Gabriel said shocked. "Yes. However, there always is a price to pay. I'll give you this cure, if you give me something in exchange." Essence replied. "What is it? I'll give you anything!" Gabriel shouted. "Simple. I want my katana back." Essence replied. "Your katana?" Gabriel asked. "Yep. Give it to me, and I give you the cure." Essence replied. "No. I can't." Gabriel said. "Ohhh why? Is it because it reminds of your death, pathetic wife? If so, don't waste your time. You and I both know she is the one to blame for her own death. As well as everything that came with it. You think I'm the cause of her death, when you should know it's all her fault." Essence replied. "That's not true. Don't try to slither your way out of it, Essence. You, and only you are to blame for this. You are the villain. Emilie was only doing what was right for the greater good." Gabriel said. Nathalie then interrupts by barfing so much puke, that it overflows the bucket. "Better make a decision now. Her time is almost up." Essence said. He basically smiles underneath is mask, as Gabriel thinks. He looks at the dying Nathalie, and remembers the katana in hand. He closes his eyes for a few seconds, and comes with his choice. "Ok. It's a deal." Gabriel said. He walks over his bookshelf, and removes a book. With his saliva on his finger, he activates the bookshelf to move. There, the safe is in the open, and Gabe puts in the code. 823. The safe opens, and Gabe pulls out the katana. Now in hand, he closes the safe, and walks over to Essence. "I swear, if this doesn't work, I'll..." Gabriel said. "Calm down, Gabe. I'm a man of my word." Essence replied. The two stare at each other with serious eyes, but both make their deal. Gabe gets the syringe, and Essence gets his katana. Now in hand, Gabriel runs over to a cough, and dying Nathalie. "Hold still Nathalie. I'm going to fix this." Gabriel said. Gabriel sticks the syringe into her vein on her wrist. He puts the whole thing in her. After he removes the syringe, he uses his scarf to wrap up her wound. Meanwhile, Essence fonds over his blade. "I have to say, you've taken good care of my katana, while I've been away. Oh, I recommend Nathalie gets some sleep now. If all goes well, she will be as good as new in the morning." Essence said. "She better. Now get out." Gabriel replied. "No need to be rude, Gabe. I'll leave. [walks to door]. Oh, and Gabriel. Just because I saved Nathalie, doesn't mean your safe from me." Essence said. He laughs, as he walks away. Happy to be reunited with his weapon.
The next morning rises.  Adrien struggled to sleep because of what he did.  It still eats him away.  Slowly.  "ADRIEN!!!!!  [Plagg hides, as Gabriel bust into his room].  ADRIEN, GET UP NOW!!!!!!!  IT'S A MIRACLE!!!!!!"  Gabriel shouted.  Adrien rises from his slumber, and soon realizes what his Father means.  It shocks Adrien.  Gabriel takes Adrien out of bed, and to the study.  Both their eyes are blown away.  Nathalie, not coughing, not barfing, and now walking with her walker.  "It's almost like her illness went away like magic.  No more barfing.  No more coughs.  No more anything fatal.  Nathalie is going to live."  Gabriel cheered.  "Is it true?  Your not going to die?"  Adrien asked still shocked.  "Yes.  I'm cured, Adrien."  Nathalie replied in a cheerful way.  Her response shocks Adrien even more.  He soon sheds tears.  But these are tears of happiness on his face.  He then runs, and hugs Nathalie.  Crying on her pajamas.  Nathalie soon smiles as well, and hugs Adrien as well.  It's a relief for Adrien, after what he's been through.  Then this miracle gets interrupted by a door bell ring.  "I'll check it."  Gabriel said, as he goes to see who it is.  When he checks his advanced doorbell, he finds Miss Rally crying outside.  Gabriel let's her in.  Soon, all three of them here why Miss Rally is sad.  "And next thing I knew....I...I....I found her dead by a suicide."  Miss Rally said, as she cries.  Gabriel and Nathalie have sympathy for her.  As for Adrien, he keeps quiet, and tries not to say a thing at all.  He does also nearly cry being reminded what he did to save Nathalie.  "I'm so incredibly sorry, Miss Rally."  Nathalie said.  "[wipes tears].  Thanks.  My poor Jill.  And the worst part is that this had to happen at the worst time imaginable."  Miss Rally replied, as she cries more.  "What do you mean?"  Gabriel asked.  "[wipes more tears].  The doctors manages to find a cure for her luc-omnia."  Miss Rally replied.  "Luc-omnia?"  Gabriel and Nathalie asked.  "Wait, what?"  Adrien asked shocked.  "Yes.  I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner.  I hate being the bringer of bad news.  Plus, my poor Jill didn't tell Adrien either because she feared it would ruin the mood.  And....and...she was one day away from living."  Miss Rally replied crying again.  The revelation destroys Adrien inside.  He didn't just kill someone.  He killed someone with a fatal illness.  Truly, truly awful.  "And....uh, Adrien.  There is something else I need to tell you.  It's something Jill would explain to you if you ever saw her again.  You know how my daughter might get a little aggressive, and maybe a bit crazy?"  Miss Rally asked.  "Y.....e....s...Yes.  Why......are you asking?"  Adrien asked mentally destroyed.  "That she wants to apologize for.  She also has a rare disorder where she acts and do insane things, without realizing it.  She realizes what she did, after some time, so she would have wanted to say sorry if she made you uncomfortable in anyway."  Miss Rally explained.  Now the situation is made much worse.  "Uhhh, what about the dummy she had in the room?  Was that because of her......disorder?"  Adrien asked.  "No.  [sheds tears].  It was a gift the hospital made her to get better.  Your not just someone special to her, Adrien.  You are the one who gives her hope through this disease.  [sheds tears].  She must have shown you her project about you.  It's all about how you encouraged her everyday, and that you mean the world to her."  Miss Rally explained.  Yep, it got even worse.  "Ok.....I need to go back to my room now...Like, NOW!!!!  So sorry again for your lose Miss Rally.  I'll pray for you, and Jill."  Adrien said.  "[wipes tears].  Thank you, Adrien."  Miss Rally replied.  Adrien immediately runs to his room, and slams the door.  The scene transitions into later in the day.
    "So, Nathalie is saved thanks to Essence himself. Kind of a weird thing for him to do." Lila said. "It did cost me his katana. The one true item that reminded me of why I hate him so much." Gabriel replied. "How? It's just a normal katana." Lila asked. "No. It's more than that, Lila. know what? Follow me." Gabriel replied. Gabriel walks in front of his painting, and presses the buttons to below. Lila is shocked, but follows. She walks in front of the waiting. "It's those spots right there, there, there, and there." Nooroo said. "Thanks." Lila replied, as she presses the four buttons. She descends. Lila is shocked again, and even more shocked on what she sees. The chamber where Gabriel's wife lays. "Rich people am I right?" Lila asked. Nooroo nods his head. He also shows fear re-entering Gabe's secret lair. The elevator lands on the ground, and Lila walks forward. Mind blown ever step she takes through this secret basement. Her walk ends when she arrives at the coffin, where Gabriel is standing. "Uhhh, what's that?" Lila asked. "See for yourself." Gabriel replied, as he presses the button. The coffin opens up, and Lila is exposed to Emilie's body. Lila screams, as she falls to the ground. "Lila!" Nooroo shouted. "It's ok. I'm good." Lila replied, as she gets up. Once up, she is haunted at the sight of Gabriel's dead wife. "You've had your wife underneath your house this whole time?" Lila asked scared. "She wasn't ready to be up into the ground. She.....wasn't ready to go at all." Gabriel replied in a sad tone. "So, what does bringing me here have to do with the katana?" Lila asked. "Because Lila, this right here is the weapon that Essence used to kill her. [Lila is in more shock]. But, there is more than you think behind this murder alone." Gabriel replied.

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