Chap. I: Arrival

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You tumbled out of the portal, falling.

For some reason the portal had spawned higher than 50m above a small lake.  Your (H/c) was whipping your face aggressively, your eyes had tears and your ears were whistling du to the harsh winds.

Sweat drops flew off your face, as you tried to reposition yourself. You had to think, and quick!
First you calmed yourself, but by the time you were calm, you penetrated the water; the impact hurt your muscles, gave you cramp everywhere. The water was deep, luckily, but it was also cold...and dark. Air bubbles "flew" around you, and you closed your eyes...

You stayed there, submerged for a few seconds, then, regained the surface of the blue liquide. You quickly swam to shore, coughing and wheezing.
Once you were out of the freezing waters, you laid out, onto the warm green grass. Taking a few deep breaths you lay there in the afternoon sun. That's what you assumed, judging from the sun's position. Basked by the warmth of the sun, and the small breeze, you eventually fell in a deep slumber...


"Oh dear!" a voice screamed out.
You opened your eyes, slowly: a blurry image of a person was leaning over you. You groaned, letting your eyes adjust to the lighting of the sun and the blurry image slowly, but surely, became clear; a young boy, a two braids, with turquoise highlights,contouring his face, with a concerned look on his face. He was wearing green and cream coloured clothes. In his hair, a white flower, with two paper thin, long leaves attached to his beret. That's when you noticed his eyes; they were aqua and night blue eyes.
You were mesmerised...

"Are you ok?"

Yay my boi is finally here! Until now, writing has been good fun. I can't wait to continue the story ^.^

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