Chap.IV, part II: Mondstadt

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You woke up to the birds chirping. Groaning, you asked if someone could shut them up. But knowing that this wouldn't happen, you slowly got out of bed.
Stretching and yawing, you opened your curtains: a bright sunlight crept inside. Your eyes stung as a reflex to the bright light, and since you weren't totally awake yet.

You walked out of your room, and found a note at the entrance. It said:
Hey Cutie, I hope you slept well.

I had to go do something for Jean, and I won't be free until 12. On the table in my room is some Mora; use it to go buy some breakfast. I'll meet you at quarter past twelve at the Mondstadt library: if you don't know where it is, don't be afraid to ask around, Cutie.

P.S: Your clean and dried clothes are folded on the table next to the Mora.

"...who is Jean?" After you were done reading, you went to Lisa's room: indeed, your clothes were nicely folded, and next to it, a pouch. You checked the contents: it was filled to the brim with shiny golden coins.

After having dressed and fixed your hair, you took the pouch, and exited the house.

You walked through the streets, avoiding eye contact with anyone. The population was happy, everyone was smiling, laughing or talking. You felt out of place, and suddenly also very lonely. You didn't understand why; you were surrounded by people, but still felt empty.
You suppressed those feelings; you must not forget why you were here: to destroy this world...and also get some breakfast.

An aromatic smell filled your nose;"Food?" you asked yourself. Following the smell, it led you to a big stall:the "Good Hunter". You went up to the lady behind the counter, and asked:"H-hello? Is this a restaurant?
-Hello there! Yes, it is, the woman said. Would you like the menu?
-Yes please.
She handed over to you a paper with small writing.
-You don't seem from around here, are you a traveler perhaps?
-Yes, I am, you answered, keeping your eye on the menu. Your eyes stopped; a dish called "Sunsettia Pancakes". You had no idea what a "Sunsettia" is, but you knew the word "pancake", and also knew you loved those.
-Found something? the lady asked.
You nodded:"One portion of Sunsettia Pancakes, please.
-Of course, coming right up! That will be 1500 Mora, dear.
You quickly counted the Mora, and handed over the sum required.
-Here you go, she gave you a plate with 4 flapjacks, covered in syrup and bits of orange fruit.
Your mouth watered. You quickly said thank you, and the lady showed you that you could sit on one of the pick-nick tables.
You devoured the sweet pancakes in less than 5 minutes; you were full. Sighing in satisfaction, you greeted the Restaurant Lady, and headed towards the fountain.
You had been watching it for a while now, but you wanted to see it up close. You leaned over the edge, looking into the shallow crystal waters. The sound of water was calming.


You looked up at the sudden noise.
Someone was playing an instrument.
Looking around, you noticed a crowd. As you were getting closer to the crowd, the music was getting louder. Walking through the amassment of people, you saw him: a teenage boy, wearing green and cream coloured clothes with a beret and a flower in his hair. He was holding a lyre, and close to him, was an empty wine glass. The boy started singing...


"Hey Y/N! a voice screamed out.
You were ripped from your dream, back to the real world.
He was standing in front of you, you quickly looked around; the crowd from earlier was gone.
-Do you remember me?
You stayed silent
-Aw come on, don't tell me you forgot already; it's only been a day!
-Ding ding ding! Correct! he said, as if you were in some kind of game show
-By the way, did you like my performance? the boy asked.
It was so beautiful, it literally put you in a trance.
-It was...very pretty.
-Aww I'm happy that you liked it, Y/N!
He smiled, making you blush: his smile was so genuine and innocent, you couldn't help it.
You didn't know what was going on either, you usually know how to keep your poker face, but, recently you've only failed in doing so. Especially around Venti.
"Are you doing anything today, Y/N? Venti asked.
-I only have something around 12:15, but for the rest of the day, I'm free. Why are you asking?
-Oh nothing special~ Just curious about you, Traveler~, he answered.
-W-what about you? you asked in return.
-I just have a heist.
You sighed, but could not resist letting out a small chuckle.
-Can I spend the day with you then, Y/N? Pleeeaassee? the boy begged.
-Actually, Venti...Could you show me around Mondstadt? I have not explored it yet.
You could literally see his eyes twinkling in excitement
"Yes, of course! Where should we start? He was jumping on the spot like an overexcited child.
You started laughing:"Are you always like this? you asked the male.
-Mmmm...That's a secret~, he said while bringing his index to his mouth.
-Fine then, keep your secrets, Bard.
-Anyways, we should get going. I want to show everything to you! Without any warning, he grabbed your hand; you felt your face go bright red. Venti turned back to you:"What's wrong, Y/N?"
-N-nothing! you turned your head, avoiding eye contact. The boy shrugged, and continued dragging you.


Venti wasn't joking when he meant he wanted to show you everything: you guys first visited Marjorie's gift shop; then went over to the Cat's Tail, one of Mondstadt's taverns; except that Venti couldn't get too close, cause otherwise he would start sneezing uncontrollably. The boy explained that he had a bad cat allergie; now, all you wanted to hear was his sneeze.

The two of you then proceeded to the Angel's Share; another tavern, with a certain "Diluc"
"He's a nice man, but a bit cranky sometimes,Venti said, you should meet him when you have the time!"

Then, he dragged you all the way to the Cathedral, passing by a huge statue.
"Who is that? you asked.
-Oh, that's m- I mean, the Anemo Archon, Barbatos!
You looked at him, sceptical, but went along with it anyways.

The last place he showed you was the Knights of Favonuis Headquarters; there, you bumped into Lisa:
"Hey there, Cutie~
-Hello Lisa. you answered, unbothered.
-So you know Lisa, Venti asked.
-Yeah, she lets me sleep her house, since I don't have a spot to sleep.
-O h, Venti said. He seemed hurt. Are you two-?
-No. you answered coldly
Lisa was clearly amused, the bard puffed up his cheeks and said that she'd better not do anything weird to you.

There was a moment of silence, you couldn't hold it anymore: you started laughing hysterically; you could not NOT take that out of context.
Lisa joined the laughter, and Venti just stood there, confused, but smiling.

-Anyways, Y/N, we need to discuss more about your Vision, Lisa started.
-Vision? Venti asked, clearly interested.
-Don't worry about it. We need to see if we can re-activate it, the woman continued.
You nodded. You were curious what you might be able to accomplish with extra powers.
-...Could I see it? Venti asked.
You looked over at Lisa; she sighed.
-No, not yet. We need to figure out what is wrong with it, the woman explained.
-I could help! he said.
-No is no, bard.
The mood went from light do dark, in the span of a few seconds. You then learned something new: do NOT piss off Lisa.
Venti stayed silent; he didn't look intimidated, but he was staying silent. He then broke the silence with a deep sigh.
"I gotta go; sorry Y/N. I'll see you tomorrow, hopefully!"

And he was gone.
"Now, shall we have lunch?"


"Mmm~ this pizza is delicious, no wonder that this is Jean's favorite dish~.
You and Lisa were now eating at the Good Hunter: Lisa had ordered a mushroom Pizza, and you had ordered something called "Fisherman Toast".
"And how's your food Y/N?
-Very good, thank you.
The both of you enjoyed your food. Once you were both done, Lisa explained why you could not tell anyone about the Vision.
"It could be dangerous; you don't know how to use it yet, and if it is powerful, they might use it for evil.
-But, Venti seems so innocent,you debated.
-Yes, he is, but he might slip and accidentally say. We can't risk it. Not until having activated it in some way.
You sighed.
-Anyways, on a lighter topic, Lisa started, What do you think of him?
-That bard, of course~
-You seem to like him~ she said.
-I- what? You felt your face burn, embarrassed, you looked at your empty plate. We just met, it doesn't mean anything.
-Please leave me alone...

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