Chap. III: The Wispering Woods

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You quickly ran down the small cliff, following the path which was nearby. After running for a few meters, you stopped: a statue of a person, holding out their hands in front of them, with big angel-like wings and draped in sheets of clothing. You admired the monument for a minute, but continued running along the pathway. You ran and ran, rarely stoping to catch your breath. You looked up: the sky was turning red and the sun was starting to set.
You knew you had to hurry, cause if there were dragons, who knows what kind of other creatures would come out.

The path entered a forest. You slowed down, making sure not to get lost. The thick green leafage made it hard to see the sky, but you knew that nighttime wasn't far away.

Walking through the vegetation, you spot some peculiar plants: some blue lantern-shaped flowers, which glowed a soothing blue light. You approached the flower with great caution. Making sure it wasn't dangerous, you picked it up.
"This could be useful, although I would have to pick up a few dozen to actually make a good light source." you thought
That's when you realised that the flowers were making some sort of guided path. Slowly following this path, you picked them up delicately.

After having followed the flower path for a while, you encountered the bottom of a cliff. Realising you lost your time by picking flowers, and realised you lost the main dirt path you were following earlier, you thought you were fucked.
You sat down against the bottom of the cliff, thinking what to do next...

A shimmer, in the corner of your eye.
You turned your head, confused. You stood up, and went towards the origine of that light.
You finally found the origine of the shimmering:
"A... grey, flat glass ball? you said out loud.
It was indeed a grey flat ball, contoured with golden decorations around it. Inside the glass ball, was a swirl (the kind that often represents hypnosis)

You leaned over, and picked it up.

The wind started blowing, leaves were moving, branches were crackling. Your (H/C) hair was fluttering in the wind.
You gasped, looking around you.

"What the hell is happening?!"you took a defensive stance, turning around.
"Show yourself !"you let out.
You felt a big and mysterious surge of power inside of you. A different power than the usual. Confused you looked at the glass ball still in you hand
Eventually, the wind settled. The birds began chirping as if nothing happened.

You quickly ran, away from that place. You found the dirty path, but you fell, sliding and hurting your thighs on the hard dirt.
"Ow." you checked your left thigh: a small scratch wound had appeared.
You ignored this; you might be in danger. Your natural instinct took over and you ran along the pathway, holding tightly the ornament in your hand.

Welp, our traveler has now found an empty vision (if you didn't catch that xD)

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