Chap. VIII: Stormterror's Lair

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You all calmed down, after having laughed for a good few minutes. You sighed happily and threw a smile at Venti: you hadn't felt this happy in a while. He noticed this, and returned a brighter smile; butterflies started fluttering in your stomach.
The two of you kept staring at each other; but this didn't last too long. You could hear paimon whispering into Aether's ear, responding with a small chuckle. Diluc and Jean were also cracking small smiles.
You and Venti broke the stare, and an awkward silence followed...

"Anyways, Jean started. What were we talking about?
-We were asking Y/n if she wanted to help us conquer Dvalin, the bard responded. So, will you help us? You don't have to, of course...
-...Sure, but who is Dvalin? And what do you mean by "conquer"?
-It's the dragon, Aether answered.
-And by "conquer we mean stopping it, Diluc added.
-Preferably we can purify the sadness in his heart, Venti said.
-Yes, but if we can't do that then... Jean started.
-I-I don't want to do that to him! he said. Even though he was joyous a few seconds ago, small tears had appeared in his eyes.
-I'm sorry Barbat- I mean, Venti. I know that you two have known each other for more than 2600 years, but he might be a threat to Mondstadt.
Then it clicked: Venti's attitude when you asked him about the statue, the ressemblance, him following the dragon twice now, and the sudden name drop.
You leaned towards Aether, whispering into his ear:
"Is Venti the Anemo Archon?"
He nodded quickly in response.
Wow... you thought. You were kinda intimidated now: there was a literal god right there; how could they all be so calm.

You started sweating, but cracked a smirk. Finally, a challenge! Hmm I will definitely enjoy this...
You heard Venti sigh; the bard turned towards you:
"So you'll help us? he asked.
You smiled and answered of course.
-Ok then: let's all meet later tonight at Stormterror's lair, Diluc said with a stern face.


Everybody left, except for you and Venti. He still seemed a bit sad from his "fight" with Jean.
"Hey, are you ok?
-Huh? Yeah I'm fine...
-No, you're not.
You approached him, gently taking his hands, diving into his aqua coloured eyes.
-Listen: I might barely know you, but of what I've seen, you are a happy, carefree bard, and I'd hate to see that the first person I met, an extremely nice person, might I add, would be sad. So please...don't worry, I'm sure Dvalin will be alright.
He stayed silent, but suddenly pulled you close into a hug.
-Thank you, Y/n...I kinda needed that...
The two of you stayed like that for a moment, enjoying the warmth of each other.
You broke up the hug, sighing: "We should get going, if we don't want to be late."
He nodded, and the two of you started walking towards "Stormterrors Lair".


The two of you finally arrived at the destination: everyone was already there.
Stormterror's lair was surrounded by some strong winds, so you couldn't enter...yet.
Venti snapped his fingers, and suddenly, the strong gusts were gone...
You stared at the bard with wide eyes: you had kinda forgotten the fact that he was a god.

You and the group entered Stormterror's lair by walking on an old bridge like monument. In the center was a tall, round building with a cracked dome on top.
Venti entered first, followed by Aether and Paimon, with Jean and Diluc in the back. You stayed a little bit further away, admiring the old broken architectures. Venti called out your name, and explained the plan: "So, the middle Stormterror's lair is where we need to be; but it is also surrounded by a powerful seal, made out of elemental magic.
-Can't you just deactivate it? Paimon asked in a sassy voice.
-No, I can not. We can only break the seal by activating the 3 special statues.
-Where are these statues located? Diluc asked.
-Here, I'll mark em on your maps, the boy answered.
They all took out their maps, and Venti drew small crosses at certain locations. He then turned to you, implying that it was your turn. You chuckled and told him you don't have a map. He said it was okay, and that it would be smarter to stay in pairs anyways.
"So we split up, I suppose, Diluc guessed.
-Yep! Venti replied. Diluc, go with Jean, Aether, I've seen you fight: I think you can handle it. And I'll go with Y/n!
You all agreed and split up.


The two of you had to watch out: there were a lot of hilichurl camps. You snook past the monsters, following the bard through the night.
You spotted some kind of pillar with a golden stone on it: Venti explained that that was one of the seals.
You touched it: you felt a small tingle, and backed up. You heard a noise nearby: some hilichurls had appeared!
You took out your (w/c) and prepared for combat: the bard pulled out a bow.
"Are you ready? he asked, with a small smirk.
You nodded with confidence, and let your powers go wild...

You panted heavily, but had a large smile.
"Haaaah, that felt good, you said while stretching and wiping some dried hilichurl blood that was on your face.
-You're so powerful, Y/n! It's kinda scary, Venti said, scratching his neck. I better watch out.
-Oh Venti, I won't do anything to you, you answered, unbothered.
The two of you cleaned up, and retouched the statue: this time, it lit up, sending a bright light signal into the night sky.
"Y/n! Look, one of the seals broke! he said, while pointing towards the dome.
You nodded, and said that the two of you should start heading back.


Slowly, the other two pillars lit up, and a few minutes later, the groupe was a whole again.
Venti warned everyone, that this will attract Stormterror, and that you needed to be careful.
He was right: a black shadow could be seen in the night sky, rapidly approaching.
"Aether, you are the only one who can purify Dvalin: I will send you up there with a wind current, and stabilise you. Don't worry about gliding, I'll take care of that. As for attacks, go through the rings of dandelion seeds: it will give you extra power."
And with that, Aether was shot into the sky, alone with the Tyrant of the Skies...

WEEEEE IM SO EXITED! Slowlyyyyyy, Aether will leave, and then it can start~
Btw have some Scaramouche with a crumpet /biscuit/ dry bread hat:

WEEEEE IM SO EXITED! Slowlyyyyyy, Aether will leave, and then it can start~Btw have some Scaramouche with a crumpet /biscuit/ dry bread hat:

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