Chap. V: The Library

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You and Lisa had just finished your lunch, and after tormenting you with questions about Venti, she said the following:
"Cutie, would you like to come with me to the library?
-Sure, you answered. You wanted to know more about this world; you needed an advantage.
-Like that, if we can find a way to activate your weird Vision, you might be able to actually use it.
You sighed. "Yes, but how the hell do we do that. There might be a million ways to do so; maybe even none!"
The woman chuckled;"That's where the power of books comes in.
She quickly paid for the meal, and you followed her through Mondstadt.


You arrived to were you met Lisa earlier; in front of the Knights of Favonius Headquarters. Following the tall woman, you entered what seemed to be her office: you took a small flight of stairs, and to your surprise, you entered a huge library. Books were everywhere; on the tables, in and on the shelves, and even stacked on the floor here and there.
"This library is huge! you screamed out
-Shush, cutie, the woman had cut you off, This is a library.
-No shit. Anyways, where can we find the books about Visions?
Lisa disappeared for a few seconds, only to reappear.
She handed you a big stack of books: "Here; these are all the books about Visions. I will help you search, Cutie~.


You and Lisa then spent the following hours searching for an answer only to be left with...nothing.
-Oh yeah, sorry. You didn't find anything either?! you screamed-whispered.
The woman nodded sadly.
"Unfortunately, none of these books talk about your Vision, or even something resembling it.
-So what now, you asked, desperate for an answer.
-Well, maybe you can go ask someone.
-Sure, but, I don't know anyone here-
She put her index to your lips:"But I know someone~.
-A certain alchemist, he might be able to help.
-Cool, but what's their name?? Please, I'm begging you!
She chuckled, and told you not to worry.
"I'll bring you to him."

Sorry I haven't posted in a while: I have a lot of homework and tests coming up. Btw, I saw that my fanfic was 2nd! But then it fell to 4th and then all the way down again. Idk if it was a bug or if it was genuine. Oh well.

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