Chap. X: Venti 🍋

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WARNING:18+ only
Themes: Smut chapter, Alcohol

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Dom reader/Subjective Venti

Btw: Y/n is infertile, just because ._. I hate children ok-

You could stop hiccuping: your vision was blurry, and the voices were incomprehensible. Shit, I drank too much, you thought.
You heard Jean's voice, followed by Diluc's and Venti's. Moments later, you were in the streets, with Venti's shoulder as a support for walking. You slowly got your bearings, and noticed he was bringing you home. He opened the door, struggling, making sure not to drop you. He slowly laid you in the bed: "Wow, you seem really drunk, Y/n, he said. Don't worry, you are home now.
-No, I'm not, you slurred.
He sat on the bed.
-Thank you for today...really. You just appeared in this world, and you helped without hesitation, the boy said, looking at the ceiling.
You sat up, scooting up to him.
He looked back down, into your eyes.
He smiled:" You are awesome, Y/n... I really admire you: you have so much courage, compassion, and you are...also..., in the dark, you could notice his face slowly go red. May I...touch your face? Venti asked embarrassed.

You nodded, and he slowly caressed your cheeks.
After a while, he took away his hand.
He sighed: "I should be going, Y/n."
You reacted: you quickly pushed him on the bed and sat on "it".
"H-huh?! Y/n, what are you doing?!" You leaned over to his face, licking your lips, and kissed him.
Venti started uncontrollably letting out small moans, trying to talk. You pulled away, breathing heavily. He too, was breathing heavily: small sweat drops were appearing on his face, and his face was red. "I like you a lot, Venti, you said in a smug voice. I want you...Do you want me too?"
He nodded shyly, and you got off of him, heading towards the door.
"W-where are you going, Venti questioned in an anxious voice.
You locked the door.
-Oh I'm going nowhere...

You got back onto him: he let out a small squeak when you sat on "it" again, and started kissing his lips again: moaning could be heard through the room. This went on for a few minutes, until you asked him if he was ready for the next level: he agreed, with a small voice.
You lunged onto his neck like a leech: Venti started whimpering, squirming under you, but you made sure that he couldn't escape. You sucked and gently bited his neck, sprinkling small red marks across it.
He moaned and whimpered, both begging you to stop and to continue. Once you were done, you got off him, and ripped his pants and tights off.
-Don't worry~ I have it under control, you said, cutting him off. You then started rubbing his bulge. Softly at first, but progressively quicker.
Venti was a moaning mess: "A-ah keep g-going, he stuttered. You suddenly stopped. "H-huh? Why d-did you s-stop?
-Take it off, you told him.
-Take it off?! W-what are we goi-
You lowered his undergarment, revealing his impressive down-there organ.
-It's bigger than I thought, you said with a lewd smile.
-W-what do you mean?! he tried to escape to the back of the bed, but your cornered him, and you slowly started putting your hands down him, rubbing his member. His legs started twitching like crazy, and his mouth was dangling open: you took this chance to kiss him, forcing your tongue into his mouth. The moaning only got louder, as you spanked his organ. Just when you finished kissing, he cummed on the bed
"A-ah, he looked down, W-why is there s-so much.
-You are ready..., you answered, ignoring his question.

You backed up, turned around and took of your clothes, and got back onto the bed.
Venti looked you up and down, but looked away, embarrassed.
"I-I shouldn't be looking at a lady like that-! the boy screamed out.
-Oh don't worry, you slid under him, chuckling. Now, put it in.
-I-in there?! In such a precious place! I could nev-
You pulled him in: both of you let out a moan. Venti started, again, moaning uncontrollably. He went on to pounding you: it hurt, but it felt so good at the same time. The noise of clapping skin could be heard through the whole room.
"I-I can't d-do this, I- I feel like I'm losing m-my mind, he stuttered.
-K-keep going, please! you begged him.
Your two sweaty bodies kept touching each other; every where his body touched, your body tingled: especially down there.
"P-please, kiss m-me Y/n
You answered his wish, sucking his lips passionately.
Both of you moaned each others names. You came first. He still continued, but his fast plunges were now sloppy and out of rhythm.
"I-I'm going to-, he had already cummed.
He fell on top of you, his member twitching inside of you. The two of you kissed one final time, before he pulled it out, and liquids seeped out of you.
Venti was still panting, and he hugged you:"T-thank you, Y/n, he said. You answered that it was ok, and you thanked him too.

You fell asleep on his chest moments later. "Good night, Y/n..." the boy said whilst caressing your hair...

Oh dear lord, I'm hot and sweaty-
I'll be right back, I gotta go take care of this bloody nose: it looks like I killed someone ehe-.

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