Chap. XII: Declarations

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Venti got out of bed and started dressing up: you turned away, out of politeness, and waited till he was done. He informed you that we was going to wait outside until you were done.

You pushed the covers away, and got out. You quickly dressed up, and fixed your hair. Grabbing your stuff, you opened the door, running into the boy. You apologised quickly with a small smile.
"Well, let's go!"
He stopped you, grabbing you by the shoulders, but quickly removing his hands soon after.
"Uh, y-yeah. But I have a question first, Venti said, plunging his eyes into yours. About yesterday evening: thank you. A lot, actually. I never knew I could feel those feelings with someone, but, he stopped. What are we now?"

You chuckled and booped his nose: "Well, I my boyfriend~. Of course, only if you approve too..."
His face lit up, flushing, but with a bright smile.
"Y-you consider me your boyfriend? he asked, seeming unsure of himself. Are you sure you aren't drunk anymore?
You hugged him hard, answering that what happened that night was genuine: the alcohol just gave you a small push to "admit" your feelings to him.
His eyes started tearing up.
"Venti, why are you crying? you asked, scared that you surprised him a little too much.
-N-No, I am just happy that you like me, he answered, wiping his tears. It's just that these years have been quite lonely; as a god, I saw my loved ones die, so... I distance myself from people, trying not to get close to anyone, afraid that I'm going to get hurt again. He stopped in his tracks, quickly letting you go.
"Ah... I forgot again...
You smiled warmly, and closed yourself to him.
-Don't worry: that long period of loneliness? It will be gone from now on~.
He looked at you confused, but you saw a twinkle in his eye, followed by a happy face: "You are-!"
You put your finger to his lips, shushing, and kissed him.

You flinched at the chuckle, pulling away from the boy. You slowly turned around: Lisa was standing there, leaning against her closed door.
"Did the two of you sleep well~? she asked.
-Fuck, you whispered, your eyes wide open. She knows.
Venti looked back at you, scared but flustered.

Lisa chuckled one last time; you took your boyfriend's hand, and ran outside.


The two of you breathed heavily, huffing and puffing, but after having escaped the witch, the two of you burst into laughter.
You calmed down, sighing happily.
Venti and you then decided to walk around Mond a little bit; you ran into Albedo.
"Hello y/n, he said.
-Hi Albedo!
Venti stayed silent.
-How have you been doing? the blond male asked.
-Fine, thank you. And you?
There was an awkward silent between the three of you: Venti had stayed silent the whole time.
-Anyways, Albedo started. When are you free? I wanna see how far your abilities go.
You remembered him wanting to study you: you looked at your boyfriend, and said you'd be free tomorrow. Albedo asked what you were going to do today. You took Venti's hand, and told him that tou we're going to hang out with your boyfriend.
He looked surprised, then smiled: "So it's official. Good to know, Albedo said. He seemed kind of hurt. So, how is your cold resistance?
You thought for a moment, then answered you had an ok resistance.
The male then made plans for tomorrow: you were going to train the coming days in Dragonspine, a big mountain, always covered in snow.
You questioned him how long the training was going to last: "2 or 3 days, it depends if anything interesting happens, Albedo answered.
You looked at Venti, asking him if that was ok.
He answered that it was ok, that he had plans for the coming days too anyways. You sighed, and told Albedo that that was going to be possible. He then gave you a list of what to bring: mostly hot clothes, and your weapon, but that was about it.
The two of you nodded, and said your goodbyes.

And it was back to your walk with your love.
"Sorry Venti, you said chuckling, That was kinda awkward. But I do need to do it.
-It's ok, y/n! I understand it's important for you, so I won't bother you. But, he leaned towards you, If you come back hurt, I'll let him hear my words.
You blushed, smiling; it felt nice that someone cared for you. It's going to be ok, Venti! you answered. He can fight.
The bard then led you out of Mondstadt, near some trees: you talked with him for a moment, and eventually fell asleep on his lap, basked by sun.

Sorry for making you guys wait for a while: I was lazy and had a lot of homework. I also started digital art, so I have to get out of that phase 😂.

^— So?Btw, I got Yae Miko! It was unexpected: I wanted Layla, but pushed my pity a bit too far-Anyways, she's super op in my opinion

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^— So?
Btw, I got Yae Miko! It was unexpected: I wanted Layla, but pushed my pity a bit too far-
Anyways, she's super op in my opinion .-. Lvl 50, but does more damage than my Yanfei 😂😭 (lvl 82)

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