Chap. VII: Reunion

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Following the dragon's large shadow, you swiftly ran through Mondstadt's scenery of nature, altering sprint with your Anemo powers to propel yourself through the air. The creature stopped at the top of a large cliff. You contorted the bottom of the cliff, and started making your way up.


By the time you were at the top of the large cliff, exhausted, you spotted people coming back down. Stopping in your tracks, you checked the faces: you saw Venti, a male with a long blond braid, a tall man in black clothes and fiery red hair, and also a tall woman, with pale blond hair, tied in a high ponytail.
"Y/N!? the bard screamed out. What are you doing here?
-I followed the big dragon, and it led me here, you explained. What are you guys doing here?
-No time to explain, the red-haired man said. Follow me, I might have an idea.
You followed the group, while the man explained that he found a lead about something called an "Abyss Mage". You couldn't follow the rest of the conversation: the vocabulary was just too complicated. You looked at the blond boy: he had some kind of fairy-like child floating next to him.

All of the sudden, everyone was looking at you.
"So, do you want to help us? Venti asked, with a smile. Of course, you don't have too.
You blinked forcefully.
"You seem like a powerful asset, the blond lady said. Lisa told me about a little about you, and she told me you've trained with Albedo already.
"Are you Jean, perhaps? you asked
-Oh right! Venti said. It's true! You don't know anyone here. He chuckled, apologising for not introducing you to everyone:
"So, this is acting Grandmaster Jean, the bard said.
And this is Y/n!
-A pleasure to meet you, Y/n! The woman said in a cheery but calm voice.
-This is Aether and Paimon, Venti continued.
-HIII! the small fairy-like creature screamed out in a high pitched voice, waving at you. I hope Aether, Paimon and Y/n can be good friends!
-Paimon, I think they get it.
-Anyways, this is Diluc, Venti said introducing the tall man with the long, red fiery hair.
-A pleasure to meet you, Y/n, he said, shaking your right hand.
-Did I mention he controls the wine tycoon of Mondstadt~ Venti added, smiling insistingly at the man. You did recall that he mentioned the name "Diluc" when he showed you around Mond.
-Oh! By the way, I just remembered: Y/N, where are you from? Venti asked, turning his head towards you with a smile.
Oh. Shit. You thought, you couldn't lie; Jean was there, and you don't know what she already knows, and you didn't want to shake the tightrope of fate that links you and Venti; any mistake now, and his trust towards you could be scarred forever.
You sighed. You had to take the risk.
"I- I am calmed your heart, I'm not from here...
-Of course you aren't from here! Venti screamed out. I clearly remember you being a pilgrim~ but from what nation are you?
Jean looked at you with a severe eye, clearly seeing what was happening here.
"Sorry Venti, but I lied to you... I'm not from this world- you noticed a sparkle in Aether's eyes.
-Oh. That's ok! But why didn't you tell me? he asked. He was clearly hurt, but was trying to hide it under a bright smile.
You explained that you didn't know if you could trust him at that time, saying that now you clearly could.
"OOOH~ AnOtHeR TrAvElEr, Paimon screamed out. Maybe she knows something about your sister~ she said while looking at Aether
-Sis...ter? You have a sibling? you asked the young man.
-Yes, I am looking for her.
-Well what happened, you asked, interested.
He explained, that he and his sister, Lumine, were travelling between worlds, but that when they were about to leave this one, an unknown god appeared and separated them. Aether then told you that he woke up on a beach, and that there he found Paimon: his Travel Guide and Emergency Food.
Paimon stomped her little feet in the air when he said that: she clearly didn't like that nickname.
"Anyways, so now I am travelling to different nations to meet the gods, see if they know anything about Lumine...
You felt bad for Aether, but then realised something: they too where Star Travellers? Did you ever actually meet them already? You got rid of those thoughts.
"Sorry Aether, I have not seen your sister. I'm guessing she kinda looks like you-?
-Yes! But she has short hair in the back and two strands of long hair on the front, and wears white clothing and wields a gold sword.
You took out your trusty notebook, but it accidentally fell apart, the pages dropping on the ground, you quickly picked them up and wrote down the description.
You grumbled: "I'm going to have to buy a new notebook...
-Aww why? Venti asked; he had been silent for a while.
-Can't you see it's condition?! It's falling apart.
-Aah, but it's pretty! You can't just throw it away.
-The Tone-Deaf-Bard is right Y/N, you can't throw it away; Paimon won't allow it, the small floating pixie said.
The four of you laughed, Jean joined in with a chuckle, and Diluc cracked a small smile.

Whoooo, done with this chap~
Slowly, but surely making it closer to the actual Venti x Reader content

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