Chap.VI: The Alchemist

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You quickly followed Lisa out of the library, and then taking a right, stopping yet again in front of a large door:"We're already here? you asked.
-Well, yes; what where you expecting?
-To be honest, I was expecting some kind of long journey, you answered; it sounded more dumb than you expected.
-Well Cutie~, guess what, it's just here, she proceeded to knock on the door. You heard a voice, and then a "thump" and the sound of a scream and broken glass.
"C-coming! a seemingly shy voice said.
A few seconds later, the door opened a bit: you could see a pair of round, amber eyes with round glasses, and mint green hair.
"C-can I help y-you? the girl asked shyly
-Ooh, hello there, Sucrose~, Lisa said. We are looking for Albedo, have you seen him?
-M-master? I think he told me he went to the statue close to the Dawn Winery, he might s-still be there. D-do you need anything else? she asked, clearly uneasy.
-No that will be it Dear.
-Ok then, bye-
Her voice was cut off by the sound of the door slamming shut.
"She seems nice, you said.


You and the tall woman walked through nature. Most of the trip was silent; eventually, you started asking questions about this "Albedo": but Lisa ignored you, saying that he was the one who was gonna answer those questions. You abandoned the possibility of getting more info from her, so instead, you decided to enjoy the calm scenery of nature.

You could slowly see the statue that Lisa and Sucrose were talking about earlier; it was the same kind as the one you found when you arrived in this world.

Approaching it, you could see a blond man, crouching at the bottom of the monument: he was wearing a white like lab-coat, and was wearing black pants.
You shyly walked over to him, about to say hello, but was cut off by Lisa:
"Hellooo Albedo~~
He looked up, surprised: his eyes were a bright blue, with white pupils. You didn't know what you had with the eyes of this world, but you loved em.

"Hello Lisa, he said, standing up. What brings you here, and oh; Hello there, who might you be?
He was looking at you.
-H-hello there; I am Y/N, you answered.
-Why, nice to meet you Y/N; I am Albedo, chief Alchemist of the Knights of Favonius.
He delicately took your hand to shake it; you could feel the warmth of his hands seeking through his gloves.

Lisa smiled as she looked at the both of you:
"Now, we are here for Y/N: we have found a peculiar Vision: maybe you might know something about it?
-May I see this Vision, Albedo asked you.
-O-of course! you said as you handed over the Vision; he took it with great care, and inspected it entirely.

"Very interesting indeed...where did you find this, Y/N?
-I found it at the bottom of a small cliff in a forest, you answered.
-In the Whispering Woods, Lisa added.
Albedo nodded silently, turning the object in the sun.

"I am afraid I can't tell what kind of Vision this is, neither where it actually comes from; but it is very peculiar indeed.
You sighed; "Great, we didn't discover anything..."
-I am sorry, Y/N. Albedo said, I have waisted your time...
-I-it's ok! Don't worry, Albedo. We are going to figure it out. He returned the Vision to you, attaching it to your side.

Lisa then called him, asking him to come chat with her.
You were not interested in their discussion, instead, a small bug-like thing was flying very close to you. You squinted your eyes, approaching it. You put out your hand, allowing it to land on your palm. Upon closer inspection it looked like some kind of crystal butterfly: it had a colour similar to Venti's braids.

For no reason whatsoever, you crushed the insect.

"Ah-AHHH, OW!"
You could feel an excruciating pain in your hand, as if a thousand of shards of glass were being pushed forcefully into you palm. You slowly opened it; blood was seeping out of the multiple small wounds.

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