Chap. II: Friend or Foe

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"Are you ok?"the boy asked
You couldn't answer, his eyes were so mesmerising, you forgot to answer.
He was still leaning over you; that's when you realised you were staring at him: you slapped yourself, and sat up straight:
"Uh... yeah. Thanks, you said in a cold voice.
He sighed:"Haaah... Thank the Divine that your ok...
-The...Divine?? you said, confused.
-Yeah? You know... The Seven Archons?
That's when you remembered: you forgot to ask the Wheel about this world; it always gives some hints about your next destination. This time, though, you completely forgot about it.
"Oh shit!" you said that out loud
The boy was staring at you, now confused at your sudden realisation.
"You don't seem from around here, he continued. Are you perhaps a Traveler? If so, you aren't the first one. are correct: I am a traveler; a Pilgrim, to be exact. But, what do you mean by "you aren't the first one-?" you asked nervously
"That's not important right now. Anyways, I'm Venti the Bard, he said, joyfully. And what's your name?
-Ummmm, you were hesitant if you could trust this bard. I'm Y/N; as I already told you, I am a Pilgrim.
You quickly came up with a lie for as why you are here:" I am here to, uh, test the local specialties!
-Oh! he screamed out, and started bombing you with questions:"Where are you from?? Why did you choose Mondstadt? I'd recommend you'd try the wine here: it's delicious- oh, wait, can you drink?"
You looked at Venti weirdly at that last question, but decided to go along with his quiz:
"I am from Teyvat-? Uh, and I chose Mondstadt because it seemed interesting-? And yes, I can drink-, you said. You knew that this lie was shitty, but you were too far down the rabbit hole now.

There was an awkward silence between you and the boy. He then broke the silence:
"You don't seem from Teyva-"
He was cut off: a huge dragon flew overhead, and was heading towards a nearby town.
You were looking in awe at the dragon: in all of the worlds you have visited, you have never seen such a dragon.
"Crap, crap, CRAP! Venti screamed out. Dvalin! Don't go over there!"
The bard ran away towards the forest; he was gone.

What a coincidence, a lucky one at least, you thought. That was close: way too close.
I have to come up with a more believable lie; you took out your trusty notebook, which was now soggy, and wrote down:
I am a Pilgrim from another region (define later)
•My name here is Y/N
•I came here to test local specialties
You wrote all of this down, making sure that the ink was readable: thanks to your impact in the water earlier, your notebook was soggy and was threatening to tear apart.

You sighed:"How the hell am I going to decide from which region I am; I have no fucking idea about the different regions, the cultures or the people. I'm fucked.

You looked at the nearby town, which was now engulfed by wind and tornadoes:

You then remembered the dragon and the bard. Were either of those two the cause of this? You hesitated, but you made your decision.

You were gonna visit Mondstadt.

Don't ask me how the notebook is still intact, it's some kind of magical star shit 😂

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