Chap. IV part I: Mondstadt

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You ran. Ran as fast as you could, following the dirt path.

You finally made it out of the forest; the sun had already set, and the moon and stars were making their appearance. Your breathing was uneven and shallow, your mind couldn't quite comprehend what just happened. The forest just became wild all of the sudden.

You looked down at your hand: the glass "ball" was still intact. You were wondering what it was , and to who it belonged.
You continued strolling along the path, observing the big stone wall on the other side of the water.

Minutes later, you arrived at a bridge that crossed the water: the bridge and entrance of the town were empty.

At the entrance, instead, there were glowing balls of puff. You approached one:
"What are picked one. Is this a...Dandelion?! It'" you said, ending in a small whisper. Indeed, the dandelions you were used to were bland and white, but just as delicate nonetheless. You took in a small breath and...pfoooh
The glowing seeds flew away, like delicate snowflakes, illuminating the night sky. You stood there in awe, hypnotised by those snowflakes.

"Can I help you, Cutie?"a voice spoke.
You turned around, accidentally hitting the persons upper leg.
You jumped back:" S-sorry! I didn't see you there.
-Oh~. Don't worry dear, it was my fault I was standing so close to you."

You tilted your head up: a tall, brunette with emerald green eyes and a purple witch-like hat.
"Mmmm~ what are you doing outside at this time?
-I, uhm, you stuttered. You weren't used being called "Cutie" or "Dear" by a complete stranger. I got lost in the forest earlier...
-Oh~. She inspected you from head to toe. You don't seem from around here. Mmm, where are you from?
-I-I can't tell you, miss-?
-You can call me Lisa, Cutie.
-O-ok. All you have to know is that I am a t-traveler, you stuttered.

-Why can't you tell me? the woman asked.
You stayed silent.
-Mmmm. Your clothes are dirty, Dear. And...Oh! Your leg is bleeding.
You checked your thigh: it was in fact bleeding, but very lightly. Nothing dangerous. And as for your clothes, they were covered in dirt and small bits of algae and grass. said embarrassed.
Lisa chuckled, and then asked for your name.
You thought about it for a moment. But she seemed like a nice person, with no ulterior motives.
-I am Y/N, you said hesitantly.
-Very nice name, but I'm sticking with Cutie, Cutie~

As nice as this woman was, she was getting a bit on your nerves with her whole "Cutie" thing.
-Woman, we just met. I don't know you at all, so please stop calling me "cutie"
-Oho~, don't worry , Dear. But, you are a traveler; do you have any place to stay?
-No, I don't, you responded.
There was then an awkward silence between the two of you.
-Say Y/N, what is that in your right hand?
-Huh? This? you showed her the glass ball-like ornament.
She stared at it, her face frowning in confusion.
-Where did you find this, Lisa asked, her eyes still inspecting the strange object
-I found it at the bottom of a cliff-. Do you know what it is?
-Mmmm~?We should get you cleaned up, Sweetie.
Come with me~. The tall woman took your hand, and dragged you into Mondstadt.
-H-HEY! you screamed. WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME?"
Lisa turned around, chuckling
"Whoops, I'm sorry Y/N: I'm taking you to my place~.
-What are we gonna do at your place, you spoke in a small voice.
-You, for starters, you are gonna shower, and if you allow me; I'll inspect that weird Vision of yours.
-Vision??" You didn't want to come home with Lisa, but a shower did sound good: you felt dirty, and your (H/c) hair was scruffy and messy.
So you followed the mysterious female through the night.


After having taken a nice, hot shower, you put on some fresh clothes: Lisa had lended you her old nightgown: it was a bit short for your taste, but it had to do.

"You are done showering, Cutie? Lisa whispered, making you jump back.
-Please don't do that
-Ohoh, I do what I want.
She then invited you to her terrasse; to drink tea and discuss about the "Vision" you had found.

"So, miss Lisa; what is it that I found.
-A Vision, Dearie~
She smiled at you, slowly sipping her tea.
-What the fuck is a "Vision".
-Oh~. You don't know? A Vision is a small glass ball. The ones who have one can control the elements of this world~ Lisa explained. But the one you found is grey, meaning it has lost its powers, but what I can't figure out is the symbol.
-What do you mean.
-Well, there are only 7 elements in Teyvat: Anemo, Geo, Electro, Dendro, Hydro, Pyro and Cryo, while explaining, she pulled out a book, and showed you the different elements, all represented by different drawings.
You compared the drawings and your "Vision": indeed, none of the drawings were identical to yours, not even close.

You sighed and took a sip of your hot tea:
"Not only that, the woman continued, but the gold ornaments around it are different too. They don't correspond to any of the city's ornaments.
Lisa turned a few pages, showing how each Vision was surrounded by gold: Mondstadt had some kind of pointy wings, a city called Liyue had a square around it, etc.
Yours, on the other hand, had a starry and swirly design around it.

"Where did you find this Vision again? Lisa asked
-Uh, at the bottom of a small cliff, near that dark forest, you shivered, remembering that not-so-nice experience. Is this how everyone receives a Vision?
The woman looked at you with a smirk:"No; mortals receive Visions when their ambitions reach a certain strength, and that the gods look down upon them, she explained. Oh~, by the way, here's what a normal Vision is supposed to look like.
She proceeded to show what a real Vision was supposed to look like: hers was purple with an Electro sign on it: when you touched it, you received a little chock.
" it just appears, like that?
-More or less, Lisa answered.


You and Lisa talked for about an hour, slowly sipping tea and talking about Visions. A moment in the conversation, you asked about Mondstadt. She said that it was ruled by the Anemo Archon; Barbatos, but that he hasn't been seen for decades. Nonetheless, the people still love him and prayed to him.

Your tea was almost done, when Lisa said it was time to go sleep. You asked where you were gonna sleep, she answered this:
"You can sleep in my bed, Cutie"
The woman then cut you off:
"I was joking, Y/N,she said, chuckling. I just wanted to see your reaction, Sweetie~.
Lisa was clearly enjoying this too much.
"You can sleep in the room next to mine if you want; this house has a lot of empty rooms anyways, she continued.

You grumbled, still startled. After finishing you tea, Lisa showed the way to an empty room, with just a bed.
"I know this is not much, the woman said, but hopefully it should do. I'll allow you to stay here as long as you want to, maybe you can even decorate the place with your own Mora~
You looked at her: "What is Mor-
-Mora is the currency of Teyvat. It also acts as some sort of catalyst. Now, it is late, Lisa said, leaning towards the door, Goodnight Cutie~~.
She closed the door, you sighed;"Goodnight Lisa"

You jumped onto your bed, and almost immediately fell asleep...

Well, just a question: who was expecting a Lisa 🍋 chap.?
Answer:if so, go to Horny jail, and get real! This is a reader x Venti fanfic, not reader x Lisa >:/

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