Chap. IX: Dangerous Stunts

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You and the groupe watched Aether glide in the sky: he was trying to calm Dvalin, shooting at a purple spike stuck in his neck. Venti seemed very concentrated, making sure to maintain the Traveler in the air.
You felt kinda useless, but cheered Aether and Venti on silently.
Dvalin suddenly attacked, making you break into a cold sweat; you anxiously fidgeted with your fingers, not taking your eyes off the blond male in the sky...


Venti opened his eyes: " He did it! the bard said.
Now, Aether, I'm going to let you come down slowly."
You squinted your eyes; indeed, the one of the purple crystals was gone.
The Traveler landed close to you, and the three of you all did a little celebration.
"Guys, it's not over yet, Jean informed.
-Prepare yourself for combat!
You pulled out your (w/c), and glanced over at Venti: "Let's save Mondstadt, you said, with a smile.
He looked back at you, and put on a sad smile, and then he too, pulled out his weapon...


The fight was tiring, but also exiting: you could fight along Venti's side. You used your (w/c) with grace, speed and strength. In no time, Dvalin was lying on the platform: Venti shot the crystal, making sure not to hit Aether who was slashing it with his sword. He quickly got down before the beast got back up. It then roared; the platform started shaking. Venti said to stay calm, and summoned a wind platform. Everyone quickly glided to a different platform.
Venti landed on the next platform, only to realise you weren't next to him. Well...Shit. You didn't have a wind glider, you just stood there, with an awkward face. "Whoops, I fucked up~, you said, in a sweet voice.
-Y/N!! Venti screamed out; you could see the angst on his face.
You mouthed "Don't worry", and turned towards the dragon, who was charging towards you. You opened your arms, as if you were accepting your fate.

The winds were harsh and cold, but you had to stay concentrated, and climbed up Dvalin's claw, then his arm. He hadn't realised that you were there yet, so you took this to your advantage.
The dragon bellowed, and started flying all over the place.
You checked the platform Venti was on, his eyes had streaks of shimmering tears.
You quickly got on the dragons back, struggling. You had to act quick, before Venti would do something that he would regret. You stood up, waving at the boy. Aether shacked him, told him to look at Dvalin: you charged your weapon: "Sorry Dvalin, this is going to hurt a bit." And you destroyed the crystal...
He let out a thundering roar, and crashed into the platform where your friends were standing. Heh, I'm going to least we all die together, you said, closing your eyes...


You woke up, you felt warm winds on your skin, and your head was lying on something soft and poofy.
You opened your eyes:"Huh...where am I...
Someone gasped:"She's awake!!" It was Venti's voice. Your vision cleared up; you were in the sky, and you felt hands  wrap around your face.
"I was so worried! he continued. You could've died!"
You looked into his eyes: they were teary, but he had a smile on his face. "What am I lying's so soft and comfy... you said drowsily.
-Your sleeping on my lap, I hope you don't mind, the boy said.
Your eyes widened, and you quickly sat up: your face was burning.
-Do you feel any better?
-Y-yes, thank you Venti, you answered, still shaking.
-Thank goodness, you turned around, and he gave you a tight hug. Don't ever do that again, he whispered in your ear. You chuckled, and hugged him back.
You heard a few "Aws" and remembered that you weren't alone. Actually, where were you?
You looked around: you were in the calm night sky, flying above Mondstadt's green fields. You and the bard were sitting on Dvalin's neck, whilst Aether was sitting next to Paimon a bit further away, with Jean and Diluc. "You were so cool! Paimon said in a high pitched voice.
-Yeah, Aether answered. You need guts to do that.
Diluc and Jean smiled at you: "Thank you, Y/n, for helping us save Mond.
-And saving Dvalin!
-No problem, you said, with a big bright smile.
-Anyways, what now? Aether asked.
You all looked at Venti, he seemed in deeper thought: his eyes lit up:" We should go the tavern! We can celebrate!!"
Diluc sighed, the rest of you all burst into laughter.
You then remembered you hurt Dvalin, so you apologised: he answered, saying it was ok, then thanked you for saving him.

The dragon dropped you off just outside of Mondstadt's gates, and you all entered the town, heading towards the Angel's Share.'s time...
🍋chapter time...

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